Comment of the day

Published: August 23, 2012 at 11:59pm

Posted by Wied Id-Dmugh:

It’s a dog’s life. The owner hits his dog, injures his dog, maltreats his dog but also goes on to occasionally feed that dog and provides that dog with a kennel.

So what does the dog do? Does the dog run away and get a better owner? No, the dog does not. The dog thinks this is all there is. The dog licks his owner and loves him passionately.

One day the SPCA come calling and sequester the dog. The dog is given to a new owner, with more enlightened views on animal welfare. The dog now lives well. It has a good time.

Will the dog want to ever go back to the man it still considers its master? Yes, because that’s the nature of dogs.

27 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Shame on you Daphne! Writing evil blogs calling Maltese dogs. Nahseb in-Neapolitan mastiff tieghek sabih daqs dal-gens! Learn to LOVE not HATE etc. etc. for the next 200 lines.

    [Daphne – Did you watch Mary Spiteri weeping on the coffin and singing siltiet minn Gensna? And Jason Micallef strewing flowers when the coffin made its pitstop outside Super One? Hysterical. You couldn’t script this stuff for a spoof.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      No, “Daphney”, I did not. On Monday night, I was assaulted by a tsunami of fawning Facebook statuses from people in the 18-35 age bracket, including all prospective PN candidates therein.

      The following morning, I open The Times to find an 8-page hagiography. The next day, Christian Peregin verges on the homoerotic with his description of Raymond Mintoff’s “clear sky-blue eyes”. It’s more than I can bear.

      This country….this country… Why? Just why?

      • La Redoute says:

        Hagiographies have their uses. In our house they serve as a doormat.

        You could even save a few Euros by using them as toilet paper.

      • L.Gatt says:

        Facebook was a nightmare wasn’t it? I’ve been “unfriended”, abused, told I wasted 6 years of my life at University and that jelly fish probably avoid me for fear of being stung. Rewwixta kien hemm fuq Facebook. Vera kaz pajjiz tal-biki, as my late father often said.

    • L.Gatt says:

      Sadly I cannot find a site where I can watch it on-line. Any suggestions?

  2. Noel says:

    Stop it now daphney before its too late.ism minni

    [Daphne – Too late for what? Is he planning to rise from the dead, by any chance? Better run along then, and drive a stake through his heart.]

  3. Matt says:

    Daphne, watching Mintoff’s funeral on the news I am reminded of the epic movie Ben Hur.

    The similarly of Mintoff and Massala is uncanny.

    In that famous carriage race, Massala representing the Roman Empire had attached sharp saw-like blades to the wheels of his carriage.

    Juda Ben Hur went to the race to compete fairly and because Juda was beating him, Massala whipped him fiercely and even tried to enmesh his carriage with saw-like edges to Juda’s carriage to cause him as much damage as possible.

    In the end, jealousy, arrogance and hatred ruined Massala. Ironically, the same can be said for Dear Dom.

    After all these years Alfred Sant has never recuperated from the damage Mintoff did to him. The same can be said for the Boffa family.

  4. Malti says:

    I believe that you have the right to hate and love who you want, write good or bad about who you want, express your option about anything you want but insulting and to make it even worse your own race than that is rock bottom.Good luck because you are going to need some.

  5. Josette Jones says:

    Spot on, Daphne. Just this evening I was thinking that half the island is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome with respect to Mintoff.

    • Wormfood says:

      I actually think that they simply relished the bliss that comes with slavish devotion and not thinking for oneself. Life is so simple when viewed in monochrome and when the Brotherly Salvatur and his apostles dictate to you what to think and feel.

  6. TROY says:

    What a circus,oh what a show.

  7. Village says:

    We all their behaviour will not change. It has only softened because Malta was lucky to have 25 years of sane leadership. I hope the political media will use the tragedy that is unfolding and make e best out of it to remind those doubting nationalists of what is at stake if we capriciously let labour have a go again.

  8. Manuel says:

    I have just seen these vulgar diarrhea comments for the first time. How can you people present yourself as intellectuals with so emotional hatred comments who only represents a fraction of the so called bureaucratic society for a person who represents the foundation for the rights of the common working class ?
    The person who invented the nickname (THE WITCH OF BIDNIJA ) should be given the a nobel price .

    [Daphne – For a moment there, I thought you were speaking of the vulgar comments left by your friends.]

  9. Wied id-dmugh says:

    Good morning Daphne.

    I have just insulated myself completely from watching or hearing any Maltese news these last three days, I simply detest seeing people adulating such a dictator.

    I only read The Times and when I saw this morning’s issue’s front page report and saw that Kurt was the reporting journalist I just went straight to the sports pages.

    I think PN is taking all this pretty lightly. S

    o many lies are being repeated and will come to be believed if the party doesn’t react, even if in subtle ways.

    Sorry for taking too much of your time, but thought I’ll share these thoughts with you. Thank you for all you do in trying to put some sense into all things political.

  10. I.R.A.B. says:

    I loved watching his coffin paraded through the crowd as his supporters all filmed it with smartphones and ipads.

    Beautiful irony.

  11. Ruth says:

    Fuq kollox hbieb, darba qabel maghkom, zammejtu mieghu u taghkom il-Gvern li ghadu ghandkom sal-lum. Ghalih il-fqir kien jigi l-ewwel u mhux in-nies ta’ klassi u tal-poter. Ghalhekk hafna joboghduh. U iva ghamel zbalji wkoll. Bhal kull Gvern u mexxej.

    • mattie says:

      Kien ihobb il-fqir, ghaliex il-fqir hu l-uniku strument li tista tahdem bih biex takwista l-poter. Il-fqir kien strumentali ghilih fi zmienu. Lil-fqir kien jilghab bih.

    • R Azzopardi says:

      Dik kienet il-problema tieghu, Ruth, li qatt ma ried li l-popolin xi darba iqum fuq saqajh u jkollu l-edukazzjoni u l-istatura ta’ bniedem ta’ klassi.

      Anzi kien igieghel lil popolin jobghod u jirredikola lin-nies ta klassi u edukazzjoni minflok kien jghidilhom “ejjew insiru bhalhom u ahjar minnhom”.

      Ruth, dahhal haga f’rasek: il-baxx QATT ma jista jkun aqwa mill-pulit. Jista jsir aqwa minnu imbilli isir bhalu u jissuperah. Pero Mintoff dan ma riedux.

    • Norwegian Wood says:

      ‘ ghamel zbalji wkoll. Bhall kull Gvern u mexxej’

      No Ruth, no other government or leader committed the serious ‘errors’ – more like atrocities in some cases – committed by Mintoff, with the exception, of course of KMB. Such as the absolute arrogance with which he governed the country, the class hatred that he sowed, the fact that violence was never dealt with (and was therefore encouraged and capitalised on), the lack of investment (water, electricity, telephones, computers) and job creation (admitted by the man himself), just to mention a few.

      In my view, Mintoff should be respected now simply because in this part of the world, we respect our dead; but this should not be confused with our obligation to condemn most vehemently most of what he did as MLP leader and Prime Minister and sadly, the legacy he left behind..

  12. Lomax says:

    I do not respect the dead if they were not worthy of respect in their lifetime. Mintoff was a tyrant. The fact that he’s dead doesn’t change this.

    And frankly yesterday’s cortege was organised by chavs for chavs. X’ hamallata! A friend today remarked that yesterday’s cortege bore an uncanny resemblance to Khomeini’s. I couldn’t agree more. And Mintoff’s Coffin Tour was hysterical as was Meri’s singing at that ghastly monument tal-helsien.

    When everything will be said and done, Mintoff will still be the tyrant that fostered, rewarded and glorified sloth and ignorance.

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