Do blacks have to be gay before you'll look at them, Joseph?

Published: July 26, 2011 at 8:34pm

Well done, Mario de Marco and Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici for making it a point to be among the mourners at Ashih Tekleab Hailie’s funeral mass today.

It speaks volumes that nobody from the progressive and liberal Labour Party even bothered.

If he had been gay, they might have done. There would be votes to be had.

But a straight black? Forget it.

May God rest his soul, and give his widow a modicum of peace.

38 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    Were Norman Lowell and Arlette Baldacchino among the mourners? If yes, they would probably have been representing the progressive party’s leader.

  2. Min Weber says:

    The unfolding scenario defies all known schemes.

    The situation is so new it requires a radical interpretation.

    Pro-gay but racialist if not outright racist: is this the Alliance of Progressives and Moderates?

  3. John - the other one says:

    Jahasra, how gullible you are to these PR tricks. Issa billi marru il-funeral u qalu erbgha kelmiet? Mhux ahjar jahdmu to provide better accommodation facilities and make sure li sakemm idumu Malta jghixu hajja dicenti? Mhux they live on top of each other .. outside in camps irrelevant of the weather conditions? X’tahseb?

    Is-solidarjeta turiha mil-ewwel, mhux billi tmur funeral. Dan bhal meta xi hadd ma jigi jaqgha u jqum mil-genituri tieghu u mbaghad fil-funeral taghhom joqghod inewwah u jaghmel ix-xenati. Ir-rispett turih waqt li l-bniedem ikun haj, mhux wara mewtu.

    • 'Angus Black says:

      “Issa billi marru il-funeral u qalu erbgha kelmiet? Mhux ahjar jahdmu to provide better accommodation facilities and make sure li sakemm idumu Malta jghixu hajja dicenti?”

      Ghalfejn? Biex Joseph ikun l-ewwel wiehed li jikkritika l-gvern ghax nefaq flus biex jakkomoda lil ‘klandestini’ meta kien ikun ahjar kieku nefaqhom ghal Maltin?

      Joseph ghadu bl-istess hsieb li jibghad lill klandestini lura biex jigu ttortorati jew maqtula? Ghal dawk zgur mhux ha jonfoq flus biex jakkomodhom.

      • johnUSA says:

        AngusBlack – im sorry that you seem to be only able to think in terms of gonzi vs muscat. These are people we are talking about. If, whoecer is in government has the cojones to fix their living conditions, the focus should not be on what the oppsition leader will say, but on the improved quality of their living conditions .. of their lives.

    • Charles Bayliss says:

      Prosit John – the other one. Min kollox irid isir gwadan politiku? X’ghandu x’jaqsam jekk din il-persuna hiex gay jew straight? Mela galadarba immut jien imisshom jigu l-parlamentari kollha ghax jien fost il-hazin tieghi ghamilt hafna tajjeb u qatt ma daqqejt il-qniepen.

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      John, you miss the point completely. Just by being there, Mario de Marco and Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici sent an unequivocal message that doesn’t need spelling out.

      True, much more needs to be done to improve the living conditions of asylum seekers and refugees, but this does not take away from the fact that their presence at the funeral was important.

  4. A. Charles says:

    Forsi Joseph wasal tard.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Infatti, ahjar tard milli qatt.

    • Charles Bayliss says:

      H.P. Baxxter – int qed turi l-imhabba Kattolika tieghek billi ssemmi lil terzi persuni. Odju, odju, odju. Ghalhekk jien ghazilt li ma naghtik kas ir-religjon ta’ dan il-pajjiz ghax il-mibeghda li hawn hi terribli. Imbasta jmorru jibilghu l-ostja u jhabtu fuq sidirhom. Nies bhalek l-ewwel jaslu l-genna.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Issa se jkolli nghidlek li ma tafx x’inhi d-differenza bejn odju u good old laugh, u se tghidli li ghandi l-odju ghalik.

        Lil Manu Maltes ma nafux, u l-kummenti tieghi huma biss piss-take tal-industrija tal-porn u l-blurbs kuluriti taghha. Dak mhux odju.

        Jekk int ghandek il-mohh Xarabankjan fejn li tidhaq b’xi haga = tobghodha, mela ma nistax nghinek. Mur aqra dizjunarju u tghallem.

        L-odju urejtu, iva, imma band’ohra. Ghal nies li rrovinawli hajti. U fejn kelli nsemmihom, semmejthom. U awgurajtilhom l-aghar atrocitajiet possibbli.

        P.S. Tidher li ma fhimtx li l-battuta kienet alluzjoni ghal “tasal” = “to come” u ghall-abilità famuza tal-pornstars li jirritardaw l-ejjakulazzjoni kemm jista’ jkun. Issa fhimt? Se jkolli noqghod nispjega kull innuendo u niskandalizzakom?

      • ciccio2011 says:

        Jiena ma’ Baxxter fuq din. Anzi, Baxxter ma semmiex li Gay Porn Stars u Arriva almenu ghandhom xi haga komuni. They both take a lot of time to come.

  5. Steve says:

    There is something basically wrong with the world today. People look but they do not see, people listen but they do not hear.

    In America if you beat someone black they charge you with a hate crime not because you have beaten a human being.

    The guy was a human being belonging to the human race and what he did was heroic irrispective of colour. If a Maltese citizen were to have done it, would he have got the same media coverage or do you need to be black or labelled as not conforming to normality to get media coverage?

    [Daphne – Anyone who drowned trying to save somebody else would have got lots of media coverage, Steve. It’s just that this story had several more angles to it than if it had been John Borg from Valletta.]

    • Joseph A Borg says:

      recall the ex-police officer who almost got a medal?

      AFAIK that got a lot of media coverage and then an extra helping after the facts floated to the surface…

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      Steve, it goes without saying that when someone who had escaped death when seeking asylum, later risks his life and dies tragically to save another life, he indeed gets extra coverage.

      Colour has little to do with it, but being a refugee makes a lot of difference. Many would think that risking one’s life one time is enough. This man was truly a hero.

  6. Joe Micallef says:

    Muscat is busy trying to get out of the corner he so gloriously seems to have painted himself in with the Cyrus saga! He’ll leave it to the Italians to sort out immigrants.

  7. p dimech says:

    Well said!

  8. M. says:

    “Tuesday, July 26, 2011

    Ashih Tekleab Haile

    Marie Louise Galea writes:

    Ashih Tekleab Haile, who we always referred to as Asha, was a very special man. Those who knew him will never forget his radiant smile. He was always polite and courteous: his good morning, good day, please and thank you never failed. There was nothing one would ask him to do that he would not do, or volunteer to do! If he had difficulty he would always find a suitable alternative, but never leave a job undone. He willingly moved from one department to another: be it maintenance, cleaning, in the beach or by the pool. He was always reliable…definitely an all rounder.

    Asha never seemed to have the bad days we all occasionally have. He was friends with everyone and never entered into any arguments with his colleagues. There was never a day when he was sulking. The only time I remember him sad was when the hotel management decided to close down the hotel for the winter season.

    All this led to the shock we all received when news reached us of his tragic accident at the same workplace he loved so much. His enthusiasm the previous Monday when he got news of possible repatriation to the US had been shattered. His smiling face will just be a memory in our minds. That day, Paradise Bay turned into a graveyard; everyone, management, staff and guests were devastated.

    The Paradise Diving School, situated just close to where Asha was working, were also shocked with the news. They had closed down early due to the high seas. Had they been there the situation might have been different. But the Lord had other plans for Asha. He was called to receive his reward after going through much turmoil before arriving on a dinghy on this small island surrounded by sea.

    Asha we will never forget you. To his wife Tina, his family and friends our deep condolences. We shall always remember what a lovely couple you were. How you would impress us all when, every day before lunch, you would sit down and pray. No wonder you were always so peaceful.

    Alison Micallef Brennan from Paradise Diving School is accepting donations for his wife and family. Tourists who knew Asha during the past months at Paradise Bay have already sent monies via paypal to [email protected]. If you knew him and wish to help, thank you in advance.”

  9. Dee says:

    Maybe if he was a non-Christian, the whole PL parlamentary group would have been in attendance.

    As it is, it was just a service in a hospital chapel and so not newsworthy enough or much of a vote-catching opportunity.

    God speed and condolences to his family.

  10. Polly Bonello says:

    Labour- the progressive Liberal party decriminilised homosexuality in 1973(PN voted against) long before the US or other ‘liberal’ European countries: GonziPN arrests them! You see it is as simple as ABC. No wonder the right wing Norwegian terrorist felt at home on this stuck in the past island!

    [Daphne – Qum mir-raqda, Polly. Labour decriminalised SODOMY because Mintoff was at war with the Catholic Church, and not because he was progressive. It’s also the reason he legislated for civil marriage but then didn’t have the guts for divorce. Your progressive Mintoff and his progressive party retained the Constitutionally-permitted discrimination against women, the marriage law which made women their husband’s chattels, and the civil service regulations which dictated that women in public service were fired on marriage. Oh, and we also had Agatha Barbara making public statements that women who worked were stealing jobs from male breadwinners. So you can take your progressive Mintoff and stuff him. He’s apparently prone, so it should be pretty straightforward. There’s no idiot like a Labour idiot, honestly.]

    • Polly Bonello says:

      Women were given votes by the Labour Party:PN voted against! Women were given equal pay and equal conditions by Labour Party:PN voted against!
      The PN always wanted women to remain’ fil-kcina’ : you are good at it too given the amount of ricetti you publish!
      Your prejudice (liberal tal-konvenjenza) against gays by your ‘sodomy’ word playing, show your true mettle.
      Lord Strickland was progressive compared to you; you have more in common with the conservative, medieval Mabel Strickland, and you know it!

      [Daphne – You’re not very bright, Polly, and with your comments here and all over’s comments-board – a Labour elve called Polly; nice one, Nikita – you’re a rotten ambassador for Labour. All the injustices and legal atrocities which made women in my time second-class citizens were there under Labour, 1971 to 1987. And not content with those appalling injustices, which we then took for granted as the natural order of things, Labour also invented some more: like giving jobs to men not women because ‘they are the breadwinners’ (Agatha Barbara, ironically). So I think you can just toddle off to the Labour elve break-room right now and ask them to assign you to some less pressing task.]

      • Dee says:

        Dear Polly,

        When women in the public service in the pr-1987 era got pregnant, they were fired or forced to leave because they had no maternity leave, not even unpaid leave.

        Guess who provided free university education for all irrespective of means? George Borg Oliver’s goverment, a year before the general election of 1971. Who made it impossible for most people to get in? Labour.

        Who made tertiary education possible for all? The Nationalists. Now even you can go to university, Polly.

        Tell that to Dr Vincent Moran who yesterday evening, after the evening news on PBS, boasted that his Labour Party introduced free university education for all.

    • Matthew says:

      I’m sick of this ‘Labour decriminalised homosexuality’ line.

      Sodomy might be good fun between consenting adults but in a world where women were completely controlled by their husbands, sodomy should have never been decriminalised. It made wives even more helpless.

      The sodomy law protected heterosexuals. Back then, it was the only law which protected wives from one form of rape.

      Removing it ensured that husbands could rape their wives any way they want in the safe knowledge that it’s all legal.

    • Joe Vella says:

      Scandinavia the crown of woman’s civilization has been ruled by Social Democrats for whole decades on end. This is not by coincidence-like the Cyrus victimization trial- but by sweat blood and tears, nothwithstanding that apologists like you-and your pitiful fan club- try to distort and userp history.

  11. Enid Blyton says:

    It isn’t enough to be seen doing the right thing as actually doing the right thing.

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      True, but sometimes, to be seen doing the right thing is actually doing the right thing – especially in the case of leaders.

  12. Lomax says:

    This is indeed a sad yet happy story. Perhaps we will start seeing a shift away from xenophobia and racism towards tolerance and inclusion.

    After all, this young man must have felt part of our society if he was willing to risk his life to save another (white) man’s life.

    Rest in peace Ashih and may God bless his wife and give her peace.

  13. gabi says:

    It seems to me that by its inhumane detention policy the government fails to show equal respect and consideration for the living.

    • John Schembri says:

      Now let’s not go overboard Gabi, we are doing the right thing. Genuine refugees have freedom of movement here in Malta.

      Letting everyone in will be opening the doors for a lot of trouble.

      Ashih was a good example of a determined person who wanted to earn a decent living and who also integrated with his fellow Maltese and foreign workers, be they French students who just arrived a month ago, or the maintenance people who have been working at the hotel for ages.

      God bless his good soul and may help continue to reach his wife.

  14. Mike. C says:

    Before asking questions and making judgments, The question is where were you Ms. Caruana Galizia?

    [Daphne – At home, Mike, bickering with Labour elves. I have no public post, and neither am I a friend or colleague of the family. Only ghouls turn up to the funerals of people they do not know, unless they are there in a representative or symbolic capacity, as with the ministers. This is not an etiquette website for ill-bred Labour supporters. Try to persuade Super One to put on an instructive morning show or something.]

  15. Marsha says:

    have you got nothing to do or say ??? you’ve been mentioning gays for days and weeks !!! can you just stop, and look around you for a second. you ain’t perfect either. this gay thing is becoming absurd ! what if someone dear to you turns out to be gay ? are you going to keep passing on such comments ! so shameful these kind of people still exist…

    [Daphne – The Labour elves are at it again, and this time round it’s all gay in Santa’s grotto. Do you think I can’t see what’s happening here? I’m the one who coined the word ‘elve’, after all, when Nikita Alamango – Cyrus’s current friend (a woman, despite the name) – organised a group of semi-literate people in the last general election to write ‘ittri lit-Times’ and post comments on the internet. They were all poorly written, crazily-constructed, variations on the same theme, usually including the word ‘intollerant’ (two Ls). And the missives, interestingly, never had anything to do with the subject, but were just the same theme repeated again and again and again. Like this. ‘Marsha’, please find somebody who can read to tell you that I would be the last person on earth to write anything ‘against gays’. My god, you really do have to be thick to be Labour.]

    • Marsha says:

      we were 2 in that comment, and I’m not the thick one hun

      [Daphne – ‘Hun’: the clarion call of the textbook chav.]

      • Patrik says:

        I call my wife that, but that’s ok, right? Sometimes I prefix it with “Attila the…”, which is less ok.

        [Daphne – Pat, I’m sure it’s ‘hon’ to you.]

  16. Dru Francalanza says:

    I can see your point that no one from PL attended…but your argument ‘If he had been gay, they might have done’ is total non-sense and shallow.

    [Daphne – No, it isn’t. Don’t be naive.]

  17. Tribune Mac Alist says:

    Were you present?

    [Daphne – Here’s another one who can’t read, but who yet, miraculously, can write .]

  18. Mikiel says:

    You are so pathetic.

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