“Joseph hu l-Mexxej Nazzjonali” – Silvio Parnis on Facebook

Published: January 26, 2012 at 7:37pm

Left-click on this image to make it large enough to allow you to read this morning’s scintillating conversation, starting with that cabbage Silvio Parnis’s reference to Joseph Muscat as the Mexxej Nazzjonali.

One turnip from outer space asks whether Silvio thinks they should go out into the streets and celebrate after the vote. A couple of lesser turnips caution her to adopt a wait-and-see approach.

Then a cauliflower joins in and says:

Ahna l laburisti ghanda hafna boost go fina lol…igri tinqata ax qed tiehu wisq fit tuwl.

How did this happen? Except for those who are now in their late 80s, we have been condemned to a lifetime of dangerously incompetent and irresponsible Labour Party idiocy and venomous lust for power for its own sake, and there is no end in sight. Not even the merest glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

2008 was their big chance to change, and they loused it up. Now what? No really, now what?

27 Comments Comment

  1. Charles says:

    To be fair the turnip said:

    “Taqbel li n-nies taghna johorgu fit toroq il-lum. Jiena ma naqbilx ahjar nibqaw kalmi”

  2. Jozef says:

    Labour, they do kawlata.

  3. hard facts says:

    The (prattikament) Minister for South and his sunflower brain followers.

  4. Cportelli says:

    George Abella would have made an excellent leader and a new broom that the party needed.

  5. Joe says:

    This whole ordeal shows that:

    1) Joseph Muscat is not in charge of the Labour Party. His hands are tied and elements of the old regime and the old dinasaurs (hmieg et al) rule the roost;

    2) Labour’s revisiting of the (sic) golden years is a very dangerous experiment and a potential threat to democracy; and

    3) the education system as we know it has failed, so the Minister of Education needs to restructure the whole system.

  6. Yanika says:

    They should have learned by now: don’t count your cocks – erm sorry – chickens – before they hatch.

  7. Franco's think thanks says:

    Bless him. He can’t even spell illum. And he’s in Parliament.

  8. joseph says:

    daphne.. imma kif lil kulhadd trid issiblu xi laqam?u kif ma tara xejn hazin fil PN umbad tara kollox hazin fil PL?..possibbli int daqsekk perfetta? ghax min qalalek il laqam ta sahhara tal bidnija nahseb kellu ftit ragun!!!!!

  9. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Now a convincing victory in November’s election, a three-seat majority, a party united in purpose and in spirit, and five years of bliss for Joseph Muscat.

    The number of turnips will evolve regardless of the governing party.

    PN, which after all was the party that dragged this country (“kicking and screaming”) into the EU, happily let them run loose and flourish, all in the name of social conscience and national unity.

    The future, alas, will not be bright.

    • kevin zammit says:

      First of all we need to question if you are the real H.P.Baxxter or one of those bugs infesting this site!

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I am the real deal. Here’s the proof.

        “From the H to the P
        on da mike you will see
        the peoples´ champ
        that´s me.”

        Seriously, you can tell it’s me because I predict a sombre future. Everyone else seems to be gearing up for The Big Millenium Party In Their Lives.

      • TROY says:

        Baxxter is the real deal. I vouch for that.

  10. Herbie says:

    The more I think about this whole charade the more I tend to believe that the whole affair is a long-standing tiff between two schoolboys.

    Joseph was given to believe that he could ride piggy -ack on his school foe and swallowed the bait.

    Best way to express it is in Maltese: Franco besaqlu fis-sunnara.

    FD’z action was intended to kill two birds with one stone, harm the prime minister and tease the leader of the opposition by raisng his hopes of soon becoming Prime Minister himself.

  11. joseph says:

    herbie ezat qtajtom kif inuma lafarijiet…hehehe ara taqtaliex in numri tas super 5 haa…….uhalina!

  12. John Schembri says:

    Silvio ghamel diskors ahjar minn t’Anglu .

    • Not Tonight says:

      My pet parrot could top Anglu’s ‘diskors’. Bet I could teach him to say ‘Task Force’ more cleary than Anglu can.

  13. ciccio says:

    Joseph hu l-Mexxej Nazzjonali. Ghax Joseph jivvinthom, eh!

  14. Lupin says:

    What is he talking about this nitwit? What’s parlamet ?

  15. Alex says:

    What does “ghandna hafna boost go fina” mean?

    [Daphne – They’re revved up at the thought of being in control. You know, because this Clinton or whatever feels he’s going to be running the country personally when Joseph is prime minister. ‘Ahna fil-gvern.’ The boost came from the belief that Franco would vote for Anglu’s mozzjoni.]

  16. BuBu says:

    Hmm. So in a few months time we might have a “ministru tas-south” who can’t spell to save his life. Sadly I must say – how fitting.

  17. Kemm Batejt says:

    Kemm hu sabih il-Fejsbook. Minn hemm tkun taf verament in-nies x’inhuma.

  18. old-timer says:

    I think that with the recent events, the PN has been strengthened. If the PL expected Debono to vote in favour of THEIR motion, then they should seriously start an elementary course in politics.

    Franco wants to see a strong PN and in fact, with all the clamouring, the PN should heed this as a wake up call. Debono wants, eagerly, to see the PN winning the next election; heeding his observations, can make this possible

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