Published: May 26, 2012 at 6:20pm

Organizzat mill-Kumitat Organizzattiv tad-Deputat Laburista Silvio Parnis


Nixtiequ ninfurmaw li l-Coffee Morning li kellu jsir nhar is-6 ta’ Ġunju, issa ġie pospost għall-ĦAMIS 21 TA’ ĠUNJU.


10 Comments Comment

  1. thinker says:

    Se jahbatli ma’ coffee morning iehor. Dawn kif jaghmlu hekk?

    • ciccio says:

      Thabbilx rasek. Issa jibda l-istagun tal-barbikjuws. Il-privates ta’ Silvio jigu jigbruk minn fuq l-ghatba.

  2. cat says:

    Dan Parnis ghandu production line tal-coffee mornings. Attivita’ wara l-ohra.

  3. jenny says:

    I think 3 euros is rather cheap.

  4. Veru? says:

    Smajt li l-ahhar Coffee Morning ta’ Silvio Parnis, se jaghmlu filghaxija biex ikun originali. Veru?

  5. Paul Bonnici says:

    Oh damn, I’ll miss this one. I am too busy on this day.

  6. Lomax says:

    X’inhu coffee morning? What should one expect from such events?

  7. Matt B says:

    He might want to know that summer commences on June 21.

    Therefore, for him to live up to his promise of ‘l-ahhar coffee morning tal-istagun’, he would have to hold it on June 20.

    As it stands, it’s l-ewwel coffee morning tas-sajf.

  8. elephant says:

    The problem is: with all the poverty around, will he manage to get a group to attend? I also hope that the bingo people will find time to go to Silvio’s coffee mornings. What a crowd.

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