Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith is under pressure and hitting the “Earl Grey”

Published: June 21, 2012 at 11:58pm

Left-click on the image and see Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith lay into Karol Aquilina, the Nationalist mayor of Siggiewi. A 50-year-old member of parliament, calling a fellow member of his political party a dork, on Facebook.

And then he has the nerve to talk about parliament being the highest institution in the land. Not with him in it, it isn’t.

As for dorks, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith, take it from an expert that you’re one hell of a nerdy dork yourself. You were a dorky nerd back in the days when Malta had dorks thick on the ground, in the 1980s.

You were a dorky nerd when I first encountered you as a politician, with your big fringe, your pudding-bowl hair-cut, your Walter the Softie physique and your chav clothes.

You were a dorky nerd even later on when you got rid of your fringe and improved your clothes, but continued to dye your hair chestnut brown as seen in those infamous Mistra videos from 2008.

You were such a dorky nerd that you weren’t even embarrassed to be seen at the hairdressers, with your head wrapped in foil and dye underneath, lined up with the ladies.

Then Carmen Ciantar decided that she really couldn’t afford to be seen with a man who dyed his hair and who wasn’t exactly super-hip, so she did the best she could with the poor material available, and hey presto, you thought you were cool.

But I’m from your generation and I know that you’re anything but. Dork kont, u dork bqajt. And guess what? All the ‘cool people’ you mix with now were actually dorks and nerds too.

Take it from me.

Il-vera kaz ta’ Revenge of the Nerds. U kif.

16 Comments Comment

  1. A Montebello says:

    Don’t understand it… really i don’t….. what is he waiting for to cross over?

    • La Redoute says:

      A marriage certificate.

      • Gahan says:

        I bet he would want to have a church wedding, with the ceremony administered by the archbishop himself, with the bride all dressed in white. If not he will threaten to move a private member’s bill on legalising gay marriage.

        Witnesses: Evarist Bartolo and Robert Musumeci. Usher: Jesmond Mugliett. Best man: Joseph Muscat and as ring-bearer Franco (they’re always unpredictable).

        The most difficult part of this whole process would be to carry wife number two over the threshold, because from what I see, she’s bigger than he is. So perhaps she’ll carry him, to avoid a dangerous hip fracture.

        Imagine The Times front page with a picture of the half-pint sized dork, wearing foundation make-up but with his hair no longer dyed, in the arms of wife number two on the front door of the home they have been living in together for ages, with plenty of Labour politicians, one magistrate and Jesmond and Karen Mugliett gathered round with the confetti.

  2. Wishes this need not be anonymous... says:

    I heartily wish that I could publish this comment under my full name but my position precludes this.

    Mr Pullicino Orlando Smith, I have worked with both Karol Aquilina and Richard Caruana Caruana for a number of years. Karol’s commitment and sense of values is second to very few, offset by a great sense of humour that crops up at the most unexpected moments. If he is a dork then we could do with many more of them.

    Mr Cachia Caruana is a fundamentally decent and humane individual whose service to the country in the most difficult circumstances is absolutely unmatched. He will always remain one of the most inspiring people I have ever had the privilege to meet.

    Despite your hatchet job on Monday, his reputation will prevail while yours is already in tatters. Here you are hitting the Earl Grey, torn by the envy and bitterness that has brought you to this point.

    Hollow victory, eh? If only you had one ounce of the dignity that Mr Cachia Caruana is showing even in these circumstances. You trumpeted yourself as an elected representative of the people on Monday while Mr Cachia Caruana, according to you, is a power-hungry oligarch who, again in your book, flouted the democratic process.

    Well, I think far many better people than you have reached their own conclusion on that accusation.

    You were hardly transparant in your motivation. So we are left with a Permanent Representative packing up his boxes in Brussels at a point where concluding Malta’s financial package is a pressing priority for the next few months and a vacuum in this position is a critical liability, while our elected representative hoovers down the Earl Grey while listening to Enya.

    Great. Something has gone so seriously wrong.

  3. Village says:

    Fr Joe Borg has revealed important information about the behaviour of JPO. This is more evidence.

  4. Marie says:

    I consider myself very much a nerd: in secondary school i used to read the dictionary, I still enjoy reading history books, I get all my clothes from Marks and Spencer for their simple cut and durability.

    Please don’t insult us nerds and geeks: we do not all behave like JPOS.

    [Daphne – Don’t make the mistake of thinking that reading and clothes make/don’t make a nerd. It’s all about attitude and personality type.]

  5. A Montebello says:

    JPOS doesn’t seem to understand that he’s just offended and ostracized (further) anyone who voted for Karol.

    At this rate, his people are going to go elsewhere for their botox fix.

  6. Sarah says:

    How low can JPOS stoop? Insulting a fellow PN member like that on FB, as if he is bullying a child on the playground!

  7. Jozef says:

    He just can’t hold back anything he feels is some kind of challenge to his world, persona or inner circle.

    Musumeci was also chairman of the BICC, in Ninu Zammit’s ministry, supposedly supporting his minister’s initiatives, when Jeffrey started his holy war on the landfill strategy mapped out by the same ministry. There’s so much spin, the priorities so restricted to personal interest, that everyone seems to miss the webs they weave.

    Put in a magistrate and her brother whose interest in property speculation is widely known and the picture becomes worrying.

    Mostly because the real dork, practically prime minister, will owe these people everything at our expense.

  8. Marcus says:

    Definitely, JPOS’s description of Karol as a dork suits JPOS himself.

    I have known Karol for years and JPOS is totally off the mark. I had great respect towards JPOS up to 2008 but after that I lost it all and my only regret is that I had respect for him ever, at all.

  9. Dee says:

    Hitting the “Earl Grey’?

    More like ‘General Haig’, ‘Mr Johnnie Walker’ or ‘ The Rt. Hon. Jack Daniels’.

  10. M. says:

    This is hilarious.

  11. Lippu says:

    Min dejjem kont konvint li JPO jaghmel affarijiet ikbar minnu.

    Missu jisthi l-hsara li ghamel lil partit tieghu. X’irrid jghid fuq RCC – kellu bzonn JPO ghandu l-hila tieghu mhux lanqas jibda mieghu.

    X’haseb li hu dan? M’ghadux imur jibki quddiem Dr. Alfred Sant? X’hemm wara dan kollu?

    Hadd ma jaghmel XEJN ghal XEJN. Mhux ta xejn kull meta taqleb ghas-Super One, dejjem jidher hu.

  12. me says:

    Ma nafx għalfejn qed tgħidlu ‘dork’. Min hu ta’ l-eta tiegħi jirreferi għal dan it-tip ta’ nies bħala ‘bziequ’.

    Naħseb li hi aktar deskritiva.

  13. elephant says:

    Since the time JPOS appeared on TV in the Alfred Sant episode, I lost all confidence in this man.

    I am a PN supporter, but at that time Sant acted correctlly.

    I had to side with him then.

    Now, JPOS has given proof that he is unfit to appear in anything that needs credibility. The only thing I can say to this DORK is “addio”. May we never hear of you again.

  14. M Cassar says:

    Oh, so is this the way gentlemen are meant to behave? Good to know. Goodness how off the mark I was, JPOS.!

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