Shouldn’t somebody be asking some serious questions about Labour’s relationship with Charles Polidano?

Published: November 17, 2011 at 8:34am

This is not to suggest that there is anything wrong or abusive about Charles Polidano. In fact, this is not about Charles Polidano at all.

It is about the fact that almost all Labour Party activities or entertainments that require a reception hall or party venue have for the last couple of years taken place at Charles Polidano’s Montekristo Estate.

At first, this seemed like a coincidence of choices, but now it is impossible to ignore. All Labour or Labour-linked celebrations, from Marlene Mizzi’s (Labour Business Forum chief) daughter’s wedding to Redtouch Family Day to parties for Labour candidates, now appear to be held there by default.

And this raises serious questions which have to be asked and answered. They are going there for a reason, and the reason is not that it is the only venue in Malta, the cheapest venue or the nicest and most appropriate one. Nor is it that variety is no longer the spice of life.

All of this points to some deal having been struck and it is incumbent on the Labour Party leader, Joseph Muscat, to tell the public what that deal is and, if there is no deal, to explain why his people’s activities, functions, receptions and parties are routinely held at Montekristo Estate.

It doesn’t look good, and the Labour Party is answerable to the public about the connections it has with developers and big business. Charles Polidano himself is not answerable to the public. He is not elected and he does what he thinks is best for his business as long as he doesn’t break the law or try to corrupt politicians.

It is up to the Labour Party not to allow a scenario to be created in which grave suspicions are raised.

Here is the latest party I came to know about.


Attivita brijjuza b’muzika u divertiment sabiex flimkien niccelebraw il-Milied.

Organizata mil-Hbieb ta’ L-AVUKAT Joseph M. Sammut

Data: Il-Gimgha 9 ta’ Dicembru,2011

Post: MonteKristo Estate – The Wine Vaults Hin: 8.00pm

Prezz: Kbar: €19

Tfal: €10 (bejn 5 – 11 il-sena)


Esponenti Ewlenin tal-Partit Laburista

N.B. Transport mil-lokalita bi zieda fuq il-prezz ta’ €4 kull persuna

Dr. Joseph M. Sammut
Assistent whip ghall-Grupp Parlamentari Laburista.
Kelliem ewlieni ghat-Trasport.

30 Comments Comment

  1. Julian says:

    … in other industries it’s called ‘hedging’.

  2. g says:

    Maybe it’s because the place has so much in common with the Labour Party …………. naff, tasteless, unfinished ……..

  3. Kujuz hafna says:

    Fittex ftit x’kienu jghidu ‘sabih’ fuqu u ghandek issib volumi shah.

    Ghandek issib xalata kbira.


  4. maryanne says:

    If Joseph Muscat doesn’t see anything wrong in this he should think for just one moment what he would have done if the Nationalists were throwing all their parties at Montekristo. The word baruni would not suffice.

  5. Tumas says:

    This is a repeat of 1996.

    Alfred Sant and his party spent at least two years before the election shouting about ‘barunijiet’, and in particular one businessman who chaired Malta Freeport. Then when he became prime minister, he kept him on because he was good at his job.

  6. Mario Pisani says:

    L-importanti li qalilna li hu AVUKAT.


  7. Dee says:

    Has this to do with Joe Muscat’s declaration that his government may take controversial decisions on development projects?

  8. sherpa says:

    Il-hbieb tal-hbieb. As Alfred Sant used to say.

  9. Spiru says:

    To continue with g: …..and lost in the middle of nowhere

  10. Jozef says:

    I do.

    Why make it so blatantly obvious?

    Why does Marlene Farrugia think it necessary to underline her shared interest in festi with Caqnu?

    Why did Joseph specifically thank her for his election as leader?

    Why does a magistrate hold parties a stone’s throw away from his depleted quarries?

    Why does Joseph visit the magistrate late in the evening?

    Why does Joseph propose ‘controversial proposals’ for Gozo?

    How many vacant flats belong to Caqnu?

    Is he being patronised solely for the number of people he employs?

    Is he an easy target himself, given that he was slow in implementing sustainable business diversification?

    And finally, why does Labour keep its cards close to its chest when it comes to energy production, citing proposals made by John Dalli? (It has to be pointed out that the current strategy adopted by Lawrence Gonzi, that of decentralising energy generation to private homes by the use of incentives for the installation of photovoltaic panels, micro wind turbines and solar water heaters, is being de facto opposed by Joseph’s party.)

    Charles Polidano is a businessman who needs to widen his horizons, this by transforming his reliance on heavy plant to other lightweight objectives. Labour seems intent on shackling him.

  11. No problem says:

    He is a wise man.

    It seems very likely that Labour will win the next election, so he is building bridges with them.

    It pays to be friends with the government.

  12. Brian*14 says:

    g – unfinished, yes. But naff and tasteless, well, that depends. The pizza is actually quite tasty and some of their pasta dishes are delicious. Pretty good service too.

  13. J Abela says:

    Maybe Charles Polidano, with so much of his capital locked up in buildings that are not selling, doesn”t want his problems to be worse by an ‘uncooperative’ Labour government..

  14. Joseph (Not Muscat) says:

    In this invitation:

    Organizata instead of Organizzata
    AVUKAT written in full caps as if he is, say, NASA
    Speciali instead of Specjali
    Kelliem ewlieni ghat-trasport instead of Transport like he wrote it two lines above.

  15. TROY says:

    The reason they are going to Monte Kristo is cause they are getting a cheap deal. Not all who work for Caqnu are ‘nazzjonalisti’, especially the management at Monte Kristo.
    But rest assured Charles is true blue.

  16. Stacey says:

    Do they get fiscal receipts for the money they pay?

  17. Reno ta’ Bubaqra says:

    Jien ma’ nifhimx hafna fin-negozju , imma milli jidher it-tifel tal-Bikkej qed jaghmel din l-attivita tal-Milied biex jigbor naqra flus u gieghu minn niesu tan-Nigret.
    Qisha gejja l-elezzjoni?

  18. Lomax says:

    “Esponendi ewlenin tal-Partit Laburista”: They do not even know who’s attending.

    Veru jaghmlu kollox jibki – and they want to lead our country.

  19. H.P. Baxxter says:

    How can anyone ask serious questions about Polidano’s involvement with anyone when both parties are in hock to him?

    MLP is gearing up for the election and making wild promises to everyone, especially construction magnates who can provide much-needed cash.

    And PN gives free rein to these “developers” because they build big fancy stuff (=wettaqna progetti kbar) and hire large numbers of low-skilled workers (=inkattru x-xoghol).

    So don’t expect anyone to rock the boat where Polidano is concerned.

  20. says:

    The first activity at Montekristo by PL was held in the beginning of this year Feb 2011 – Labour organised some form of Business Fair and it was held there. Look into this i am sure you will find some interesting details

  21. says:

    sorry the deal was signed as soon as Joseph got his seat in Parliament

  22. says:

    re Kwalita Malta

    Do you need a foreign management expert to organise a three- day harga ghal-familja?

  23. Viva Joseph says:

    This cosying up by Labour has been matched by a drought of anti-Caqnu stories by Maltatoday. Coincidence?

    [Daphne – Saviour Balzan and Malta Today have also avoided all mention of anything to do with Anglu Xuereb and his projects. Watching the opening credits of Reporter: sponsored by The Palace Hotel in Sliema.]

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