Ha ha ha: their precious Dom’s daughter ‘can’t speak Maltese’.

Published: January 22, 2012 at 11:07pm

Oh, the irony. The blessed, blissful irony: she sounds like a tal-pepe trying really hard.

Possibli t-tifla ta’ Dumink maret is-Secret Hart?

“Delimara saret Smellimara”. Mur ara kemm fehmu l-joke dawk il-qabda illiterati.

Pathetic and out to lunch left-wing loonie from another planet. At least she isn’t wearing a crochet jacket and felt pixie hat.

Il-Bambin maghna.

28 Comments Comment

  1. Frankie Narcono says:

    Jahsbu ghal Haddiema..jahsbu biss imma..

  2. Hehe says:

    What an excellent ‘stand up’ comedian.

  3. Pisces says:

    Look who’s preaching about poverty! As if she knows. Ms Super Rich (even if she hides it well) is talking about poor families suffering, about jobs, long working hours and about democracy.

    Where was she in the 80s when people were being beaten and shot at? When unemployment was rampant and people were recruited into labour corps? Her hypocrisy is beyond belief.

  4. M. says:

    Mela qatt ma smajt lill-Anne McKenna titkellem?

  5. Dee says:

    This simpering old has-been and that snake Varist are two of a kind. Great pretenders.

  6. TinaB says:

    “Bilqaqal” (at 5:30)

    Imbasta Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox, imbaghad bintu l-anqas titkellem bil-Malti ma taf.

  7. sap says:

    I was baffled and shocked to see that in 1981 and 1987 PN’s majority was of JUST 4,000 votes more than MLP.

    [Daphne – Why are you baffled and shocked? Haven’t you ever been to the Malta International Trade Fair or walked down Republic Street on a weekday morning?]

    • Anna says:

      Four thousand votes which managed to slip through MLP’s hands. Let’s not forget that the result of elections held under the Labour Party were very very dubious, to put it mildly. Those 4,000 votes became 20,000 afterwards.

  8. ciccio says:

    “Id-demokrazija u s-sovranita taghna ghandha tigi l-ewwel u qablel kollox.” 3.35.

    Yeah, right. That must explain the 1981 election result and the colonisation of Malta by Gaddafi’s Libya via the “neutrality” clause.

  9. Min Weber says:

    Jesus Christ. I can’t believe my ears. This speech reminds me of entire passages from Mein Kampf.

  10. Wannabe delegat says:

    Yana Mintoff was the infamous Smelly Mara in the House of Commons

  11. Izzie says:

    So Labour is now sending in the clowns.

  12. mic says:

    I wonder who wrote her speech.

  13. TROY says:

    The PL’s desperation and hunger for power is leading them to deal with the devil as long as ‘Kemm BATA Joseph’ becomes PM.
    No offence, Yana.

  14. Village says:

    Yana your father was the most odious and hated person in Malta. Don’t expect me to forgive the bastard. My grudge is still there.

  15. Herbie says:

    No she did not attend Secret Hart but she got her education abroad, lived in England and the United States the cradle of capitalism.
    The speech was probably written by her father.

    [Daphne – As if. He’s gaga.]

  16. V.Vella says:

    Din hadd ma qalli li fi zmien missierha, missieri kien jithallas tal-overtime bit-time off? Ghax ma baqghetx fejn kienet.

  17. old-timer says:

    The Mintoff girls are now in the skip with the rest. Has Muscat finished scraping the barrel for anything that will vote Labour in the next election?

  18. Mark Seychell says:

    The irony of it is that according the the illiterati, she must sound like the prototypical Nationalist tal-pepe.

  19. Jozef says:

    ‘Nuqqas ta’ investiment fit-toroq
    Nuqqas ta’ investiment fis-sistema tat-trasport pubbliku
    Nuqqas ta’ investiment fil-kwalita’ tal-prodott.
    Tnaqqis fin-numru ta’ sigar…’

    Kemm ilha ma’ tersaq lejn Malta?

  20. Angus Black says:

    Looks pathetic, sounds pathetic – a true picture of the Labour Party, past, present and future.

    Will she be appointed Commissioner for Malta in Great Britain if Joseph becomes prime minister?

    One would expect that the Labour Party paid for the flight and accommodation for such an enlightening keynote speaker. Cannot imagine Mintoff’s daughter picking up the tab. She must have learned that much from her frugal dad.

  21. Amanda says:

    Blimey, her Maltese is as bad as mine in my tal-pepe accent.

    Good on her for trying, though.

  22. Żeża Ta' Bubaqra says:

    I bet she doesn’t understand most of what she is saying. That’s probably the least charismatic speech I’ve seen in years. Pathetic and embarrassing.

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