And this man is going to be deputy prime minister

Published: August 25, 2012 at 7:04pm

Anglu Farrugia took a photograph of what he wrote in Dom Mintoff’s book of the dead, and uploaded it on Facebook.

I mean, can you believe these people?

When I have a bit of time, I should get together with some producer and script LABOUR: THE SPOOF.

21 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Francis Saliba, please transcribe.

  2. Hibernating from Malta says:

    What he wrote is one thing. Whether it’s readable is another.

  3. ciccio says:

    “Nibqa niftakar kemm ghallimt lill-poplu kollu Malti biex jimxi il-quddiem u aktar talli dan kollu jibqa jigi segwit fil-futur ghall-gid nazzjonali u paci fil-Mediterran. Grazzi Dom.
    Anglu Farrugia, D/Leader, PL”

    Boqq. So philosophical and poetic.

    • Min Weber says:

      ‘il quddiem.

      He wrote it correctly.

      But I’m extraordinarily worried about the psychological implications of the handwriting. I’ll write more in reply to that Son of a Gun, Baxxter.

      (I use the phrase in the Encarta sense: Encarta Dictionary defines the term in a different way as someone “affectionately or kindly regarded.”)

    • Antoine Vella says:

      It’s ungrammatical: “u aktar talli dan kollu” doesn’t make sense.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Now we know. Ciccio went to medical school. I couldn’t decipher half the words.

      • A.Attard says:

        Not medical school there you learn how to write illegibly, its the pharmacists who learn how to decipher it.

      • ciccio says:

        As Min Weber says, now that we have deciphered the calligraphy, we need someone who went to psychology school to understand the motivation.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Is there a chemist’s open? Will some kind pharmacist decipher the signature? What’s that before PL?

      • Toyger says:

        Before PL there’s D/Leader (deputy leader), and i fully agree with A.Attard, it;s the pharmacists that have to learn how to decipher illegible scribbles…

  4. allo Allo says:

    L-anqas il-bambin ma jrid li erbgha kelmiet mislutin bil-galbu minn Anglu jintilfu sempliciment ghax ma tafux taqraw il-kaligrafija tieghu.

    Mela Anglu qallu hekk “Nibqa niftakar kemm ghallimt lill poplu kollu Malti biex jimxi l-quddiem u aktar talli dan kollu jibqa jigi segwit ghal gid nazzjonali u paci fil xxxxx. Grazzi Dom. Iffirmata….. Anglu”.

    U malli Mintoff semgha “” wiegbu b’dik il vuci tipica helwa tieghu “X’Anglu Anglu, dejjaqtuli l-bocci hawn, kulhadd Anglu. X-izxxxb hsiebtu… Li ghadni nemmen bil fairies”. Ara ersqu l-hemm ha nghililkom jien issa….. U jekk se ccapcpu jew tghamlu xi haga ghamluha wara ta hi.

  5. Grezz says:

    One word: chav.

  6. Glormu says:

    Hawn min jiftakar lil certa religjuzi iwerwru lit-tfal tal-iskola fuq dak li jigri jekk jitla’ Mintoff, fi zmien il-kwestjoni tal-interdett., fosthom zijtu is-soru.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    If he meant to photograph and show off his comment, he should have written legibly (but perhaps it was the emotion). His intended audience is a bunch of semi-literates, after all.

  8. lola says:

    His handwriting is illegible.

  9. Alex says:

    Well, it’s on di rekort

  10. The truth? says:

    Dak biex jixbah it-tobba jikteb hekk.

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