Update to my earlier post about Saviour Balzan's 'home visit'

Published: July 30, 2011 at 10:13pm



Niċħad li jiena mort id-dar tas-Sur Saviour Balzan sabiex ngħaddilu informazzjoni sensittiva, inkluż dwar Dr Harry Vassallo, ħalli jippublikaha. Niċħad li jiena qatt użajt il-media sabiex inħammeġ jew inweġġa’ lin-nies.

Huwa minnu li żort id-dar tas-Sur Saviour Balzan u għandi nifhem li s-Sur Balzan jiftakar ir-raġuni. B’rispett lejn is-Sur Balzan u l-familja tiegħu ma jidhirlix li għandi nippublika r-raġuni taż-żjara tiegħi.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Dudu says:

    Daphne, just in case you missed this comment on maltatoday.com.mt.

    SUBMITTED ON SAT, 07/30/2011 – 22:05.
    Bniedem li dejjem hadem ghal partit.Keep it up Jason

  2. John Schembri says:

    Salvu jista jixhet it-tajn u jaghzel kliemu biex jipprova jhammeg imma Edgar ikollu joqghod b’halqu mitbuq u jibqa’ gentlom sa l-ahhar, kif titlob it-tradizzjoni tal-familja Mifsud Bonnici.

  3. Edward Fenech says:

    Cat is now finally out of the bag!

    [Daphne – Which cat would that be, Edward? I shudder to think, given that all we’re missing here is a random touch of bestiality. Does Saviour cook cats? Does he chat to them? Does he…..you know….?]

    • Edward Fenech says:

      Read two posts back.

      [Daphne – Nothing there. Is there something I should know? Was the other person present really a…..cat? Oh, I get it! You’re suggesting that the mysterious other person present when Edgar visited was the woman Saviour was seen kissing two weeks after his wife’s funeral. Come on, Edward, that’s a dreadful accusation.]

      • Edward Fenech says:

        Kompli ilghaba tal-bela..it’s suits you!

        [Daphne – I’m waiting for you to spell it out, Edward, because I can see neither cat nor bag. All I can see is a compassionate visit entirely in line with Galea Curmi’s character, and cracked and venomous twisted behaviour entirely in keeping with Saviour’s character three and a half years later. Why doesn’t he tell us who the other person was who was there with him?]

    • Harry Purdie says:

      How about a dumpy, fattish ‘cougar’ draped in magistrate’s robes.

    • Uhuru says:

      I think Edward was referring to Dudu’s comment two comments back re Jason’s removal from the post of General Secretary of the PL.

  4. Tony says:

    What is the reason that Edgar Galea Curmi had to make this declaration?

    [Daphne – Read two posts back.]

  5. Min Weber says:

    I disagree completely with Edgar Galea Curmi.

    There is no reason whatsoever why he should refrain from making the reason for the visit public.

    Respect for Saviour Balzan and his family is a non-starter, and all in all ill-reposed.

    Since Saviour Balzan chose to mention this visit, it means that Saviour Balzan himself has given up all claims to privacy. It follows that Edgar Galea Curmi is bound by no such restrictions.

    On the contrary, in the name of transparency, Edgar Galea Curmi is bound to tell us all the story.

    [Daphne – Read it here: http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2011/07/30/perhaps-you-didnt-think-it-possible-but-saviour-balzan-has-just-hit-a-new-low/ ]

  6. P Shaw says:

    This is so disgusting – I wonder if there is any justice for all this crap and shallowness.

    I can’t understand how on earth people read that crappy newspaper, but unfortunately people do and they seem to believe all the idiocies. Either the people are extremely naïve or simply they want to believe. During my recent conversations with different people, I was appalled recently how much the Maltese take such reports at face value.

    Muscat, Super One and Malta Today are getting pretty sickening and desperate and all this noise is happening two years before the expected election date.

  7. Alan says:

    Anybody who knows Edgar Galea Curmi is aware that it is not in his nature to get into any sort of manipulative hanky-panky.

    His willingness to genuinely help people is something that you would not expect from a man in his position.

    He is a big teddy bear at heart, and this is reflected in his actions.

    Those who think otherwise do not know him at all.

    • Lino Cert says:

      Edgar Galea Curmi ‘s dedication to his job, and his initiative in helping sort out any injustice, irrespective of the victim’s political inclination are legendary.

      I experienced this at first hand, and despite not agreeing politically, I think both Lawrence Gonzi and Edgar Galea Curmi are the most honourable prime minister/assistant combination any country would be proud to have.

      Unfortunately they are surrounded by several incompetent and weak cabinet ministers, but these two, Lawrence Gonzi and Edgar Galea Curmi, do their very best for our country and I can vouch for this, hand on heart, from my own personal experience, and I am sure many others would agree.

      I am very impressed by my dealings with them and will definitely vote PN in the next election despite the incompetent and shallow remainder of the PN clan.

      Imagine having Joseph Muscat as prime minister instead! I would be ashamed to be Maltese.

  8. All these cryptic posts are making my brain work over time – not an easy task for an Anzjana.

  9. mark v says:

    I ask, why do people like Saviour Balzan keep popping up in the news ?

    I find the answer in a quote made by my history teacher some years back. ’empty vessels make most sound’.

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