Yes, right

Published: March 7, 2012 at 3:03pm

11 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Borg says:

    Just when you think it is safe to try Labour: never, never for me, I would rather eat my vote.

    • Dee says:

      That is what I think as well, and that is why I am going to vote in the local council elections for a change.

  2. SC says:

    Just the same old Labour and all the blue ties and blue backgrounds in the world is not going to change that.

  3. Paul Bonnici says:

    Shocking, frightening, tal-biza.

    Hate, intolerance and revenge awaits the Maltese who disagree with Labour.

    We will back to the seventies and eighties if Labour gets elected.

  4. Jozef says:

    ‘Nehilsu minn dan il-ha..parassita’. Min jaf x’kienet.

  5. Jo says:

    Well the older you get the harder it is to change, and most of new Labour were used to the old ways of hate, intollerance and tyranny.

    So if they are returned to government we will be back to the Seventies.

    According to the scribbling of most of the young Labour activists, they are hankering for those times.

    May the time come when we won’t fear the return of labour to government.

  6. Mickey Mouse says:

    TAL-BIZA! Imsieken uliedi jekk jitilghu dawn. Xejn sew ta’ veru.

  7. Riya says:

    Pero ghalkemm Debono Grech huwa injorant u bnieden tal-biza ghal darba fil-hajja politika tieghu kien qal frazi li taghmel sens u vera intelligenti. Din kien qala meta Joseph Muscat gie elett kap.

    ‘Issa ahjar ghax bit-tfal ha nmexxu?’

    Ghal din il-frazi kien haqqu vera miljun prosit. U jibqa’ imfakkar ghaliha.

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