Future health minister Tie Me Up Zammit in parliament during the bus debate on Friday

Published: November 6, 2011 at 10:38am

“Il-vera tajta rikba! U din mara ta’ tmenin sena!”

Ha ha haj kemm ahna funny. Kemm huma cool il-Partit Formerly Known as Mintoff’s, dejjem b’xi wahda doppju sens biex iddahhqu l-Leli ta’ Hal Ghaxaq.

God, xi dwejjaq ta’ nies. Even Tie Me Up Zammit, who grew up on the Sliema front just down the road from me, tries his hand at getting down with the peasants.

Did they use ropes and blindfolds, I wonder, when they gave his mara ta’ tmenin sena a rikba tajba?

I’m gagging – oops, sorry – to know.

10 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    Taf li ma fhimtux. X’qed jghid il-Profs, li ghabba wahda ta’ tmenin?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Haha!!!11 LOL!!!! Hadt pjacir taht idejk Profs!!!!1!!!!11oneone

      Bis-serjetà issa, Ciccio. Dan huwa s-sense of humour Malti. Xi gmiel hux? X’civiltà! X’nobiltà ta’ hsieb! X’ahna dapper u progressive u all Euro-hub-of-excellence.

  2. Not Tonight says:

    Dan x’professur hu? Jien smajtu jghid ‘C two O two’ – li hu gass (dicarbon dioxide) li ghalkemm jahsbu li jista’ jezisti, ghadu hadd ma sabu. O kemm ahna specjali. Tal-biki.

  3. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Ahh kemm hi tad-dahk! Erga’ ghidili fi kliemek, prof! Ahh! Ahh! Kemm taf iddahhak, prof! Igri tkun il-ministru tieghi tas-sahha. Aqta’ kemm se jidhak il-pajjiz.

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    Apart from the vulgar innuendos (standard Mintoffian oratory), the professor really took this elderly woman for a ride because he didn’t explain to her that, coming from Mgarr (bus 23), she could stop at Mosta and easily find a seat on bus 42 which leaves from Mosta itself.

    Alternatively she could stay on bus 23 until she got to Naxxar and then take bus 43 (which leaves half-empty from Naxxar) to Valletta.

    Instead of explaining all this and helping the woman take the shortest and easiest route, Prof Zammit let her take a 90-minute journey from Mgarr, through San Gwann and Sliema, to Valletta so that he could have a cheap chuckle with his mates in parliament.

    • Data Protekxin says:

      He even disclosed so much information about the old lady that people can recognise her. So much for patient confidentiality.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    You still haven’t explained what’s going on in that photo. Please, Daphne, I am quivering with emotion.

  6. Lomax says:

    Did he really say this in Parliament? I thought he was speaking on One with Joe Brincat on Saturday night.

    If it were not so tragic, it would be gut-splitting funny.

  7. Dee says:

    Did I hear correctly? Did the good surgeon say, towards the end of his parable,li ihalli lil hmar jirkeb lilu?

    Bestiality. What next?

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