That’s why I love young people – in most cases, they’re so much nicer than their parents

Published: July 8, 2012 at 2:17pm

I’ve been reading the elector survey in The Sunday Times. It’s interesting to see that the Nationalist Party is still the most popular with first-time voters and the elderly, and still the least popular with the middle-aged (the age of discontentment, disgruntlement, stresses in life and work, and personal midlife crises).

In a survey in which there was very little in the way of hope and reassurance, the first-time voter bit was a reason to be cheerful at least.

I’ve always had far more empathy with that age group than I do with people my own age, who can be absolutely intolerable and bitter at times. I have to be practically dragged out of the house at the prospect of spending time in a room full of people my age nowadays.

I would have been worried at many levels about a swing to Labour among the young, and not just for electoral reasons, either. It would have shaken my belief in them.

Their parents….well, I’m used to them. No surprises there. I suppose you could say that people like Jeffrey are the typical taken to the extreme, but with serious problems attached.

I often wonder what panics them more: the thought of the 40 years they’ve left behind, or the 40 years which lie ahead?

4 Comments Comment

  1. Not Sandy :P says:

    Luciano Busuttil’s reaction is to trot out an old Labour chestnut:

    Dr Luciano Busuttil ‏@busuttilluciano
    If you are doing for the first time VOTE LABOUR
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  2. Adrian says:

    The lyrics of this song say it all.

    If people vote with some sense and logic, the PN should win again. Unfortunately, JPOS and his friends have done a lot of harm to the party and the country.

  3. Riff Raff says:

    The bit about first-time voters is interesting when you consider that the leader of the PL is 20 years younger that the PM.

    You would expect new voters to identify with an “exciting” new prospect rather than with someone who’s been around for a while and is old enough to be a grandfather.

    Continued membership of the EU, and attendant opportunities for young people, is not an issue. I think it says something about substance over form.

  4. Marku says:

    Also in the news today, several families who normally host EFL students now prefer to spend their day staring at the TV to watch the Olympic Games instead.

    Ghax taf int, taht dan il-gvern hadd ma qed ilahhaq mal-hajja.

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