Jeffrey forgot to send his letter and list to the president of the PN Executive

Published: July 11, 2012 at 10:22pm

Jeffrey Pullicino (Orlando Smith) was so focussed on sending his letter and list of witnesses to the media that he forgot to send it to the intended recipient, Marthese Portelli.

That really shows where his priorities lie: media exposure, and causing a sensation.

Marthese Portelli still hasn’t received it.

Stqarrija PN l-Erbgha, 11 ta’ Lulju 2012

L-Onor. Pullicino Orlando jikteb ittra lil Dr. Marthese Portelli, jibghata lill-mezzi tax-xandir, imma mhux lil Dr. Portelli

Filwaqt li d-deputat l-Onor. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando kiteb ittra lill-President tal-Ezekuttiv tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, Dr. Marthese Portelli, bghat din l-ittra lill-mezzi tax-xandir biss, imma ghal xi raguni li jafha hu biss ma bghathiex lil Marthese Portelli.

Frank Psaila
Direttur Informazzjoni, PN

8 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    May I add one possible explanation why he forgot to send the letter to Marthese Portelli – he panicked when you wrote your post about him going to the notary.

  2. David Gatt says:

    I would expect the Direttur Informazzjoni PN to know how to correctly spell and write: “bghat”, “jafha” and “bghathiex” in Maltese.

  3. Tonio Mallia says:

    It must have been the excitement of the moment. This seems to be a common trait. It was the same with cock-lover Franco, who in the excitement of the moment didn’t quite realise that he insulted Carm Mifsud Bonnici after voting against him, and then forgot about it.

  4. FAVETTU says:

    ‘This seems to be a common trait.’

    Truly, birds of a feather flock together. I hope they will be both summarily dismissed and start paying for their gross irresponsibility.

  5. PL source says:

    I can’t understand why JPO included John Dalli in his list of witnesses.

    I now expect RCC to include, in his list of witnesses, Super One reporter and newsreader by the surname of Falzon who also used to cover parliamentary sittings.

    He should ask her how many times she was asked by John Dalli’s personal assistant Frank Zammit to go to John Dalli’s office at the Palace when John Dalli was still a Minister before he was given the million-euro job in Brussels by the Prime Minister.

    Coincidentally, each such meeting was followed by a story in Kullhadd featuring the former social affairs minister.

  6. Sarah says:

    JPOS is embarrassment an alien feeling to you?

  7. Angus Black says:

    JPOS now gives a different version for the reason his e-mail arriving late, addressed to Marthese Portelli:

    “He explained that he initially sent it earlier, but made a ‘mistake in the e-mail address’. Nonetheless he then re-sent the list later on, and Dr Portelli had confirmed she received it”.

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