The national interest

Published: June 22, 2012 at 12:41am

George Vella has been on television defending, several times, the timing of the Opposition’s motion against Richard Cachia Caruana. There couldn’t have been a worse time, he was told by a couple of interviewers, to distract Malta’s permanent representative to the European Union, and then oblige him to resign.

Here’s one of his responses (he more or less repeated the same thing on Bondi+ tonight).

11 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Ranier Fsadni quoted Vella saying the same thing. Timing is all – if it serves the PL’s purpose of getting closer to power.

  2. A Montebello says:

    Here is a quote lifted from today’s The Times and coming direct from Brussels:

    ‘In the coming, six months, Malta will be going through one of the most sensitive and toughest negotiating periods with Brussels and a mistake or misjudgement might literally cost the islands millions of euros”.

    I think it may be time for us to haul in the big guns and send in our MEP, Joseph Cuchieri.

  3. R Camilleri says:

    The article on, “Envoy to EU lost at key time”, really highlights how Labour have Malta’s best interest at heart.

    I hope that people realize that they are still the same old scum that believe that the Maltese people are “Makku”.

  4. Jozef says:

    They don’t subscribe to the national interest.

    They’ve given up on that when it was decided the MLP should go, the EU referendum in hindsight, a clear result and business interests alone can sort out the social contract.

    Malta, it’s implied, cannot have a valid national interest, just despondency with a grin.

  5. sasha says:

    Labour never look at national interest but soley at their own personal interests.

    They have a chip on their shoulder and can never recognise it, they will never change. It is all about ME with Labour not US as Maltese.

  6. ciccio says:

    Labour’s national interest: the end justifies the means.

  7. Neil Dent says:

    It’s sickening, and actually fits the typical mentality of a mere supporter. But this guy is not just a mere supporter.

  8. Village says:

    My God. This person is still around to remind us of the aboniminable Mintoff legacy. We don’t like him or his party. We don’t need him. He is of no use to the country. Why does he stay on?

    • Angus Black says:

      Why does he stay on?

      Because the old-timers do not have faith in Joseph and he and others think that only they can give enough of a push to land a victory at the next elections.

      They have gauged Joseph pretty accurately and concluded that he is out of his depth and he requires experienced back-up. Unfortunately Vella’s expertise is primarily in the suppression of basic rights and in the general Mintoffian Socialist mediocrity.

      There is nothing but bad news if they pull it off.

      • Raphael Dingli says:

        Ïf they do pull it off – my prediction is that they will then dump him – and it’s back to Eighties again with all of those geriatrics.

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