Ivvutaw ghal Joseph, please, ghax Malta spiccat f’krizi ta’ barra minn hawn u ghandna bzonn hero bhalu li ghamel sentejn jahdem ma’ Crystal Finance bhala skrivan

Published: July 27, 2012 at 7:45pm

What we really, really need right now is a Labour government, don’t you think? Joseph! Joseph! Joseph!

timesofmalta.com reports this afternoon:

– Declares interim gross dividend of 10c per share

HSBC has reported a profit before tax of €53 million for the six months which ended June 30, an increase of €3 million, or six per cent over that in the same period last year.

The board declared an interim gross dividend of 10c per share (6.5c net of tax). This will be paid on August 22 to shareholders on the bank’s register at August 8. The interim accounts were approved by the group’s board of directors this afternoon.

Director and chief executive Mark Watkinson said: “We have delivered another positive set of results that saw pre-tax profit increase by six per cent with a return on equity of 17.8 per cent.

The bank’s capital and liquidity position remained strong and it had a firm grip on risks and costs at a time of continuing pressure on revenue as a result of the challenges in the Eurozone.


And also today, buried in a small report with a cruddy title because apparently nobody at The Times understands or cares how significant this is, far more significant than the Facebook pages of difficult politicians:


Shares in Malita Investment – the government company set up to manage and develop property of national importance – have been oversubscribed, it was announced.

The company will issue an additional 10 million shares for a total of 30 million.

The special purpose vehicle set up to fund the City Gate project was oversubscribed ahead of time, Malita said in a statement. “Funds in excess of €15 million have been collected since July 23.”

The level of interest generated was such that after having received applications for an initial 20 million ordinary ‘B’ shares of 50 cents each, the company was in a position to “exercise the option to issue an additional 10 million ordinary ‘B’ shares”, it said.


14 Comments Comment

  1. Sigmund says:

    The Times has degenerated over the last three years, but it seems that no one can do anything about it – poor readers.

  2. canon says:

    There is the possibility that such investment will change if Joseph Muscat takes over.

  3. pocoyo says:

    Jaqaw il-major shareholder mhux involut fil-progett ta’ Putirjal?

  4. ciccio says:

    “Hawn dan il-gid kollu u Joseph ghadu fl-Oppozizzjoni. Ahseb u ara la jkun fil-Gvern.”

  5. e. muscat says:

    What is going on at The Times? It’s an insult to those who set it up.

  6. GABS says:

    We now need Eddie Privitera to explain how HSBC made such profits, and how Malita shares were bought by “foreigners” because the Maltese are starving.

  7. carlos says:

    It has for long been Labour’s aim to infiltrate other organisations. The case of the RTK is a good example. It seems that with the Times it has succeeded and is now reaping good results.

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