Published: August 20, 2012 at 10:22pm

May you rot in hell, you couple of heinous bastards.

I’m sticking this to the front page for a while so that you can scroll through the comments beneath. Twenty-five years of what we thought was normality, and then we find that the younger Labour generation are still rancid Mintoffjani, just as awful as their fathers and grandfathers who burned down The Times, sacked Eddie Fenech Adami’s home, created general mayhem and, above all, voted Labour in 1981, 1987 and 1992, when it was a clear demonstration of cracked thinking to do so (it still is, but those years were the absolute worst).

What is it going to take – another 10 generations?

….but quite frankly, the saints will probably go marching OUT once he walks in.

How very considerate of Mr Mintoff to make this one of my best birthdays ever.

Now excuse me while I rush out to celebrate.

I don’t speak ill of the dead and ordinarily I would consider any such behaviour to be totally crass, but in this case I have to make an exception.

This is the man without whom my life and the lives of those around me would have been completely different. Malta would have been completely different. It would have been so much better.

Dom Mintoff was appalling and hateful, an absolute sociopath, Malta’s Muammar Gaddafi, and let’s not be hypocritical and pretend otherwise just because he’s finally popped his worn-out, miserable clogs.

He should count himself lucky he died in his bed and not like his godawful friend across the water, which is what he truly deserved.

Let’s leave the hypocrisy and the panegyrics and the false rewriting of history to the Mintoffjani and the mealy-mouthed.

Of course, this probably means that his weasel of a daughter will be elected on a rush of sympathy and misplaced sentiment. But we’ll worry about that later.

1,860 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I’m off to celebrate. Crack open those bottles.

    • Rob79 says:

      How would you have felt if they had said the same about Guido deMarco? Ax dak b’subjah dritt, hux?

      • ..... says:

        Int tghajjar il xi hadd to get spelling lessons???? ghax ma tiehdux hsieb l-edukazzjoni jekk intom fil gvern!! imma insomma inutli tghidilkom ghax lanqas intom m’ghandkom edukazzjoni ghax dejjem fil but tahsbu ahseb u ara kemm ha tatu kas l edukazzjoni ta min m’ghandux biex ihallas private schools… int bis serjeta qeda fil politika?? nisthu nghidu li ghandna partitarji jitkellmu hekk messek wiccek jisthi!!!

    • Harry Potter says:

      May your children and that ugly son of daphne join him too..

    • gina lolobrigida says:

      me too !!!

    • Lise says:

      Foxx kemm ghandkom kollha ja qatta nies bla qalb u hodor….min jixtieq id-deni lil garu jigi f’daru ta zommuwa f’mohhkom. Ha naraw kemm nghidu glory glory Hallelujah la tmut dil-bala mgiddma Galizia,…imbad naraw kemm imorru niccelebraw by cracking open those bottles ta Baxxter. Vera nies li ma jisthaqqilkomx tissejhu cittadini ghax mintomx ghajr annimali bil-pedigree mcappas ma sormkom ja qatta hodor…..

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Jien m’ghandix pedigree ghax jien working class iktar minnek, u gej minn familja hamalla.

        Int u kwazi Malta kollha m’intomx kapaci tiddistingwu bejn il-persuna privata u l-figura pubblika.

        Ic-champagne kellu toghma qarsa lbieragh, u taf ghaliex? Ghax irrealizzajt li l-mewt tal-persuna privata mhix se twassal biex tizzarma l-legacy pubblika.

        Anzi, bil-logika mnejka tal-Maltin, il-mejjet issirlu agiografija, kien min kien u ghamel x’ghamel. Jigi trasfigurat f’qaddis intokkabbli.

        Ix-xorb ta’ champagne b’celebrazzjoni, bhaz-zfin ta’ victory jig fuq il-qabar, huwa att kontra l-legacy ta’ Mintoff.

        Imma ma nippretendix li int u d-99% l-ohra tifhmuha din. Ghalik, dan huwa biss “man kneeling down LOL heheh LOLZ”:

        Ghalik dan huwa distruzzjoni ta’ monument ghal ragel mejjet, x’gharukaza:

        Diga` qed nara eluf ta’ kummenti, hafna minnhom minn politici Nazzjonalisti, ghaddejjin bl-idjozija Maltija, li “whatever he did, good or bad, we must respect the memory of a dead person.” What utter tosh.

        This is not about a person. It’s about a public figure.

        It’s about a legacy. Unless that legacy is dismantled, brick by brick, the man’s death changes nothing.

        Imma ma nistennix li int se tifhem x’qed nghidlek, jew li se tinbidel xi haga. Ghalhekk id-Dom Perignon kellu toghma qarsa.

      • Joseph says:

        @ Daphne I am not yet sure what runs through your disturbed mind/head. Whether you have any conscience, love, respect, any sort of human feeling towards anybody or anything! Sometimes I wonder whether you have received any yourself throughout your life!
        I simply see you as a total psychopath who is struggling to show the world the hatered you have for the ones around you simply because you have not yet fullfilled your dreams or achieved what you have long waited for.
        I would be ashamaed of myself, in these days, in such a civilised community, to write such aricles. Having said that I am not ashamed to openly express my opinion agianst you (or anyone who supports you)! I hope that sometime you realise that the world will definetley be a better place, certainly not through the passing away of a political leader (whoever he may be)! It will be a better place if people like you never existed or were not given the right to utter any word, betterso write down whatever goes through their sick minds!
        Hope God has mercy on your soul when the day comes – unlike most people who read your blogs!
        And finally, may Dom Mintoff rest in peace – at the end of the day, good or bad, he was a human being like the rest of us and throughout his life he struggled to give the working class a better life! So sorry that, unfrotunately, I can see no struggle from your side for anyone in Malta to get a better chance of life!
        Joseph – EX PN supporter.

      • Md says:

        ma naqbel xejn mall kummenti ta’ tghajjir,kliem baxx u hamallu li qed tibghatu( mhux ghax ma jixirqilix tafx) ghax b’hekk qed tpaxxu lill din il gurnalista tal habba gozz,paztaza w hamalli li rnexxilha twaqqakhom ghall livel baxx li mgharufha ghalih. halluha tifga f’demmha.
        Kondoljanzi lill familja Mintoff
        RIP Perit missier Malta hielsa

      • sarah says:

        well said Mintoff died with dignity and respect she will die with nothing shamefull and discusting

        [Daphne – ‘Mintoff died with dignity.’ Love it.]

      • nobody says:

        H.P. Baxter, yesterday was the death of the person. The death of the public figure was in 1998, when he retired from politics.

      • Frankie says:

        @H.P Baxter – Yes, unfortunately, Mintoff’s legacy has been being dismantled for the past 25 years by this present government, we have been seeing the social services he introduced perishing one by one, gone are the days when the citizen gets a house from the government with a really cheap price, and gets a subsidized loan as well, gone are the rights of the workers, pension is on the brink as well, and God knows what’s next. I remember the times before Mintoff came into power when the workers had no minimum wage, no leave, no 40 hour week, no bonuses, no sick leave, no pension, I still remember the time before Mintoff, when wage increase used to be given by percentage, does who earn a lot get a big increase and those who worked for pennies got next to nothing, women had to work with a wage far less than men (because according to the P.N of those days, women were only meant to stay in the kitchen) they had no right to vote, beggars on the streets, isn’t this all the legacy of this great man? And then people with sorry arses like you and this horrible bitch refer to this greatest statesman Malta has ever seen like this? Shame on you. At least you had the decency to admit that you’ve got no pedigree and that you are coming from a “hamalla” family!

      • marc says:

        lise, you are talking like this because you can. If you spoke like this under a Labour regime (about Labour) no one will ever hear from you again.

      • Il-Hajbu says:

        @ Joseph.

        “Having said that I am not ashamed to openly express my opinion agianst you (or anyone who supports you)!”

        Joseph, are you sure you are not ashamed to openly express your opinion against Daphanie when hiding your identity behind the pseudo name of “Joseph”?

        Can you respect our intelligence please?

    • Chris says:

      din qatt ma mitiela xi hadd eghziez f’hajjita biex tghaddi dawn il-kummenti f’mument daqshekk kommoventi ghall-familja Mintoff u kull min lill-Perit iqisu bhala missieru jew l-idolu tieghu! Daphne ahna f’pajjiz demokratiku nghixu imma poplu edukat ukoll, tkunx injoranta pls.

      • Muammar Gaddafi says:

        Baxxter ghandek zball meta ghedt ‘bil-logika mnejka tal-Maltin, il-mejjet issirlu agiografija, kien min kien u ghamel x’ghamel. Jigi trasfigurat f’qaddis intokkabbli’

        Zball ghaliex skond proverbju klassiku Ruman ‘de mortuis nihil nisi bonum’. Jigifieri ‘dwar il-mejtin tghid xejn hlief it-tajjeb’. Dan ma qalux xi plebew hamallu imma nies kolti bhal Cicerun ecc. Jigifieri li wara l-mewt issib xi haga tajba anke f’mostru hu sinjal ta’ civilizzazjoni. Ir-rumani antiki kellhom hemm minkejja s-salvagismu taghhom.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Ir-Rumani qalu wkoll “bonis nocet quisqus malis perpercit”.

    • M.AA says:

      bott liba

    • TG says:

      Mur, hadd m’hu se jwaqqfek jew jikkalkulak. Sa frattant, jekk int nazzjonalist anqas il-partit tieghek ma jaqbel mieghek siehbi, ghax jekk tghaddi min quddiem il-kwartieri taghkom bil-bandiera mezzasta kienu.

      J’alla meta tmut int l-familjari tieghek jisimaw l-istess kliem li qed tghaddi int, bl-arroganza kollha tieghek Daphne.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        U l-PN hawnhekk qed jaghmel l-izball tipiku Malti: il-laghqizmu. Falsehood for the sake of reconciliation. Which will never happen anyway, the way things are going.

        Bandiera mezzasta indeed…. Lanqas il-protocol ma jafu. Jekk veru rridu nnizzlu l-bandiera mezzasta ghax miet ex-prim ministru, mela dan ghandu jsir fuq bini tal-Gvern ta’ Malta, mhux tal-partiti. Bah. Imbasta avukati.

      • FAVETTU says:

        This must be the blasphemy of the century – the PN should have never hoisted its flag at half-mast at the passing away of the beast who could never do them ever any worse than it did, irrespective of this being state mourning or not.

        Corner all the genuine PN supporters and see how (inwardly) insulted they all feel; this must be the worst of all recent mistakes we have suffered from the administration of our party. Please mark your actions please; stop acting blindly.

    • Frank Zammit says:

      A typical Nationalist; vindictive, arrogant, full of bull, masochist, suffers from acute paranoia, unrespectful, inconsistent and full of HOT AIR. I dare to go celebrate in Bormla or pop your Champagne bottles during his funeral.

      • OpenMinded Source. says:

        Filwaqt li naqbel mieghek li dawn ma humiex kummenti li ghandom jinghidu etc, rrid nwissik li :

        Qieghed tizballja tigeneralizza, m’ghandekx ghax tghid ghalija, ghax inti qieghed tinsulta numru sabih ta’ nies Maltin li jivvottaw lil dan il-partit, prova tkunx hekk inti ukoll bi kliemek.

      • Gs says:

        Tigenerilzzzax bir rispett kollu

      • behind you says:

        Pretty big words for a Mintoff supporter

      • XOXO says:

        perhaps you mean disrespectful ?

    • hope you die you heartless bitch says:

      ill crack open your head

    • Observer says:


      How one may rejoice on the death of another and post it everywhere for all to see is simply crass ignorance of the lowest kind.

      Surely can’t you keep these kinds of sentiment to yourselves or do you feel so relieved at the passing away of an old man that you feel you have to crack open the bottle?

      The mind boggles. And you have the balls to call others names?

    • janise says:

      mintoffffffffffffffffffffffffffff is salvaturrrr taghnaaa strieh fil paci mintoffff …. int xorta ha tipqa fqalbna … int li zgur hemm post ghalik fil genna.xxxx ….. u intt ma fik sugu ta xejn minalik et tipresjonaaa billi et tajd dal kliemm … minalik li has sir populariii billi et tghid dal kliemm… ax kieku kien missieri jew nanuwii ara kemm ghandek paroli nawgekk konttt u imbad isibu il ksuhattt … ptuuuu ghalik …. janise :)

    • jaq galizia says:

      u zgur li ticcelebra injorant ghax bill gonzipn-jpo-fd tibki bahnan qijed … par idejn sodi … biex inzommu it-toilet paper

    • fuck you says:

      kiku ma kienx hu ghalija int l ewwel wahda mandekx dritt al xejn.

      • xer says:

        ghidilha mela ghax din hasbet li hi xi gran alla nahseb ja mara hadra u hara ta l akbar annimal

    • Malteser says:

      I knew people who always said that they would celebrate when he is gone, but unfortunately they died before him at a young age because of all the terror and destruction he caused. Father of Malta, ma tarax! Malta’s very own Gaddafi, more like. Finally, freedom from this hate-driven human being.

    • ommok says:

      jien ghandi biss 15 il-sena u ha nghidlek , nies bhalek niddubita immaturawx. kemm int injorant.

    • joe says:

      kemm tixtiq li kellek lil missirek kapaci phal perit. heq imma ghahjar issaqsi minu propja missirek deph ghax wisq probabli int gejt mintahlita ta sperma qarsa tinten ghax hlif remetar mhux hirec minhalqek tibzax la tmut int ghat iridu jimpjegaw bnidem mal qabar tighek jimpala il harra u nadaf il lapida jek ikkollok lapida. hares deph tantx toqot tajjat hafna li kif jithol il perit johorgu il qadisin ta ghakif tihol int jiremetti ALLA

      • Angus Black says:

        Ahjar tmur titghallem tikteb bil-Malti, jew int wiehed minn dawk li tghallimt l-Gharbi qabel il-Malti?

        Int veru kampjun ta l-eluf li l-Partit Laburista jrid jibni l-futur ta Malta!

        Ghal kliem baxx, stupidu w moqziez ghandek takkwista PhD bla problema ta xejn.

      • R.A. says:

        Angus Black – Il-kumment tal-kliem baxx, stupidu u moqziez ikun ahjar jekk tindirizzah lil Daphne – ghax il-bassezzi u l-hdura li tikteb huma veru tal-biza! Bir-ragunament tieghek, Daphne diga’ akkwistat il-PhD minn dan il-lat.

    • dmifsud says:

      il -bottles dahhalhom go oxx ommok li ghandk tinhexa mad dud gol qabar ta razztek……..kompli indanna u ixrob ic champania…ghax mintoff ghex ta ALLA mahbub min tlett kwarti ta malta u int kull mint bicca zibel tinheba wara isem falz…jhekk int ragel inzel bormla is sibt jew ejja il belt il funeral u irepeti dan id diskors …halli il flixkun xampanja indahluwulek from your drain pipe u l-ebda profesur go l-isptar ta mater DEJN ma jaqlahhulek……naf li qed tither bis sem falz .imma itlob l-alla li ivvintak li ma nkunx naf min int ja liba tal qzieqez…..nixtieqlek min qieh qalbi cancer f rasek kbir daqs ballun tal football .lin nies li hawn fuq dan il blog nghidilhom skuzawni ta dan il lingwagg li kelli nuza imma dan il kumment haqqu kiteb dan iz zibel haqqu hafna ghar.

    • xewka says:

      I would rather pray for you and hope your hatred be turned in love.

    • Byron says:

      Listen you uneducated, rude twat. I was not around during his time but I was raised with an understanding of human respect. If you have the nerve and cheek to say these things, I would say to you, “look in the mirror” how can you say this, you are just a petulant child with a very small understanding of what really happened? I will tell you how. You are a fu**ing loser and have absolutely no respect: 1-for your elders 2-your betters 3-anyone with a brain. Really, get over yourself and let people mourn for their own and get off your paper soap box and let people be. I am somewhat sure you actually live in Malta, or you would not have given your obviously second hand opinion that is just a small persons way of sucking their own thumb. What a Loser. Get a Life!!

      • ciccio says:

        Byron, where are the others?
        I mean, Derston, Jason, Charlon, Byon, Tyson, Cleavon… Hardon?

    • manuel grech says:

      Miet ragel kbir. Li kieku ma kienx hu nehha lil inglizi u l monarkija hemm dawk il jobs kollha tigne point kieku kollhu taht l inglizi ghadu tigne point

    • manuel grech says:

      Miet RAGEL KBIR li kieku ma kienx hu kecca lil Inglizi u l monarkija m’hemmx dawk il jobs kollha per ezempju bhal tigne point ghax kieku kollhu taht l Inglizi ghadu tigne point.

      • Hibernating in Malta says:

        eh mela hawn jobs issa?

      • xer says:

        kieku tiddandan u tixtri ja bicca ta kerha.kulhadd mar jaghtih qima anke nazzjonalisti u ministri nazzjonalisti u hija bis hdura hierga min halqa

    • ex pn says:

      aqlawla lhara l dil libatura u xkupa tal lanzit!!!!!!!!!!! ommmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaaaa kem int keraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    • Libertas says:

      I wonder what Fredu Sant is doing.

    • Investigator says:

      I am ex PN and have had to be careful about what I say because of the bad experience I was forced through. Dom Mintoff was not perfect. He never pretended to be. He did do a lot of good for the common people and the Nation as a whole.

      Hatred, sarcasm and cheap one sided comments only show how much more we have to learn. One thing is for sure, the man was a good negotiator. Lord Carrington said so. He did not give away public assets like John Dalli did when he sold Mid Med Bank for next to nothing without authority. Dom Mintoff and all the Maltese who participated in Malta moving forward are heroes. Dom Mintoff had a belief and the Maltese made Malta what it is because of people like him.
      Dom Mintoff the MAN and ARCHITECT with determination and foresight who gave the MALTESE NATION it’s EDUCATION, DIGNITY ,SELF-DETERMINATION AND FREEDOM. MAY HE R.I.P.

      Dom Mintoff was controversial in his life and he is controversial in his death. Due to this he will always be remembered good or bad.

      A lot of people have much to learn. This man fought against all odds and the big Western powers at a time when all other countries were going through a change demanding their Independence from colonialism. Has Malta lost its freedom and Sovereignty since joining the EU? I think it has.

      [Daphne – A very convincing imitation of an ex PN. You got the tone just right. ]

    • xer says:

      xrob ?skirt ? tfewaqt ? ja sahhara hazina ghax ma tixrobx min dak il valenu li hiereg min ilsienek forsi tibqa tahtu annimal feroci ahjar minnek ghax anke nazzjonalisti qed jitkazaw bik . il pn messu qas ikellmek aktar ha naraw x taghmel inbad . jien ma nafx min qed ikelmek u jtik wicc ax jien nisthie kieku nimxi mieghek ahseb u ara inkelmek

    • xer says:

      irringrazjah li qed tahdem go dik il fabrika inti ta ghax kieku min jaf x sar minnek zibel

      [Daphne – Fabbrika! Maaaa, x’mentalita. Tippreferu toqghodu taghmlu l-jeans bhac-Cinizi minflok ikollkom xoghol suret in-nies.]

      • manuel grech says:

        Dear Daphne, About the factories: so you think that the chinese people that work in factories, that manufacturing jeans are idiots or have something wrong, because chines people work in factories that what ara you saying?

        [Daphne – No, they’re not wrong. They have no other opportunities. Factory work moves where there are the most desperate people. That alone should tell you most of what you need to know about how great life was under Mintoff.]

    • jody says:

      you’re crass in the best of times but this takes the it and i hope you choke bitch,cannot beleive that such a roman catholic,more maltese catholic i call them have such it till you meet satan ,you lump of shit



  2. geek says:

    Thank god I deleted the d.mintoff file I had on my Desktop. And used Shift+Delete just to make sure he will *never* come back.

    • iziah says:

      Fuuckk youu bitchhh

    • gianelle says:


    • axisa says:

      int iblah xint?

    • Frank Zammit says:

      You see how important Mintoff the Great was u had a file named MINTOFF on your desktop. No one has a file named Daphne on his desktop…..well maybe Beelzebub has

      [Daphne – Maltastar and the Labour Party’s satellite sites, including Malta Today, certainly do have folders called Daphne. And of course I have a folder called Mintoff – where else would I file his pictures?]

      • Chris says:

        Maybe you get his pictures from between your mother’s legs bitch!!

      • Victor Vella says:

        Unlike most of the Labour supporters here I am using my name. This because I am used to violence being directed at me by the MLP supporters, I am used to victimization simply because of my political leanings.

        So no I am not afraid and never was to publish my name.

        Those of you who regard Mintoff as their father have a God given right to do so, but they only do so because they owe what they acquired to him, no they did not apply for the jobs they have or had but they were posted there with the blessing of the MLP (in those days Mintoff alone was the MLP.)

        Those who own houses nowadays worth over 200 K in Pembroke and other GHS areas owe it to Mintoff. But no Nationalist ever got those benefits.

        The words and threats here scare me for only one reason, my kids brought up in peaceful time in Malta since 1987 are going to have to face these people who have never changed, but have only been sleeping and bottling up their anger because they were afraid that they would be victimized like we were in their days.

        So let us all pray that we do not get another Mintoff and that these so called MALTESE CHANGE THEIR WAY as otherwise we are in for trouble.

        To those who used degrading words I say why don’t you show your names and tell us how you got your jobs.

      • Chris says:

        Victor meta trid niltaqghu ma ghandi l-ebda problema…u jien ma nitfax il-gebla u nahbi idejja bhal din is-sahhara…24hrs protection minn fuq darek u dari….u dan kollu ghax ghanda ilsiena twil. Inserrahlek rasek li jekk niltaqghu mhux ghal glied imma biex qabel tparla tkun taf li jien ghandi job ghax hdimt ghalieh u ikkunsidra l-istudji li ghamilt il-paga u l-kundizzjonijiet huma mizeri, mizeri ghax il-gvern tieghek l-aqwa li jkollu ic-cifri ta’ kemm ma hawnx qaghad u mhux ta’ kemm hawn xoghol ta’ kwalita’. U bilhaqq jien b’ismi qed nidher!!

    • dmifsud says:

      ghalfejn minfloku ma tghamilx ritratt ta xi dgajsa kollha klandestini li mela lil malta bijhom dak ta bla sinsla gonzi….ja bot liba tal qzieqez

      • tansplants says:

        il klandestini gejjin Malta minhabba Gaddafi…. wiehed mil l-ikbar hbieb tas Salvatur ta Malta

      • Hibernating in Malta says:

        Oh! Is now Labour an extreme far right party? It’s been confirmed.

    • mintoffjan says:

      mela issa ghamel ta daphne liba caruana fuq id desktop

    • xer says:

      inti annimal/a ukoll ax flok tirringrazjah qed turi linjoranza li ghandek tixghal

  3. Acquired says:

    Tasteless, utterly.

    Any decent human being considers such behaviour totally crass, and this case is no exception.

  4. george r.r. martin says:

    The night is dark and full of terrors.

  5. kemm int kera says:

    miin jixtieq id-deni l garu jigi f’daru … u zomm f’mohhok li int wahda mill-iktar nisa koroh tad dinja …ja mara HADRAAA u BLA QALB !!

    • gina lolobrigida says:

      kull ma qhamlet kitbet il verita….ma ninsewx li issa qeghdin f pajjiz demokratiku

      • poor heart broken loll says:

        il- verita twegga l kulhadd u hawn Daphne laqtet il musmar fuq rasu u li qalet kollu minnu… min hu zaghzugh ma jafx xjigifiri u ji jsarraf mintof u lklikka li kellu madwaru fis 70’s, jien naf minn xiex ghaddiena ja qattus…
        minn kollox ghamel imma li jara l labour fil gvern qabel ma jmut ma rnexxielux hahahahaahaa!!!
        Cheers ghal dawk kolla li hadu ferha llum :D

      • Giddibin says:

        oma meta Fenekadami kien jejd fil meatings IVUTAWLI GHAX JIEN NAF MIN QATEL LIL RAYMOND CARWANA U META NITILAW FIL GVERN NAJDILKOM. tela u adu ma qalx sal lum . dik verita ? jitnejek bik f wickom kien

      • ciccio says:

        @ poor heart broken loll, you actually make an important point. Joseph Muscat was probably very keen not only to become the youngest Labour PM after Mintoff, but also to become Labour PM while Mintoff was still around. This last plan has now failed. Hopefully, the other one will fail too.

      • mintoffjan says:

        to poor heart broken, mintoff kill ma ghamel ta lil dik il liba ommok il vot ja pufta kollok kemm int

    • gina lolobrigida says:

      Il verita twegga KEMM INT KERA…….U KEMM INT KERA nafu bizejjed min hu ahdar u bla qalb

    • Barbara Agatha says:

      ippublika ritratt tieghek ha nara kemm int sabieha.

  6. Kurt Micallef says:

    You must be kidding me? That man has done more good to Malta and its people than you will ever hope to do. You have no right to talk against him that way, especially now that he has died. If you have a personal grudge against him, do us all a favour and keep it to yourself. You must be ashamed of yourself. May you rot in hell like all witches deserve.

    [Daphne – ‘You have no right to talk against him that way’: Mintoffiani always did have a peculiar interpretation of free speech.]

    • Massimiliano says:

      There is a difference between free speech and hate speech. Make the distinction D.C.G. The argument of free speech and freedom of expression have been used as an excuse to justify some very shameful acts. Show some integrity and don’t stoop to such levels.

      You may not have agreed with some or many of his views in life but respect the dead, or is your copy of the bible missing some pages in the new testament.

    • Kurt Micallef says:

      Yes they did, just like they were in favour of the many social benefits that all of you now benefit from. :) However, there always is a limit and personally I feel that you just skipped that limit. Respect is another thing and it has nothing to do with freedom of speech…it seems that you lack that as well.

    • Fuck you says:

      You speak as if free speech is an absolute right Daphne.

      [Daphne – All rights are absolute, Fuck You (gosh, how I enjoyed saying that). That’s why they are rights. When rights appear to be conditioned or qualified, it is really a negative effect on the rights of others that we are talking about. One example: there is a right to privacy. The right to freedom of speech cannot be used to curtail the right to privacy. Nor, in the case of public persons, can the right to privacy be used to curtail the right to free speech.]

      Do you not realise that you’re inculcating violence?

      [Daphne – Have you read these comments here, Fuck You? Then don’t talk to me about violence. There is nothing violent in what I wrote, but the comments that came in response are quite unbelievable if you were not, as I was, raised under Labour and had to deal with all this as normal life.]

      What are you gaining out of this?

      [Daphne – I forgot for a minute there that in Labour/Maltese culture, you do things because you ‘get something’ out of it. That’s why you lot can’t understand what I am, what I do or that it’s normal elsewhere. And that’s why you say I must be paid to do it, because you wouldn’t do it unless you were paid handsomely. But then you couldn’t anyway, because you just don’t have what it takes, so there you go.]

      You’re rotten, and well, it doesn’t matter for Mintoff to have one idiot speaking like you on his death. But see the difference: YOU will have thousands of people speaking like you on your death. Now, that is the POWER of free speech ;)

      [Daphne – Mintoff’s death is being celebrated by many more people than one idiot, Fuck You. It’s just that this one idiot has a website and doesn’t give a flying f**k what people like you think. Nor am I even remotely afraid of your threats and violence. You’re all so freaking ridiculous, like the tool characters in some East End mob film.]

      • Fuck you says:

        As a matter of fact, not all rights are absolute, idiot.

        Fuck you ;)

        [Daphne – You’re clear on the matter that freedom of speech ends where my right to live free of threats begins, apparently, because you make a point of being anonymous. Fuck you? I’d rather become a lesbian.]

      • Fuck you says:

        Well, Daphne Caruana Galizia, let me give you a hint. I’m as anonymous as you are in court. And I can preserve my right to be anonymous to the same extent that I am able to link your articles to you in court. And trust me, I’m not making any efforts here.

        Therefore, quite frankly, I’m not the least afraid of what ever you think you could do.

        And, of course, fuck you, idiot ;)

        [Daphne – I have no intention to doing anything to you. I don’t have a Labour mentality, but perhaps you’ve noticed that. I just wonder why you’re all such bloody cowards. Scared of a woman? My, my, my. Tmorru taghmlula xi haga fid-dlam? Rgiel bla bajd. Jekk ma jkollkomx xi trakk tad-Drydocks u l-prim ministru maghkom biex tmorru tfarrku kull m’hemm, jew tahgmlu tahtkom jew taghmlu minn taht.]

      • Teresa Pace says:

        You are the one who provokes violence Daphne.You’re all so negative and provokes such hate between people, to yourself and your family.

      • Fuck you says:

        @ Daphne: This is the provocative side of my comment: You now make sexist remarks. Now you assume that an anonymous commentator is male, and you go beyond, to the ridiculous point that you assume the commentator is afraid of you. To a psychologist or psychiatrist, all this reveals just too much.

        As always,
        Fuck you ;) Idiot.

        And this is outside the scope of ‘fuck you’. A personal (and sincere) suggestion:

        Change your life. Make an apology to all those you’ve hurt, and base your new life on love, not anger. And I’m sorry for using the term ‘fuck you’. Just don’t be angry towards life. If you do, it WILL hit you back, in one way or another. Quite frankly, you can pretend that you give no fuck about what everyone says about you. But, unless you’re a genius, I’m sure you do care, deep inside down. And I’m sure you’re not a genius. If you were, then you wouldn’t give a fuck about Mintoff’s death, or anything else you spend so much time writing about. I repeat: base your life on love NOT ANGER.

      • Carmelo Mangion says:

        I’d rather become a lesbian. — Kont hsiebtek hekk fil fatt… minitex ?? … insomma ha nigi ghal li kont se nghid.. Mid-dehra thobb tilaghaba tal-wahda cool… imma il mistoqsija tieghi hi wahda… li kieku vera ghala biebek minn x jghidu in- nies u ma tibzax minn hadd, ghaliex jinghad li ghandhek l’ghassa wara biebek ?

        Ghax ma tghamilx bicca xoghol ta mara ? Jekk ghandek il-gutts mur ikri Trailer u truck u inzel Bormla u ghid dan kollhu li ktiebt fl artikli kollha tieghek f mass meeting… Ilqahha l’isfieda jekk int mara !

      • Grezz says:

        I agree with Daphne that Mintoff’s death is being celebrated by more than one person.

        I yesterday posted a comment that at the exact time that Mintoff’s death was made public, there were shouts of joy in my neighbourhood, and, yes, fireworks were actually let off, too. Seriously. Just a little round of them, but certainly not a coincidence.

      • imfaqqa says:

        int vera mara bla qalb demel injoranta pastaza kumidjanta li awn f wicc id dinja hsibt li la tmut int ha jqattaw xarom in nies ma tafx li bhal ma tamel jamlulek ja mother fucker from another mother fucker with your lovely father fucker

      • red says:

        Dear Grezz…. The fact that you have herd people celebrating Mintoff’s death shows that in fact the Nationalists might in fact be greater ‘hamalli’ than the labour as there were no celebrations nor people talking like DCG when Gwido De Marco passed away. I myself am a Nationalist and i know some of DCG’s family and i’m disapointed to read her post of celebration for the death of a person ! All in all i must add that if Mintoff and his Clikka did whatever they liked at their time, now we have the BLUE clikka doing whatever they like….. This is not something we should be talking about as this should have nothing to do with the death of a person.
        Please stop calling each other rude names as it can only provoke violence.

    • Joseph Carmel Chetcuti says:

      Daphne is yet to learn that free speech is not hate speech … which may well explain why some Labourites decided to put Nationalists like her in their place? She obviously needs to visit a psychiatrist although I doubt any sane psychiatrist would invite her to sit on his or her couch! They would probably throw themselves out of a window, preferring suicide to having to put up with her antics. Fancy being a columnist for The Malta Independent.

      • ciccio says:

        Is life in Melbourne so boring?

      • Jozef says:

        ‘… which may well explain why some Labourites decided to put Nationalists like her in their place’

        How is it that when things come to a head, you lot always have to mention physical violence?

    • witch says:

      erm……it is not fair to use the term witch in Ms.Galizia’s case…have some respect on the good witches….and we do not deserve to rot in hell….blessings

  7. hubert grech says:

    ghax ma tmurx tiehdu f oxx kemm ghandek ja qahba foxx imnihrek dak il kbir li ghandek ahjar toghod kwieta foxx id -dwejjaq li ghandek taghmel party jaqbillek ghax iz-zejza daqt tieqaf terda ja qahbaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    • Murdock2 says:

      the grand hooligan and arrogant Mintoffjan type. Isthi thgid li inti Malti bniedem bla gieh u mahmug bhal sidek.

      • Rhona says:

        Unlike this sorry ecue of a person?? freedom of speech honey let people say what they want and if you dont like it just close the page, Nghamluha tal peteti taparsi manafu nidghu nahseb qatt madghajt u int? jaaaaaaaaaq kif iqalawni nies bhalek hi

      • hubert grech says:

        ahseb il habiba tieghek kemm missha tisthi aktar mela. Kemm intom qaddisin twadbu l gebla u tahbu idejkom. Mux bhali jekk trid naghtikom l indirizz u anke n numri tal mobile ta ukoll bully.. Arroganti ghax nitkellem bil malti pur ?? Jien minix noffendi n nazjonalisti, jien qedt noffendi lil dik is sahara

    • dm says:

      Good Lord, that’s some excellent vocabulary you have, very articulate, I must say! Your Maltese teacher must be so proud.

      • Teresa Pace says:

        The article was very provocative. It is the natural response unfortunately. Unfortunately many people react to hate with hate thus such language. Ahjar you try and control Daphne and her nasty comments to prevent such outbursts. Well she is to blame as it was a nasty article…very nasty to say the least.Unfortunately I share the same species as her like everyone else who commented…or do we?

      • dm says:

        Two wrongs never made a right, and that is definitely not a way to speak. I never said that his sympathisers shouldn’t retaliate against her article, but there’s a way and a way.

      • hubert grech says:

        ahjar minnek ghax jien kburi li naf nikteb bil -malti bahnan mhux bhalek

      • dm says:

        Kieku jien ma nafx nitkellem bil- Malti, ma nikkritikax il- Malti tieghek, ghaziz hubert grech. Anzi mhux naf nitkellmu il- Malti, naf nuzah, mhux bhalek, li waqqajt lingwa tant sabiha, ghac- cajt!

    • mintoff il king! says:

      xiz zobb qeda tajd ja mara kera la tmut inti malta tihu ruh ax kul meta nifthu il bieb ta bara inhabtu wicna ma mara kera bhalek jaqqqqqqq kemm ma nahmelkx foxx kemm andek a liba hadra hazina li gabitek fid dinja min zobb dak likrah missirek u jien huh mur hudu fox id demm tijaj u fox kemm andek u rasek naqtawilek go giljotina u la jigi producer ta the exorsist jaf jiproponilek a kurnuta …!

      • dARE ME says:

        dan pufta kbira…. mint int…chicken

      • xer says:

        well done ghax vera messa tisthie . din taf li anke pn people kontra taghha fuq li qed tghid ghax vera ma tisthiex ta mur kieku kien missiera li miet u tisma hekk, tirringrazja il alla li waslet fejn qeda bis sahha tieghu daqs kemm igiled ghad drittijiet tal maltin, u ara ma tigix issemmili ic cukulata ta ghax vera tkun bl sens

        inti vera sahhara hazina …
        (.go and fuck your self )forsi tistrieh mid dwejjaq li ghandek ja haga kerha

        [Daphne – My God, none of you can speak or write English and you can’t even speak or write proper Maltese. How do you have conversations? That’s right, you don’t. Msieken. Your lives must be truly circumscribed and really restricted.]

    • giocondo says:

      ma nistax nifhem kif ma tiddejaqx titkellem daqshekk baxx fuq bniedem bhal dan. kellek bzonn ghamilt farka mil gid li ghamel hu. int tajba biss biex tnissel il mibgheda. imma tibzax ghax ta kulhadd tasal ta. nigi fuq dak il liba qabrek u wara li nahralek fuqu ingerrih u ngiba fuq ir ritratt titieghek u nolqotlok imniehrek. zgurr mghandix infalli ghax qisu zobb ta jixraqlek xi mitt klandestin kollha bzobb daqs sigra u jahxuk kollha wiehed wara liehor u jitfawa fuq imniehrek ja mara ndannata u mxdejqa mejta ghal zobbi.

  8. AB says:

    You are unbelievable. How dare you! You have no soul and no heart and you are so SAD with your life. Only sad and pathetic people would say such words about someone – ANYONE who just died. SHAME ON YOU and your ignorance. You disgust me

    RIP Perit Mintoff!

    [Daphne – You’d be better served by learning how to spell unbelievable, AB. Love for Mintoff will get you precisely nowhere. But you should have learned that by now, even if you’re too damned thick and brainwashed to see that all you have today you have because of the Nationalist Party in government.]

    • Chris says:

      xandna il lum bis sahha tan nazjonalisti ? kontijiet ezagerati tad dawl u l’ilma li il poplu ma jistax ilahhaq mahhom( sakem ma tkunx tal klikka , jew ikollok xi xbinek jinpalalek il liri minn fuq dar il poplu ), kaxxa ta malta falluta , gvern jekk tista isejjahlu hekk instabli maqsuq fi 3 klikek ( direzjoni ghal gol hajt ) … , sptar “state of the art” ghal biex nixxowjaw u ghalxejn aktar ….. stagnar fil pajjiz assolut …. , nies qeda. dejjem jekk ma tkunx fil klikka bhalek e qed najdu

      [Daphne – Turi li trabbejt taht gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti, Chris, la tiehu kollox for granted. Jien trabbejt taht il-gvernijiet ta’ dak il-moqziez fahxi Dom Mintoff u dak l-iscum ta’ Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, u minhabba hekk, napprezza kollox li ghandna issa, specjalment il-veru helsien li muhiex it-tluq minn Malta tan-navy Ingliz ghax spiccalhom il-kuntratt fil-31 ta’ Marzu 1979 u ma ridux iggedduh, allavolja Mintoff karab qisu tallab iddisprat u kellu imur ghal flus ghand dak il-poxt l-iehor ta’ Gaddafi minflok.]

      • Ashley says:

        and where would the hate get you exactly Daphne? Seriously now…

        and pointing out spelling mistakes? is that your comeback? hah pathetic.

        BY THE WAY, muhiex is actually spelt mhuwiex and you don’t say kellu imur but kellu jmur :) careful Dahpne! ouch you really shouldn’t have said that.

        ever heard about karma? wait for the bite on your ass. Is it as ugly as your face?

        And for the record, jekk qed tahseb li jien xi laburista ghandek zball, I’m not ‘brainwashed’ by neither!

      • rai says:

        ghandna lila mux bizzejjed ixxomu il bettieh daphne ?

      • andy says:

        Nirajk jidirlek Mintoff u jwahxek.

        [Daphne – Jekk ma wahhaxniex fil-hajja, andy, ma tantx nahseb li se jwahhaxni fil-mewt.]

      • Chris says:

        Dak il-poxt ta’ Gaddafi, tajba din, dan l-istess wiehed li siehbek Gonzi PN (dak ta’ zijuh ‘isqof’) flimkien mal-habib tieghek RCC, kienu jmorru jitghannqu mieghu u jilghaqugh u ma kellomx il-kapacita li jaghmlu xi haga tajba ghalina bhala poplu? Dazgur ma niehux kollox for granted, ghax bhalissa min jaf kemm qed tgawdi int, ara l-maggoranza tal-poplu spiccajna nahdmu bla drittijiet ta’ xejn, bla kundizzjonijiet u paga mizera, ara xi wahda bhalek, hekk tkun komda!!

      • Kurt Micallef says:

        ‘napprezza kollox li ghandna issa’: Tapprezza l-Mars u l-Bounty Daphne? Dan kollu ghax ma kellekx cikkulata fi zmienek? Prova ghidli kif tista’ tbiddel pajjiz minn wiehed ibbazat fuq ekonomija fortizza ghal wiehed indipendenti ekonomikalment u fl-istess hin timporta hafna aktar affarijiet milli tesporta. Biex irnexxielu jehles il-Maltin mill-hakkiema barranin, il-Perit ipprefera ma jimpurtax kummiedji zejda li n-nies setghu jghaddu minghajrhom. Nixtieq nara l-Gvern tant ghaziz tieghek jipprova jwassal lil Malta fejn wassalha Mintoff dak iz-zmien.

        [Daphne – Kemm tiflah tkun injorant. This is not about chocolate. You really, truly have absolutely no idea what hell life was under Mintoff, because it is completely outside your experience. But that is no excuse. I never lived through World War II, but I have the facts, and the ability to understand them, on what life in Malta was like in the early 1940s.]

      • Mary says:

        Daphne ruhi ghalekk ghandek dak li ghandek illum hux ghax trabbejt taht Mintoff! Ahjar tighd li issa ma ghadna xejn!! Ghax dal gvern qerded kollox!!! Ma kienx kapacci izomm lil Malta fuq saqajja!!

      • gaddafi says:

        Jupp … Mintoff fottielek tfulitek u zghozitek. Int stess qed tghidha. Haha … paxxejtni!

      • Muammar Gaddafi says:

        Jigifieri qed tammetti li kellek tfuliktek infern u dwejjaq! hahaha PAXXEJTNI ghax dan ifisser li hajtek kollha se tkun imdejjqa. Saqsi psikjatra u jghidlek li t-trawmiet KOLLHA tal-hajja ghandhom gheruq f’xi kedda li tkun sofrejt meta ckejken. JUPPPPPPPPP

      • Kurt Micallef says:

        ‘Kemm tiflah tkun injorant.’: Getting pissed off now my dear Daphne? Please calm down and help yourself to the vast selection of sweets that your beloved Nationalist party is importing. Nevermind the fact that our economy is failing. Or that we rank in the top 5 obese European countries. Or that your government is privatising everything on this little island. But don’t worry lads…little Ms. Daphne prefers chocolates to a stable economy :3

        [Daphne – Actually, I dislike chocolate greatly. And the economy is stable. I would know that, because I spent 16 of my formative years in a stagnating economy. It was stable, yes, in the same way that a fetid pond is stable.]

      • MC says:

        very fair reply by DCG I must say. All PL supporters complain because things are taken for granted!

      • ... says:

        Skuzani Ms Daphne, imma jekk ommok u missierek kienu jsawtuk fi zmien Mintoff ifisser li habba fih kont tghix qisek f’infern ? Mela jekk ommok u missierek cahduk minn xi gharus li princess daphne rabtet qalbha mieghu u ommok u missierek ma hallewkx tohrogx mieghu ifisser li we were in a living hell ? Mela imbilli ma kontx issib platti xi twaddab lir-ragel ifisser li t-tort ta mintoff ? Mela ghax it-tfal tieghek hargu l iktar nies koroh tal-klassi tal-iskola taghhom it-tort ta mintoff ? Jien nahseb habba f’dawn il-kumbinazzjonijiet li m’ghandhom xejn x’jaqsmu mal-politika li wehel mieghek il-perit, minghajr ma kellu htija.

        Anyways, kurzita zghira, ghaliex qatt ma thajjart tohrog ghall-politika u mhux tikteb blogs biss ? Forsi min jaf, tibda turina int kif ghandek tmexxi pajjiz..

      • fox kem ghandek daphne says:

        int tisthi min alla li halqek?? ara tajdx li int nisranija ukoll, ghax dejjem ta hekk tilabuwa. xqat tawna il gvernijiet nazjonalisti li qed tajat bijom?? tajd ma tawx lil familji maltin dak li hadna taht gvernijiet tal labour. xi trid taprezza li ghandek?? il qziz u il hara imcapas ma wiccek. tider li ma trabejtx taht il gvern nazjonalista ta qabel mintoff, hem kont tkun taf xini il hajja, ghax int lanqas min strada stretta ma kont taqla xtikol. mar ghand min mar mintoff il flus dejjem botja gabom u mhux bself jew bih il malta bhal ma ghamel alla tieghek eddie u faqa lina u lil ulidna bid dejn. gaddafi ghanka sihbek mar ghandu jek tiftakar sew u ma gabx kallin lejn il pajjiez.

    • gina lolobrigida says:

      Well said Daphne

      • Henry says:

        Well said bejn ghajnek

      • ciccio says:

        Henry, it’s “bejn ghajnejk.” “Ghajnek” is just one. The two of them finish with “nejk” – if you are Labour, you should be familiar with this.

      • Joseph Grech says:

        Guys, I am not a fan of Daphne’s comments, but let me point something out.

        [Daphne – It is not necessary to introduce or qualify your arguments with ‘I am not a fan of Daphne’s comments’. Let them stand alone.]

        This is with regards to a lot of comments I’ve read talking ill about privatization.

        Privatization is a very positive thing. You might reply that prices will go higher, and to that I say you’re right. But let me keep this simple… What about being taxed less? And you only pay for stuff which you actually need?

        And with regards to prices going higher due to privatization, keep in mind that privatization = competition, competition = private sector battles as to who will provide the cheapest and best services.

        There are a lot of other factors behind this which prove that privatization has more ups than downs, but I am trying to keep it very generalized and explain it in such a way that it will immediately give you a perspective of what privatization is.

      • Joseph Grech says:

        You are right, but since I was going to agree with you later in that comment, I wanted to make sure that I was speaking out of what I know and not as a result of an allegiance with anyone else.

    • V says:

      And who lead the country before the Nationalist Party were in goverment?! Not that I have a particular side because I do not believe that a person should stick to one particular party. It is both parties that did well for our country. Like any other human beings they both do mistakes. All you can do is respect others opinions and don’t speak ill of the dead. Would you like someone to publish something harsh like this about you?! .. I don’t think so. Live and let live Daphne!

      [Daphne – That’s why I vote Nationalist, Mr/Ms V. Because I believe in the liberal dictum of live and let live, a principle to which Labour cannot reconcile itself.]

    • Kurt Micallef says:

      Please correct me if I’m wrong but who introduced all the social reforms? Who was in favour of pensions? Who was in favour of a minimum salary? If you do not believe a mere 17 year old who was not fortunate enough to see his miracles take place, see what the BBC has to say about him: ‘His government introduced a wide range of social benefits and raised living standards.’ What exactly did the Nationalist Party in government do?

      [Daphne – That’s a BBC obit, honey. You should see what the British media had to say about him when he was prime minister. You wouldn’t have been proud, I can tell you. No, he did not introduce social reforms. He broke the country’s back and made it such a terrible place to live that those who could get out tried any means to do so. WHAT EXACTLY DID THE NATIONALIST PARTY DO? Unbelievable. You’re 17. Do you honestly believe that Malta was always like this? All this, now, the Nationalist Party in government did. Until 1987, we lived in Albania.]

      • Julian says:

        Jahasra Daphne nithassrek. Biex taghraf li kliemek huwa dagha fahxi u dizrispett assolut m’ghandekx ghalfejn tkun ghext taht zewg gvernijiet. Li kieku jien int indahhal rasi go loki u nifflushja forsi jitnaddaf naqa l-hmieg u s-sadid ta’ mohhok, qalbi.

      • Kurt Micallef says:

        ‘You should see what the British media had to say about him when he was prime minister.’: hahaa of course they may have said bad things about him…he was the biggest threat to them. He managed to convince them to pay for staying in their own colony.

        [Daphne – X’injoranza bazwija, jahasra. Malta ceased to be a colony with independence on 21 September 1964. When Mintoff became prime minister in 1971, Malta was not a British colony. That’s what INDEPENDENCE means. Terms and conditions for the British to stay on in Malta as a military base were negotiated – OBVIOUSLY – with independence. They were then renegotiated when Malta became a republic in 1974. Mintoff tried to renegotiate them again in 1979, but failed miserably and spectacularly. He had no plan B for income, and turned to Gaddafi. Freedom Day actually marks Mintoff’s failure to succeed in negotiations with the British, and Malta’s fate placed in Gaddafi’s hands because of that. Did your parents tell you this? Obviously not. But then, they probably don’t even know it themselves.]

        What a great mind you must have to be able to do that. The people weren’t getting out of Malta because of Mintoff…they were getting out because of post-war troubles…which would be present in any country under any government. But what do you know…you’re just a sad Nationalist who doesn’t have someone of such greatness to look up to. :)

      • Kurt Micallef says:


        All I know is that the Nationalist party is privatising everything from the dockyard to the public transport and nearly even Air Malta while Mintoff was bringing work back in Malta after dismissing the English

        [Daphne – “Dismissing the English”. Bambin aghtini pacenzja. 1. It’s the British, not the English. Many of them were Scottish, Welsh and Irish. 2. Privatisation is the way to go. It is not the business of the state to run businesses. 3. The dockyard was the Royal Navy dockyard not the state dockyard and it became an immediate and terrible liability once the British Navy left. Mintoff had no money to keep it going, it could never be a viable concern, and it cost the Maltese taxpayer hundreds of millions of liri which could have gone into schools and hospitals. 4. Mintoff did not ‘dismiss the English’. They dismissed him. Their contract was up on 31 March 1979 (that’s when the British financial year ends) and they had no intention of renewing after he put up the price. He was too embarrassed to back down again on the price and they told him politely to go and stuff himself, leaving him high and dry without a source of income, and then sailed out. He then turned to Gaddafi with his begging-bowl and Gaddafi said, yes, I’ll give you a few million dollars but in return, when I say ‘jump’ you have to say ‘how high’. And that’s about it, really.]

      • Kurt Micallef says:

        What an interesting lecture Miss Daphne. I apologise for the honest ‘English’ mistake but I didn’t know that I was retaking my A-level History exam ;) Ahh this brings me to another thing…no my parents didn’t have to tell me anything about politics, they didn’t have to since I got my A-level and did everything in detail, but please keep them out from this. I didn’t mention your parents, despite the urge to mention them in some obscene language :) During my history course I realised how Mintoff risked his political career to see Malta in the best position possible. He went from Integration (which was attacked by the Catholic Church [which I am sure that you are very fond of] in fear that it will lose its power) to absolute Independence. This differed from the Independence proposed by Olivier (which stated that the BRITISH were to keep control of our foreign and military affairs). There was also Strickland’s version of Independence, “quasi-independence”, which no one really understood. Mintoff believed in the Maltese…he believed that they were able to fend on there own. Like it or not, he was right

      • Jozef says:

        Kurt Micallef must be the prototype the PN should be working at, an imperative to clear the air of this incredible state of affairs.

        Honestly, when I see how they don’t have a clue, where everything, facts, history and basic economics are twisted under superlatives to shut anyone else up, I just wonder how sustainable all this can be.

        At least he tries to argue along the information he’s been fed, hopefully young enough to revise his mindset. He underlines, unwittingly, how Maltese history starts with Dom Mintoff.

    • kac says:

      and what exactly did they do?….. till now all the nationalist ever did was make us a living hell… for instance changing the buses to arriva… that was the worst idea ever but you wouldn’t know because you only care for yourselves and to receive money.. you are nothing but liars and heartless beings.. you should be ashamed

      [Daphne – You are beyond redemption. The tragedy is that people like you have a vote, and if there are more of you than there are of anyone else, you get to decide who runs the country. If anyone doubted that formal education can only do so much with poor genetic material and to mitigate the influence of the home, all they have to do is read through the trash on this comments-board.]

      • Jozef says:

        Absolutely hilarious,

        ‘….for instance changing the buses to Arriva’

        If it’s the average Labour voter we’re talking about here, no wonder Joseph can fib his way to power.

      • maryr says:

        xi dwejjaq ghandek daphne!

      • Zordon says:

        make a living hell are serious … guess your mum really dropped you on your head a few times … look at it this way … if it wasnt for the Nationalsits we wouldnt be where we are today …

    • Monique Bugeja says:

      Perit Mintoff did many things for this country, and the Nationalist Party just continued on what he was building! So please Ms. Galizia, show some respect! You’re just making a huge show! All this, for a bit of attention from the media?

      [Daphne – ‘All this for a bit of attention from the media’. Hardly. After all, you only have to scroll through these comments to see that even people who can’t read or write, and who have certainly never read anything I’ve written, know about me. How did that happen, do you think? Yes, I love having to deal with dyslexic savages. It’s my all-time favourite thing.]

      • A.P says:

        how dare you call people with a disability savages? are you and your. family so perfect that you see others as something less? just remember that if your children are so perfect your grandchildren may not be so fortunate.. i bety your children are so proud of you. i. would be so ashamed if you were my mother and then again you don’t deserve to be a mother you certainly have no compastion in your heart to be called mother. i feel so sad for you

        [Daphne – What disability? Dyslexia? I see that you can’t do basic comprehension. I wrote ‘dyslexic savages’ and not ‘savage dyslexics.’]

      • A.P says:

        I comprende very well Ms. Galizia So much so I find your basic comrehension appalling . Get off what ever your so high on and show some respect to all Maltese citizens. You should be ashamed to call youself Maltese. I loath that we breath the same air.

    • Caroline says:

      OH dear Daphne! Don’t you have nothing better to say?? Talking shit cause someone made a Typo?? U dont have to be thick or brainwashed to know that you do not disrespect the dead this way! Im sure you would kick a huge hissy fit and sue anyone who attacks your family or loved ones in such a way ( and that is if you have any loved ones cause im not sure that there are any ppl stupid, damned thick and brainwashed enough to love someone as heartless like you)

    • Teresa Pace says:

      Daphne you’re a shame to the Nationalist party,a big shame.

    • Bolt VanderHuge says:

      The sheer idiocy of calling someone thick and brainwashed and then, in the same sentence, claiming the PN did nothing but good in the myriad years they’ve been in power is world-shattering. It’s as if you truly believe there’s no grey areas in life and people. I seriously hope you don’t do this.

      [Daphne – I didn’t say the Nationalist Party did nothing but good. I said that all the good we have now is because of Nationalist policies.]

      I claim no love for either party but reading your blog and comment replies, it’s quite clear you’re just as thick and brainwashed as every other stereotypical Malteaser. You yell about how one party are infallible gods amongst men and the other party is pure evil and reply to any dissent with “mahruq” or citing cherry-picked facts and ignoring everything else. I’m disappointed to say the least, I expected someone who claims to be well-read and with a prestigious journalism background to back it up.

      [Daphne – I never claimed anything of the sort. I am not Franco Debono’s sister. That is what you think of me, not what I think of myself.]

      Sensationalist journalism at best, inciting violence and hatred at worst. Commenters screaming for blood and throwing personal insults aren’t any better either.

      • Bolt VanderHuge says:

        What if said person is a student and receives a stipend? Stipends were introduced by Mintoff and we still have that policy (if perhaps amended), ergo that comment is false and we have good policies from both governments in effect afterall.

        If you believe the Nationalist Party actually did do some bad, then you naturally believe the Labour Party did some good as well. Why not make an article about that to dispell the stigma? I don’t think you would because you deftly avoided my previous comment about being a simple hardcore Nationalist with a loud voice, much like all the other hardcore anythings. It’s just as bad as what you call a “Mintoffjan”, you’re just wearing a different shirt, sadly.

        You don’t claim anything of the sort but you imply it so heavily, you might as well have stated it outright. You hold a prominent position as a Maltese celebrity, for better or worse, and you squander that by simply using it to make your loud voice even louder. Why not point out the good and bad in each politician and earn the respect of your contemporaries instead of furthering a personal biased agenda?

    • AB says:

      Actually I don’t love Mintoff, I have never voted for MLP in my life and probably never will. I am just not evil, I know what I dislike, what I like and I am enough of a grown woman to respect everyone’s opinion and shut the f*ck up when I have to. You on the other hand, you are an attention whore.

    • Geoh says:

      He may not know how to spell unbelievable but at least he writes with respect.

    • Rhona says:

      what is wrong with you woman? i am utterly disgusted to even be grouped with you as a female. Did someone hurt you that much that you re taking it out on other people??? who broke Mrs Galizia’s heart hmm???
      I would love to crack open a bottle with a hero like that. BITCH.

    • Frankie says:

      And this God’s give to men just wrote: But you should have learned that by now, even if you’re too damned thick and brainwashed to see that all you have today you have because of the Nationalist Party in government.] Are you on drugs??? Either you’re so damn thick and stupid to believe all this yourself (which I believe you’re not) or you’re so damn brainwashed with hatred to anything labour that you’re actually trying to convince yourself or trying to fool people? So you want anybody to believe that all the social services that Mintoff introduced, and to which PN ALWAYS voted against, were done by PN, like for instance, to name a few, Minimun wage, 40 hour week, leave and sick leave, bonuses, women’s right to vote, women getting equal pay as men (yes, PN voted against this as well, as according to them, women, you included, were only good to stay in the kitchen and produce babies!), free hospitals, obligatory education, right to civil marriage, subsidized loans, free housing and so on, weren’t all those the legacy of the GREAT DOM MINTOFF ?

    • AB says:

      I believe I wrote unbelievable good. I am not even labour, I am not even crazy about Mintoff either. I’m just not an attention sad wh*re.

    • mintoffjan says:

      foxx kemm ghandek daphne ja liba li int jiekk narak fit triq nibqa ghaddej minn fuqek nieqaf imbul fuqek u nibqa sejjer ja nazzjonalista liba hadra li int viva il labour

  9. trevor says:


    • Colin says:

      Din mara hadra ghax tajd il verita? Mux ahjar tara kemm bikka lil familja taghana u qlajna fuq wicna habba dak lannimal ghax min qas ghandu rispett lej bniedem iehor jaqa taht annimal

      • fox kem ghandek daphne says:

        jek ma kellux rispet lejk kellu lejn mijit ta eluf ohra maltin, qlajt fuq wiccek ghax ma kellex MARS?????

      • mintoffjan says:

        rispett kelkom intom ghax jekk kont tivvota labour tamel dnub mejjet liba kollok kemm int u min jghid li mintx liba aktar minnek takom daqt tasla ja pufti kolla

    • NB says:

      *Ghal-, *tieghek, *twila, *oqghod, *tieghek, *titfghu
      Jekk ha TIKTEB bil-Malti, ikteb sew

  10. Lucas Cordina says:

    This is an INCREDIBLY classy post, I have to congratulate you for being such a prude and indecent being.

    Celebrating a man’s death, have you no shame?

    • Grezz says:

      Actually, I’d say that Mintoff deserved far harsher words, and that our bloghost’s reaction to his final demise was pretty mild, given the fact that she spent her almost her entire childhood and youth under the tyrant’s domination.

      • Frankie says:

        “She spent her entire childhood under this tyrant’s domination” By the looks of it, was she locked in a cellar chained to the wall given only cocroaches and piss to eat? was her father killed and her mother raped in front of her eyes by this so called tyrant? That is what Tyrant do, don’t they? Is this what Mintoff was? I’m sure Grezz you don’t even know or remember Mintoff, you’re only expressing your sorry ignorance and stupidity in your writing.

  11. Lisa says:

    Ara vera injoranta u pastaza isthi jekk taf …. jalla id deni li tixtiq al hadihor jigi fuqek ….

  12. *1981* says:

    Happy birthday, dear Daphne. Have a great one.

  13. Luke Borg says:


  14. Nev Gale says:

    Daphne WHEN you go to Hell the Devils will go out and Lucifer will bow down before YOU.

  15. j. says:

    Int Ma tisthix purcinella … ma tmurx quddies nar ta hadd u tghid li int xi qaddisa wkoll?

    • NB says:

      Nahseb daqs kemm kien imur “is-salvatur ta’ Malta” hux?

      • Catsrbest says:

        Ma kienx baqa’ salvatur, l-ahhar li qalulu l-laburisti kien traditur u tixraqlu, ghax darbtejn waqqalhom il-gvern – ta’ Boffa u ta’ Sant u biex ma nsemmix ukoll it-tradiment ta’ huh. X’ma ticcelelbrax.

    • Mary says:

      Dik ma tmurx quddies ax qas tilhaq tidhol ax tinharaq!!

  16. rita says:

    why dont you go to hell ja sahhara kerha .ghalik alla se johloq infern specjali la tmut int street party namlu ja qahba kerha.imissek tisthi tifrah bil mewt ja muntuna libsa l hwejeg a belha kollok int u min hu bhalek huma ta dizunur ghal malta u il maltin. missier malta ghex 96 sena .int jekk tejx daqshekk is sahhara ta wied annieq tkun isbah minnek.ja mahmuga. alla jhasek ja ilsien hazin u valenus nirra jidirlek u jtik xebgha njama ja wicc ta kelba hadra\

    • LANDY says:


      • Bolt VanderHuge says:

        Tee hee, posting in caps and replying to swearing with even harsher swearing THEN claiming the other needs to grow up.

        Both of you are manchildren.

      • Frankie says:

        Lanqas tidher li int wiehed minn Nazzjonalisti mahruqin ghax qed taraw tkaxkira gejja ghalikhom ja mdejqin

      • mintoffjan says:

        foxx kemm ghandek liba nazzjonalist ghandekx it tfal ukoll u qed tiehu lallowanse pufta kollok

  17. Not Tonight says:

    The angels are safe. There’s no way he’s walked in there. It’s taken so long because hell wanted to prepare a special place for him (or they didn’t want him either).

    This deserves at least a decent gin and tonic. No rewriting of history for me. He was all you said he was.

    He ruined what should have been the best years of my life. He left a legacy of hate which is still as tangible today as it was in his heyday.

    Let the hypocrisy begin!

    • Tano says:

      Rot in hell you fuckin crippled….

    • Caroline says:

      Well done. I totally agree.

    • Mary says:

      You people are just heartless. Yes for sure he ruined this country!! By making it stand on its own feet!!
      Unlike this goverment where all he is doing is making it crumble everyday!! But i guess you are too blind to see it!!!

    • Rhona says:

      I can say the same for the one and only Fenech Adami but I still wouldn’t have the balls to talk about someone this way. Have you no shame? may you choke on that gin and tonic the neXt time you take one asshole.

  18. PN says:

    fox il mejtin kollha tijak ja liba mqansha … nir alla jafgek ja sahhara mohxija…. ma tisthix titkellem hekk ja liba ta lilma qieghed…

  19. Edgar Busuttil says:

    Daphne vera int mara hadra u zibel ja sahara tal Bidnija.

  20. Frans says:

    Sorry Daph, you’re just wrong .

  21. Debbie Cassar says:

    Jaaaa Bghalaaaaa…meta ha niltaqa mieghek ha twahhalni €60 ghax nahseb ikunu l-aktar flus li nkun infaqt ghal-gid ax bix-xebgha li ntik indewwbek ja bicca ghamara zfigurata w’hadra!!! Nirra l-madonna ma thallikx issibx paci f’qalbek ax nahseb qatt ma kellek ja’ mara ndannata bhal ommok ghax kellha lilek!!!

  22. Konti Ugolino says:

    BBQ night in Hell’s Kitchen tonight.
    Speciality of the house – Majjalata Bormliza bil-kontorn tal-Kappar

  23. jonathan says:

    li xtaqt lil mintoff jigi fuq familtek lesbjana

    • Jozef says:

      This one must be from Labour’s LGBT section.

      • Rhona says:

        or maybe from the section where you were so mistakenly selected you twat,,, shut the fuck up already you re spoiling my fun with all these stupid comment of your,, are you from sliema hun??? expecting ppl to bow down to this bullshit you make me,,,,,,,, sick

        [Daphne – X’pajjiz tal-hamalli u invidjuzi. Kemm konna ahjar meta ma kienux johorgu mir-rahal. Though in my experience, the very worst are actually the urban underclass.]

      • Jozef says:

        Actually, I’m from Zurrieq.

        The problems started when Mintoff insisted on creating ghettoes in the form of housing estates against the vote.

        In ten years time, when the children are gone and the parents packed off to one of Marlene’s planned residences, whole acres of sprawl will lie empty.

        Fragmentation was the instrument to ban access amongst ourselves, distance became literally virtual.

        Who wants Hal-Farrug, Laqxija, San Gwann and what have you? Mintoff’s design failed us miserably, just watch them.

      • FFF says:

        So true… thank God they’ re calling themselves progressive and moderate… it shows how moderate and progressive they all are?

        I say dream on Joseph, forsi vera they changed their coat of arms, flag and all, but the people are just the same. Yukk.

  24. Christine says:

    I am sorry but you are a rude and evil bitch. How can you be so rude and inconsiderate to this man’s family regardless of your political beliefs. I am foreign and do not care about Maltese politics or your red and blue parties. The problem let me tell you with this country is rude and arrogant people like you. May I be the first one to piss on your grave some day hope the saints don’t go marching out when you reach the pearly gates. May you rot in hell.

    • La Redoute says:

      For a foreigner who doesn’t care about politics, you care a hell of a lot about Mintoff.

      • Christine says:

        I don’t care about Mintoff at all. However a decent person has respect for the family members who are mourning. To them he was not the ex-prime minister but a member of the family that they just lost. It is completely shows lack of class to disrespect that. I can’t even vote, it makes no difference to me who is in government. I think this women lacks class and respect and this was my point.

        [Daphne – ‘This woman lacks class’. Ghax dawk li jivvutaw ghal Mintoff klessy hafna, Alla jbierek. Christine, those who weren’t raised in the gutter don’t go about worrying that people might think they were, and tailoring their behaviour accordingly. One of the spectacular benefits of having no concerns about your origins is not giving a rat’s ass what other people think – especially people like you.]

    • Zammit says:

      Let me get this straight: you are criticising Daphne for her comments as a general problem of this country, then as a foreigner you threaten to behave exactly the same way when she dies?

      Clever. Anyway, Mintoff was not the messiah; he was a very naughty boy. For every person here who ‘”loved” him, there is one who hated him.

      More or less – let’s say 51% hated him. That’s just in the Maltese islands.

      Incidentally, he is the father of the red and blue divisions in this country, and his legacy lives on, though not in the history books written by the Labour Party, mind.

      P.S. I bet people danced about when Hitler killed himself and I bet some people thought that was rude.

      • Rosemarie Cachia says:

        well said Mr/Mrs/Miss Zammit, at last somebody is talking sense !!

      • Christine says:

        I don’t care who loved or hated him or what he did in the past to be honest. I absolutely does not concern me now and never will. However love or hate the guy he has a family and to them he is a father, cousin, brother uncle be it what may. So seeing someone disrespect a family in mouning made me angry.

        And yes I am sure they danced about when Hitler died however no one was rude enough to right about it on the night of his death.

        As I said I could careless about Mintoff it is what Daphne represents that bothers me and that is ignorance.

        [Daphne – They didn’t have the internet or the free press in Germany when Hitler killed himself, Christine. Get a grip. But a hell of a lot was said in the free press elsewhere. There were also several famous ditties, including ‘Hitler only has one ball’ and more in a similar vein.

        You fail to distinguish between public figures and private. Mintoff was a prime minister, the worst but one that Malta ever had (the worst was his successor KMB). If he were anyone else, nobody would give a damn. But the criticism comes with the praise. Learn to live with it and grow up into the democratic world.

        I do not represent ignorance, Christine. Mintoff represented ignorance. He was the representative of ignorance in parliament. Ignorant people put him there and he represented them.

        I am not, never were and never will be in parliament, and so I cannot represent ignorance. Also, ignorant people, as we have seen amply demonstrated on this comments-board, tend to hate me with a passion. I represent everything they fear, mistrust and despise, and it certainly is not ignorance we’re talking about.]

  25. David says:

    Issa vera waqt fil baxx ta…… Messek tisthi!!!!

  26. Mark Vassallo says:

    I think that it would be very fitting for Mintoff to be buried at sea; maybe somewhere near Dellimara where he so loved to swim.

    That way we can urinate on his grave without having to commit an offence.

    • bormliz says:

      Issa uri wiccek bormla inti ta purcinell…hekk jew b hekk naf min int

    • A E says:

      That would be polluting our seas. No thank you.

    • Unnown says:

      Dont you know your history mate? If Mintoff deserves to be pissed on his grave, then I cant imagine what Isqof Gonzi deserves? Yes this man did wrong but also did right so dont be dumb asses please and grow the fuck up.

      • Never Again says:

        Injorant. Tghallem l-istorja mhux dik li bellaghulek. L-Iisqof Gonzi Laburist iehor. Taf li qabel ma’ kien

      • Kinks says:

        Injorant. Tghallem l-istorja mhux dik li bellaghulek. L-Isqof Gonzi Laburist iehor. Taf li qabel ma’ kien isqof kien membru elett f’isem il-Partit Laburista?

        Qisu l-kwalifika principali biex tkun laburist, li tkun injorant. Mela sewwa tghid Daphne.

        Taf li l-isqof Gonzi kien supporter ta’Boffa? Le hux, injorant.

        Tak min kien Boffa? Dak li Mintoff hadlu postu. Billi akkuzah li kien qed jinhexa ma’bintu stess. Tafha din injorant? Imma imbghad qallu sorry ta….

        (Min kien jobsor li imbghad kien ikun Mintoff innifsu li jaqa daqshekk fil-baxx li jkorni il-povra mara mal-mara ta’ huh innifsu!

        Mela l-Isqof Gonzi ghamel lil-Mintoff dak li Mintoff imbghad ghamel lil-Sant. Il-laburisti jiggieldu bejniethom u l-Maltin jerdghawh. Dak partit eh. Ja injorant.

        Imsomma, jien ghal-ewwel kont ser naghmel bhal Daphne u niftah ix-xampanja, imma imbghad irragunajt li nehles minn harja kuljum u ma niftah ebda xampanja.

        Nahseb li wasal iz-zmien li nimshu sormna u nimxu l-quddiem…. wara li nisimghu dedika specjali…

      • La Redoute says:

        Ah, yes. Mintoff was right in doing wrong. And you wonder why anyone sane thinks so poorly of your lot.

      • Jozef says:


        xi haga hekk ma’ jirrisponduhiex. Jekk il-bniedem kien tal-misthija, u l-partit jghidilhom kif jahsbuha, kif tridhom jaslu?

        Sieheb tal-EU, mhux huma rebhu? Msieken huma, ghax ghadhom ibatuh sal-llum.

    • Julian says:

      Inti xi buffu iehor li trid iddahhak pajjiz bik qisek hux?

  27. Hate is all you know … like the rest of your snob and ignorant klikka. That group of wannabes who pretend to have class clinging to as vacant an ideology as the Fascists that ruled Italy.

  28. mmm says:

    Ma tisthix tkun daqshekk bhima?

  29. Prettyy says:

    Hi Daphne – Prosit, we have read your comment and we agree with you 100%, and we love your ‘gatz’ so keep it up.

    • Rob79 says:

      Guts writing such trash about someone who obviously can’t reply? That’s cowardice not bold.

    • saxo says:

      are you fucken serious are you sick people what!

    • Tano says:

      Really???? Fuck you

    • gina lolobrigida says:

      I Agree with you …. A woman I really admire , wish I had the same guts

      • Rhona says:

        gut or stupidity?? hmmm

      • TinaB says:

        Rhona, now calm down, dear. You sound hysterical.

        Daphne has every right to say what she wants here, because

        1. It is HER blog, not YOURS.

        2. We live in a democratic country, an island called MALTA, not NORTH KOREA.

        3. Daphne is one hundred percent right about Mintoff. I know – I may have suffered a bit less but I lived it too. I was also born in the sixties and was one of the many unlucky ones who lost many opportunities and had our freedom taken away from us. It was not about MARS bars and PEPSODENT, Rhona, it was about OUR FREEDOM, not to mention the violence some of us either experienced personally or saw happenning with our very own eyes – of course, I do not expect you to understand – I suspect you were not even born then.

        4. No one is forcing you to read what you do not like to read, and vice versa – we are living in 2012 not 1981.

        5. I hope that you realise that Daphne is even uploading your comments, calling her stupid and every name under the sun – again, we are not living in 1981.

        So before getting all offended and continue to post idiotic comments, both here and elsewhere, I suggest you should ignore any drivel you may have been fed, perhaps from the very day you were born, and do some decent research, look for information one can actually rely on. Inform yourself better and try to put yourself in the shoes of those of us who lived those horrible events.Then, and only then, you will perhaps be able to conclude with an open mind who and what is right and what’s not.

  30. Nev Gale says:

    Don`t worry Daphne when you go to hell all Devils will go out of Hell to bow before you,sing ‘Glory Glory Alleuljah’ to give you a very warm welcome,and even Lucifer himself will bow before you and concede his crown to you.This is what I sincerely will wish to you with all my heart.

    • Village says:

      Hell does not exist, but as a Nationalist it was hell living under this tyrant I can tell you.

      • capricorn says:

        Hell does not exist ? Well,surely there will be one for you and for this lady.Tyrant !! The Man who just wanted Malta to be a better place who in fact managed!!

  31. Fuck you says:

    You’re crazy. Psychopath.

  32. alan says:

    you must be a crazy woman he done good things and even not so good things but you must be stupid to write those things a haga kerha.

  33. Daniel Galea says:


  34. Paul Bonnici says:

    I admire you immensely, Daphne, for your courage. I understand your feelings toward this evil control freak.

    • Julian says:

      Habib naccertak li meta tmutu inti u dil-q*hba li kitbet dan iz-zibel fuq Mintoff, ghax disgustagni ha jifrakrukom, xejn aktar. Kulhadd jghidilkom x’haqqkom, imma hawn min hu bniedem bizzejjed biex ma jaqax ghall-livell zibel daqskom.

    • mintoffjan says:

      freak missierek ja ragel ikrah

  35. J Caruana says:

    How hateful… yukk

  36. Josephine says:

    I can only say one thing, when you write the hurtful rubbish that you do its because you are that from inside……..only those that know how to say or write it because that’s all they see from within… can only write what you see…..I feel sorry for you, may god bless your sorry soul.

  37. Thomas Fenech says:

    Każ mentali għandek ta ma ddumx ma jiġbruk inti. Inti l-iktar kreatura moqżieża li qatt ra dan il-pajjiż. Sinċerament la Nazzjonalisti u lanqas Laburisti ma jifilħuk għax inti mhux tikkritika iżda titħanżer. Intik parir tara tabib malajr kemm jista jkun, il-moħħ mhux qed jaħdimlek tajjeb avolja m’intix tinduna mma għandek problemi serji mentali. GET WELL SOON

  38. Teresa says:

    Dear Daphne

    If you keep a lower key on name calling it would be so much better. How dare you speak in that manner especially about a recently deceased person…feelings for family if you have any? MLP supporters read your article, since they associate you with PN (unfortunately for us that is) they will run a mile from PN and spread hate towards PN as if there isnt enough..
    A hateful and arrogant article which shouldnt have been published at all if you have a bit of conscience that is.
    Yes Dom Mintoff did both…he did alot of good and not so good as well. Now let him rest in peace.

  39. Antoniette says:

    Thank you for telling us it’s your birthday.
    I hope you don’t mind but I will be celebrating your birthday too.
    Happy birthday and have fun, it’s a CELEBRATION!

  40. Leon Caruana says:

    Make a favour to all of us… And Shut the fuck up you stupid ignorant bitch. May you &your ……. Rip .

    • CZ says:

      The beauty in all this is that when Mintoff was in power you HAD to “shut the fuck up” or you’d get beaten by his thugs or worse. Now we can all swear and hate freely…

  41. Mary Xuereb says:

    How can you be so vile? You should be utterly ashamed – call yourself a human being? If only you had half as much goodness in all your body as he had in just one hair. He will be remembered for all the good he did and yes probably also for the mistakes he made in this life…but he was human. You on the other hand are not worth remembering. The King is dead but his legacy will live on.

    • CZ says:

      Mary, his legacy is that half of us hate the other half. It actually wasn’t this way before ‘the King’ usurped the crown…

      • JP says:

        CZ, you really know your history…not. Go back to the library!

      • Albert says:

        Int bis-serjeta??????Aqra l-istorja ha tara kienx haw mibgheda politika qabel Mintoff…..fittex u ara x’kienu jaghmlu,jinqdew bil-knisja u l-injoranza biex ibghedu n-nies mil-PL.Kull fejn kien hemm bniedem li pprova jaqbez ghall-batut u ghad-drittijiet tal-haddiema qala kemm felah fuq rasu,bhal Manuel Dimech…..prova jeduka l-poplu izda spicca hazin.

        Mintoff kellu l-hazin ukoll,pero l-gid li ghamel ma tistax tinsih.Gid li qeghdin ingawdu llum,jekk ihalluna!!Dak li kitbet DCG ma tantx tajt kazu,l-aktar ghax dak huwa l-oghola livell safejn tista tasal….tizra l-mibgheda.

      • CZ says:

        I should have clarified. Mintoff’s legacy to my generation… In 1981 when the Labour Party lost an election and Mintoff remained in power, I was just old enough to learn to start hating the other side. Why, were you hating before then?

      • Jozef says:


        Manuel Dimech haseb, li jekk jisraq bicca tal-gwerra u jhedded li jgharraqha, il-kuruna (li dak is-zmien kellha aktar minn hamest elef vapur) kienet se ccedilu.

        Apparti li, ta’ sbatax, gie mixli u nstab hati li qatel wiehed biex seraqlu flusu. Siehbu ta’ tmintax ha l-forka u hu helisha ghax tifel.

        Tghallem jaqra ta’ hamsa u ghoxrin, l-ewwel ktieb li mess telghalu ghal-rasu.

        Kapolavur iehor.

  42. Taks Fors says:

    Amen to that.

    He screwed up so many lives, harmed so many people and ruined the country, which is yet to fully recover after 30 years.

    It takes so little to break a nation but so much to rebuild one.

    • Mary says:

      I can’t understand you idiots when you say ‘ruined the country’! Runined it how ? By giving everyone free education, by giving free medical services, by giving pensions ( which by the way this govement wants to take away), by giving jobs to people, by opening the air malta which thanks to this goverment they drove it to the ground! The list goes on, I advice you to go and read the Maltese history.
      I don’t know how these things can ruin a country but if u choose to believe that continue being ignorant!!

    • ggggg says:

      FUCK YOU

    • JP says:

      Taks Fors, you must me Malta’s No.1 Economist.

      Hope your social skills come handy here, if you have any.

  43. Teresa Pace says:

    As a continuation to my previous comment…..It is not a way to talk about a recently deceased person Daphne. Feelings for the family if you have any???? They are humans and have feelings like you?
    I noticed the photo and the comment…did you have to add that comment???? Such a hateful comment. And the title….
    What you sow you reap….sow hatred and guess what you reap…

    • A E says:

      Precisely Theresa that is what Mintoff sowed – hatred. He thrived on it and nurtured it, dividing a nation so he could control it. Hatred This is his legacy and everything here is evidence to that.

  44. johann says:

    Now Daphne keep to your words after he is buried go and spit on his grave. If you are a woman do it. You are a truly disgrace for the maltese country :)

  45. Malti says:

    missek tisthi, kemm inti mara bla rispett biex tikteb affarijiet hekk

  46. Natalie says:

    Good riddance to bad rubbish. Amen.

    And a Happy Birthday!

  47. Gahan malti says:

    Mara tal misthija daphne….immisek tisthi

  48. Natanael Aquilina says:

    Congratulations. You just ruined your life.

  49. Malti says:

    ahjar tmur l-infern int, u qabel titkellem missek tkun taf li jien ma jimpurtaniex mil politika. j’alla jaqfluk!

  50. Mandy Mallia says:

    May the miserable bastard suffer in hell for all the suffering he caused on earth.

    • Natanael Aquilina says:

      L-Air Malta
      Fil-21 ta’ Marzu, 1973 il-parlament Malti approva mozzjoni tal-Prim Ministru Laburista,
      Dom Mintoff, biex titwaqqaf kumpanija nazzjonali tal-ajru – l-Air Malta. L-Air Malta
      ġiet imwaqqfa bl-assistenza tal-Gvern tal-Pakistan. Il-kumpanija nazzjonali irċiviet ħafna
      kritika mill-oppożizzjoni Nazzjonalista, li ppreferew jagħmlu użu minn kumpaniji tal-ajru
      barranin milli dik lokali.
      Bank of Valletta
      Fit-23 ta’ Marzu, 1974 gie mhabbar il-ftuh tal-Bank of Valletta, l-ewwel bank kollu
      kemm hu Malti. 60% ftal-ishma fil-bank kienu ser ikunu f’isem il-Gvern Malti filwaqt li
      l-40% l-ohra kienu ser jinbiegħu lil pubbliku Malti.
      Miżuri oħra tal-Gvern Laburista (1971-1976)
      Il-Gvern ta’ Mintoff waqqaf bosta miżuri fosthom:
      • In-nazzjonalizzazzjoni kif ukoll il-bidu ta’ bosta kumpaniji propjetà tal-istat,
      fosthom l-Air Malta, is-Sea Malta, il-Bank of Valletta, il-Mid-Med Bank, itTelemalta u x-Xandir Malta;
      • Tnaqqis fid-differenza fis-salarji bejn l-ogħla u l-iktar grad baxx fis-servizzi ċivili;
      • L-għoti ta’ żieda għall-għoli tal-ħajja u bonuses bi flat rate minflok b’perċentwali;
      • L-introduzzjoni tas-sistema PAYE (Pay-As-You-Earn) u higher ceiling fejn tidħol
      it-taxxa tad-Dħul;
      • Il-bidu ta’ skema nazzjonali tas-saħħa;• Id-demolizzjoni ta’ slums u l-bini ta’ bosta units residenzjali għall-ħaddiema u lfamilji tagħhom;
      • Xiri bulk-buying ta’ prodotti mportati bħall-ħalib, zokkor u butir bi prezzijiet
      • Bosta riformi fil-leġiżlatura industrijali bħal per eżempju, it-tnaqqis tal-working
      week għal 40 siegħa u liġi favur paga ndaqs għal ħaddiema nisa;
      • Iż-żieda fin-nefqa għas-servizzi soċjali kif ukoll l-introduzzjoni ta’ servizzi bħaċ-
      Children’s Allowance;
      • It-tneħħija ta’ streaming u eżamijiet fi skejjel statali;
      • Bosta proġetti turistiċi;
      • Inbnew oqsma industrijali ġodda u dawk eżistenti ġew imkabbra;
      • Ġiet mibnija pista tal-ajru ġdida li kienet takkomoda vetturi tal-arju kbar;
      • L-introduzzjoni ta’ korpi tax-xogħol bħall-Korpi tal-Pijunieri, li kienu jagħmlu
      bosta xogħol ta’ kostruzzjoni. Membri ta’ dawn il-korpi kienu miċħuda mid-dritt li
      jissieħbu trade unions.

      [Daphne – Jahasra, kemm int injorant. Il-vera ma taf xejn hlief il-propaganda li deffsu f’mohhok ohrajn u qatt ma kellek mohh tiskropi l-fatti kif inhuma.]

      • max says:

        Inti ghalik kulhadd injorant uxx minbarra inti foxx ic celloli l hziena u morda li ghandek fmohhok

      • Natanael Aquilina says:

        i smell ignorance and jealousy

      • Pat Zahra says:

        Tnaqqis fid-differenza fis-salarji bejn l-ogħla u l-iktar grad baxx fis-servizzi ċivili;

        Fil-prattika din kienet tfisser li missieri, li kien kap ta’ skola, kien jiehu ghaxar liri fix-xahar aktar mil-caretaker. Tahseb int li r-responsabbiltajiet taghhom kienu l-istess?

        Ghax ma tikkuntemplax il-fatt li daqs kemm tejjeb il-qaghda ta’ certi familji, daqshekk iehor Mintoff halla hsara kbira u gab faqar lil ohrajn minhabba il-mibgheda kbira li kellu ghan-nies edukati.

        Biss biss, ara kif dawwar in-nies kontra l-ghalliema, li kienu l-unici nies li setghu verament jedukawlhom lit-tfal taghhom.

        L-uniku wirt li hadna minghand Mintoff kienet mibgheda harxa bejn il-Laburisti u n-Nazzjonalisti ghax hlief isahhanhom kontra xulxin ma kienx jaghmel.

        Mintoff fired poplu.

      • Mary says:

        Daphne dear I guess you need to go back and brush up ur history! Because as far as I know all it’s written above is the turth!! It feels like you are the one that never want to learn the truth but believe all the rubbish that is fed to you.

        And if you you’re gonna come with the excuse that you lived you those times keep it to your slef because it seems that you were living in a totally different country.

      • Mixa says:

        tista tghidilna il-fatti mela kif inhuma forsi nifmu il-punt tieghek?

      • Lolly says:

        Jigifieri dik il-lista li kitbet Natanael Aquilina ha tmeriha wkoll? Lanqas int vili!! Ara tghidx li ghamluhom in-Nazzjonalisti wkoll!! Int vera mara marida u miskina ha nghidlek! L-uniku haga li ghandek akbar minn imniehrek hija l-hdura li ghandek ghall- Mintoff u l-Laburisti, jekk il- qaddisin ser jimmarcjaw il- barra mill- genna kif jishol Mintoff, ninsab cert li Alla ser jirremetti kif jara lilek, ghax lanqas ix-xitan ma jridek mieghu gahx twaqqghu second division int!

      • Jozef says:

        Agata Barbara, ministru tal-edukazzjoni, (ghax minn daqshekk kien isibhom) kienet xebghet tghajjar lil ghalliema buda waqt il-meetings.

    • Natanael Aquilina says:

      wafqet hemm

      • ciccio says:

        Natanael, you should follow this blog more often. The true political and social history of Malta since the “Golden Years” has been covered more than once in various blog posts here.
        Where did you get that one about Bank of Valletta – 40% being sold to the public?

      • Natanael Aquilina says:

        ciccio…. why should i?

    • ..... says:

      what suffering ? please enlighten us all

    • aw says:

      hope you suffer more

    • ANGIE MICALLEF says:

      ara vera edin sew intom ta!! tifrihu bil mewt…. ara jmutx xi hadd mil familja takom!!! umbad oqodu ikbu ta biki ta kukudrilli andkom….ja nies hodorr li intom qaS TISTHU MIN ALLA LI HALAQKOM!!!! INTOM BAWLA!!!!!

    • Ben Cassar says:

      you’ll be right there beside him in that case dear!

    • Mary says:

      And what should this Prim Minster do!?

  51. me says:

    kem int hadra.

  52. James says:

    Mank jihduk boxla jxeten maghhom ghax int hemm postok ja mara hazina u hadra bla qalb. Int mara demmek ahdar minmlija mibgheda, la tmut int l art tithaffer u tinzel bil bokka issibom lesti ghalik ix xjaten. I hope you rot.

  53. Ganna says:

    Muscat just said that all Maltese people have been orphaned by the death of Mintoff.

    Mintoff was never my father and I never wished that he was. Good riddance.

    • Mary says:

      Well excuse me neither is Eddie but for some reason you keep saying that he’s our father!!! Maybe for you idiots but definetly not to me!!!!

      • piusa says:

        off coarse that ass whole is not my father.
        he never was and never will be.
        ppl dont forget nazzjonalist ass whole father is still alive and one day he will die too like his wifieeeeeeeee.

      • jesmond says:

        Eddie x’missierer hu li kisser il-malta ghax dahalna f’unjoni ewropean bil-gideb li beda jghid u purcinelli bhalkom emmnuh

  54. Malteser says:

    You just gave your behaviour a definition “totally cress” and seems like you are so proud of it. Please, stop embarrassing us and make yourself a favour – leave the country immediately.

    Go to countries where this behaviour is not tollerable, will be a good challenge for you. There you can prove yourself how good you are. Malta is easy for you as justice is weak.

    It is clear that your self belief is on a very low standard as you always feed the negative side of you and you are not capable to deal with it yourself so you share it publicly. Massive ego that is killing you from your inside. Seek help, you truly need it.

    [Daphne – Tolerance and tolerable have only one L. I can’t understand why it takes Laburisti so long to understand this.]

    • Maltija '80 go Parigi says:

      Daphne kemm hi easy biex tiggranfa ma cucati bhal dawn biex timla il-vojt. Dahhaqtni tnejn, l-ispelling huwa daqshekk importanti hdejn ir-rabja li qed tiggenera go pajjizek stess? Ahdem naqa fuqek innifsek u tibqax tuza il-pubbliku biex jimlilek dak l-ego sfrenat. Daqshekk kapaci, s’hemm twassal?

      Please note, jien ma jinteressni assolutament xejn politikament, kollha nuqqas ta valuri fis-socjeta li jien trabbejt fiha.

      Ipprova inghalaq go kamra wahdek minghajr input tal-pubbliku ha tara fej twassal u mela gejja bl-ispelling. Jien ma nafx min int ghax jien qas malta ma nghix imma mara bhalek nistenna li tkun role model u mhux tkompli timla bin-negattiv. Jiddispjecini ghal familjari li jkollhom ikomplu jitwekkew b’dan l-ghagir. Mohh mghaluq.

      Good luck ghax vera ghandek bzonn.

      U jekk behsiebek terga tirrispondi u tkun patetika, nitolbok ma tirrispondi xejn u tkomplix tahli hinek.

      [Daphne – You don’t know who I am and yet you rush in here to join in the fight. Impressive.]

      • Diane says:

        Yes we know who you are, you are a freak of nature and you think you can take it against everyone but remember that at the end it will come on you for sure. If you had a personal grudge for Mintoff you should have kept it for yourself and not hurt other people’s feelings. You are a shame on your family and instead of protecting them you are putting them in danger. I ‘m sorry for you but I think you should seek a doctor and also work on your manners as you should learn not to hurt others and not to be selfish. A bitch is not the rigfht word for you as a bitch gives and takes, but you hurt people who did not do anything to you. You are a disgrace to this country and even you Nationalist party shoud get rid of you, shame on you jaqqqqqq

      • Maltija '80 go Parigi says:

        Uzgur meta nara li in-nuqqas ta pajjiz daqshekk potenzjali gej min generazzjoni ta nies maghluqin bhalek, yes I do express my emotions as a malteser. Indeed Daphne your state of mind is impressive! Ara x’tasal tghamel ta meta wiehed jiffoka fuq haga wahda biss. Kemm int mghaluqa u mieghek qed iggorr generazzjoni ohra ghax mintix kapaci wahdek. Trid il-feedback hin kollu. Hallihom il-maltin hallihom, jekk mix trieqtek fittex band’ohra bhal m’ghamilt jien u mijiet ta nies ohra. Imma id-deni tieghi ma nghatih lil hadd, niddilja mieghu jien. Issa int ghandek naqa vantagg ghax persuna pubblika u qed tuzah ghan negattiv, tghazel l-easy biex kulhadd itik l-attenzjoni. Nieqsa hafna minnha, passat tqil kellek, you are actually crying for help (and you know it but your ego is massive and you’d rather feed it than fight what’s difficult)

        Again, you just identified yourself well done, “fight” is what it is for you. Tiggieled biex tinstema. Isma minni u inghalaq go kamra wahdek u oqghod isma llek innifsek. Hemm tinduna fejn int qieghda u kemm vera thobb lilek innifsek… ahseb u ara lil ta madwarek. Illistra xi triq twila ghad fadallek.

        This must be the highlight of your career now. You must be very proud to have accomplished such mysery to your self at least that’s how you’re coming across. Issa wasallek iz-zmien fej tghalaq halqek ghax ghidt bizzejjed u tisma biss.

        [Daphne – Ma xi dwejjaq ta’ nies. Il-vera boring, jahasra. The trouble is that people who live in your social hole have no experience of anyone outside it, and so you think that your normality is standard.]

      • Maltija '80 go Parigi says:

        Boring “and yet you rush in here to” reply. U inti min imisslek il-laham il-haj mhux boring trid tghidlu. Tiehu pjecir thalli lilek innifsek imdejqa go pajjiz li tishtu ahseb u ara kemm se ggib rispett il-dawk li jghixu fih ma saqajk kuljum hehehehehe you are so funny.

        “The trouble is that people who live in your social hole have no experience of anyone outside it, and so you think that your normality is standard” – this is exactly the interpretation of your life. What you perceive is what you’re in and yet you choose to contiue mortifying yourself. Well done, keep it up! But do it alone, a little advise if you want to listen.

        Mintoff mid-dehera kien l-idolu tieghak u qas taf. Ara kemm gbart nies il-bierah u illum bis-sahha tieghu. Brava dik! hehehehehehe your state of mind is really entertaining. I’m actually allowing myself to read all this and realise fej tasal mara maltija (bla offiza personali lil hadd, nispera!)

  55. Antoine Vella says:

    Hear, hear.

  56. charlene says:

    such a stupid person u are ppffff

  57. Chris says:

    Foxx dik il-qahba ommok, ma jaqsmekx trakk ja liba!!

  58. bubinu says:

    You know that this is all hate promotive do you?

  59. Natalie says:

    Just look at this comment on

    Joe Xuereb
    Yesterday, 23:42

    Hawn Dumink. Forsi ma kontx perfett (imma qalbek, u l-konvinzjonijiet tiegħek dejjem f’lokhom kienu. Dak li għallimtna Missier).

    Taf li għadhom jiftakru li, minħabba fik, ma setgħux igawdu ċikkulata ta’ barra. Naħfrulhom il-banalita’ hux perit?!

    U tiftakar snin ilu, kont għadni tifel, kont Delimara nilgħab ħobża w sardina u meta rajtek, ġejt niġri ħdejk u int poġġejt idek fuq spallti. U ma niftakarx x’għidtli bl-eċċitament li qabadni.

    Isma’, jekk tara lil missieri sellili għalih. Jismu Ġanni, raġel mibni saffejn b’par idejn enormi ta’ ħaddiem li kien. Jekk tara lill-Isqof, agħmilli pjaċir tagħtihx tislijiet daparti tiegħi.

    Strieħ sinjur. Tinsiex li Malta u Mintoff huma sinonimi u dan unur li ħadd ma jista’ jeħodulek. MIN ser jirrepetik?!

  60. Mary says:

    Well as u said it’s not acceptable to speak ill of the dead but believe me I can’t wait for the day when it’s finally your turn so I can’t go an celebrate the death of a person that makes me ashamed to say that I’m Maltese. BITCH!!,

    • Konti Ugolino says:


      • Mary says:

        Oh my God are you stupid or what?? As if you can compare Dom Mintoff to such people. All the people you mentioned were killers!! Excuse me Who did Som Mintoff kill… NO ONE!!!!!

        What he did was… give a roof over people’s head, gave people jobs, Education was free to everyone and not just the rich, free medical services, and the list goes on and on.

        I don’t think that the comparisons that you did are fair to a man of such a great stature.!!!!

      • Rosemarie Cachia says:

        Bravu Konti

      • behind you says:

        Stature my ASS. Mary did you go to school and if their’s any chance you say yes did you continue to university i think not because at the time even the smartest of people could barly get in under Mindoff.

    • patricia says:

      veru nies kattivi proset alikom basta tawgu halqkom umbad taqaw baxxi daqsek issa hej kemm inthom kristjani nahseb ghandkom problema hoxna hi biex titkelmu hekk ahjar idduru dawra madwarkom qabel tajru lil min hu ahjar minkom u morru sibu xi qasis trux halli forsi jahfrilkom xarukaza kiku nisthi nohrog barra jien

  61. Nathaniel Camilleri :) says:

    jek nara lilek jew it tifel tijak inqatakom bil mus ja mara zibel jamdejqa u indannata .. xse tamel haggib ittifel tijak jejdli f**k off? ax naqsmu fuq zo**i .. nispera tohodni bisserjeta daphne tohrogx barra fit triq

    • johnusa says:

      What a Maltese savage.

      Taqsam il xi hadd fuq zobbok? Seriously?

      That is so ridiculous. Why don’t you head off to a ‘gazin’ and have a couple of beers u igbed tnejn bil-Madonna ha thossok .. what’s the word your futile peers use now? Oh yes, I’ve got it: king, pronounced kinK.

      • Natanael Aquilina says:

        ilaqula naqa ohra

      • sha says:

        aqbez naqa ohra ghalija !!
        mela tatulek shun ?

      • nathaniel camilleri says:

        i appologize for using such language but you had not right to even comment in such a way beacause its only showing me that you only judge a book by its cover and its funny how you only commented on that and not about mintoff’s death but anyways ek trida tal kinK u thossa affarik tiprova tidira li int xi helu .. once again i apologzie for this comment but i am still shocked how you wrote this in such a way that it shows your unprofessioanlity and what person that doesnt care about anythings besides around themselves

        [Daphne – Oh for God’s sake don’t waste your time here and go and get some spelling lessons instead. And stop telling people what they have a right to write and what they don’t have a right to write. We’re not living under Mintoff anymore and you really need to get ‘freedom of speech’ defined for you. The only thing you’re not allowed to do is lie about others or invade the privacy of non-public figures.]

      • johnusa says:

        You are hilarious. I don’t have the right? Who are you to tell me that I don’t have the right?

        I can write anything I want, mostly because I live in a free country (not Malta) and your stupid Maltese libel laws do not apply to my jurisdiction.

        For the most part I disagree with Daphne and obviously I do not heart what she wrote up here, but it shocks me to see so many of you trying to silence people and imposing your beliefs on others.

        If you are mourning Mintoff, by all means do so, but appreciate that not everyone is going to harbour your exact same sentiments and that everyone has an opinion and a right to FREELY write and describe what he/she really feels without any restrictions.

    • behind you says:

      Nathaniel nahsen li int l ikbar injorant f wicc id dinja daf li tista tispicca il qorti minhabba dak il kumment. U le Daphne ovolja dak li qalet ma ghogbokx ghanda kull dritt titkellem. Mentri int qed teddida mhux targumenta bhan nies

  62. hayden says:

    kemm hi jaqq dil mara kollha hara u mara bla qalb u hadra bastid

  63. k farrugia says:

    Maybe his daughter will (again) flee the country, once and if she gets her share of assets.

    By the way, recently you wrote that your hosting service was upgraded to cater for a spike in page requests. It’s either that you’ve got this wrong or this evening the run on site was far greater than those which took place towards the end of last year when you had last gone viral on Facebook.

  64. Mark Sciberras says:

    You truly are a sick and loathsome woman, Daphne. I never voted for Labour, experienced the worst of the eighties and guess what, consider you a vile, despicable woman for posting such hate (not just Mintoff, but his daughter too???) nonetheless. Did you ever even visit Gaddafi’s Libya, do you even know what went on there, while equating Malta under Mintoff with that?? But enough of that, that is not the point. The point is your unalloyed hate, the utter lack of even an ounce of empathy or sympathy with the hundreds of thousands, let alone one grieving daughter, who today mourn the passing away of a man. The Nationalist Party should disassociate itself from you and your blog in the clearest possible manner, once and for all. Even if there is, theoretically, no logical need to do so, the merest hint of association with you and your name is poison, not just to a political party but to any respectable person. Do not kid yourself about the tens of thousands who visit your site….most of them may concur with what you say some of the time, but even Gadaffi, seeing that you mentioned him, did a good thing or two, and his name and incoherent ramblings generated a lot of traffic on the web…….

    • A E says:

      There are two daughters. Perhaps though your comment is right and only one of them is grieving.

      The man was 96 and they kept away from him for most of his life. Only when it looked like the end was nigh did they come to his side. God only knows what treasures he has hidden.

    • Antoniette says:

      What went on in Libya did not go on in Malta not because of Mintoff but because we had Eddie Fenech Adami and the Nationalist Party to steer us in the right direction.
      I cannot believe how seeemingly intelligent people cannot understand this.

  65. Darren Caruana says:

    Am sure all will bet that it will be you (the bitchest of all bitches) that will rot in hell and not the greatest statesman of all times who gave an Identity and all that we enjoy today to our country incluing you.

    As a matter of fact I think you are already rotting in hell even though still alive. You have no shame and you have made it clear manyatimes that you are unhuman and deserve nothing more then be tortured in a village pjazza

    You only wish you had a fraction of the respect Dom Mintoff .

    I dare you to publish this.

  66. martin baron says:

    at the first whiff of decaying flesh, the Vulture inevitably squawks… Martin Baron

  67. Rob79 says:

    Wow! Unbelievable! To hold still such a grudge against someone whose last major political activity involved helping your beloved party to power. When was this? Oh, yes! Last millennium.

    Speaking of hypocrites, to say he was perfect is as vile as claiming all the blue boys are holier-than-thou. Perhaps you might want to consider some positive contributions he made such as taking a stance against the church. An institution that was surely more cancerous to society for a far longer period and in which parasitic traces can be found not only by the hypocrisy of it’s followers but by the far reaching effect of ‘bad conscience’ it is guilty of inflicting throughout Europe and beyond. Evidence found in your article above.

    Perhaps you should have celebrated your birthday and enjoyed this ‘glory’ privately rather than showing how low one can stoop. Speaking your mind can be psychologically beneficial, and considering the contempt and bitterness you held for so long, recommendable. However, please keep it to you inner circle, cause as you put it, such behaviour is indeed totally crass

  68. M says:

    Your funeral will come one day, and Malta will be celebrating and your funeral will be one hell of a party.

    [Daphne – Hardly. Unlike Mintoff’s, it will be private.]

    • bormliz says:

      We still hear about it and on that day i will get drunk :+)

    • Rob79 says:

      You’ll hardly have any other choice, Daphne.

    • Unimpressed says:

      No shit … I mean honestly, who would want to pay respects to a woman who lacks even the most basic of common courtesies? The only reason why your funeral will be private is so that people don’t come in masses to spit on your coffin.

    • A says:

      Your point being what daphne? that all of malta will not know that you died? i can guarantee that just after minutes after your death your own doctor will tweet it. you’re making it seem that your private funeral will save you from the hatred you’ll recieve from the people….it won’t.

    • Mandy says:

      Of course it will be, you would be lucky to even have anyone

    • patricia says:

      mintoff jixraqlu hi imma int zgur li le posibli ma tidejaqx tamel ghedewa just for the sake to be kokky mintiex timpresjonana ta hi jien qed nejd li int forsi andek bzon lajnuna ghal mohok sorry tal is spelling imma jien ek inhob nikteb fuq il pc ha nagel

  69. Caroline Morales says:

    Your above comments show what kind of person you are and I can only pity you! May God help you!

  70. Martin says:

    You never disappoint – though bit’s not nice to see a mind like a cesspit overflowing.

  71. Amber says:

    You are a crazy woman ehh !

  72. DAVID MANGION says:

    You are right in saying that your life would have been totally different had it not been for Dom Mintoff. Firstly you would not have been entitled for a vote, remember the Malta Labour Party gave the right to women to vote. Secondly you might not have become such a thrash writer or even a writer for the matter. So whatever you are today,be it good or bad Mintoff had a role in it. Your Beauty or the lack of it cannot however be attributed to him.When your time is up I sincerely hope that you will not be judged by what you wrote on hearing about Dom Mintoff’s demise which I find shameful. I hope that the Nationalist Party in government will disassociate itself from your remarks and that the state funeral will give its true value to the most prominent Maltese statesman of the 20th Century.

  73. Wied tad-Dmugh says:

    Tghid se jaghmlu Parnis il-Grend Lonc nhar il-gimgha, wara li safa’ orfni ta’ Mintoff?

    Nahseb issa se jkollu jgholli l-figura tar-rigali li se jtella, biex l-orfni kollha jkollhom biex jixtru mkatar ha jimshu d-dmugh.

    Qaluli li jmexxi l-korteo se jkun hemm Alfred Sant bil-libsa l-bajda li kien libes f’Bormla fl’1998.

  74. aw says:

    Fuck you bitch

  75. Fuck You Daphne !!! says:

    How dare you tell something like this you piece of shit !?

    I’ll be the first one who spit on your grave you bitch !!!

    [Daphne – You won’t find it, darling. It’s in the smart part of the cemetery. And it’s ‘say’, not tell.]

    • PL says:

      alek ma jsibukx ax tkun midfuna fil misbla

    • Dale Vella says:

      oh dont worry bitch i’ll find your grave …. I want to see your guts out on the floor

      [Daphne – Yes, I know. Don’t forget for one minute that I grew up in a Malta run by violent turds like you. I never thought you went away. You just raised the next generation. L-aqwa li jisimna Dale, bhal l-Inglizi li tant nobghodu. Effing freaks.]

    • Rhona says:

      I just can’t stop reading here the hell do you get off? maaaaaaaaaaa correcting ppls mistake?? really??? df i wrong with you?

  76. bookworm says:

    Happy birthday Daphne, I just celebrated mine a couple of weeks ago.

  77. Pierre Fiorentino says:

    Daphne you need help believe me, psychiatric help I mean. You are truly sick. Maybe one day you will regret that you have made such comments.

    [Daphne – Never. The only thing I regret is not being able to use on the internet the litany of pejoratives I have been using in speech all evening.]

  78. Trodden Down says:

    He was a political giant, one who walked over everything and everyone.

    I will not to speak ill of the dead but good riddance to those recurring “Mintoff hospitalized” headlines. That’s quite a load off the tax payers’ money. Are we going to get our tax rate reduction now?

  79. Karistu says:

    Foxx il qabar ta familtek liba u min ghad irid jinzel go fih aa qahba !

  80. Linda Kveen says:

    Happy birthday, Daphne. You certainly got a birthday present you will never forget.

    I too feel no remorse at Mintoff’s passing away.

    It is a pity it took him so long. Today the world is a better place.

    As for those saints marching out, I don’t think that where he is heading, he is going to encounter many saints.

    • Konti Ugolino says:

      My sentiments exactly. My own father never lived to the grand old age of 96 but died early as a direct result of Dom’s spiteful policies.

      My own child never reached adulthood. Her death was directly connected to the shoddy services (or rather the lack of them) provided by Dom’s best health service in the world.

      Now that he is no more, I hope he will get exactly what he deserves in the next world, if there is one.

      • Linda Kveen says:

        I am so sorry for your loss. I totally empathise with you.

        My own beloved mother died at the young age of 50, in 1981, in the mess that was then St Luke’s Hospital.

        Perhaps, if these Laburisti had lost someone close to them thay would understand why we are not shedding any tears at the death of Mintoff.

      • mzammit says:

        yes like the new hospital Mater dei is better, cancer machines not working…. not enough beds.. patients on stretchers…. not enough medicines…. waiting YEASRS for an operation?! what the hell??? and this is what you would call a Better life?! They should make Dom Mintoff a Saint! and put all those who say bad things about him in hell so that they can reflect on how stupid they are! Mintoff changed Malta and throughout his leadership he managed to make Malta better! I respect that some people don’t like him but not that much to spit on his grave?!! AND SAY IT IN PUBLIC come on!!! this only shows that the nazzjonalisti are full of hatred and hate anyone who makes competition! Seeing all these comments made me realise more how much the PNs hate the maltese and are not trying to improve Malta but to make it suffer by being lead for other years by you PNs…. People like you Daphne should be ashamed to say Youre Maltese and ashamed to say youre human because even animals are always loyal to their leader even when he ill treats them sometimes because they have faith in him and Love him just as much as we love dom mintoff. but dont worry! mintoff being a great person will forgive you for all the bad things you said and if you feel like spitting on his grave then do so.. but you’ll be the sinner then.. not him!

    • Charles says:


      Iva mela St.Lukes, jew Mimosa Hospital kif kellu il-hsieb li jbiddlu Mintoff, fejn it-tabib ma tifimx x qed jghidlek ghax Pakistan. Ghax Mintoff ma ridx ihallas lit-tobba maltin.

  81. Angus Black says:

    “….but quite frankly, the saints will probably go marching OUT once he walks in’

    Are you sure he’ll make it that far?

    As I sat down for a late supper, the news broke followed by a documentary on Dear Dom on NET TV.

    I enjoyed supper and even had dessert, which I do not normally indulge in.

    Although, as the documentary went through events chronologically, it got worse by the minute, inducing a high degree of revulsion in my guts, but somehow I still managed to enjoy a lovely meal. I felt no remorse but in the end, I pitied the man.

    He could have done so much more, so much good had it not been his super ego, so patronizing and so bull headed.

    He was the master of short term gain for a long term pain. He divided Malta and left Malta divided and still in pain of remembering this tin-pot tyrant, though some even go as far as describing him a ‘giant’, a ‘hero’ and a ‘statesman’.

    • Tano says:

      It’s very sad that you did’nt choke on your pretty supper. But hope you will choke on you next one. Good luck!!!

    • m. gauci says:

      angus …may the supper you had gets you a slow stomach cancer…… stuff youtr jelousy as Mintoff ruled Malta for over 20 years and you are nothing but a piece of shit…..fuck you and may your children get AIDS

      • sjf says:

        M. Gauci, i’ve never commented on a blog in my life, but when i saw your comment i must admit it got me thinking. You are one hell of an idiot!

    • Linda Kveen says:

      “Cancer machine.” There is no such thing as a “cancer machine.”

      That would imply a machine that causes cancer. What I suppose you are referring to is a radiation machine.

      If you don’t like the service offered at Mater Dei, at least you have the choice of going to a private hospital.

      We were not so lucky. Mintoff closed the only two private hospitals on the island and we had no choice but to go to St Luke for our medical care.

      Mintoff had locked the Maltese doctors out of the hospital because of the doctors’ dispute so it was staffed with the medical students and foreign doctors. It was a place of chaos. Truly a nightmare.

      As for Mintoff being forgiving, are you kidding me? You really don’t know anything about him, do you? He was one of the most unforgiven and vindictive man who ever lived.

  82. Darren Caruana says:

    Ofcourse you removed the comment/s, She Devil !

    [Daphne – I didn’t remove them, Darren. They’re all here waiting for upload while I was out on the town celebrating. Now I’m back and going through them. Such fun being reminded what a load of chicken-brains Mintoff had for fans.]

    • viva mintoff says:

      daphne. l ewwel nett chicken brain int u familtek..u t tieni nett ghax ma tlaqtx min malta la kont daqsekk imdejqa u mahqura, u la mintoff ghamillek daqsekk hsara?? jew paroli biss ghandek?g hax ma tghidux li gab lil malta fuq saqaja imma l knisja hammgitu kemm felhet!! int u kull min huwa kontra mintoff vera nies injoranti wara l gid kollu li ghamel. jew kollox intesa issa? ibqa certa li int fraht mal klikka tieghek ghax min mintoff, pero ghad jigi zmien fejn tifrah malta kollha!!! u dak li tixtieq lil proxxmu tieghek ghad jigi f darek ma jdumx ghax nahseb l anqas alla ghadu ma jaf x se jaqbad jghamel bik, nahseb ghadu qed ilestilek l akbar pjaga li bniedem jista jkollu……ara vera mara ma tisthix ta, j alla l id twila t alla tilhqek wahda w sew….u bdw tista tirrispondi lura kemm trd u se nghidlek min issa li dak li tghidli nistmah f sor….. ghax mhux s nwiegbek u ntik f hiex tisvoga. m ghandix ghlfejn nerga ndhol nara pastazati min tieghek u ta min hu bla qlb bhalek!!!! possibli int omm? u ghandek il genituri?? ja mara hazin…taf x inhu rispett??? umbad tghajjar lil mintuffjani!!! mur habbat rasek ma kastilja ja mara ndannata bik innifsek..pastaza

  83. Malcolm Farrugia says:

    Dear Mrs Caruana Galizia, as a Maltese person I am utterly disgusted with this post, as a labourite i’m not surprised nor impressed by what you’ve written. I will not stoop to such a low level to reply in kind and wish you any of the colorfull wishes you’ve just sent to Dom Mintoff. I appreciate that Mr. Mintoff didn’t go down well with a portion of the Maltese society, thats quite normal in a democracy, however I salute Dom Mintoff for the good deeds he done and for the social revolution he brought to his dear Malta.

    I wish you well,

    Malcolm Farrugia.

    • IMHO says:

      That’s one social revolution we could have done without. It hasn’t done much for his disciples thinking skills, for a start.

  84. Mark Buttigieg says:

    Three words
    What are you?

    • lissss says:

      She is one of the best journalists of Malta.

      • Rob79 says:

        Hah! With such journalism, no wonder it’s not considered a profession by many.

      • Mark Buttigieg says:

        Constructive not destructive. When a person dies at least have respect for the family. I wonder what she would do if someone close had to die and comments like these are passed. It’s a pity she acts this way as she ruins the whole image of her family. Well daphne I won’t swear at you or go down to your level with indecent comments but would love to hear from you and know if you where dropped on the floor when you where a baby?

      • Tano says:


      • A M says:

        I didn’t quite like Dom Mintoff either, but I find this article to be in bad taste. At the end of it all, this article does not affect me in any actual way, however, you have managed to upset a belligerent bunch of Mintofjani to an extreme this time.

        [Daphne – Yes, that’s exactly why I do it. The expressions are ‘rattling their cage’ and ‘yanking their chains’. We were on our way out yesterday when I said, wait, before we leave I have to upload something about how happy I am that the old bugger has popped it at last, so that on our return I’ll find 300 comments threatening me with death and torture in dyslexic sentences, all of which I shall upload to show what sort of people vote Labour.]

        I wonder if you realize that this article could end up hurting you, and I do not mean career-wise (you’re already in the toilet as far as I’m concerned). Perhaps, soon enough, someone else who you probably loathe with a profound passion will be writing an article about your death, though I quite doubt you’ll make it to old age at the rate you’re upsetting people.

        [Daphne – I don’t know whether you’ve worked this one out yet, A M, but when I’m dead I’m not going to be bothered about some person writing an article ‘that will hurt me’. The dead are beyond reach. It’s not as though Mintoff is sobbing in some corner saying ‘look at what that bitch wrote about me’. More’s the pity, of course. Fortunately, I had more than enough time to let him know what I think before he went senile and lost the ability to read it.]

        Your capability of seriously angering the ignorant (or your opinion of what journalism is) will inevitably backfire on you.

        [Daphne – Wrong. Staying silent will. We got saddled with Mintoff because of fear.]

  85. Lisa says:

    You’re a real bitch!

    If Mintoff was a sociopath …you are no less! YOU are appalling and hateful! I wish no harm to people…..but I might end up wishing you to rot in hell…you’re evil!!!

    • IMHO says:

      The difference, Lisa, is that Mintoff was in power and stayed there, wreaking havoc over everyone’s lives, including yours, though you wouldn’t know it.

  86. A Grech says:

    Disgusting – truly disgusting.

    [Daphne – I agree. He was awful. Oh, do you mean me?]

  87. TG says:

    Nixtieq Nifrahlek ghal kliem ta’ INJORANZA L-ghandek. Ma’ Tisthiex tmaqdar lil minn gabek nies?? Ma tisthiex tmaqdar lil minn tak L-edukazzjoni, Sptar, Xoghol u hafna affarijiet ohra?????

    Int Minn INT jew min Tahseb Li Int???

    Tibzax Alla Jaf xghandu jaghmel u jaf lil minn huwa bla Qalb u bla Demm.

    Kont, Ghadek u Tibqa Injoranta u Fl-ahhar Qatt jigi Zmien li ahna stess u int ukoll Tkanta L-Glorja Xhin tkun qeda fl-ahhar tan-nifs tieghek, Imma ahna mahniex hodor u njoranti bhalek ahna inhalluk tghix fil-paci ( JEKK TAF X’INHU PACI). Ghalissa Daqshekk imma Tinsiex Minn Gabek Nies (NAF LI MINTIEX)

    • Angus Black says:

      “Tibzax Alla Jaf xghandu jaghmel u jaf lil minn huwa bla Qalb u bla Demm”.

      Ghalhekk ghandna nitolbu ghal ruh Dumink, ghax ghandu x’jahfirluAlla, wara li kisser pajjiz, fired il-Maltin, ghamel gwerra kontra l-knisja ta Kristu, thabbeb ma assassini bhal Gaddafi, Caucescu, Kim il Sung u dittaturi bhalu, w ghama lill gwejjef bi ftit cejca (Ciniza, s’intendi), u ftit laned tat-tonn taz-zejt.

      Imma min hu izghar forsi ma jiftakarx li kecca t-tobba, li halla lill min isawwat nies innocenti w hares band’ohra meta l-marmalja kient qed tahraq it-Times, kissret kazini Nazzjonalisti, qatlet lill Raymond Caruana w l-Puluzija akkuzat bniedem innocenti. Dan kollu sar fi zmienu u fi zmien dak il-qares l-iehor li Mintoff lahhqu prim ministru minghajr ma qatt gab vot wiehed jinten.

      Dak kollu li ghandu x’jaqsam mal-Partit ‘glorjuz’ tal-Lejber huwa moqziez u min ihaddan il-politika Mintoffjana huwa “bla Qalb u bla Demm”. Issa insew lill Alfred Sant u ibdlu isem l-‘orfni’ ghax dalwaqt tibdew ssejhulu ‘Salvatur Mk II’.

      • TG says:

        Kif taf li Qatluh il-laburisti?? Hemm Provi?? Inthom Dawk Il-Grajjiet Biss Tafu Isemmu ma semmhux it-tajjeb li ghamel ghal Malta. Ghakez lil malta??? MELA GONZI X’QIEGHED JAGHMEL>>???????

        Dejn Kbir ghal Pajjiz, ma jahsibx ghal min hu fqir gab lil Malta Taht saqajh u qieghed jahseb ghalih biss. Il-Hdura li qieghed isemmi int laqas tibda mal-HDURA li Ghandkmhom in-Nazzjonalisti. Iva Malta Tigi Qabel Kollox, imma ghal gonzi LE.

        Dejn Ghal Pajjiz gab Gonzi!!! Mintoff L-ahjar ghal Malta ghamel. U Hu BISS Halla Il-KAxxa ta’ Malta Mimmlija, umbad tlajtu inthom u spiccat vojta.

  88. guze` spiteri says:

    you can say DOM or you can say MINTOFF the world over and most will remember him as a great statesman.

    say Caruana Galizia and you get a smell of a tin of an out of date. stinking sardines.

    • Konti Ugolino says:

      Well, we could always line up to throw horseshit at his coffin. At least one of the mourners would understand.

  89. Michael Caruana says:

    Daphne you are already rotten here,your looks,your poisonous tongue,your hatred, your relations throughout are all ingredients to book you a solid place ,which you most deserve near the king of demons,,lucifere,where you both make a formidable couple , but then i think that the king of hell (your future residence ) won’t want you near him you stink too much,body and soul.

  90. Ken il malti says:

    He finally kicked the bucket.

    I will now say a prayer for all those good people of Malta and Gozo who were born after this vile bastard and died prematurely way before him because of his vindictiveness and hate and the turmoil for which he was 100% responsible.

    By God, that prick hated his own countrymen.

  91. You filthy piece of shit!

  92. Hibernating from Malta says:

    Now that he’s dead, I feel no sympathy for him whatsoever. Actually, I’m enjoying a glass of champagne.

    The prayer I said this evening is not for him, but the miscarried brother I lost in the 1980s after my mother was thrown out of work and beaten by the SMU for being a Nationalist party supporter.

  93. stefan busuttil says:


  94. Not cool.

    [Daphne – I’ll have to point out to people that you’re not THE Richard Muscat – you know, just in case they become confused.]

    • No I’m not. (In case they haven’t go it.)

      To clarify my rather pithy comment, I’m old enough to remember Mintoff and KMB’s shenanigans and even witnessed close up various violent incidents in Rabat pre-1987. Mintoff’s death is no loss to Malta.

      However I don’t see the benefit of revelling in his death. I’d much rather see people like you take the higher moral ground. (Not hard, frankly.) The potential long-term downside of this sort of post is greater than the short-lived upside. If there even is one.

      [Daphne – ‘To clarify my rather pithy comment’. My God, who are these people?]

  95. mux afarik says:

    fox il liba ommok daphne

  96. Lilla says:

    Boo fucking boo hoo hoo.

    translated; (Hip hip horray)

  97. fox il liba nazjonalisti says:

    nirah il hdura landek tirizulta f canser f kull celola ta dak likrah maffeg , liba , catt gismek

    • U dan ghax l-injoranza iddejjaqni fuq kull naha, ma nistax nissaporti bhalissa. Ha nikoregilek ftit l-ortografija:

      “Nirrah il-hdura l’ghandek tirrizulta f’cancer f’kull cellola ta’ dak l-ikrah, mghaffeg, liba, catt gismek.”

      Mintoff kien jaf jikteb.

  98. Mixa says:

    well personally I think that you should get a hobbie as you think that you are superior and perfect but guess what you are a fuckin bitch which in turn you show youre depression in life and sadness. let him rest in peace oh wait you’re foreshadowing your own death

  99. marco says:

    are you here daphne ?

  100. Johann Camilleri says:

    Good riddance to Mintoff.

    He has cost me money for the last time: excellent bubbly. Took tomorrow off to celebrate well.

    Coming to Malta for the pleasure of dancing on his grave.

    How are those pitchforks up your arse, you bastard?

    Rot in hell!

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      You certainly lead a very sad life.

      • Angus Black says:

        You would have led an even sadder life, ‘Qeghdin Sew’ if only you had the fortune of living during the Socialist years. You know, those years which you usually refer to as the ‘golden era’.
        Go have a fresh glass of water straight from your kitchen tap, because you can and then shower to your heart’s content without being advised to have a swim (Summer or Winter) because the water supply has been turned off.

    • aw says:

      probably you’re a more of a bastard saying such things. Have some respect asshole.

    • Priscilla says:

      How sad… You must be a very disturbed person

  101. Michael P says:

    Good riddance, Mintoff, you utter piece of shit.

    You can now join your best friend Muammar Gaddafi in hell, and you deserved an end similar to his.

  102. Lilla says:

    I see the usual litany of intellectual profundity coming your way.

    I can just imagine you uploading and laughing your head off.

    Good on you, Daphne – you have balls, I must say.

  103. stefan fenech says:

    at least can you explain why u have such hatred for this man? and why our lifes would have been so much better? RIP Dom Mintof

    • Angus Black says:

      Were you even born thirty years ago?

      • 1979 says:

        I assure you I was born 30 years ago dear, and never lived happier. We were happy, maybe we had nothing but we were happy……something which nowadays I can’t see in today’s children and obviously not even in DCG.

        PS: Don’t worry babe, il-PN wara l-gabra ta’ €5 ha jipprova jaghmel gabra ghalik forsi jirnexxielu jsib kura ghal mohhok. Mr. Black, b’solidarjeta lilek nitolbuk tohrog €100. In the meantime I suggest u stay on prozac!!!!!

      • IMHO says:

        Poor and happy, were you? It pays to be ignorant.

  104. Martin L.King says:

    Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

  105. jean-paul galea says:

    my name is jean paul i live in mosta i support the labourist party so my place is in the mizbla with julian mizzi and the rats

  106. B says:

    I’m a die hard Nationalist, but your comments are totally a disgrace and pathetic!

  107. The Phoenix says:

    The devil has claimed one of his own.

    RIP? Rot In Penance.

  108. daphne sick bastard says:

    u can tell that if theres like 5 comments against mintoff are all from you DAPHNE ur bloddy sick from the head, ur metally ill… suck a fucken disgrace to have u as a maltese!! 1 last thing… may this be ur last birthday , u UGLY sick bastard!!!!

  109. Ken il malti says:

    My late father was fond of that old saying:

    “Kullhadd jilbes il-libsa tal-hatab”.

    And in this case I am ever so glad that they do just that.

  110. julian says:

    hadt host il birthday? jalla il libagni li turi fuq kullhadd inklux il partitari nazjonalisti tirivulta fuqek .. u jalla isib kappel jigik … u mur hudu fox kemm andek…. u Jekk int mara ghamel dak li ktibt int stess….fil-funeral ha nkunu nistennewk ha tobzoq fuq il-qabar!!

  111. fox ommok says:

    mur hudu foxx id demm bluu l andkomm u komplu inkazzaw ax did darba ahna nihduwa aa qatta pufti .. foxx il hofor ta dak il kurnut kuntent gonzii .. nirah alla jafigkom trakk kolla kemm intomm ax intom ek tidu libaturi

    • suarez says:

      Kemm int bravu . haqqkom tiehduha ghax min kif ktibt int nahseb li ha njunu qedin tajjeb.

      • Monte bello says:

        So how come nobody condemns this poet’s post? What he’s saying is far worse than what DCG said. And far more worrying.

  112. maryanne says:

    Why do all these people care what Daphne thinks about Mintoff?

    I am waiting for them to go and ask Alfred Sant what he thinks and what his sentiments are. Is he going to say he’s sorry for calling him a traitor?

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      As if Sant would still be carrying that chip on his shoulder.

      [Daphne – You don’t know much about him if you think he’s not one to bear grudges. He bears terrible grudges. Surely you should have been able to observe this from his public statements and behaviour.]

  113. Frank Grech says:

    Utmost disgraceful piece of disrespect I have come across shame on you, for even writing that ! I live in Australia and find that article disturbing, I meet Dom Mintoff in 1990 enjoying his past time at Dalimara a true gentleman inviting us on many occasions, He put Malta on the map of the world, I’m sure your enjoying the fruits of this era and bad mouthing Mintoff at the same time Shame on you!

    [Daphne – Yes, Frank, I know that you emigrated to Australia and that you’re a Mintoffian, because you told me. Not that you needed to, because practically all the Maltese who emigrated there were Mintoffians. And that can only be a good thing, because imagine if you’d all stayed here. The frigging bastard would still be prime minister.]

    • Frank Grech says:

      Sad very sad that you view history in this way , open your eyes and open your ears and learn that making Malta what it is today had to have a starting point and that starting point was what Dom Mintoff did for Malta , in life some times if you believe in it and see greatness you push as hard as you can to achieve it ! your not going to tell me what Malta is today just happened , Malta today is MAGNIFICENT and has evolved into a beautiful island and prosperity and its name is known all around the world …your article just proves to me and to many you have alot of learning to do … if you had any future in politics i think you have just closed the door on your self , and by the way many Australian Maltese NATIONALIST OR LABOUR like Mr Dominic Mintoff or not would respect his work and not disrespect him in the way you have done with your article

  114. J Abela says:

    May he rot in hell

  115. ..... says:

    diga hija haga kerha li rridu naraw dan it tajjir zejjed meta kien haj imma li titkellem hekk fuqu issa li miet ? xej mara bla rispett int ! tifel ta hames snin matur iktar minnek nira alla jsabbtek

    • Grezz says:

      @ ….

      Inti tippretendi li id-dinja kolla ma tghidx xi thoss u x’kienu l-fatti fuq nies bhal, per ezempju, Hitler, Gaddafi, Ceausescu, ecc, ecc ghaliex huma mejtin?

  116. Babe says:

    The bastard finally snuffed it.

    Will he take is hoard of money with him now?


    He will rot in hell watching the family that he hated and humiliated all his life enjoying his ill-gotten goods, whilst all he will get will be a bad case of worms.

    • Ben Cassar says:

      careful what you wish for babe :/ there’s a thing called karma! peace out!

      [Daphne – Kemm tifmu fil-karma, God bless. Ma tafux tiktbu u tahsbu, imma l-aqwa li nikkwotaw il-karma ghax xi haga ‘cool’ li skoprejna l-bierah.]

      • Cole says:

        Aħjar titgħallem tikteb bil-Malti sew l-ewwel purċinella

        [Daphne – Dak hu Malti sew. Ma tarfux ghax muhiex il-Malti tal-working class, imma l-Malti ta’ Dawk il-Bastids L-Ohrajn.]

      • Ben Cassar says:

        You confused me ‘Defni’ are you talking to me, or the rest of the forum? Please I invite you to correct my grammar! Bitchy as it may be, I don’t mind. That means I will learn something new today! But if my grammar is correct, than stop stating useless comments like these ‘Ma tafux tiktbu u tahsbu’ cause your sticking to one argument hence being pathetic!

        [Daphne – It’s Daphne, with a flat A and not an e, as in ‘cat’, which you probably pronounce ‘ket’ anyway.]

      • Ben Cassar says:

        I like calling you ‘Defni’ is suits you…. Some people call me Benji :)

        [Daphne – Exactly my point. And when other people call you Banji, you think that they have that Maltese problem with vowel sounds.]

      • Ben Cassar says:

        when I’m in a bitchy mood I tend to dislike it yes, but on the whole I’m not that sensitive… happy pill Dahp?

        [Daphne – I don’t do pills, sorry. But if you have any going spare, ring 9998 8877 and offer them to Franco Debono.]

      • Ben Cassar says:

        hahahaha good one, I liked this one! seriously you cracked me up!

    • Mark Cachia says:

      stay sure babe that at some point in time we can easily say that you sucked it!!!!! always remember that we live under the same sky, ad the last hour will come to everyone. at least he will be remembered forever while you, and all those BASTARDS, RETARDED AND MENTALLY DISTURBED people who wrote such cruelty about Mintoff will rot in hell. Of course you have got a different DNA inside you bunch of pig shit as I guess no such cruelty was said when one of the ex PN Ministers died like you did on Mintoff’s death. You guys never finish to impress, but at least we know with whom we are dealing in 2012, that results how you should be treated after

  117. carlos says:

    happy birthday whore! I hope you choke on your cake

  118. Babe says:

    Muscat said that he feels orphaned by the death of Dom.

    I do not harbour such feelings. My mother was not a whore, my father not a cuckold and I am no bastard. If he feels orphaned, that’s his problem.

    • Chris says:

      bhal li kieku jekk kienet tinhexa ommok ma dak u ma l iehor ha tigi tajdlek jekk kienetx qahba lol

      • CZ says:

        Shouldn’t there be a Maltese version for “lol”? You know, when you’re writing in Maltese? Suggestions?

    • master says:

      you such a bitch go fuck your mother

      [Daphne – ‘Go fuck your mother’, like ‘bastard’ and ‘cunt’, are terms of abuse which English usage reserves exclusively for men. ‘Go fuck your mother’ is not a lesbian insult.]

  119. da kollu ax xi darba hxilek lommok u rabba il qrun il missierk , kurnuta !

  120. Glenn Borg says:

    You should be ashamed of your self!

    These words of hate over a deceased person should never come out of the pen of a public figure like you.

    Always knew you were a sick bitch, but this time its a little too much.

    May you rot in hell you sick fuck, together with your family and those who support you.

  121. Danton says:

    We celebrated with pink champagne and then burped a big one……ghal wiccu. Our bet was that Alfred Sant celebrated likewise the demise of the TRADITUR.

  122. True Maltese says:

    Ja qahba imxajtna, ghax dak li int! U jekk ghandek il-gazz urih dal-messagg, ja DEMEL!!

  123. Int bis serjeta? says:

    Int bis serjeta int mentali. andek problemi fmohhok mintx fpostok. tkelem ekk fuq familtek li jirah imutu mewta kerha u bik bkollox, biex titkelem ekk fuq nies li nasigura ruhi int nazjonalista u tejd ekk ax ommok u missirek (li nahseb naqa mentali biex gabu lilek titkelem) ekk ghalmuk.

  124. Ambrogio says:

    To whom it may concern: It takes one to recognize one.

  125. Stephanie says:

    Daphne I admire your work very very much.

    To me you are a true journalist because you are not ashamed of saying the truth.

    Do not let people bring you down with their words because you truly stand up for those people that have seen cruelty through mintoff’s ways.

    As said in a previous comment ‘GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH’.

    Continue doing what you do Daphne. My family amd I are behind you all the way and not us alone, because many other Maltese think so highly of you. I don’t even consider Mintoff a human being let alone give him my respect. And have a good birthday Daph Xxx

    • qeda sew says:

      i dont consider you human being considering your hatred you fuckin cunt. shame on your parents to raise you like that.

      • Chris says:

        minjaf x’duzunur ghal genituri taha.! twaqqalom wiccom l’art

        [Daphne – Ahna m’ahniex familja tar-rahal, Chris. Ma noqghodux naghtu kaz x’jahsbu n-nies. Dawk affarijiet ghan-nies bhalek, li jibzghu li l-ohrajn jahsbuhom hamalli jew mhux mittilkless bizzejjed.]

      • Chris says:

        Daphne iva jie mir-rahal u kburi, minn daqshekk ghandek ragun li jimpurtani xi ftit jew wisq minn ta’ madwari, ma noqghodx il-bidnija ghal imwarrab halli x’hin inwaddab il-platti lil mara tieghi ma jismghani hadt! Hasra li kellu jkun hu li jahfirlek, ghadni qed nistenna li tghidli fuq xhiex kien l-argument jien ghax imbilli jien mir-rahal inhobb nlhaq salib nies bhalek ukoll!

    • aw says:

      admire her work? that is not work. That is hate. from an ill bitch.

    • carlos says:

      then you’re a fucking ignorant cunt like her!

    • sha says:

      ghandek x tamira ! hlief tajjar lin-nies ma tafx
      nahseb mera’ sew id-dae maghndiex din !!

    • mintoffjan says:

      i consider you like a bitch not human being you fucking nazzjonalizt bastard

  126. natalie says:

    hmm …. i never liked mintoff and i will never agree with his politics but to tell you the truth your comments shocked me really. i mean the guy just passed away! give him and his family a break!

  127. M. Bormann says:

    It’s so ironic he died on your birthday. Haha. Happy birthday.

  128. Unknown says:

    Isthi ja wicc ta liba, mur hudu foxx kemm ghandek. Tuza kliem bhal dawn. Jekk narak wiccek inkissirulek. Issa ghid dan il kliem fuq xi membru fil familja tieghek meta jhallina minn wicc id dinja.

    • Malti says:

      Tinsiex habib li l-internet juzawh ukoll it tfal, u malajr jistaw jaqraw dak kollu li ktibt, ikteb li thoss ghax hawn il liberta tal kelma imma jahasra kun nadif fi kliemek, tista tesprimi li thoss bil kelma tajba xorta. Il gurnata tajba ‘Unknown’

  129. Hibernating from Malta says:

    (Forgot to write it on my previous post) Happy Birthday Daphne. Don’t forget to go to the Notting Hill Carnival.

  130. James Tyrrell says:

    I fail to see why some people are surprised at your comments as it is just further proof, not than any was required in my opinion, of what a repulsive bitch you are. Have you any idea just how happy people will be when you die, which given the way you look can’t be far off. Just think, even members of your own and Peter’s families will be glad to see the back of you and the Nationalist Party will breathe a huge sigh of relief that they are no longer associated with you and your foul mouth. The good point to all this is that every time you come off with crap like this you lose that twat Gonzi more votes!

    • Frankie's Barrage says:

      You did not live in Malta at the time this tyrant was in power do you have no right to comment. Why don’t you go back to your country and take your stupid opinions with you. People rejoiced when Gaddafi died, so what is different now?

    • Kinks says:

      Ah, a lecture from a former member of an organisation created to persecute the weak, the downtrodden and the underprivileged.

      You’d have had a great time in Mintoff’s police force, torturing innocent people for a laugh.


    • IMHO says:

      Have you any idea how ridiculous compensating for your life’s failures by obsessing about someone who – ahem – lives in another country?

  131. Dre says:

    What ever happened to free speech? Everyone has their own opinion. You are free to say whatever you like, but all the swearing and cursing is very naive. Remember, what is done to you, creates you. That is a basic principle of the universe. Im sure people have plenty of reasons to love/hate him. Just because he died it doesnt mean you have to lie….. What u thought before is how u should feel now. Prosit Daph, you have balls of steel and i admire you even if i disagreed.

    • max says:

      Oqod ejdila prosit vera haqqa ee. Xandu xjaqsam il free of speech imbad emm is sens ta rispett ukoll.

      • johnusa says:

        Ahjar titghalmu x’inhu freedom of speech l-ewwel!

        Lanqs jien ma naqbel ma’ li kitbet, pero I will defend her right to say what she wants to say forever!

        Ghax f’socjeta civili, m’ghandux ikun hemm censura tal-media.

      • max says:

        Ghandu jkun hemm limitu xorta u mhux immorru ghall estrem

      • johnusa says:

        Limitu? U min jiddecidih dan il-limitu? Xi dittatur jew?

        U hallina u ifthu naqra mohhkom jahasra! Tghixu in a bubble back in Malta u tahsbu li hadd ma jista ghalikom u dak li tghidu huwa kollu tajjeb.

        Go abroad, travel, live outside of Malta and learn how other people live, milli ha tibqa with your village mentality.

        Gej bil-limitu, mela qed nieklu il-pastizzi jew?

    • Rob79 says:

      @Johnusa …dictators? like what the US wants to do with Assange? Like keeping Manning imprisoned for over 2 years now.

  132. christian spiteri says:

    Vera mara bla valuri u bla ebda manjiera. Rip Dom Mintoff. Daphne jalla ssib lil xi hadd mignun aktar minnek u jehles minnek darba ghal dejjem u minn kull min jigi minn demmek,ghax demm ahdar ghandek

  133. Dre says:

    By the way, there is a death threat above by someone. I would report it to the police if i was you. Not funny at all.

    [Daphne – I receive death threats all the time. What do you expect? These are f**king Mintoffiani we’re talking about here. They’re people who set off bombs and shot and maimed and set fire to The Times with employees still inside. They’re horrendous. To support a socipath you’ve got to have some of those tendencies yourself.]

    • max says:

      Ma nahsibx li se joqodu jcapcula uxx wara dal artiklu li kitbet. Hdura pura

    • John Barros says:

      Well said..He started the instability in Malta..His party used ex-convicts to do the dirty work.

    • -_- says:

      emm you don`t remember when you sick fuckers used to bury people in the mizbla .?

      • Homer says:

        Stop blaming others for your superstitious ignorance.

      • Kinks says:

        Injorant. Qatt mort “il-mizbla”? Ja Injorant. Il-‘mizbla’ (fejn inddifnu sitta minn nies b’kollox) hija l-parti tac-cimiteru fejn jindifnu l-protestanti. U l-ateji. U minn jigi skumnikat. Injorant.

        U ghaliex indifnu hemm? Ghax il-laburist Mintoff beda glieda mal-laburist Isqof Gonzi. Glieda interna taghkom din. Twahhlux id-difetti u l-izbalji taghkom f’hadd iehor.


      • TROY says:

        Iz-zibel ghal hemm tajjeb.

    • Spelling mistake says:

      socipath?? DAPHNE ghandek spelling mistake !! illallu x’ha taghmel issa? ilek tikkoregi tant nies ghax minghalik li jekk tikkoregi lil haddiehor, juri kemm int brava! Forsi Mintoff ma kienx perfett imma ‘sabiha’ mis- sema l- isfel hadd m’hu. Naqbel mieghek li ghandek tesprimi dak li thoss imma f’ kazijiet bhal dawn (li huma vera rari) nixtieq li kont nghix f’pajjiz dittatorjali ha nidhku imbghad :)

    • unknown says:

      i am not a mintoffiana at all.. still u deserve the worst for your hatred towards ppl.. u r no different from all d scum in prision

    • Mark says:

      Setting fire to the times was indeed horrendous as was the blowing up of the Kirkop MLP club, the death of Karen Grech, the tolling of church bells to disrupt one ‘s political opponent mass meeting with the blessing of the police under PN rule, ( PN=democracy ?……Please ) , not to forget EFA being carried on ZEPPI L – HAFI ‘ S shoulders. Not to mention the kind of security personnel guarding the PN headquarters this lately. Nahseb li kulhadd ghandu xi jxomm taht idejh hux veru ? Hatred and violence in this country started much earlier than the mintoff era and YES the mintoff administration was unable to stop it. Shameful indeed as is shameful the promotion of violent MLP era police officers to higher ranks under EFA, I will never beleive that those officers were ever mintoffjani , more likely PN supporters doing their best to stain MLP ‘ s image and my god it worked.

  134. William Falzon says:

    You crossed the line.

    [Daphne – Oh, there is a line? And where was the line that Mintoff didn’t cross, Mr Falzon? These islands are stuffed full of idiots. No wonder we got him in the first place.]

    • sha says:

      then you are one of the idiots .. why are stil living in maltaa thenn ????

    • Rob79 says:

      Yes, why is it you are stuck in Malta Daphne?

    • DVG says:

      Seriously Daphne, you probably will ridicule my expression, but i have been going through all your replies to these ghastly comments, and low class language, and the only phrase that comes to mind is: ‘You Rock!’

      And I can answer a few of you as to why she is still living in Malta. Where else can she go? Every 5 seconds she comes across yet another comical Labour-inspired article to dish out to all her haters who funnily enough engage in reading her blog daily, until early hours of the morning.

      Continue entertaining her, guys, for she is definitely succeeding in entertaining me.

      Values, by the way? Oh yes, that’s it. Disgusting language used in your comments. A prime example of Labour’s values. Close-minded and horrified comments? Another such value.

      Continue enjoying her blog. Let me not keep you any longer. I’ll go and watch something refreshing. One TV anyone?

  135. 101 says:

    If god existed, in the near future you should die in an accident, but that surely won’t happen.. you will be killed :)

  136. Truth says:

    Im disgusted your parents raised you this way unless they left you on the streets to die to hell and you didn’t. If they raised you like that well to hell with them. I hope when they die you hear those kind of words! i hope when you die your children would say those words. i hope when your children die people will say: the child of that fucked up witch died finally!

  137. John Barros says:

    He did more harm than any other politician in Malta.

    Many Maltese had to emigrate. You can tell what character he was from the friends he kept, namely Gaddafi, The Chinese Communists, the North Koreans, the dictators of the Soviet bloc, Lorry Sant…etc

    He became filthy rich through rebuilding under the War Damage programme. He also forced people to bath in rusted water, and buy inferior expired products during his regime.

    He was a bastard, and used to make fun of his own supporters during those famous riots or public meetings. He once called the Shipyard workers, his own beloved supporters, men without balls. I was there, observing.

  138. sha says:

    vera qeda sew ee !!!!
    may YOU rest in hell not himm !!!!

    [Daphne – Rot, sha, rot. Not rest.]

    • Truth says:

      not only you daphne but your son burning in hell in front of you! with your parents burning with him

    • max says:

      And youre going to rot in hell dw daphnee

    • sha says:

      mhux xorta fimthaaa !!! ee bilhaqq ghax inti hafna inglizzatti u perezzjoni uu !!
      u mur hallina naqqaaa

      • johnusa says:

        U mur itghallem ikteb jaqq u tippostjax aktar fuq l-internet qabel ma tiehu kors u issir literata.

        Mhux ta b’xejn li mbaghad jitfaw il-Laburisti kollha f’keffa meta jaraw xi injoranta bhalek tipprova tikteb u ma tistax.

        Ezempju, minflok tikteb “naqqaaa” ezatt kif thossha biex turi li qed tkun sarkastika, qatt ma ghallmitek it-teacher tal-year 2 li tista tuza exclamation mark to achieve the same result? U hallina naqra! And it’s naqra mhux naqa.

      • sha says:

        Isma johnusa jew xi z*b jismek!

        injorant int u ahjar tmur tiehu kors int .. forsi ma tafx kif jitholl naqra sens f’mohhok u ma taqbiz ghal-nies li lanqas biss ghandhom ragun fuq dawk li qedt jiktbu.

        u btw nikteb kif iz-z*bb irridt .. lili hadt ma jindahalli u specjalment nazzjonaist imgiddem bhalek !

        p.s naf kif tuza exclamation mark mhemmx ghafejn taghlimni int ta hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Rob79 says:

        @Johnusa. Same reasoning that Jack Kerouac was criticized by those who lacked imagination and creativity, feared change and deluded themselves that following the old rules made them smarter. What is the use of flawless lexical skills when one can’t spot how wrong this article is on so many levels?

      • johnusa says:

        Nithassrek. Fil-veru sens tal-kelma, nithassrek.

        Min int biex tiddeciedi x’ragun ghandu haddiehor jew le? Min int biex timponi dak li tahseb fuq haddiehor?

        Qatt ghallmuk, waqt tazza te u Royals ahmar u pakket qaghaq tal hmira, x’inhu freedom of speech?

        Nazzjonalist miniex – just Laburist with a brain.

        Naf li dan hu kuncett li inti mhux ha tifhmu, ghax inti wahda minn dawk li ghax xi hadd ma jaqbilx mieghek, allura kontra tieghek. Have a nice day!

      • Mifsud says:

        @Rob79. Jack Kerouac? Seriously? As if you can compare his writing to this girl writing on this blog in the same way she would update her facebook status to: ‘xower and off to pijjvijj’. Kerouac knew how to spell unlike sha over her who wouldn’t recognise good spelling if it draped itself in a Labour flag and threw horse shit at her…

    • sha says:

      mhux xorta fimtha ! ee bilhaqq i nsejt ghax inti kollok inglizati u perfezzjoni ..

    • Chris says:

      witch , daph, pscho witch

    • Mary says:

      Dont worry sha when the day comes there is where she will be!!!!

  139. pawlu z ziz says:

    ghandek ragun ma tahmilx l labour party dazgur ax nehha l faqar u l guh qatt ma hmiltuh il poplu malti dejjem ridtuh f akks inti dejjem turi x inhu l partit nazzjonalista skuzi jew l partit li qatt ma hamel l haddiem jalla int u shabek dawk tal qalba tiehdu dak li haqqkhom

    • Angus Black says:

      Pawl, taqax ghan nejk.

      Fi zmien Mintoff go xi fabrika tat-tessuti b’paga minima kont issib tahdem, jekk kont tal-qalba. Jekk le, forsi kien jigbrok ma xi dejma, jew mal-Pijunieri w jhallsek bis-soldi. U dawk bla xoghol kienu ta xi 12 fil-mija meta l-impjegati ma kienux ilahhqu 100,00 ruh.

      Illum issib xoghol tajjeb, pagi tajbin, nies bla xoghol anqas minn 7 fil-mija, safar bl-addocc, karrozzi godda u z-zejjed, restaurants ippakkjati bil-Maltin, kulljum u kullimkien. Fi zmien Mintoff xi landa tonn taz-zejt kont issib – meta kien isib xi konsinna skaduta w b’irhis.

      Dik hajja! Dak lussu! Dak veru ghaks!

  140. Dionne Trifiro says:

    I agree with you, and even being gone from Malta for the past 20 years hasn’t changed the way I feel about this man who tried but failed to take away our freedom, who persecuted us in our own homes and robbed us of our belongings.

    Happy birthday from the USA where freedom of speech reigns supreme!

    • no shame no gain says:

      tried to take your freedom? its amazing how hatred distorts reality. Reality is he brought you freedom. And now that freedom is gone again, as Malta still has to answer to the EU. That is the problem with the nationalist party. They never believed Malta could stand on its own two feet, never believed that its people are capable of running it on their own terms. Its disgraceful to be like that. The highlight of ones career is when he gets a job overseas, as its regarded as you are so good as they employed you overseas!
      what did they rob you of? did they come to your house and steal from you? in the name of labour and mintoff?
      And yes in america freedom of speech reings supreme, but you cannot go get free medical assistance like you get in Malta. So god fordbid you ever need it, i hope you have good insurance or they can cure you with a speech.

      • Angus Black says:

        I am spending too much time here, but just this one and I will pack it in.

        You CANNOT use the word ‘Freedom’ and ‘Mintoff’ in the same sentence, no shame no gain.

        Freedom is not burning The Times and destroying its presses because it did not agree with his policies.
        Freedom is not shutting down the courts whenever he liked especially when some government case was looking bad.
        Freedom is not denying the NP to have a radio and television station and had to transmit from Sicily.
        Freedom is not barring foreign journalists from reporting about the political scene in Malta.
        Freedom is not denying or restricting the number of secondary students from entering university.
        Freedom is not harassing Nationalist supporters when attending meetings even when all permits were issued.
        Freedom is not allowing Labour Party thugs to invade and destroy private property.
        Freedom is not failing to renew an agreement with Britain but sell the country to a fellow dictator by the name of Gaddafi.

        Liberty is not requisitioning, without compensation, private property for ‘government projects’ only to be converted to Labour Party clubs.

        The list is too long to continue, but if this government had the guts, it would freeze all of Mintoff’s assets and bank accounts and do justice with those who are still holding empty bags since their property was stolen so many years ago and whose shares in banks were seized without compensation in the National Bank rape.

      • USA says:

        Yeah, but atleast in the USA you don’t have to wait for weeks if not months to be looked at or god forbid need an operation. Don’t trash my Country (USA).

        And from what i’ve been told , and seen from old clips him and his party ruled through violence and intimidation.

        Good Riddance to that son of a bitch. You won’t see me shedding any tears for his wasted life.

    • Rob79 says:

      US….where freedom what?? hahhahhaha. Yeah right! Now, if Daphne wants to speak about scum, there is a whole list to choose from the US.

    • Rob79 says:

      ‘And from what i’ve been told , and seen from old clips him and his party ruled through violence and intimidation. ‘

      ….and they wonder why the Americans are hated.

  141. Stephanie says:

    It’s disgusting how they can stand up for someone like him, the scum of the earth that he was.

    [Daphne – Well, what do you expect. These people are scum of the earth too. That’s why they like him so much.]

    • sha says:

      inti f’dinja tghix jewww ?

      • Angus Black says:

        Dik id-domanda ghandek taghmilha quddiem mera, sha!

      • LIza says:

        stephanie, ghalxiex ma tmurx taqbez minn ximkien… we think caruana galizia is scum because he was a human and a person not because we r PL… u stand up for him coz he is god’s sun like you his daughter and he has passed away… imnalla ma nafx min inti ax nhabbatlek wiccek ma xi hajt jaqq

      • Lisa says:

        Iva, f’Malta nghixu! Issa waqfu jghajruh traditur!

        He brought us freedom?

        For God’s sake! Mintoff didn’t give ”freedom” to the Maltese, the English left, do you understand? LEFT! And what did that ”Traitor” as he was one, do? He went crawling to the scum of the earth Gaddafi begging for money!

        Either you’re 10 years old, brainwashed or you suffer from dementia.

        The sad bit is that you have a vote and you can use it freely, unlike previous elections with bullies at the polling booths intimidating and threatening voters.

    • Ben Cassar says:

      Enlighten me Daphne please, all of these are the scum of the earth right?! while you sit there all high and mighty wearing a white robe??? it take’s one to know one dear… just hope nothing really bad happens to you or your precious son cause it will be the first time I laugh my ass off at some one’s death!

      [Daphne – Your ignorance knows no bounds. ‘My precious son’. You don’t even know I have three. I suppose you imagine that the ‘tifel ta’ Defni’ discussions on your scum sites are all about the same one. White robe? No, actually it’s striped.]

      • Ben Cassar says:

        Unlike you, I’m not a busy body so honestly no, I didn’t know you had three, more probability for you to worry about their health I guess… Not that I wish you ill, but surely I won’t shed a tear, well maybe a joyful one. I hope you’r wearing a wonder bra under that striped robe, don’t wan’t you tangling up in your breasts while walking :p thank god for ‘Defni’ !!

        [Daphne – You don’t have to be a busybody to know I have three sons, Ben. I’ve had them since I began writing 23 years ago and I’ve never kept them a secret. So when your favourite sites mention sons with different names, identities and ages, and get them all confused, what do think, exactly? And when they publish photographs of a dark son and then a blond one, what do you register: il-lallu kemm tbiddel? That’s right, you don’t think. You vote Labour. Mohhkom ta’ tigiega b’xi breakdown.]

      • Ben Cassar says:

        Well ‘Defni’ I believe this turned out to be my favourite site after all… I never heard of your sons simply cause I don’t follow or better, your personal life doesn’t interest me. Me Voting Labour: wrong again! I vote to whom I see fit in getting my vote. Daphne I will always defend your right to say whatever you wish, but that doesn’t mean that I have to agree with you or that I’m not entitled to insult you back when you insulted half of Malta, You have every right to do that but so can I. By all means continue I find you very entertaining!

      • Ben Cassar says:

        according to your own judgment, EFA is a ‘mohh ta tigiega’ right?

        “M’hemmx dubju li ħalla impatt fil-pajjiż, partikolarment wara l-gwerra. Kien personalità li ta kontribut… jiena ngħid li ‘overall’ kien kontribut pożittiv. Naturalment kellu l-element negattiv ta’ kif kien jaħdem. Però kien bniedem li kien jaf x’qiegħed jagħmel u jaf xi jrid u dak li jrid kien jagħmel minn kollox biex jilħqu,”

        [Daphne – Do you know the expression ‘damn with faint praise’?]

      • Ben Cassar says:

        ho common even I know that EFA respected Mintoff as an adversary!!!

    • carmen falzon says:

      i m mintoffiana but i m no scum like u said and i m from a village and m not ignorant like you say,we simply loved mintoff for all the things he did for malta.who do u think u r god himself the devil maybe imma.

      • Lisa says:

        What exactly did he do for Malta?

        Prostitute it to Gaddafi maybe?

        Yes you are all ignorant if you can’t see how Malta has improved these past 25 years!

    • unknown says:

      yeap likewise :) it takes one to know anotherone my dear

    • dolores says:

      scum int u raztek

  142. Malcolm Agius says:

    Daphne, kieku ma ktibt xejn u zammejtu ghalik dan il-kliem li ghedt, tahseb li ma kienx ikun ahjar

    Issa waqalek li tikteb dawn il kliem, wara mewtu?

    Waqqajt ismek daphne, fuq Facebook ippetizzjonawk fuq l elfejn malti li jresquk al gustizzja minn mindu tfajt dan il blog.

    Tak id dritt li tivvota lilek taf? Qabez ad drittijiet tan nisa ukoll. Issa tipprovax iddawwar id diskors fuq xamillek u x mamillekx. Daw mhux affarijiet li tikteb fuq l internet, opinjonijiet daqsekk hodor zommom alik, ax minn malta kollha inti kont daqsekk mentali li tikteb daw l affarijiet.

    R.I.P Mintoff

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      Ma naqbilx mal-assurdità li qalet, imma għal liem tip ta’ ġustizzja tridhom iressquha? Jaħarquha mat-tyres f’nofs il-pjazza f’San Ġwann tal-Ħġejjeġ f’Ġunju jew? Kemm qegħdin sew.

    • geek says:

      Jekk ma joghgbokx taqrax.

      L-internet ma nholoqx biex jissodisfa l-emozzjonijiet imdejjqa taghkom.

      Jekk xi darba jazzarda xi hadd jaghlaq website, inkunu wasalna f’krizi wisq serja. Tidru kemm intom nies li qatt ma haristu l-barra mill-villagg taghkom.

      Allahares biss jazzarda xi hadd imiss mal-liberta` tal-internet.

  143. no shame no gain says:

    clearly Daphne, you want to shock, so your name gets mentioned. It is was a known fact that you would not have been in mourning, when Mintoff passed.
    For some Mintoff was the man that brought them hope when they were desperate, who gave them social services to survive since they were not born into well off families, as not everybody could get education. And for that person that wrote he wanted the catholic schools to close, no that is not what he wanted, he wanted them to still teach, but without a fee. He knew that educating everyone would be the way out of poverty and they way for Malta to flourish. And that it was an injustice that only the “rich”could get educated.
    I do not like people that write swear words and that loose it while typing a response.
    But to write that the islands are full of idiots is very disrespectful, to your own countrymen and women. Idiots are everywhere. And clearly you are one of them, as if you had some sense you would not have posted this article to create hate, once again!
    The past is past, maybe you and your lot did not agree with his way of politics, because it interfered with your way of life negatively.But it was not directed at you, your family or other families in your class, it was directed to lift the people that needed a hand. Most of the things he did was to help Malta and its people to live a proper life where no one had to go without anymore, be it food, education etc.
    I come from a labourist family. But my parents worked hard to BUY a plot of land, and build their house. they did not get free plots, as my parents always believed that if with hard work they can do it, they did not need to ask for a free plot that could go to someone really in need. So i do not come from a family of idiots, i come from a family, that thought me integrity, honesty and working hard. but most of all they thought me to be proud of where I come from. A beautiful island, that stood on its own two feet, all because of this man, Dom. Go ahead now and tell me I was brainwashed. I was not. I can know make a different decision, as i am an adult and know the history of politics. But I know that Mintoff was so proud of his country that he fought for it. Its a shame that all this mud keeps being flung on his name. And its a shame no one is fighting for our country anymore, as everything is being sold to foreigners. Just recognise the good things he did. Afterall, those times both parties had a lot to answer for, if I recall, even an amount of guns was found at the PN headquarters.
    So, instead of writing about him, why dont you start writing about things that really matter, find a good cause that needs attention in Malta, and make light on it. You know a lot of people read your blog, you know with your writing you can create awareness. Find a cause, and write about it with the same passion as you did about this man and the mintoffjani. Find an injustice, and create the same hype you did with this article. And do not stop until you get a positive change, instead of wasting your time on the past. You can start by inspiring people to love their country and take care of it. Create something that is of benefit, and not something that bring the worst out of people from both sides.

    • Mark Sciberras says:

      Could not agree more! Prosit for your words. But with Daphne they are wasted. I have have never seen a journalist, whose articles I once recall reading with pleasure, plumb such depths.

    • Ben Cassar says:

      well said, very well said, but, should we be amused that you wrote such words, cause according to DCG we’r all idiots!

      [Daphne – Oh, not according to me, Ben. It’s undisputed fact. Just look at all the evidence laid out here. Not only idiots, but violent, vulgar idiots, the worst sort. You know, the kind who in Mafia mob films are called ‘tools’.]

      • Ben Cassar says:

        Hoooo Daphne, most people curse you, I just thank God you exist! Now that Charlie Sheen is not doing Two and a half man any more, I found the substitute of a great (maybe your even better) comedian….

      • no shame no gain says:

        Unlike you as wanting to throw horse poo at a coffin is so classy!

    • Maltija '80 go Parigi says:

      Absolutely right!

  144. u le int postok ? says:

    int trid taj dli int mara pulita u brava u mara ta klassi olja ? persuna ta classi olja kiku ma ixandarx dal bullshit ekk fejn jider tati kondoljanzi u tbaxxi rasa mux ekk halli taj dmin wara imma mux ekk issa sirna naf kemm intom in nazjonalist kolkom hdura u liba a harja . nisthi najd li jin malti min wara li qrajt din linjoranza .dejjem amiltek mara hara u indanata u pastaza u ta classi tal hnizer jew iktar baxxa .
    missek tisthi xandart dal kliem tahseb li kellek xi rispett mana il maltin ? le qas xejn u issa terga inqas .a mara hamala u pastaza qas postok go maqjel int .issa jek in bully mur obzoqlu fuq qabru ha naraw x x bajd andek tafacja koox ekk u tider fuq tv tamel dak latt

  145. Simone says:

    Daphne, wow – and here I was, thinking how subdued your article was! You definitely hit a nerve for some people. This is the kind of hatred and vengeance that many of us had to grow up with in the 70s and 80s.

    • Rob79 says:

      Unlike what she says, this bickering between two tribes is what kept this so far behind. That hatred and vengeance is what many nations had to grow up with in the 70’s and 80’s. Mainly by leftists. The ones one the right have been doing it from the dawn of civilization.

  146. Mark Sciberras says:

    I am re-reading your post and reading the comments it provoked (looking for mine too, by the way…not printed yet…..damn!) So tell us …..was it worth it?

    [Daphne – Yes. You idiots fall for it every time. I say half a word about your bastard idol and you come out in force like a horde of dyslexic savages with your death threats and your vulgarity and your pure and utter stupidity.]

    Your blog was full of hate and it has provoked hate and vulgarity in return. In a way, you are deserving of sincere congratulations. It is not easy to have taken the decision to descend to the lowest common denominator of humanity and then wallow in the sewage there, feeding off insults, name calling and the regurgitation of bitter memory and jaundiced history, especially when you have had the benefits of a good education and enjoy what I understand to be a life not lacking in material comforts, beautiful house and all. It would be sad, of course, if you ended up speaking the same way (different words, different language, but very much the same way! Truly congrats!) and thinking the same way as the hamalli mintoffjani you cannot stomach without intending to………This is just provocation to have some sordid fun with the ripostes in your own little space right???? But seriously, and to end on a serious note…… are repulsive beyond words. Good night hon. I have a feeling it’s been a long time since your putrid living corpse has had a cuddle…..hope that arse-whipped husband of yours is getting his elsewhere.

    • Mark Sciberras says:

      He was no idol of mine hon, and I never threatened you and never would. We are all being entertained here, and my guess is that the more intelligent of us – you are not in our select group, sadly – are being entertained more than others. It is mildly entertaining, after a while, I suppose, to see a once formidable journalist and columnist lose all credibility and plumb the depths, and then decide to live there. You may as well leave your house and take up residence in an Armier boathouse hon, playing the bingo. It’s what you have become.

      [Daphne – There’s a man with a three 100s on his Form II report who might wish to join your select group of more intelligent people. His number is 9998 8877. Give him a ring because he seems a bit down right now.]

      • Drattax says:

        Daphne, some say you have ‘balls’. May I just ask you to prove this? You gave Franco’s private mobile number in a sad and puerile attempt to get at him in some warped way of yours. May you kindly publish YOUR mobile number and ANSWER it?

        [Daphne – My mobile number is public and has always been: 9949 3545. If you want to waste money ringing me, go right ahead. Just bear in mind that I have a two-decade back story in dealing with cranks and obscene callers, so I’m not exactly going to be upset, impressed or intimidated.]

      • Drattax says:

        Thanks for obliging. But I meant your PRIVATE mobile number not the one rigged to the PM’s office and his ‘advisors’.

        [Daphne – That’s my only mobile number. I’ve had it for almost 20 years.]

    • Hugh Jass says:

      “I have a feeling it’s been a long time since your putrid living corpse has had a cuddle…..hope that arse-whipped husband of yours is getting his elsewhere.”

      Sorry, but I just giggled there.

    • Patrik says:

      It’s remarkable how the most indecent of the populace are so quick to demand decency of others.

  147. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Prosett tal-kummenti kollha. Ciccio fejn sparixxa llejla?

    • MMuscat says:

      Actually all these comments are making me sick. Well, that’s Mintoff Missier Malta for you.

      It his patrimony of Vjolenza, haxi u abbuzz sponsored by those who have the right to rule.

      We have him to thank for all these comments, and unfortunately Eddie Fenech Adami who gave a PC and a connection to everyone.

    • ciccio says:

      Baxxter, I went out to the “vigil” with candles yesterday, to pray for his soul. But on the way it occurred to me that he had no soul…so I returned at 7.00am this morning, after visiting all pubs in Paceville…

  148. Xavier says:

    I cannot believe what you have written in your website, how can you call a person who just died bastard, I realy think you should appologise to the family and nation, look in the mirror and ask GOD for forgivness.

    • Village says:

      Why can’t you? What difference does it make? We still call Hitler a bastard and many of his faithful still believe he was a god.

      • Xavier says:

        Jekk ha tqabel l perit ma Hitler vera mintix tghix f dinja, ma tistax titkellem hekk fuq bniedem mejjet li gab hafna gid lej Malta, sa nka l partit nazzjonalista wera solidarjeta, ghalhekk ahna pajjiz demokratiku.

    • Reuben David Spiteri says:

      Usually I don’t look at a MIRROR when I want to pray to God but at the sky, his statue or his image, but then again maybe you have a special personal thing.

    • S.H. says:

      Quote: “look in the mirror and ask GOD for forgivness [sic] [recte ‘forgivEness’]”

      You just called Daphne “God”. And given that she has the guts to say it how it is, I think you’re not far from the truth.

  149. Doris Laws says:

    Ma lanqas irrid nemmen xi hdura,pero hawn hafna affarijiet biex tkun mistriha DAPHNE !!

  150. P Shaw says:

    20 t’Awissu 2012 – Jum il-Helsien

  151. ureuglybutclever says:

    hmmm…. publicity stunt by an attention whore? lol..

  152. jms says:

    Wow, this is so entertaining! Daphne, your responses are hilarious.

    The hamallagni is quite sad though – qatt ma jinbidel.

    I love Malta but I’m so glad I left. L-injoranza wisq! Kulhadd jaghmel ghageb. I mean, personally I would have kept those kind of thoughts to myself but you’re a journalist with a blog and you’re ballsy enough to speak your mind.

    It’s called freedom of speech, people! Grow up. Mur gibkhom l-Amerka mela kemm tidbaqbqu. Live and let live! RIP Mintoff

    • Kanadiza Maltija says:

      X’ l-Amerka int lol… imut il-priministru hemm lanqas hadd ma jaghti kaz… ahseb u ara jitbaqqbqu!! Dawn il-kummidji u tghijjir. Only in Malta.

  153. Village says:

    I see you have a lot of these Christian proletariat assholes who still worship Mintoff and follow your blog.

    [Daphne – They don’t follow my blog. They’ve never read anything I’ve written and they haven’t a clue who I am. One of them actually thought I am a member of parliament. They just come in through Facebook links.]

    Surely they never had it so good under his totalitarian and oppressive rule. Who knows how eager they are awaiting Joseph to oblige in a similar fashion.

  154. Not falling for it says:

    Has no one cottoned on to the fact that she’s trolling you? In a reasonably blatant and unsophisticated way too.

    C’mon lads… You can’t all be that stupid and not realize she’s playing you all like a fiddle for ratings and click counts?

    As for Dom, never was a fan of the man when he was alive, but politics sure were interesting when he was.

    And Daph, the quality HAS been slipping of late…

    [Daphne – Oh, I’m not doing it for ratings and click counts. I’m doing it because the best way to whip a mask off people is to talk them into doing it themselves. I don’t need Mintoff for page views. He’s transient.]

    • Natalie says:

      Believe me, she doesn’t need Mintoff’s death to bring up the site’s ratings. People read the blog for its great information value, superb journalism and of course, a good laugh.

      Great article and even better comments. Keep the insults coming, get them off your chests.

      However, I would like to read more reminiscences (wait, that’s too difficult for these dim-wits), I mean more personal memories of Mintoff. Should be interesting.

  155. Manwel says:

    Fl-ahhar issib kappel jigik missek tisthi, thobbu jew le kien l-aqwa Prim Minsitru li kellna Malta wara li kinet falluta tema lil minm kien bil-guh Mintoss u libbes lil min kien gharwien

  156. Unknown says:

    taccethom kummenti hziena? mela mur hudu f oxx kem ghandek u fox xmin tiftakar l aktar li kien ghal qalbek u halik mid dinja u mnalla ma kontx nafu jien ax kont nigi quddiem biebek u biz zeba nizbohulek bil pjacir li kont niehu!! phhuu al wiccek ja qahba hadra nirrah alla tereq fl ilma!

  157. elephant says:

    The “traitor” is dead – may God forgive his treachery

  158. counter cross says:

    I ve lived through the eighties myself, and I have my positive and negative opinion on that era.
    You lived through hell most of your life and there you will burn for Eternity.
    Repent or burn at the stakes!

  159. Yanika says:

    Kellu bzonn jidirlek jahasra ha jwerwrek

  160. Danielle says:

    You are the fuckin anti Christ!! Thanks to Dom mintoff we have what we do, if I were you I’d watch what I say cos what goes around comes around bitch.

  161. Attard says:

    Daphne, nawguralek ghomor bizzejed li tara il ulidek imutu fidejk u garrab ftit imrar li int tixtiq il haddiehor u il kull min jahsiba bhalek.

    • Monte bello says:

      Again – nobody condemns this Attard for writing this? Not one?

    • Charles says:

      Jien ghaddejt min li qed issemmi Attard, ghaliex f St.luke’s qatluli lil ohti it-tobba studenti ul il pakistani, ghaliex Mintoff ma ridx ihallas lit-tobba maltin.

  162. Joseph Micallef says:

    @ Daphne I am not yet sure what runs through your disturbed mind/head. Whether you have any conscience, love, respect, any sort of human feeling towards anybody or anything! Sometimes I wonder whether you have received any yourself throughout your life!

    I simply see you as a total psychopath who is struggling to show the world the hatered you have for the ones around you simply because you have not yet fullfilled your dreams or achieved what you have long waited for.

    I would be ashamaed of myself, in these days, in such a civilised community, to write such aricles. Having said that I am not ashamed to openly express my opinion agianst you (or anyone who supports you)! I hope that sometime you realise that the world will definetley be a better place, certainly not through the passing away of a political leader (whoever he may be)! It will be a better place if people like you never existed or were not given the right to utter any word, betterso write down whatever goes through their sick minds!

    Hope God has mercy on your soul when the day comes – unlike most people who read your blogs!

    And finally, may Dom Mintoff rest in peace – at the end of the day, good or bad, he was a human being like the rest of us and throughout his life he struggled to give the working class a better life! So sorry that, unfrotunately, I can see no struggle from your side for anyone in Malta to get a better chance of life!

    Joseph – EX PN supporter.

  163. Josianne says:

    sinjura dephnie kellek bzonn imqar taghmel nitfa mil gid li ghamel mintoff mhux hdura biss min halqek.

  164. F.V says:

    Ghall-inqas kien hemm min beka ghall-mewt tieghu.Inti min ser jibkik daphne caruana galizia? Min? :)

  165. Mat cut says:

    Bitch! No!
    Calling Daphne a bitch you would be praising Daphne.
    A bitch gives some pleasure or try to gives some at least.
    I dont’ think pleasure will ever come from daphne.
    Infact i pity your husband.

  166. Massimo says:

    Kemm int kiesha u hadra Daphne u mara imdejqa bikk innifsek,mara hazina missek tisthi xandart dal kliem ja qziez kieku mil poplu Malti jien f’nofs il fosos nitfak u nhagruk bil gebel u jien inkun l-ewwel wiehed li nitfa l-ewwel gebla ja Sahhara.

  167. ANGIE MICALLEF says:

    kemm inti mara hazina!!!!!!!!

  168. Cole says:

    Huwa accettabli li ma taqbilx ma haddiehor fejn tidhol opinjoni imma mhux li ticcelebra l-mewt ta’ xi hadd b’dal-mod! Missek tisthi…thalli l-politika titlalek ghal rasek filghodu, f’nofsinhar u filghaxija. Issa meta tmut int u taghmlilna pjacir naghmlu l-istess lilek ghad taqla daqqtejn minghand xi hadd u ma tqumx ghal ohra moqrana kollok!!!!!!!!!

  169. Jana says:

    I get the feeling that Daphne is enjoying every minute of it, as she reads all the comments.

    Mhux xi haga hekk tkun qed tistenna dik, u toghxa bil vulgaritajiet li tkun qanqlet.

    Lanqas biss imissna naghtu kasa jew nikkalkulaw kelma wahda biss milli tkun kitbet…hemm kieku tinkwieta zgur, ghax ma tkunx gibdet l-attenzjoni fuqa.

  170. Ego fil- bubble wrap says:

    Arahom kif hargu d-dubbien ghax issemma il-katavru ta’ dak il-bastid Dumink Mintoff.

    • To the Wizard of Bidnija says:

      ‘bastid’ hekk tinkiteb stupid …”BASTARD” … darbohra qabel tikteb staqsi lil dik id-DICKtionary tal-ingliz, is-sahhara tal-Bidnija …oops Dictionary wanted to write ;-)

      u by the way…. bastard dak il-liba Mago Merlino li gab fid-dinja lis-sahhara tal-Bidnija …. u l-Befana ommha dik il-kerha!

    • mintoffjan says:

      dubbiena oxx dik il liba ommok li marret tinhexa ma lisqof gonzi

  171. Adrian Zahra says:

    You are free to right whatever you want that is what you advocate right freedom of expression. So here is my 6p worth of freedom. I fully agree wih you on one thing MALTA would have been a totally different place without him. Definitely it would have been the first Fundumentalist Cathlic state in the world preachinG christianity and assistance to the poor whit the people straving to death in the streets. U hallina ha nghixu u tghallem irrispetta lil ta madwarek.

    Just turn on the TV on his funeral and you will figure out how utterly and blatantly wrong you are.

  172. Ruby says:


  173. Hugh Jass says:

    WOW. Daphne I don’t care much for politics, and maybe I should. But when I heard of this article I just had to come and read it. I must say, I found you to be rather….help me out here, you’re the expert….what’s the opposite of classy?

    You’ve expressed your hatred for Mintoff in such a way that makes you look no better than him with all the horrible things he did. You hate him for his alleged cruelty towards the people, and people hate you for your cruelty too. The way I see it, you’re on the same level as him hun, just not ruling a country, and not influencing people much except for correcting their grammar here and there in response to their feedback. Feel free to correct mine too, if it makes you feel better about yourself.

    The man just died for chrissake. People in mourning. Whether you agree to their mourning or not, have some respect. It doesn’t take much.

  174. Ryan B says:

    Tal-misthija li ticcelbra bhala helsien il- mewt ta’ bniedem li vera seta’ ghamel zbalji f hajtu imma min qatt ma zbalja tul hajtu, imma li fl-istess hin ghamel hafna gid ukoll li gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti ta warajh komplew fuqhom bhal ma huma beneficcji socjali. Gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti stess li setaw jigvernaw minn 1987 l-hawn ghax wara l-kontroversja tan-1981 Mimtoff stess hass il htiega li tinbiddel il-kostutzjoni ta’ pajjizna biex vera jkun jista jitla l-Gvern li maggioranza tal-Poplu. Kieku kellu il- kilba ghal poter li jkun dittatur bhal ma kien Gaddafi seta halla kollox kif kien u jibqa jigverna bis- siggijiet ghall- ghomru.

    Ma irridx naqa fil-baxx u nghajrek ghax ma irriedx ikun ta’ l-istess livell tieghak li l-unika skop ta’ hajti tkun in-nibedgha lejn min ma’ ghandux l-istess ideali tieghi.

    Ha’ nispicca billi nsaqsik mistoqsija li forsi tohloq naqa tbissima ghal min jaqra. Ghandek din in-nibedgha lejn Mimtoff u l-Laburisti ghax meta kont tifla ma’ stajtx tiehu c-cikkulatta li ridt ?

    Jekk iva, m’hemm x’taghmel twelidt f’ era zbaljata, forsi li kieku twelidt bejn l-ewwel u t-tieni gwerra dinjija kont tahsiba naqa differenti. Ma nafx fejn kont tispicca li kieku ktibt artiklu bhal fuq xi gvernatur Ingliz..

    Stieh fil-paci Perit u thabillx rasek Alla jaf kemm ghamilt gid u zgur haffirlek xi nuqqasijiet li stajt ghamilt.

  175. C.Scerri ( says:

    Mintoff will always be remembered by my family, as his policies were responsible for the death of my dearest and most loving mother at the age of 45.

    May he rot in hell.

  176. Bormliza says:

    Ja qahba lint …. kemm tiflah tkun hadra ja wicc ta liba qarsa lint !!!! tibzax iz zmien tieghek jasal ukoll… u emmini x hin jasal jien l ewwel wahda nigi nobzoqlok fuq il qabar tieghek u wara imur bil hornijiet barra indoq. issa ninsew il kulur u il partit… imma l ebda bniedem f siktu ma jejd kliem bhal dak fuq persuna mejta. kieku minnek jien nibza nohrog wicci l barra foxx dak l ikrah wiccek ja sahhara … Alla hares qieghda quddiemi bhal issa ghax ix xeba li ntik zgur il habs jerbahni imma imur kuntenta li tajtek xeba kif tmiss il ligi… Alla jaf x inhu jaghmel u jpattiehilek zhur mhux forsi…. Foxx demmek !!!

    • giraffa says:

      The above is a short sample of Mintoff’s legacy to the nation, where half the country thrives on class hatred, ‘lanzit’ and ‘hamallagni’. Grazzi Mintoff – we will never forget you

      • Bormliza says:

        Ahseb u ara dak li kitbet din il qahba kerha li gejja mill partit taghkom fuq kollox… u hallina minnhek giraffa !!!! ghalinqas ahna ingibu rispett lil mejjet anke jekk mhux ta l istess kulur taghna…

        u nergha nghid – – – din il qahba, la jasal zmiena ser tkun taf x jigifieri u seba mitt sena ghandi halli nara umbat kemm ghanda bajd taghjjar lil mejjet. u mhux ser niqaf najarha li hi qahba u liba u mara hadra u kurnuta u sahhara… nibqa sejra !!!!

      • Bormliza says:

        Please do us a favour and shut up giraffa ….

        U just saw the meaning of the word Hamallagni from this bitch writing this blog…

        And rest asured that she is going to pay for her heartless words above… thrust me !!!

        You said one thing right,

        Grazzi Perit Mintoff – – AHNA MHU SER NINSUK QATT
        Strieh fis sliem !!!

  177. K.G says:

    You leave such disgusting comments only because you have nothing better to say and you just want to seek some attention. I have never previously seen any positive comments on your blog only ones that try to put people to shame ..You should never say you’re Maltese you bring shame to all of us.. and being the ugly creature you are i’d suggest hiding yourself instead of trying to bring out all defects in normal people around you… at least all the others have a heart, YOU don’t ;)

  178. Paul Jonson says:

    I’ll give you this……… you’ve got balls.

  179. Anti Daphne says:

    I hope we will celebrate soon your death, you mother fucking ugly bitch. Ilek ma tifa xi platt lir-ragel?

    I hope you rot in hell and hope you and your family is cursed you slut.

  180. maria Debono says:

    I am not going to comment on the passing away of Dom Mintoff, it would be hypocritical of me, but Daphne, how can you allow such vulgar comments on your blog.They are downright indecent. People have a right to agree or disagree with you, but they have no right to stoop so low to express themselves. I leave God to judge Mintoff.

  181. Mark says:

    Hi Daphne,

    qatt harist fil-mera int?!!!! Li tikteb b’dil-mibeghda kollha u tipprovoka lin-nies b’dan il-mod huwa tal-misthija. Kont perswaz li inti mara bla qalb, hadra u vjolenti; ir-ragel tieghek wiehed li daq il-hdura u l-iskizofrenija ta mohhok. Mintoff kien dak il-bniedem li lill-klassi l-baxxa gabha fuq saqajha. Insaqsik is-servizzi socjali li dahhal Mintoff inti rrifjutajthom ghax dahhalhom hu, jew dejjem ftaht idejk ghalihom? F’dawn il-25 sena ta gvern nazzjonalista il-bonus ghola, s-sick leave zdied? Il-leave flok zdied naqas. Kull kumpanija li holoq Mintoff biex tkun taghna l-Maltin, il-gvern tieghek bieghha biex ilaqqat ftit tal-flus. Barra minn hekk il-gvern tieghek dejjem ivvota kontra kull tip ta’ beneficcji ghaz-zghir. Hag’ohra kieku ma kienx Mintoff u haseb fikom in-nisa int lanqas vot ma kienu jtuk.

    Nammetti wkoll li Mintoff kellu l-hazin tieghu imma min m’ghandux?!!! Fl-ahhar snin tilef il-kontroll tal-klikka, ta’ shabu u tal-partit bhal ma fl-ahhar mill-ahhar tilfu l-leader tal-partit tieghek ghax hlief korruzzjoni u moqzizijiet mhux qed johorgu fil-berah.

    U nixtieq nghid lil dawk li qalu li mitulhom xi qraba taghhom minhabba l-istat hazin tal-isptar fi zmien Mintoff; jien missieri miet Mater Dei u l-professur tieghu Mr Zammit ma setax jikkurah fl-isptar state of the art li niftahru bih ghax ma geddewlux il-kuntratt.

    Grazzi ja sahhara tal-bidnija li tajtni c-cans nesprimi l-hsibijiet tieghu u tinsiex li l-hajja qisha rota llum jien u ghada int. Qatt m’ghandek tiehu gost bid-deni ta’ haddiehor.


    • SB says:

      Mark, il-hazin ta’ Mintoff ma bediex lejn l-ahhar snin meta “tilef il-kontroll tal-klikka”. Beda hafna u hafna snin qabel. Zmien twil ilu xandar mal-erbat irjieh li Boffa wettaq incest meta raqad ma’ bintu stess; gidba sfaccata naturalment. Jien bniedem hekk viljakk insejjahlu. U int?

  182. Trixy says:

    Qed nithassrek Daphne. Ara veru li ma jigri xejn tajjeb f’hajjtek biex qadt tistenna lil Perit imut biex tohrog ticcelebra! Tidher li ma tistax thares fil mera ghax kieku tista ma tohrogx dil hdura min halqek. Mintoff ghamel hwejjeg kbar ghal Malta u qatt mhu ser ikun minsi min nies f’sensihom. Isthi Daphne.

    Strieh fis sliem Perit. Kondoljanzi lill familjari tieghu

  183. edward clemmer says:

    Wow! It seems that the “truth” also has set free an avalanche of venom and hate.

    It seems that the PL now have an electoral situation on their hands (which potential has always been there, but now there has been an historical moment for its expression): if the PL leaders and their followers accentuate their continuing idolatry with the same momument of emotion evident here, the rational voter will have only one choice.

    Best wishes on your keeping up with the evidently record traffic to your blog. Meanwhile, the Mintoff legacy continues.

  184. Michael says:

    DCG = Paljazza tal pajjiz…. Ma hemmx bzonn tkun laburist jew nazzjonalist biex tikundana kliemek u ghemijlek lejn human iehor !. Tahseb li int xi persuna pura u bxi donni ?? Hares lejn mera u tinduna li int persuna indannata u ir rabja tizvuga f haddiehor liu qatt ma ghamilek hsara. U purcinell huwa istat jew ma jaqtalekx bicca min ilsienek kif ghamel lil haddiehor. Paljazza

  185. Dave says:

    Well, the best thing about Mintoff’s passing is that you MIGHT stop flapping your gums about him every 2 bloody seconds. Maybe, you can finally put that broken record back in its moldy sleeve and rattle on about something else apart from your incessant hatred (or love) for Dr. Mintoff. May he (and our ears) finally rest in peace.

  186. Jana Micallef says:

    I can’t believe that you are an intellectual and that someone published your article. Barbarian attitude. Hope you don’t call yourself decent!!!!!
    Politically I am deep a right side person but I haven’t came across with so much rudeness.
    Now I understand why you are so hated on this island.
    By the way your Catholic spirit, your faith in God doesn’t tell you not be so rude when it comes to people?
    Hope you will be out of the nationalist Party’s election campaign as you will be for them what Sant was for the Labor.
    If after this horrible article and attitude someone will still publish you, shame on all the intellectuals of this island.
    I’ll spin around the world.

    [Daphne – ‘I can’t believe that you are an intellectual and that someone published your article’. Do you know what a blog is, or are you only here through a Facebook link?]

  187. Shazel says:

    Qatta ghejjurin dak li naf! Hadt qatt m’hu se jkun hawn bhal Perit Mintoff. Man of the Century! Kieku mhux bis- sahha tieghu inbaghtu bl-ghaks, taht l- Inglizi ghadna sal- lum il- Gurnata! Fej qatt kont tista tersaq lejn il-Marsa! Il- Marsa tal- Inglizi kullhadd kien isibha!
    Kien jahseb f’kullhadd il- fqir, l-ghani, f’kullhadd u tassew hadem kemm fil- partit izda ukoll ghal- pajjizna biex nigu helsin, helsin minn kull hakma!
    Mintix ser tinhabb daphne anzi in- nies iktar jimbuttawk u ma jahmlukx ghax wara kollox bniedem bhal- haddiehor u hawnekk ma tidhol l-ebda politika! Naqa rispett. Tixtieqx deni il- haddiehor jekk ma tridux fuqek mela issa oqghod hemm inharaq, ghir u mtela’ kollok mibgheda dan kollu ghax kien persuna li is- servizz tieghu sewa hafna gid u kien bniedem mahbub minn kullhadd!
    Strieh fil- Paci Perit!

    [Daphne – Shazel? Lovely name. Yuor parents must have got it off a packet of nuts.]

    • Mike says:

      *Your – Daphne, hope you had a happy birthday indeed!

    • SB says:

      ‘Hadt qatt m’hu se jkun hawn bhal Perit Mintoff’. Naqbel mieghek, Shazel. Allahares jerga’ jkun hawn!

      • SB says:

        ‘helsin minn kull hakma’. Mhux ezattament, Shazel. Helsien minn hakma, biex twikkejna b’hakma arroganti daqsha! Jien ma narax differenza bejn hakma arroganti barranija, u hakma arroganti Maltija. Sorry.

    • SB says:

      ‘kien bniedem mahbub minn kullhadd’. Ejjew nghidu li kien bniedem li ghamel hafna gid, u daqstant iehor ghamel deni.

    • mintoffjan says:

      kemm tiflah taqa ghan nejk daphne ja liba li int

      • mintoffjan says:

        meta trid deph niltaqaw u niehdu cafe il belt u ghidli wicc imbwicc li jien tigiega laburista ha ntik xebba li imnihra jahsbu li mort tirrangax ingibulek ja qahba

        [Daphne – Mihiex ideja tajba, ghaliex daqs kemm hemm qlafat iduru fit-toroq tal-Belt ma nahsibx li nsibek. Hag’ ohra: l-ewwel vokali ta’ ismi muhiex ‘e’ imma ‘a’. Naf li difficli ghal nies bhalek li jghidu l-a bl-Ingliz, imma forsi jekk taghmel xahrejn tipprattika jirnexxilek.]

  188. CARMEN says:

    you need 2c a psychiatrist.surely such hatred must come from an unhappy must have been abused sometime in your lifetime.I haven’t meet any person with such hatred.I wish to meet you personally to teach you some of Christ teaching.I hope u don’t consider yourself a christian!!!!!!

  189. John Falzon says:

    In 1983, I was in my early thirties and looking forward to a life and future in Malta.

    Life in Malta was full of hatred, lack of freedom, corruption, not to mention full control on imports and all business. That was Dom Mintoff’s Malta and so together with a young family, I migrated to Australia.

    Dom Mintoff, me and my family will always be indebted to you. Life has never been so good. Thank you, Mintoff.

  190. Meilaq says:

    Malta tistrieh la nehilsu minnek aaa QAHBA, ma tantx fadallu hajja twila dal- Blog serrah mohhok ja Sahhara indannata… Ziebel kont u ziebel bqajt.

  191. Reuben David Spiteri says:

    A few points I’d like to share:

    1. I am 25 years old, and therefore I didn’t live under his thumb, so I might not know exactly what transpired during the Mintoffian times. My parents did however, and don’t think too highly of him either.

    2. I know that just because someone (or his supporters, devotees, etc) are vulgar and wish death left, right, and centre, that doesn’t mean you should, as you’d be lowering yourself to their level and show lack of self-discipline.

    3. Am I glad he’s dead? Well to be frank I never cared for him in the first place, so while I may not go “Glory, Glory” like you do in utter bad taste, I’m not going to flood forums, blogs, facebook with images of the ‘saint’ and go “RIP, RIP, OH GOD RIP TAKE ME WITH YOU”.

    In conclusion: It’s a human life that has ended. Respect it for what it is.

  192. Joe says:

    Most of the published comments really expose Mintoff’s legacy. May the country starts to find closure (possibly after the other incompetent idiot ‘Zero’ joins his mentor?)

    On a different note, Happy Birthday Daphne!

  193. R.J. Grech says:

    I’ve always respected both parties and to be perfectly honest, I’ve never been biased on neither, They all had some tremendously talented people which in some point or other in history have provided some good deed,however, I was never into Mintoff’s politics or idealism as I had not lived in those times, therefore , I can’t judge. As much as I support our freedom’s and posts like this prove that we are a free country without the need of being prosecuted for practicing our freedoms and sadly, as much as I’d appreciate someone who practices freedom of speech in such situations, regarding a conspiracy or a similar event which took place in a nation’s history, I resent the purpose of this post, the way I see it, it’s a direct insult to a dead man, whatever he has done, his sins are either forgiven or being paid for now, there is no reason to smite those mourning him more-so than the pain they are feeling about his rite towards wherever he is going. I am not angry but I am very disappointed because I disprove of disrespect, you have every right to post things like this, in fact most of your posts actually make sense, but in this case, posting against a man which can’t fight your argument himself is null and therefore a void show of interpretation of his character, Very disappointed indeed.

  194. martin says:

    Jien mhux se nkun pastaz bhalek, ghalkemm inti tippretendiha li int wahda mill-puliti tal-high society fir-risposti tieghek urejt kemm int hamalla bhalna l-laburiti!!. Haga wahda nghidlek, meta xi darba inti taghmel xi haga ghal pajjizna bhalma ghamel Mintoff u anke biex inkun ghidt kollox il-politici tal-PN, tkellem. Ghallinqas dawk jistghu jigu mfakkra ghal xi haga li ghamlu ghal-pajjiz, inti ha jiftakruk ghal….eh ghal XEJN!!!
    P.. tinsiex tmur titqarben il-Hadd.

  195. Max says:

    Daphne, interesting to note that your blog is more followed by Labourites than Nationalists….

    I will still pray for his soul and may he Rest in Peace….

  196. D Comment says:

    May you forever Rot in Hell You Bitch !

  197. Cliveb says:

    Malta is a better place without Mintoff.

    Unfortunately, he did so much damage to the social structure and mentality in our country that the repercussions will be felt for a long time – as evidenced by the slew of comments posted above by people who are not only functionally illiterate, but display a total disregard for the concept of freedom of speech and association.

    You can threaten Daphne and the rest of us all you like, but you won’t stop us from saying what we think – that Mintoff was a monster, just like all other tin-pot dictators which the human race has been saddled with from day one.

  198. Independent says:

    Ghax ma tmurx tiehdu f ghox kemm ghandek; la tmut int nigi inbul fuq il-qabar tieghek. Inti bid dwejjaq l ghandek zgur li qatt mhu ha ssib il paci. nahseb int sejra il-genna.

  199. Why all this hatred? says:

    On both sides hatred has ruled, bitterness is supreme and we are the lesser mortals. Many like me did not agree with Mintoff’s govenance, and we did suffer because of this. But inspite of all this, I can assure you that we daily prayed earnestly, especially at the Eucharist, that in His Infinite Love and Mercy , Jesus would personally assist Dom Mintoff before entering eternity. We have all sinned before God, no exception. Daphne, you are bitter because you have been hurt but you are not the only one, and if you decide to forgive, you will be not only a greater woman, but a serene soul. Forgiveness is a decision, not an emotion and will give you peace. The greatest battle to win is to win over your will.

  200. jimbo says:

    Well he will always be remembered and will get a state funeral, you however will be forgotten with the passages of time.

    Now do everyone a favour and stick to taste magazine.

  201. me says:

    Happy birthday Daphne.
    (Please mark the one above using same nick as not ‘me’.)

  202. Ir-Rizza says:

    Ikolli nghid li l-artiklu xxukjani. Imma minn naha l-ohra ma nistax nghid li mhux artiklu onest. Kull wiehed minnha ghandu ghazla kif jghix hajtu…u dik hi taghna biss se tirrifletti f’dak li jahsbu n-nies fuqek wara mewtek.

    jien perswaz li la mmut jien se jkun hemm min jiddispjacih u se jkun hemm ukol min se jghid…ghall erwieh…

    Mintoff ghamel ghazliet li affettwaw lili u min int. L-istorja turi li hafna minn dawk id-decizjoniet kienu hziena. U Dan Fatt

    Dan il-kliem ta hawn fuq jahsbuh hafna nies izda bi prudenza, imma anke minhabba biza, ma jghiduhx. Ghax is-success principali ta MIntoff kien dak li zera il biza fil-poplu.

  203. M P says:

    Whoever has a problem with this article, why are you reading it in the first place?

    Did you ever expect Daphne to write something in favour of Mintoff? i never did. The first thing I did when I got to know that Mintoff died was to check this blog to find someone with the same sense of humour.

    I do not wish him to rot in hell, that decision is purely God’s to make.

    I’ll end my comment by quoting Lady Jane Johnson: “Every politician should have been born an orphan and remain a bachelor.”

  204. the holy one says:

    Most of the people who commented here claim to be so religious with cries of god and forgiveness and mourning and so on…yet…they turn to public swearing… What is your god going to say about YOU?

  205. Mintoff says:

    Nibda nidirlek ha sahhara :(

  206. gina lolobrigida says:

    I admire you really……..If i had the guts I would have written the same article myself :) Well done

  207. FOX L PN says:

    FOX INNAZZJONALISTI KOLLHA ara vera inthom kollha bla qalb

  208. Nadya Cassar Bonaci Duca says:

    Daphne, Dont you think its time to stop making money out of your controversial policy. I heard that you had mentioned me in an article can you repeat it to me directly please?

    I do not hate you, I tolerate you….as a Christian should be.

    As to our Dear Dom..we have a right to grieve without you spreading out all this hate.

    Does your children see these writhings?? Remember violence breeds violence. Hatred breeds hatred.

    • SB says:

      Hekk hu, Nadya, ‘violence breeds violence. Hatred breeds hatred’. Il-Perit qed jahsad dak li zera’.

    • Monte bello says:

      Bang on, madam. And my guess is that this hatred is the direct result of the hatred Mintoff had for us.

    • Angus Black says:

      My English may not be perfect, my Maltese a tad less, but reading all the above (and below) I have a pretty good idea where all the hate and foul language is coming from.

      Having an opinion on a man who had personally caused many individuals to go through hell simply because they did not agree with his excesses and abuse of power, is, after all an individual’s right.

      Now, mark my words, this coming Saturday, he will be eulogized as if he were a saint.

      It is this hypocrisy which is routinely practiced here and everywhere else which people in the know hate and causes their stomachs to churn and to the point of throwing up.

      The Archbishop had better measure his words since One TV guru, Illum, l-orizzont and Malta Today will be out in full analysis of his eulogy.
      Mintoff never reconciled with his fellow citizens but we hope that he reconciled with his Maker before he was called.

  209. Raphael Dingli says:

    You have sent out a big hook today and boy how everyone has bitten. Well done. Congratulations.

    The reality is that your comments put you in the same league as those who you hate and despsie so much. You have fallen to the depths of depravity.

    Methinks you have done it just for fun – which makes it worse. Your arguments about sociopaths, hamalli, uneducated, crass, naff, scum of the earth, vulgarity, pure and utter stupidity etc etc etc can now be clearly directed towards you.

    Today you have just provided all of the evidence required for this. Your infamy and gall is unmatched – you must laughing your head off. This “fun” I note will most likely continue to contribute towards your income stream as I suspect there may be two ads on this website in the coming weeks and months.

    [Daphne – Yes, Raphael, we’ve been here before. I remember, don’t worry.]

  210. Matthew Agius says:

    Who’s the other person with Mintoff in the picture?

  211. John Friggieri says:

    Mhux ahjar tmur issib zobb forsi tistrih… kellek bzonn f hajtek kolla taghmel 1% tal gid li ghamel D. Mintoff… MAY HE REST IN PEACE…. MAY YOU ROT IN HELL WITH A DICK STUCK IN YOUR ASS

    [Daphne – Spare us the sexual fantasies. No wonder so many Maltese women are turning to Fifty Shades of Grey if this is what Maltese men are into.]

    • SB says:

      John Friggieri, j’alla l-ebda politiku Malti (mill-PL, PN u kwalunkwe partit iehor) ma jaghmel 1% tal-hsara li ghamel il-Perit.

  212. Fuck You Daphne says:

    Daqt jinqatalek in nejk….. ja Zibel l int!!! u mhux l pulizija minn wara biebek biss inehhulek!!!! Indannata ghax zewgek pufta!!

  213. Rona says:

    Imissek tisthi ja haga kera titkellem ek, u etlek haga ghax m intijx umana, bla qalb ma tistax tissejjah bniedem. Tant kemm hajtek hi patetika u kullhadd joghbodok li dort kontra d dinja kollha. Ma tridiex li inti xi mara ta klassi hux ja haga kera ax is sahhara tal west isbah minnek. Fuq Dom Mintoff qed tobzoq il valenu li ghandek go fik ? Taf x hiex li imnalla kien hu ghalik u ghal xi erba bhalek ghax kiku nemmen li qeda bil bzieq icarcar ma halqek ja mara baxxa. Tmurx tisma l quddies u titqarben ukoll b din il mibgheda li ghandek go fik. Bniedem ghadu kif halla din id dinja ghall inqas gib rispett lill niesu!

  214. PN says:

    You should respect Mintoff as if it wasn’t for him, you couldn’t open your stupid blog.

    • Kinks says:

      Idiot. Mintoff wanted to ban computers because he thought some clerks would lose their jobs. He did his best to prevent computers and free speech.

      If Mintoff was born a few years earlier he’d have banned cars because horse-buggy whip-makers would be out of a job.

      That was the height of his economic policy.

    • Monte bello says:

      Are u serious? Were u even around in he 80s?

  215. sandy:) says:

    Lawrence Cardona
    Kont int li tajt il Malta id-dawl kont int li mexxejt il haddiem ghad dinjita li jixraqlu fuq il gid kbir li ghamilt Malta qat ma tinsik grazzi u strieh fis-sliem Perit DUMINKU MINTOFF

  216. mario says:

    Judging by a lot of the comments left here, his wonderful legacy is abundantly clear.

  217. Ripley Talented says:

    I must say, this is very amusing. As much as I find it wrong to talk about dead people, I still admire you for your guts. We need more people like you, honestly.

    Guys, get over it. This is a free country. If you have issues, seek help yourself.

  218. Dale says:


    Why do you want to be hated. If you felt that way – good – but keep it to yourself. Respect goes to Mintoff and his loyals as they are beings just like you are. Come on Daphne your one of the best pens around. Use it positively

    RIP DM

  219. Holier than thou? says:

    Three quarters of the people commenting here have no clue what Daphne has written, considering their appalling use of the English language and are merely relying on word of mouth.

    For all the people bashing Daphne, I see nothing wrong with what she wrote as it is the truth, but even if it wasn’t, I am sure you were not the first ones in line to stand up for other people (read Nazzjonalisti) who were treated like dirt during Mintoff years and given a beating (or two).

    I’m sure you didn’t as most of you still actually applaud these things so do away with the two weights to measures thing and shut up.

    Mintoff was no saint.

    All those using foul, vulgar language, thank you for showing us your true colours. It is actually quite possible to make your point using perfectly good English/Maltese – but no I forgot, inthom mhux hekk imdorrijin.

  220. Teriza CT says:

    Incredible but so true, to actually feel overwhelmed to celebrate someone’s death, is bizarre.
    But hell yes…

    The Dark Lord has succumbed…FINALLY


  221. Demel says:

    Jekk kulħadd se jtiha xebgħa Joseph ħa jsib il-kaxxa ta’ Malta mimlija, bis-€60 li kulħadd se jħallas. Ser tiġi, xebgħa ntaxxata.

  222. BZ says:

    I’m Nationalist, and yet I think you’re being the biggest bitch ever to set her feet on this earth. Yes maybe he wasn’t the most decent man, but still, why say these things once he is dead? Go say them to his face fine, but don’t defile a person’s name once they are dead. One day you’ll be going to hell and people will be saying this crap against you. Would you like that?

  223. ciccio says:

    Good on you, Daphne. Show the Mintoffjani for what they are. And for what they will be after 2013.

    Mintoff thrived on hatred and division, not on the unity of the nation.

    This hatred has resurfaced in recent years, as Joseph Muscat started to bring back the Mintoffjani to the front, undoing the attempts made by Alfred Sant to disassociate the party from those elements.

    By the way, has Super One asked Alfred Sant for his reaction to Mintoff’s death as yet?

  224. *1981* says:

    it seems that swearing is all they can do. Wow. and telling you they will beat you up etc.

    Just shows how the Labour mentality will never change. Do or say something they don’t like and it’s back to the only thing they know: violence and threats and abuse.

    Anyway, Daphne, today ( I have followed your writing for years), you have not failed to show that you will say what you please and for me that is just great. If they don’t bloody like it, they don’t bloody read it.

    Mara bil-bajd (ghax hekk jifhmu zgur).

    Another thing, since when do people who die suddenly become saints? I can’t stand this crap.

    Will all you people please stop worrying about Mintoff. He doesn’t and never needed you people to defend him. And he held you in contempt,.

    I’m sure he’s having his last laugh in good company at the moment, knowing that even after he’s dead he has managed to divide Malta and show the true face of Labour – Violent and ignorant. Just like he liked them, so he could rule as he pleased.

  225. Marisa says:

    A reminder of what Mintof did for the country. Just in case you forgot.

    • SB says:

      Iva Marisa, hlisna mill-Inglizi u twikkejna bil-hakma Mintoffjana. Ma nahsibx li hemm wisq x’taghzel, sakemm ma gawdejtx personalment.

      • Marisa says:

        Andek tfal int? Tohoda ic- childrens allowence?
        Gieli uzajtu l isptar int? Baqalek al pensjoni int???


  227. Jiddispjacini biss nara nies jitbaqbqu fuq dak li tghid Daphne. Ghadkom ma drajtuiex? It’s the only thing she knows how to do…. Stir shit and create controversy in order to get attention, and the more attention she gets the more satisfied she is. Pure Indifference is exactly what she deserves. Let her choke quietly in her own raged blood.

  228. noel says:

    ara veru bla qalb ta, bniedem li ghollas lil haddiem tah dinjita, qata it tallaba, qata il guh, ta djar bi ftit flus, sptar b xejn u veru b xejn, skola ghal kulhadd, int f sensik. Wahda biss ma ghamilx miskin mintoff, irranga l ucuh koroh ta nies bhalek a hadra

  229. Baldacchino says:

    Dear people. Please ban this blog once and for all. This witch is evil and doesnt deserve to breath!! She is ugly and depressed with her life what can you expect out of her??? She is expressing her childhood memories in this blog on other individuals because she was bullied at school FOR SURE because she is ugly!!! Now let her celebrate and drink champagne and i hope RCC will pay you a good don perignion!! I will not wish you the same hate you express to every one but contrary to that I will finish my comment like you never imagine to finish it. PEACE & LOVE

  230. Joseph says:

    Tista tieqaf Daphne, ghax hsara kbira qed taghmel lil PN. Jekk ser tibqa sejra hekk ser tkompli tgerrex aktar Nazzjonalisti mill-partit. Kun aktar prudenti jekk taf fejn toqghod il-prudenza u gib rispett lil-proxxmu tieghek. Jekk il-partit taghna, il-Partit Nazzjonalista mhux ser jikkundanna lil din il-mara fil-miftuh, ghalija il-Partit taghna huwa ippokrita.

  231. Pipps says:

    Daphne, the vast majority of the nation including the more sober Labour supporters agree with your assessment of this man’s horrendous politics and the misery he caused to most of us during his premiership.

    He destroyed lives and nurtured class hatred which still abounds even today.

    Sadly yes, he can be likened to other despots such as Hitler and Mussolini e bella compania.

    Thank you Daphne for your gutsy reporting, your objectivity and for always telling it like it is.

    As to the idiots above, apart from the fact that it’s patently obvious that many of the vile comments come from the same source, did anyone really expect anything different ? Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.

    • mintoffjan says:

      hey pipps idiot ghax i fucked your mother

      [Daphne – You’ve posted rather a lot of comments in a similar vein. I would say that xHamster is getting to you. Try watching the BBC instead.]

  232. Christina ZLR says:

    Wow! Hats off to the Labourites! I must admit that Daphne might have been some what inappropriate, however she was never rude.

    Not only have most of you posted rude comments but you have also resorted to being vulgar and seemingly uneducated.

    Mintoff might have increased Malta’s wealth, but he was also a tyrant who forced the hand of many.

    For those of you who wish to grieve this day – go ahead and do so, but do not judge those who wish to remember this day for different reasons.

  233. Nadya Cassar Bonaci says:

    Hi Daphne,

    I replied to your statement about me in your notebook.

    I do not have to repeat it here.

    A person just died and you cant write about him in that way..whoever he was.

    If you are a Christian, you should leave certain things out of your blog.
    Do not try to make money out of controversies..we have enough of them on this island.

    You are always mentioning me..even in Dr. Karmenu Bonnici’s time. I am just a miserable woman.

    One thing I would like to tell you again.
    Do remember that hatred breeds hatred and you have children who I am sure see what you are writing.
    When you are not here , who is going to defend them if in the near future they might encounter difficulties.

    I will end up by telling you,

    Dear Dom May you Rest In Peace ..yes and I cried for him.

    Like I cried For Mrs. Fenech Adami. You cannot keep away people from this. Espescially when those who mourn are mourning great persons. You cannot take that away from the.


  234. RSM says:

    Fl-ahhar wasal il-vera Helsien ghal kull min baghta taht dak il-barbaru dittatur li aktar ghamel hsara milli gid!

    Daphne, prosit ghax ilqatt il-musmar fuq rasu, kompli ikteb dwar il-verita’ tal-fatti, kien dittatur u kisser hafna familji Maltin u ghamel hafna vendikazzjonijiet, fosthom mal-familja tieghi.

  235. Li says:

    Missek tisthi tikteb dan il-kliem. Vera mara bla qalb. Hares wahda sew fil-mera forsi tinduna x’qed taghmel u x’qed tghid.

  236. Clayton says:

    Nixtieqek tirrakkontalna ftit x’ghamel lilek u l’familtek biex tistmerru daqshekk : jekk ha thallina fid-dlam stmerrijja fuqhekk innifsek qieghda ggib ….

  237. Joseph says:


    I usually see – but do not write – today is an exception.

    You think you own a lot. You think by deliberate hurtful comments such as this, you gain attention. AND indeed you do. However, it is very sad, so sad to see that this is the only way you can (and do) get attraction. It would be better off, if you can do something good for a change. Oh, sorry – you don’t know what Good is. It’s not in your character. I am sorry for you. What a pity. I hope Relatives of the deceased do not give you much attention.

    (Not best) Regards


  238. Rambo u rocky says:

    Mur hudu foxx kemm andek ta balla imgidma. Minn qalaha minn sorma il malta. Mux mintoff. Minn gab l airport, it tarzna, is servizzi socjali, etc. Mux hu. Tidher li ma tafx xienti tejd!
    ftakar li minn jixtieq deni jigu fuqu. !!!

  239. did says:

    Dear Daphne, I understand your hate, frustration and anger but they will lead you to nowhere.

    This is the ugliest piece of crap I ever read in my career…

    it is not only about Don Mintoff but is more about your personality. if these are your daily thoughts I just can’t imagine how dark your dreams are.
    Help is what you need!

  240. Yeah right says:

    Ms CG,

    Here’s what I like about you: you understand the typical Laburist so well, and you can truly push his or her buttons.

    Ghax dawn il-progressivi u moderati titfghalhom il-lixka li tikxef x’inhuma vera u jidhlu ghaliha bhal gemgha imzazen.

    What I really love about their reactions is that they truly miss the irony and contradiction.

    They accuse you of being full of hatred, in between the ja ******, mur hudu *******, li ma kontx ******.

    [Daphne – They say and write ‘aaaa’ not ‘ja’. You have to get the terminology right.]

    Man, aren’t these people a social psychologist’s wet dream.

    • mintoffjan says:

      mela i write ja liba tal kukkudrili ja mara kerha

      [Daphne – Kemm jiffaxxinakom il-liba, God bless. Mohhkom biss fih.]

  241. Adrian says:

    I augur that you, Daphne, continue to live as long as your destiny precludes. In the meantime I thank the same destiny that permitted us Maltese to be led by the greatest politician, as yet, that these islands have seen. Thanks to Dom Mintoff, today we can take for granted the social benefits that we now have. The same social benefits that you can rely upon should destiny decide that your presence in this world is worth the while. Destiny, alas, is not me. Otherwise you would have been obliterated already.

    P.S. make up your mind…. Either the saints go marching out (in heaven) or else may he rot in hell. Diametrically opposed!

  242. Keith Vassallo says:

    Seriously Daphne? Seriously?

    I’ve always thought all the hate you got was from hardline PL brainwashed plebeians.

    Today I realise they’re right. That’s the last time I read this piece of shit.


  243. Glen Rund says:

    Dear Daphne

    There is journalism and there is rhetoric propaganda. Unfortunately you often venture too close to the latter. Still every man and woman has a right to his opinion and I believe the days where people can be swayed blindfolded by the agendas of people like yourself are gradually coming to an end.

    I definitely don’t agree with many things Don Mintoff has done most notably the allowing of waves violence that gripped Malta at one point. This, in my opinion, is the major reason the present administration has remained in power for so long. However diversifying an economy that was crippled by the absence of any developments from our previous colonialists is no mean feat. The separation of duties from church and state has proven to be the right path irrespective of one’s religious beliefs. Fantasying a utopia under an alternative past leadership is a bad choice of time management.

    I most certainly didn’t expect you to come out sobbing tears of sorrow but your words are akin to spitting on a man’s grave. This I find disturbing even by somebody of such despicable character. Any decent human being would agree to disagree and let bygones be bygones. If your motivation is driven by sensationalism and a move to further prop-up a Nationalist administration plagued by cancer, I’m afraid your article has backfired.

    I just wonder what will happen the day you pass away.

    • Jozef says:

      Utter rubbish.

      It’s in order and necessary to disrupt the current bullshit.

      He never sought to minimise the iconography built around him, leaving half the population yearning for a clone.

      Someone obliged.

  244. GSD says:

    Finally – an opinion about the old bastard which I agree with! Thanks Daph!

  245. Drattax says:

    I would only like to say one thing about this excuse for a sad creature who spits bile on bandwidth. I would be VERY surprised were she to still be in a position to colour this bandwidth and some other excuse as ‘newsprint’ when her backers and protectors lose their grip on power.

    [Daphne – Exactly what are you saying here, Drattax? That you will be voting for a government in the hope that it does to me what China did to Ai Wei Wei? Are you mad, or just another effing unbelievably stupid Labour voter? Life outside China is wasted on people like you. What protectors? You don’t need protectors to write your opinions on the internet, though I’ll admit that some people probably think I need the police right now, but to protect me from lunatics like all those commenting here. And you don’t need backers to run a blog. That’s the whole point.]

    • Drattax says:

      That’s it, you got the point. I just hope that you don’t get the ‘butterflies-in-your-stomach’ feeling waiting for that day. I was a Nationalist voter but I will not waste my vote to prolong immunity to low-life creatures like you.

  246. Ilona says:

    Socialism is sharing. See you in hell Ms.Daphne.

  247. Charles Demicoli says:

    Happy birthday, Daphne!

    [Daphne – Thanks, Charles. It’s actually on Sunday, but what’s a day here and there.]

  248. Bones says:


    [Daphne – As somebody who feels that a dead weight has been lifted off Malta at last, and who is currently very happy indeed.]

  249. Claire says:

    Huwa dritt ta kull Malti li jesprimi l opinjoni tieghu imma jidirlek li qed taghmel sew imbilli toffendi bniedem li ghadu kif halla id- dinja…Jekk ghandek daqshekk mibgheda lejh zomm il kummenti ghalik u mhux tahseb li ha tidher iktar qawwija imbilli turi il hdura tieghek meta filfatt qed twaqqa lilek inifsek, il pajjizek, u il partit tieghek li (p.s. tant tiftahar bih) iktar fil baxx…ma tantx nistghu nghidu li qedin f sitwazzjoni li jista jaqa iktar fil baxx min issa.

  250. Paul Smith says:

    DCG – Your arrogance, obnoxiousness, and disrespect knows no limits – you can never be regarded as a person or a respected blogger – you are literally doing character assassination to yourself.

    [Daphne – Gosh, Paul Smith. I love your design work.]

  251. Gaddafi says:

    Tridiex ta qaddisa int! Mara hadra daqsekk m’hawnx u x xitan ghandu post riservat hdejh ghalik diga. Missek tisthi

  252. Adolorata Pace Bonnett Grima says:

    OMG this is truly funny. Daphne is only saying what half of Malta is thinking.

  253. Godfrey says:

    Naghti l-kondoljanzi lil familja tal-Mintoff! Niskuza ruhi al dan iz-zibel li qed kitbet dan l-artiklu li bih qed ixerred il-mibeghda!! Qed twaqqa lil partit taghna az zufjett! Hasra li fdan il-partit ad awn min jaccettak! Annimal ukol tithassru ahseb u ara bniedem taqbel u ma taqbilx mieghu!

    • Angus Black says:

      Il-Bniedem (ir-ragel) jirraprezenta l-idealismu tieghu. Ma tistax thobb il-persuna fil waqt li tistmerr il-pulitka tieghu.

      Lill Mintoff. bhala proxxmu, ma jobghodu hadd, imma Mintoff, li l-pulitka tieghu ferdet u farrket pajjiz, wiehed irid ikun mignun biex ihaddan.

      Mintoff l-alla tal-Laburisti issa mar in-naha l-ohra u halla Malta maqsuma w mgharrqa f’bahar ta mibgheda li z-zerrijgha taghha zergha hu stess.

      Iz-zmien itaffi, imma z-zmien ma jnessijx. Alla biss jista jahfirlu ghall li ghamel.

  254. Louis says:

    Cin Cin , let’s celebrate and many happy returns of the day to you, dear Daphne. You are an inspiration to hundreds of your blog readers who share the same sentiments.

  255. These comments are somewhere between pathetic and hilarious. Mostly pathetic though. I wish I could say I had no idea there were so many people who had the mental faculties of a retarded rock; but unfortunately I knew exactly what to expect.

    You are completely entitled to say whatever you want in your blog, just as they are entitled to play with a keyboard and call it writing.

    My opinion on this whole fiasco? Even Hitler had mourners.

  256. Jozef says:

    I know I’m late, actually he is, still, here’s wishing you a happy birthday, which it was.

    Cheers everyone.

  257. Karen says:

    Ara veru lanqas psikjatra ma jfejjqek lilek ta.

  258. Anon says:

    It’s funny how when you don’t know how to reply to an argument, you try to be condescending and correct grammar. Really witch-like of you. Charles Darwin would have been impressed by your evolution into a sad hag.

    [Daphne – These are not arguments, anon, which is why I don’t bother with them. Condescension? Perhaps you think I should treat these people as my equals. They are clearly not and they know it, which is the root cause of their malice and frustration. Grammar is my particular interest.]

    • Anon says:

      Perhaps then you should write a book. At least explain your frustration in a more organised and coherent manner. Your blogs are full of bullshit and you know it. Karma is a bitch, so be prepared.

  259. Doris says:

    a bicca ta zibla hatom ic children allowence int tejt li int nisranija? j’alla id deni li tixtieq fuq haddiehor jigi fuqek u fuq familtek. Taf li alahres ma kinx hu alina li tela lil malta fuq saqaja u meta tela eddie sab kaxxa mimlija u harbata fi ftit secondi taf li daqt ergajna gejjin fil faqar habba wahda sahhara bhalek int tamel hekk ghax int tejx fil gid mhux bhalna li dejjem iridu nlehqu ma l-gholi tal hajja u mal kontijiet ahseb qabel titkellem umur hudu fox l-ikrah wiccek int u kull min jejd fuq missier malta viva mintoff

  260. SG says:

    Jirralla jezisti l-infern halli taghmel eternita tinharaq u tbati, ja injoranta grassa. Imissek tisthi. Kieku mhux bil-hila tieghu inti lanqas biss ghandek vot, ahseb u ara dritt ghall-espressjoni tal-kelma. Pu ghalik.

  261. Kevin Wain says:

    Daphne. I will begin by saying that I am no fan of Mintoff and, yes, I do agree with you that Mintoff and the person next to him in the photo (Lorry Sant) have done some terrible things when they were in power. There are those (many of them) who have suffered a lot under Mintoff, but there were also those who gained in social services and benefits which were inexistent before Mintoff became prime minister. These people (those who were brought out of poverty) will be hurt by what you are saying here and grateful to Mintoff for what he has done for them. I believe that some sensitivity wll always help when a person, who has raised much controversy, but who is much loved by many dies. Besides, it is wrong for you to write in such an abraisive style.
    To be honest, nor am I impressed politically by his daughter, but this gives me no right to attack her in manner you have chosen to here. A balanced analysis/avaluation would have been more appropriate at this point. You must also be aware of the fact that attacking Mintoff’s chidren is useless and wrong to say the least. They are passing through sad times. He was their father after all. We should learn from the pass mistakes especially those of Mintoff at these times, without having to be vindictive.

    [Daphne – I don’t give a monkey’s cuss in hell if they are “passing through sad times”, just as they didn’t give a cuss in hell and lived as far away as possible when their bastard father made other people’s lives a misery back home in Malta. Passing through sad times? Why, because a man they despised in life because he made their mother miserable and who they avoided for so long has died aged 96, leaving them so much money that they never have to worry about it again? Give it a rest. It is no surprise to discover that those who know least about Mintoff are those who support him most.]

    • S.H. says:

      Oh that’s yet another can of worms… money.

      Daphne, you would know better than I do, but isn’t he one of the richest people in Europe?

      I don’t need to go into the how and where he managed to pocket so much money now, do I?

    • mintoffjan says:

      fuck you daphne you fuckinggggggg bastard i wish that one day you will be fucked in your ass by a big black cock

      [Daphne – I thought we’d end up there before long. I can’t help but suspect that when men say exactly those words to a woman, it’s because they rather fancy some of that themselves, but can’t confront the knowledge.]

  262. Paul Bonnici says:

    Daphne, are you joining Dr Alfred Sant in the celebrations?

  263. bookworm says:

    I propose the 20th of August to be declared the true ‘Jum il-Helsien’.

  264. MxC says:

    I think the main bad here was the form of presentation of the content, rather than the content itself. For even in freedom of speech, there is something called human decency. And just because he didn’t have any it doesn’t mean one should go down to his level. Rather than reading on what the saints and you would be doing, I’d rather have read what he did as further support to your point. Just a few suggestions on what to write next time another political celebrity dies.

    [Daphne – The Maltese disease, the result of a society developing among hundreds of thousands of people squashed together on a rock 17 miles by nine, and another, even smaller, rock. Spare me your views. I have had a lifetime to consider them and I’m still having none of it. What you are talking about is not ‘basic human decency’, but the survival instinct kicking in.]

  265. Jason says:

    Miskina. vera ta` min jithasrek x`hasra ta` bniedma kemm waqajt lilek inifsek fil baxx. Mux ta bxejn MINTOFF twieled fi 6 ta` Awissu dik id data hija il festa ta` salvatur u kien haqqu jitwiled f`dik il gurnata ax MINTOFF tassew kien salvatur.

  266. Charmaine Zammit says:

    kull min qed imaqdar lil mintoff ghali jista jkun ic children allowance , il bonus u l-penzjonijiet tohduhom ? ma nahsibx li tarmuhom .m hemmx min itik xebgha u jwadbulek il platti bhal ma waddabt int ? Qziez u hara l int .

    • Angus Black says:

      U tahseb int li kieku ma kienx Mintoff, kieku ma kontx tircievi c-Childrens’ Allowance jew il-penzjoni?

      Dazgur li nohduhom u ferm akbar u ferm ahjar milli dawk li Gaddafi kien ihallas ghaliehom.

      • Charmaine Zammit says:

        mela mhux hekk akbar hux, mela mhux bhali ta ghax lili naqashomli ta children allowance ghax mhux tfal bhal haddiehor ghandi li jridu x jilbsu etc. hlief nies igergru ma HAWNX LI MHUX ISSERVIHOM PAGA U PENZJONI TGHID MA AHNIEX TAJBIN DAQS KEMM KIENU FI ZMIEN MINTOFF. SA FEJN NAF JIEN GONZI THAJJAR INEHHI PENZJONI TA HI U BIH KWAZI KOLLOX LI BENA MINTOFF.

  267. Samantha Jones says:

    The irony in some of these comments is incredible.

  268. FREE says:




    [Daphne – Miss Free, I despise Mintoff not only for I and those around me had to endure, but for what he did to the country. In 16 years, he made it one of the most miserable places in Europe, and with half of Europe behind the Iron Curtain at the time, that’s saying something. I despise him because nobody will ever give us back that lost time. It’s easy for those who came afterwards and who were raised in the luxurious heaven – by comparison – of the last 25 years to rewrite history and look back and praise that terrible man, but they speak from a position of great privilege that was denied my generation. So it is not for them to speak. It is for us to speak.]

  269. Nadya Cassar Bonaci says:

    I wrote to you twice..but my comments were not ppublished

    [Daphne – Patience, my dear. There are another 350 comments waiting for upload this morning, after last night’s 200+.]

    • Froggy says:

      That’s to show the count of how many people hate you

      • Angus Black says:

        It also reveals how many follow her blog. Many of the ones who admire her guts are simply relaxing and pitying the ignorance of Labour followers, mostly like Joseph, dedicated Mintoffjani who know nothing better than writing death threats and using gutter language which they are so accustomed to.

        Why are you checking Daphne’s blog, anyway? You have The Times, l-orizzont, Illum, Maltastar, Malta Today and the Progressive Labour Party electronic sites to unload your bile on.

      • Andrea says:

        That also shows that you guys have an extremely weird way of mourning, Froggy.

  270. Nadya Cassar Bonaci says:

    I wrote to you twice..but my comments were not published

    I have written since half nine

    [Daphne – I was asleep. Have some patience.]

  271. PINOCCHIO says:

    Daphne you’re a devil.. You are possesed….You need help..
    What you wrote here is really insane…

    I definately won’t vote the PN party next election and this is all because of you ….

    You fuckin FREAK …

    RIP Mintoff….

    • Samantha Jones says:

      Imma how have you decided to change your vote because of the opinions of an independent journalist? What’s wrong with you ghid? Do you not see how intrinsically stupid what you just said was?

  272. M.AA says:

    Nahseb mux Mintoff Gaddafi, imma int, a kelba

    [Daphne – ‘A kelba’. I can’t help but notice how many of the Mintoff fans popping in here to insult me use ‘a’ instead of the correct ‘ja’. It’s dead giveaway of your social origins.]

    • Ryan B says:

      Giveaway our social origins!!!!

      Daphne gismu miet biss, l-ispirtu socjalista li bena Mimtoff ghadu haj u jibqa haj ghal dejjem. Isem Mimtoff ha jibqa jisemma hawm Malta sa tmiem id-dinja.

      Pero dan inti tafu u b’hekk qed taghmel dan li qed taghmel fuq dan il-blog ghax taf li ghalkemm gismu miet hu xorta wahda ha jibqa madwarna ghax kull fejn thares tista tghid li dan bis-sahha tieghu li beda kollox.

      Tghid li ghal grazzja ta Alla min hu zaghzugh bhali twelidt fil gena ta’ l-art ghax dejjem kont taht gvern Nazzjonalista. Il-genna ta’ l-art skond inti li jkollok delizzju u li hu anki tradizzjoni Malta li tigi michud li tghamlu ghax fil grupp li thalna u jigu jaqaw u jqumu minna. Genna ta’ l-art li biex tixtri fejn toqod trid tissallab ghal ghomrok. Fi zmiem il-Perit kien hawm tbatija u nghidlek tbatija imma bi ftit sagrificcji kont issir nies. Illum biex issir nies trid vera tmissek ix-xorti jew inkella taghmel xi haga llegalli.

  273. John Zammit says:

    Dear Daphne

    Believe me many Maltese hate you for being blunt and for speaking out your mind( fact) but just bear in mind that there is at least one (me) who agrees with you all the way.

    The hatred that Mintoff has injected in many is still here and can be seen in a lot of comments. He lived a sad, horrible life. He loved the Maltese so much that he wanted to integrate them to another completely different country.

    This man who was so convinced that integration was so goo came about to even go against this project with so much force that whoever mentioned the word Britain would be turned into a hate figure.

    Mintoff was a ‘pinnur’ and when he did all the 360% he realised that he had no direction but to retreat into his own messy shell.

    Whenever someone came out with a bright idea he declared cynically that he was a star (Fenech Adami). Whenever he was challenged with reason he would use force (nigu u inkissrukhom).

    I think all Maltese should heave a sigh of relief that this terrible man is done with and thank God, that we will be spared from the likes of him ever again. Or at least, we hope so.

    The pity is that he did not go down like Robespierre and others like him. The days he ruled were days of terror and I will not mince words. I shall not be goody goody and ask God to give him eternal rest. I will consider that as swearing and making God do a very bad thing.

  274. Dale Vella says:

    Bitch were you living in malta the past 30 years ?? or were you busy sucking dicks

    • Stephen Ganado says:

      That’s the whole point, Dale.

      If you only know what has happened in Malta over the last 30 years, you need to find out what happened BEFORE, when Mintoff was in power.

      His adoring fans are keen to mention the social reforms he introduced – which were being introduced all over Europe at the time, so nothing special there – but they don’t mention the hardship, violence and total lack of rule of law that existed till we finally got rid of him and the PL from government.

      Read your history without blinkers on and then you may start to understand what many of us went through thanks to your beloved Mintoff.

    • Samantha Jones says:

      Is that what you occupy your time with when not living in Malta?

  275. Malti says:

    I have read your article, and all the posts. In a way I was a bit shocked to read what you said, although I strongly believed there is a freedom of speech, but although I am not a Mintoff fan, still I found the comment harsh, could have waited to be posted several days after his funeral at least. I am sorry as well for all the rubbish of comments and bad words of frustration from a lot of other Maltese, if you are angry of what Daphne has said, you have right to comment and say your opinion but leave it clean as she did without offending anyone’s family or wishing you death. I believe a lot in freedom, now that we have it please use it with caution and honesty.

    ps: wrote in English so everyone could read my message, as I saw a lot of posts from foreign countries, not becauce I lost my Maltese language.

  276. C Galea says:

    Tmur Knisja u titqarben , nhar ta Hadd ??? Il -qassis nahseb trux u ghama jkun ????
    Nixtieqlek hajja twila u hafna drabi milli tixtieq lil haddiehor tul is snin :-)
    L-ewwel darba li qrajt il blog tieghek u l-ahhar .

  277. john says:

    jien mhux soltu nhalli kummenti imma illum ksirt il-limitu ja kerha.nitlob l-alla jghaffgek trakk u nkun prezenti jien ha nbul ghal wiccek ja hadra.foxx il familja tieghek

    • Malti says:

      ahjar tibqa ma thaiix comments mela habib milli tikteb li ktibt, ghax kont baxx, u tinsiex li kulhadd ghandu il possibilita li jaqra dawn il comments anke tfal… Esprimi ruhek ghax ghandek il cans imma mod nadif.

  278. Paul Xuereb says:

    May I express my humble opinion. I really feel saddened by all the comments, pro or against Dom Mintoff, expressed in a very unChristian way. Why can’t we approve or disapprove simply by offering our opinions. I sincerely believe that we can say whatever we wish to say in a much more Christian tone.

    [Daphne – Why Christian, Mr Xuereb? Are you of the view that one must be Christian to be civilised? Religion has nothing to do with it.]

    • Mary says:

      That the problem you are neither christine nor civilised!!!

      [Daphne – Christine min hi, Mary? Kemm intkom injoranti. Il-vera kaz.]

      • Angus Black says:

        Hilarious, christine?

        Must have been one of those who received her education during the progressive years of the Socialists.

      • Spelling mistake says:

        Jekk tghajjar lil xi hadd injorant Daph .. at least make sure li ma tkunx int, li turi li int injoranta fl- istess sentenza li qed tghajjar biha, ‘hanini’ :)

        Basic Maltese lesson : Jiena
        (Pronouns) Inti
        Intom ( intkom ma tezistix)
        Inheggek biex qabel ma toqghod tikkoregi lil haddiehor u tghajjar lin – nies li huma illitterati tiehu ‘crash course’ tal- linwa Maltija :)

        Imma nirringrazzjak u nghidlek prosit minn qiegh qalbi ! You are very entertaining ! Nessejtli ftit mid- dwejjaq li ikkawzali il- partit tieghek u kompli sejra hekk, halli ghall- inqas il- Laburisti jkunu jistghu jghidu li mhux huma biss hamalli u injoranti, imma hemm int u xi erbgha injoranti ohra li inaghaqqadtu maghhom :)

  279. Luke Vella says:

    Inhxejt xi naqra ghal-Birthday Daphne!! mhux ma Paul ta ghax dak nisa ohra jahxi, imma mal-kelb ghax gak l-unika zobb available ghalik.

    Hemm xi 4 suwed available il-Marsa, mur s’hemm hu cans forsi ma tafx kif, issib zobb illejla, jahxi lilek u jahxi moghza l-istess haga ghalih l-iswed.

    BTW Komplejt tikkonferma kemm int patetika u frustrata!!!

    [Daphne – Paul min hu? Nahseb qieghed titfixkel ftit. Ir-ragel Peter jismu. Paul wiehed mit-tfal. Naf li ghandkom usanzi strambi, imma ftakar li mhux kulhadd l-istess bhalkom.]

    • Mary says:

      I feel so sorry for your husband and you children to have a such a hateful wife and mother!!!


      x’ragel hu? mela int ghandek ragel?? int xi miskin imlibbes il-hwejjeg ghandek mela ragel…u xi 4 bghula zgur mux minn tieghu!

  280. Rachel II says:

    Ghaziza Daphne,

    Mhux kulhadd trabba f”English-speaking family” bhalek. Ghandi dubji kbar kemm int kapaci tispelli l-Malti minghajr zbalji.

    Missek tisthi.
    Jew forsi tifhimni ahjar jekk nghidlek “SHAME ON YOU”???

    [Daphne – Fil-fatt, Miss, nikteb u nitkellem bil-Malti hafna ahjar minn dawn is-salt Mintoffiani hodor li hawn hawnhekk.]

  281. Clayton says:

    Qatt ma xtaqt deni lil hadd, imma jalla id deni li tixtieq il haddiehor jigi fuqek . U cert li xi darba, illum jew ghada jigi zgur, J’ alla ma ddumx ma ssib kappell jigik. Ghandu biex jiftahar il partit bik !! Kem aw nies li ma jahmlukx, u mux il montoffjani biss imma dawk kolla li ghandom mohhom miftuh.
    May you and all those close to you Rot in hell sick bastard.
    Meta tmut int festa jkollok. kulhadd jahralek fuq il qabar ghax il hara mal hara jmur.

  282. Rachel says:

    I can’t understand why folks schlep all the way over to this blog, knowing all the while what they’re going to find, and then get worked up about it.

    Did you all really expect a glowing eulogy?

    Heck, I came here to read just the opposite. I guess everyone needs a hobby and making death threats and cursing rank high in national pursuits.

  283. EA says:

    Qatt ma kont nghid li se nsib persuna aktar marida min Normann Lowell!! Kieku minnek mmur nara xi tabib Daphne ghaliex nahseb kellek abbuz qawwi lol



  284. Julian says:

    Daphne, x’tahseb li int biex tghid hekk? Tidher li int mara bla politika, bla religjon, u fl-opinjoni personali tieghi.. bla hajja. Il-mejjet jixraqlu rispett, haga li nahseb meta tmut int zgur mhux se jkollok.

  285. Paul Bajada says:


    You and people of your ilk have a huge challenge indeed ahead. Because the way you are expressing yourself about Mintoff shall not win you paradise! On the contrary, you stand a chance of going to hell too.

    Now how about that for your misery? if you also go to hell and join Mintoff there? Wouldn’t it be awful for you having to endure his company for eternity?

    So why don’t you reflect on your behaviour for once and say a prayer for his soul instead? Jesus forgave his enemies and the ones who killed him. But may be I am expecting too much from an allegedly intelligent person like you!

    I am sorry to say, but you are so short sighted! Or may be you have an agenda in your head! To provoke the PL supporters to do something irregular so that you have something to attack them with! Am I right?

    I do not know whether Mintoff deserves hell or not. Let God decide. I am glad though, that you are not God, otherwise hell is meant only for PL supporters and heaven for the likes of RCC, you, EFA and the rest of the mob!

    you should know better.

  286. Maria farrugia says:

    YOU are a proof witches DO exist!
    Nisthi nuri li jiena Maltija meta jeziztu nies moqzieza bhalek jaslu jiktbu dal kummiedji ! Xmisthija

  287. LABURIST PUR says:

    fox kem int liba ja mignuna ada menk adit gurnata li mit u tamel ek ja sahhara liba.uri naqra rispet lanqas gonzi ma jamel ek ax ukol jurih iktar rispet mux liba bhalek. int zgur jisthoqlok linfern mela tigi titkellem ek wara anqas min gurnata li miet. jin mil politika ma tantx jimpurtani izda meta rajt ek kelli nejt dan il klim.

    • Luana1992 says:

      Titkaza b’Daphne ghax zammet l-opinjoni taghha dwaru. Nitkaza bik ghax taqa’ iktar baxx mill-livell taghha b’dal kliem oxxen.

  288. Ruby says:

    You are the lowest form of journalist. It is neither clever or funny to write such disgusting insults on a man who died a few hours ago. A total lack of respect for the Mintoff family, friends and followers. Shame on you.

  289. N. Frendo says:

    Dear Daphne, remember that what goes round comes around.

    [Daphne – My point exactly, but you just don’t get it.]

    • Mary says:

      i guess you are the one that is not getting dear!! I cant wait for that day to hit you!!

      • Natalie says:

        Very ladylike of you isn’t it Mary? You’ve been throwing insults blindly. But of course, Mintoff ghamilna nies. U mhux talli hekk, imma ta l-vot lin-nisa, imn’alla kien hu ghalina n-nisa, tana d-dinjita’.

    • Rob79 says:

      It came around at the age of 96, hope you are as lucky.

    • Danny Grima says:

      What N. Frendo said is true, but what exactly is your point. I try to be in your boots, explain to us. You are making enemies by the minute. I’m a PN Supporter and will not even think of such things, you should be careful what you write. Even our leaders hailed the person and one feel sorry for the loss. I know a friend of mine that when Dr. Demarco died, he told me that he was touched and followed his funeral on TV right till the end. What you are saying of what happened in those times is exactly what you are doing now. You are jeopardizing the PN and we don’t need people like you to put us at a worst position than we are at the moment.

      Do you dare walk in the streets at this moment?

      D. Grima

  290. lola says:

    I wish you a very happy birthday Daphne.How are you going to spend the day? With family and friends I suppose.Can you tell us?You are living in hatred and you can never be happy Can we join? You deserve a very nice present.And by the way ,how old are you?
    Daphne I think that today is a very bad day for you.To write about a great man like Mintoff in that way one must not be in his right senses,and after death! Speak well of your friends and nothing of your enemies.
    You must forgive and forget so that you will be forgiven.If you do not forgive you will have an unhappy life.That is what you show in your blog.What does your husband say?

    [Daphne – My husband feels possibly even more contempt for Mintoff than I do, lola. And that is quite apart from the fact that in the 21st century, wives do not ask their husband’s permission before expressing an opinion.]

    • Paul Bajada says:

      A right given to you by Mintoff, dear Daphne. If your memory plays well, then you can easily recall that under the PN women had not even voting rights, let alone expressing themselves about politics and governments!

      [Daphne – Mintoff did not introduce the vote for women. Learn your history, instead of repeating the rubbish your party winds you up on.]

      But for you what is red is ignorant, what is blue is righteous!

      No one stopped you from celebrating, but showing disrespect towards the people who feel that Mintoff did something useful for them, that is absolutely cruel and wicked! Do you seriously believe that by showing these abnormal emotions of yours you can win any people’s hearts? Something the party you support desperately needs coming elections? Do you seriously think that spitting this venom would change a dime towards Mintoff’s destiny?

      And if your husband feels such contempt for Mintoff, let it be. Everyone has his own demons to bemoan. We had Gonzi and he (like many others) has Mintoff.

      • SB says:

        ‘Do you seriously think that spitting this venom would change a dime towards Mintoff’s destiny?’ Ghandek ragun Paul. Tant ghamel hsara, zera’ mibeghda u kisser nies, li xejn ma jista’ jibdel id-destin tieghu. Dal li tizra’ tahsad.

  291. Anonymous says:

    As soon as I heard that Dom Mintoff died, I rushed to this site, only to find it down (presumably due to traffic).

    Daphne, why do you bother arguing with labour-supporters? It’s kind of like playing chess with a pigeon – it will climb on the board, knock over all the pieces and then proceed to shit on it, and then it will think it won.

    I just want to say thank you for having the guts to write this piece that speaks the truth, and for providing me a week’s supply of entertainment in reading the comments. Unfortunately I must remain anonymous as I don’t have the guts you have.

    Take care, Daphne, don’t ever let the Labour idiots stop you from writing.

    • Paul Bajada says:

      cowards are born and die anonymous! Not like Mintoff!

      [Daphne – Mintoff was the ultimate coward.]

      • SB says:

        Kien ukoll wiehed mill-akbar viljakki fil-politika Maltija. Staqsi lill-familjari ta’ Boffa. U jekk ma tafx, ghax insejt jew ghax ma tridx taf, infakkrek biss x’ghamel waqt li Boffa kien Londra ma’ bintu.

      • Danny Grima says:

        Again Daphne, tell us why he was a coward. I had a different opinion about you but now, I’m sorry to say that I don’t admire you anymore. There are ways and means how to say things. You should be very careful.


  292. Viva Mintoff says:

    Ma messekx tisthi tikumena hekk fuq bniedem kbir li imnalla kien hu ghal Malta!!! Mela ma ghandekx mera id dar, ghandek ghonqok twil qisu ta flamingo!! Imma flahhar tibzax ta…. ghad issib kappell jigik….

  293. michael camilleri says:

    awful, shameful and disgusting. Why all these rude and nasty words ? Stop it with ”Ostji” I am not a labourite but now what has been done has been done and we cannot reverse the clock. Yes Mintoff was a great leader and loved his Country very much. He did good things and took great measures in their right directions. On the other hand he did somethings that were lesss good or perhaps even not good at all but errare umanum est. Let us not be WE to judge him as the Lord warns us ” Judge not lest you be judged.” And please both sides STOP POINTING FINGERS. Instead together let’s say a short prayer for him if we are christians. ” Eternal rest grant unto him Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. Grant him eternal rest dear Lord.

    • SB says:

      Michael Camilleri, Mintoff mhux ‘somethings that were lesss good or perhaps even not good at all’ ghamel. Mintoff ghamel il-hajja infern lil hafna u hafna nies.

  294. mark says:

    you hateful bitch your time to pay dues will come dont worry everybody has to hope you will redeem all this hate you have inside for your sake i truly have compasion for you you think you make us laugh ja sahharra la bella vita will come to and end soon

  295. kg says:

    Everyone is going on about how bad her comments are and bla bla bla. The comments she is receiving back are 10 times worse. People are saying that she is speaking badly about someone who has just died!!

    Have you read the threats and comments she received in return?

    I mean if there was a more contradictory based society I would be extremely impressed. People can say what they feel and not everyone has to agree. I wish i knew enough about everything to give a constructive argument about everything but I don’t.

  296. Pete says:

    How does one man get a 500 euro fine and a suspended jail sentence for sharing a joke about the pope, and yet Daphne gets to say what she wants? Anybody else smell that?

    [Daphne – Some people probably ‘smell that’, Pete; look through these comments for an insight into how thick they are. The rest of us know the difference between using the internet to threaten others and using it to express our opinion. Under the law, it’s your friends here who are committing a crime, not me. I get to say what I want because I know the law and stay within it, and also because THIS IS NOW A FREE COUNTRY NO THANKS TO THAT DEAD BASTARD UNDER WHOSE GOVERNMENT IT WAS THE DIRECT OPPOSITE.]

    • John says:

      Pete, I happen to know the man you mention. This is his latest comment on a page asking for Daphne’s arrest:

      Napprezza kieku ma ddahlunix fin-nofs. Jien iggilidtha ghax nemmen bil-liberta’ tal-kelma. Iddahlux ismi fi grupp li qed imur kontra il-liberta’ tal-kelma. Jekk temmnu li l-kelma ta’ xi hadd hija bazi bizzejjed biex tarresta persuna, nistidinkhom tmorru il-Pakistan.

      So, please, unless you have anything worth saying, go back to your cave to watch some reality show. Or go to Pakistan, as he said.

    • Mary says:

      Its thanks to him that Malta is a free country, because if it was for people like you we would still be a colony!! So stop acting all high and mighty because its thaks to him you are where you are!!!

      • Stephen Ganado says:

        Sorry to disappoint you Mary, but if you check your history properly, you will find it was Borg Olivier who brought us Independence, hence freedom, and not Mintoff.

      • SB says:

        ‘Its thanks to him that Malta is a free country’. Mary haqqa l-premju ghall-ahjar cajta tal-gurnata!

    • Rob79 says:

      …and that is the reason why, not only Malta but the whole world, is in the sad state it is in. When things are done in accordance to laws rather reason and common sense.

      • Jozef says:

        Whose reason and common sense? KMB tried the ‘people’s courts’.

        This has to be the epitome of all comments posted by the moderate progressives to date.

    • Paul Bajada says:

      So Daphne, are you within the law if you call Mintoff a bastard?

      Or are you referring to someone else, Guido de Marco perhaps? In any case, can you shed some light as whether it is lawful to call someone, even if he died a bastard? Provided you have proof, he actually was/is?

      [Daphne – Ah, I see, another literal thinker who believes that when you call somebody a bastard, it’s because he was born out of wedlock. JAHASRA.]

    • Matthew says:

      Nimmagina li ghalhekk xbajt diehla u hierga l-qorti fuq libelli ghax taf hafna il-ligi

      [Daphne – Injorant, kulhadd jista itellaghni l-Qorti ghall-libell. It’s the outcome that counts.]

      • Matthew says:

        Injuranta u pastaza int u min itik id-dritt tparla u tikteb kif gie gie, jien ma insultajtekx, imma l-ispizjara milli ikolla ittik.

    • Mark says:

      It is a free country indeed but I wonder whether our grandparents, who lived in a country run by a colonial government who was primarily interested in military matters, had no decent pension system, no children benefits to help a bit, where women like you where paid less than men simply for being women, where not enough schools were ever built for everyone, in a country where being born gay was considered a criminal act, where priests were considered GODS , where at least a minimum wage was unthinkable and many other mintoff era initiatives , would call themselves FREE. Come on guys , we have the right in modern days to call people like mintoff names but for heaven’s sake , let’s not


    Min jaf ommok u missierek x’dizunur ghandhom li t-tifla li weldu kella tispicca hekk ….. Sfortunatament biz-zmien kien hemm trasformazjoni gewwa fik … li min persuna umana trasformajt ruhek bhala haga ezistenti. Jista jkun ukoll li gewwa fik trabba dimonju jew xitan u ghandek bzonn ghajnuna ta xi ezorcista biex inadfek min gewwa. Nemmen li Alla dejjem jahfer lil bnedmin hziena imma zgur li ha jkollu problema kbira biex inaddaf haga ezistenti bhalek ……

  298. Boohoohoo says:

    I love love love all the hypocrites below, claiming that celebrating Mintoff’s death is just wrong and then wishing for Daphne death and even threatening to cause it.

    How about leading by example you pathetic lot of cry-babies?


    • Paul Bajada says:

      You talking about free speech? Get a life before you decide to expose your ignorance….

      • Danny Grima says:

        And you end your message with Free F***ing speech, losers and you are not able to use your real name. Now that is what I call losers.


  299. Mark Cremona says:

    You can always point out who the real labour supporters are if you turn to the comments. Kullhadd joffendi.

    It’s they who should rot in hell, together with their beloved Mintoff. None of them remember the dark days Malta was in whilst he was in government, it seems.

    • Paul Bajada says:

      When we die we may be surprised two times!

      We shall be surprised to end up in the place where we never expected to go and we shall be surprised to meet people in that same place we never expected to meet.

      So don’t play God and judge. Since you may be judged beforehand!

  300. Mikaela says:

    Paztaza, Bik ha nimxu il quddiem Malta , ja mara arroganti u bla qalb, ghax ma tmurx tintremma , Mintoff ideddika hajtu ghal Malta ,u inti mandek lebda dritt tajd kliem hekk, dal-gvern il min irrid biss jara min qed jghamel hazin, lilek immishom jarmuk fil mizbla bhal ma kienu jghamlu lil Laburista ja hanzira.

  301. JB says:


  302. MX says:

    Daphne, I admire your honesty, guts and completely agree with you.

    Additionally, to all these pro Mintoff fans putting rubbish comments here: if you want to comment, please be adequate enough to at least spell correctly. This behaviour just reflects your stupidity and lack of education, apart from your apparent memory-loss.


  303. labour u kburija says:

    Kemm int persuna hadra u bla qalb. halih jistrieh fil paci ja indanata. kun af din percinella li min jixtieq d deni lil haddiehor jigi f wiccu. ahjar tisakar gewwa ja sahara u tara x taghmel int ghax hadt ma jahmlek jaaaaa kerha ja pinocino


  304. Rob says:

    Why are you taking this lady so seriously guys? Did anyone of you get something thanks to Daphne? If MIntoff is a bastard, well maybe Daphne is the devil on earth. Mrs. Caruana Galizia, if I shall address you this way, every government the maltese islands had left an impact on our lives. So shut up once and forever cause this country needs intelligent not bastards like you!

  305. Matthew says:

    Dan il-pajjiz mimli b’gurnalisti partiggjani u bla skrupli u li jitkellmu min postijiet alternattivi! M’ghandi l’ebda imhabba lejn Mintoff, imma li tikteb artiklu hekk fuq persuna mejta fuq gazzetta hija haga moqzieza u turi li forsi l-ligi tac-censura wara kollox ma kienitx daqshekk hazina. Dan l-artiklu ma serva xejn biex kebbes in-nar tal-mibgheda f’pajjiz li ghandu prooblema b’politika polarizzata bhal-Malta.

    Missek tisthi DCG, ircevejt l-unur li inpoggik fl-imkien ma dak il-pastaz u injurant Lou Bondi. Giex purcinelli tal-partit Nazzjonalista.

  306. Daniel Orsini says:

    Dephnie, i really respected some of your toughts in the past, but today it seems like you trowed every thing you did in a garbage bag. even hard core nationalist always say Mintoff was a great man, ok he done mistake ( who do not? ) but one can not underastemate what a change he bring to the Maltese People and culture. in all these comment i pretend that the officials in the nationalist Party will deplore againts your article, its out of all means what you wrote in here. how can you talk on a man like this when he made the woman a real human by giving her all the human rights. first of all are you a woman??? if yes! like him or not you must atleast thank hime for this that you have to talk and write your taughts. forget the other things, you are you today thanks to him. if i were you i will apologize with all people and most of all with god for this forbetten sin. i am sorry for you!

    [Daphne – People who respected some of my toughts and think I trowed every thing in a garbage bag would have been incapable of reading anything I’d written or understanding it. So don’t bother pretending. You’re really not convincing.]

  307. Victor says:

    Daphnie jien nithassrek. Veru bniedma ta` livell baxx. Miskin min jifrah bil-mewt ta` haddiehor. Illum jew ghada anke int trid tmut. Jidher li sa issa hadd ma mietlek. Meta jmut xi hadd mill-familja tieghek nahseb li ma tixtieqx jghidu il-kliem li ghedt int. Jekk ma taqbilx almenu ghalaq halqek u ikteb fuq xi haga ohra. Nahseb ghandek salib ukoll xi ggorr. Jekk ma`ghandekx taf ikollok ghada. Urejt kemm int bniedma baxxa u ma jisthoqqlokx hlief moghdrija ta` mohh miskin u fjakk.

  308. kelsey says:


    Dom Mintoff was a horrible man and despite the few things he might have done which benefited us, we Maltese still went through hell under his reign so good riddance to him.

    we all have our opinions and this is Daphne’s and most Maltese agree, so all you ‘Laburisti’ can take your fucking opinions and threats and keep them to yourselves.

  309. master says:

    ejja pufta ejja ghid quddiemi hekk ghax it tertura li intik l-anqas tqum darbohra jaaa kera mghank tmut inti ha nehilsu minnek darba ghal dejjem u shift+delet ahna naghmluwa lilek jaaa kera

  310. JB says:


  311. you are a bitch says:

    Tider li mara brainwashed ax alik vangelu li amlu in nazzjonalisti.missek wiccek jisthi titkellem ekk..kemm tiflah tkun nara baxxa u tan titlef lil xi hadd aziz tijak(jalla fil vicin hafna) prova itfa artiklu ekk jekk inti mara daqsekk i dont care…

  312. tab says:

    ara int vera bniedma bla qalb u bla kuxxjenza. misu mhux daqa ta platt tak ir ragel tieghek imma daqa ta fliskatur taz zingu forsi kien jirangalek wiccek a kerhaaaaaaaa. jien 23 sena andi u zgur ma nivuttax lil dan il liba gvern wara li mexxa min fuqna. zbal darba amiltu imma issa vera sirt nobodu il partit ax intom kollha hodor.

  313. Fox Galizia says:


  314. antie mary says:

    missek tisthi tikteb hekk fuq bniedem issa mejjet fejn hu ir rispett. Bhalissa malta qeda luttu nazzjonali, la tmut int festa pubblika naghmlu.

  315. Housewife says:

    Daphne, Illum zgur titla l-ewwel post fil-lista tal-blogs kemm ircevejt comments.

    Kemm hawn heros hawn Malta qed nghid. Ma nafx ghalfejn qed jaghmlu dan l-ghageb kollu. Ilha tghid Daphne li jekk imut Mintoff tohrog ticcelebra. No big deal.

    Happy birthday Daphne, enjoy it.

    • rp says:

      Ara jkunn missierek meta jmut nigi u nghajdlek hekk sew miet dak f’ lahhar.. tieghu pjacir?

    • Mark Cachia says:

      jaqaw inti xi housewive li meta johrog zewgek ghax xoghol iddahhal xi 2 irgiel jaqlawlek wara u quddiem? ghandkom ragun titkellmu hekk…..anzi norgazma nisma dal kliem ghax ninduna xi hdura ghandkom lejn is-Socjalist, Laburisti u Mintoffjani. fucking desperate housewive @ lol

  316. tab says:

    fejjnhom il pulizija u l magistratti??? al tifel ax kiteb fuq il papa qlajtu panigirku….? qed titkellem fuq bniedem li ma jistax jirispondi, u li andu lil familtu mugua. ara vera ahna p[ajjiz taz zobb

  317. mlp says:

    your ignorance shine !!!!!!! shame on you we must be grateful to DON MINTOFF….. you such ignorance bitch who doesnt understand a boit what the hell were passing under this “goverment” so shut up

    [Daphne – Don Mintoff. Wow. Don.]

    • SB says:

      ‘we must be grateful to DON MINTOFF’. Lill-Mintoffjani qatt ma kont naghraf fihom il-kapacita li jkunu awto-kritici. Kelli zball. Iva, DON MiNTOFF, il-kap tal-Mafia MIntoffjana.

  318. justin says:

    Jien ghandi 23 yrs u l-vot kont ha narmih, bis.sahha tieghek zgur, cert naghmel vendikazjoni u mlp jmur ha titghalmu, ghax ghalija flahhar mil ahhar kulhadt li stess ta demm u laham u kiku kin missiri umintoff thabilx rasek galiziax rasek galizia lghada kien ikun bday tijak ax naqlalek rasek

  319. Ganna says:

    These are all Laburisti hodor.

    Daphne, keep it up. I’m glued to my iPad.

    • Paul Bajada says:

      Mela mhux homor issa purcinell! Well what can I expect from a half baked illiterate who would need an iPad to pass his time.

      Do you work by any chance? Or are you on social benefits whilst surfing the internet?

    • Mark Cachia says:

      you’d better get glued to my dick

  320. Mike says:

    Ara veru purcinella mill-kbar

  321. Tony says:

    zobb foxx il qabar ta familtek defnie niralla jaqbdek likbar canser a liba

    • Unknown says:

      Again.. “F’ghoxx” u mhux “foxx”. Taf tikteb injurant?! “Cancer” u mhux “Canser”. U meta tixtieq CANCER lil xi hadd mintix qed tkun ahjar minn persuna li hassita hielsa ghax miet xi hadd li ilu haj ghal ammont zejjed ta’ snin ghaliex nghidu kollox, hajtu gawdija u to the full ukoll ghax ghamel 30 sena zejda. Unbelievable ta’ vera.

    • Mark Cremona says:

      Tghallem ikteb naqra sura, mate.

      U intom il-Laburisti kollha b’sahhitkom, toqodu toffendu.

      Ma nafx kif in-nies ma jarawx x’inhu gej ghal Malta jekk allahares qatt titilghu intom fil-gvern.

      Mank xi darba nehilsu minkom darba ghal-dejjem. Insomma ahjar le, ghax nitilfu l-gost li narawkom tindannaw.

      • mintoffjan says:

        ara veru intom in nazzjonalisti tahsbu li haadd ma jista ghalikom, imma taghkom daqt gejja u tkaxkira kbira se naghtukom ja qatta liba bhal daphne

    • SB says:

      Tony, insejt x’jghid il-Malti?

  322. Jms says:

    This site should be closed down! Shame on you Daphne .. Where are the authorities for such an un-human act!? You should be banned for life to blog or post on any newspaper or public site. Irrelevant of being a PN or PL follower, such blog should never be posted.

  323. JG says:

    Maybe it is not nice to ill speak of the dead but I fully admire Daphne for being honest and outspoken and having the courage to say what the majority of the people are thinking deep in their heart.

    Thank God, today we live in a democracy and have freedom of speech not like the bad old Mintoff days where had no freedom at all.

    A lot of people seem to have forgotten what it was like living under Mintoff who sought to control every detail of our lives. And to all those who seem to believe that there is a special place for Dom Mintoff in heaven – come on, are you serious?

    F’ daqqa wahda sirtu religjuzi. Mela nsejtu meta dhaltu tkissru l-Curia?

    L-injoranza taghkom tqabbadni l-bard. Wara kollox anki l-ghaziz Dom kien jindirrizakhom bhala ‘INJORANTI’ fil-meetings u kontu iccapcpulu. Thank God we are out of these dark ages and we now have freedom of speech.

    • Bendu says:

      Hear hear.

      Meta qalilhom fi pjazza Gavino Gulia li huma m’ghandhomx bocci tal-laham, capcpulu u elogjawh.

      Hamsa u ghoxrin sena wara, u injuranti kienu u baqghu, u issa irnexxilhom irabbu generazzjoni ohra ta’ injuranti hodor odjuzi u ghajjurin aktar milli kienu huma. Harja f’ wicc l istipendji li hallasna ghal uliedhom.


  324. Foxx Daphne C.G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    Nirra jtik tal-qamar kull meta jaddilek!!!!!!! ma nafx kif ghadu madda hadd bil karozza min fuqek! imqar bxi arriva mimlija sa ruh omma bin nies!!!

  325. rita says:

    can you tell me what he’s done to you? why all this hatred?

  326. Jonathan says:

    Dear Fuckin Daphne ta mniehrek kbir hope your son dies before so you feel the pain watchin me come spit on his fuckin coffin and then in your ugly fuckin face and drinking in the biggest street party ever in front of the fucking church you will be havin the mass you ugly cunt and by the way watch out not all men are like your cunt husband !!! watch out what u write… pffffffffffff

  327. Shanice says:

    Xejn ee ggib ghajnejk wara widnejk..mara bla qalb u hadra..vera nithassrek ghax kura ghalik mhawnx..Ibqa sejra kif int sejra aa mara hadra.

  328. Paul Bonnici says:

    In these comments we see the hatred, division and intolerance of free speech if Labour comes to power next year.

    The Mintoffjani are still full of intolerance and hatred, I disagree with Daphne on some issues, but I defend her right to say them.

    Thank you Daphne for doing what many fear to do. I left Malta 33 years ago because of the violence perpetrated by the Mintoff mobs.

    Keep it up Daphne!

    • Matthew says:

      If writing this rubbish article for you is good work, then I say good riddance – you did a favour to all of those who stayed here and fought – even Dom Mintoff – instead of having ran away like a coward!

      The point is – I don’t love Dom Mintoff, but I disagree with the rubbish written by this sorry excuse for a blogger!

  329. Maltija says:

    Naccetta l-fatt li kulhadd ghandu l-opinjoni u t-twemmin tieghu … imma qatt ma ghandek turi nuqqas ta’ rispett lejn il-proxxmu!!

    Jiena nemmen li Mintoff f’qasir zmien hadem aktar milli daz-zmien li ghaddejjin minnu u hidma zero sakemm ma tkunx hidma li ggibna aghar milli konna! Madankollu xorta ghandna nuru rispett!

    Grazzi talli ghallimnti kif ghandi nkun lejn il-proxxmu u kif MA RRIDX li nkun! u talli sahhahtli l-fehmiet tieghi!

  330. A.F.R. says:

    Ever village has one and you must be there leader

  331. Maltija '80 go Parigi says:

    Ghaziza Daphne,

    Allura inti qed tinkett daqshekk ghal dak li wettaq ex priministru go pajjizek u qed tibki u tiddispra ghaz zmien li hlielek u fl-istess hin qed tkompli timxi fuq il passi ta dan li tant ghandek stmerrija ghalih.
    Qed tkompli tahli zmienek li flok twettaq xi haga kostruttiva posittiva go pajjizek, qed tkompli theggeg u ixxerred rabja u mibgheda li tant nafu nghixuha ahna il-maltin.
    Possibli persuna kapaci iccaqlaqlek id-dghajsa daqshekk? Kemm tinstema iktar soda! Kellek passat kemxejn tqil ghaziza u qas tiflah iggorru wahdek. Trid il-pubbliku jkompli jimlilek dak il-vojt. Toqghodx tistghageb ghal kummenti fil-vojt li qed tircievi ghax inti stess qed titlob ghalihom.
    Jekk vera jiddispjecik u thoss li saret il-hsara Malta, ghandek tinduna “bl-intelligenza” kollha tieghak, li il-malti jekk jisma dan li qed tippublika int, ha jirvilla.
    Din mhix kwistjoni ta politika, qas jinteressani assolutament xejn. Tidhol il-politika u il-valuri jisparixxu bhal ma qed turina car inti.
    Jiddispjecini nisma li nies bhalek ghadhom jezistu iduru ma saqajn il-familjari tieghi. Fittex soluzzjoni ohra ghax tidher mara kapaci u ma tibza minn hadd. Kun naqra iktar posittiva imma u ibda minnek innifsek jekk tista taqbad art. Hallih il-pubbliku tibqax timtela bih ghax dak li qed titfalu qed jitfahhulek lura u tgergirx ghax int qed titlob ghalih.
    Jekk se tirrispondini, jekk jghogbok taqax fl-ivell patetiku. Inkella ghati ir-risposti lilek innifsek u jekk tinzel naqra minn fuq dak il-pedestall li il-pubbliku malti stess tellak fih, jaf tibda titghallem ticciviliza ruhek u mhux tishet is-sigha u il-mument li tqum kull filghodu u tara minn hu il-vittma li jmiss.

    Qum mir-raqda jekk trid tgawdi dil-hajja!

  332. Sean says:

    Can’t agree more Daphne, I hope he is where he always wanted to be, by Gaddafi’s side.

  333. Drew says:

    Din xi xeba qed tistenna qisu

  334. carmen says:

    Wow ! What a hateful bitch you are !

    Not even when my ex-partner , who caused me so much ,much suffering died was I so nasty…

    anzi with respect to his father I even went to his mass and to attend the funeral…u hawn tigi inti, bniedem ghadu kif miet, u tghid dan il-hama kollu fuqu !

    Nittama li kull gurnata li tibqa ‘ tghix tkun imdejqa kif juri li inti llum mill mibgheda u hdura li tobzoq minn halqek !

    • Bendu says:

      I bet you attended your ex;s funeral to make sure he is securely nailed in and buried six feet under, and then rushed off to claim your widow’s pension .

  335. ..... says:

    nibda biex najdlek aqta naqa in nejk li ghandek.. da lingliz kollu!! ghax jekk int vera kburija b malta u trid li malta tigi al ahjar ibda int billi tiprattika il lingwa taghna sewwa!! haga ohra amel pjacir lil kulhadd u lewwel ara it tajjeb KOLLU li ghamel mintoff imbad ara l hazin!! ax kiku ma kienx mintoff int mintx tikteb l opinjoni bhal ma ghamilt hawn fuq!! taf x naf inajd li din kolla ghira!! prova kun halu ha naraw kemm jirnexilek igibna f pozizzjoni ahjar!!!

  336. rina says:

    ara vera muqrana u liba int ta !! jalla tmut mewta iterturata u meta tmut int jicelebra haddiehor liba !! fox il qabar ta min mitlek l ahhar muqrana !! qisek pufta ikrah !! mur qerr u itlob mahfra l alla jekk haqqek li jahfirlek !! kulhadd b xi hobby fid dinja !! min jobod il mintoff bhalek u min jobod lilek bhali liba !!

  337. bewildered says:

    I think people do not understand that by not divulging their real name/real email address, they still do stand the risk of being tracked.

    Daphne could have a field day dishing out law suits against many people in here, but probably she simply won’t be bothered.

    Although I do not always agree with your views, I accept that you are free to write what you’re writing, contrary to some of the replies you are receiving.

    • caroline says:

      If Daphne could dish out law suits for ppl here replying to her wile comments shouldnt she be d one to have a lawsuit against her?

      [Daphne – You must have grounds for a law suit, Caroline. What would be your grounds for suing me? You can’t “just sue”.]

      You said that she is free to write what she wants then its stands for all the ppl who are answering her. Maybe some are using vile language but I cannot c anything more vile then disrispecting the dead who have not even been gone for 24hrs!!

  338. Luana1992 says:

    Galizia, I fucking love you.

    I don’t give a shit about politics but there’s too much of a buzz about this.

    What are all the “x’qatt ghamillek hazin miskin…qatt ma mietlek xi hadd ghaziz ghalik?…ghamel hafna gid ghal Malta” comments about?

    Come on, was he a relative of yours, people? Were you really living in his era? Or are you just a bunch of ‘naghag ta’ Bendu’? Because your nanna has this huge photo of him in the corridor with probably two red candles brightly lit right now, then you will respect him too?

    At least Daphne Caruana Galizia had the decency to keep her opinion of Mintoff even after half of Malta is mourning him.

    No big deal, some people are still talking shit about him just like they used to when he was alive. The only difference is that he’s dead now. WOW – dnub mejjet, eh?

    Ghax issa miskin mejjet allura nbiddlu l-opinjoni taghna dwaru u ma nibqghux noffenduh.

    Happy birthday, Daphne!

    • Jms says:

      Paroli fil vojt ghandna kieku .. mur hallina Luana. Min isegwi il politika jaf x’ghamel tjb Mintoff m’hemmx ghalfejn ikun jigi minnek. bhal kull emxxej iehor kien em it tajjeb u l-hazin .. imma Mintoff fi zmienu ta mexxej kien dak li gab lil pajjiz fuq siequ.

      • SERACINA says:

        Dear Daphne

        I am not the type of person who normally follows your blog but today I was intrigued. You managed to glue me to my laptop and read all the comments that you have been receiving.

        My first reaction was that you were way out of line with your harsh words, and still think so, but that is democracy and the freedom of speech. ……. But now as time goes by I am having horrible flashbacks from the70’s and 80’s. This was how it was when I was growing up……….. Labourists and Mintoffjani spreading this type of violence…….. which I really hope my children will never taste in the future.

        Yes Mr. Mintoff started out with great ideas, be it his idea or if someone else started them, but then he changed into a Dictator and I will explain myself so that the young generation can really understand what we went through growing up under this man.

        1. If you wanted to buy the In…..taghna (because that’s what the Nazzjon was called in those days) you were beaten.
        2. If you wanted to have a telephone or television in your home you had to bribe someone.
        3. If you wanted to eat chocolate you could either choose Deserta or Catch.
        4. Sugar and pasta were given out by ration to each family. I remember going to the “Grocer” to take my “Ratal” (equivalent of 800gr) of the week.
        5. If you wanted to go abroad you were only allowed a certain amount of money to take with you whether it was for a week or a month the amount was still the same. If I am not mistaken it was LM25.
        6. If you wanted to buy a colour TV you had to know people who knew people but that was not enough you also had to pay LM100 which in those days were equivalent to a LM1000 because of the wage freeze.
        7. Whether you liked it or not you had to learn Arabic in order to be able to go to Sixth Form.
        8. If you wanted a plot of land for free to build your house all you wanted to do was go to Lorry Sant and you could even choose locality and size. Even if you wanted to become a police officer forget your height or qualifications……… go to Lorry Sant or any other Minister for that matter but Lorry Sant was the all time favourite.

        And the list goes on……….

        That’s what I remember from Mintoff’s days. That is what I remember of my childhood days but there is something I also remember………. whilst I was living through this hell, Mr. Lorry Sant was buying half of M’Scala’s seafront to build his villa with exotic animals such as peacocks, Mr. Moran’s villa resembled Castille with it’s enormosity, whilst my father in those days was driving a beaten up Mini Minor most of the Labourist Ministers owned Mercedeses…………… that was the reality.

        I don’t want to sound mean or disrespectful but those are the memories people my age (be it blue or red) have of Mr. Mintoff and that is why we react that way when his name is mentioned. Most of you were very rude and included vulgarity but you don’t know what it was like unless you experience what we did. For most of you Supermarkets are a normal way of life, we were like imgewhin and the only way to eat good chocolate or pasta was to go to Catania…….. but first you have to either hide what you had or else make friends with Customs Officers so they wouldn’t check your bags and have everything confiscated. Most of you were horrified when Libyans spoke about similar things happening under Gaddaffi’s Regime and that is how it was in our days.

        What you take forgranted nowadays we had to wait for twenty years to achieve………………. so please before attacking Mrs. Caruana Galizia just walk down memory lane with people who lived it and try and imagine yourselves in our shoes.

        I bet you wouldn’t last a day……… let alone 20 years.

  339. Anony Mous says:

    Frankly, I must say that I wasn’t too appalled after reading this article. The reason is simple, I was aware of Daphne’s bitterness towards Dom and her words did not surprise me.

    What definitely horrified me was the crowd’s response.

    Yes, I’m sure you have Dom at heart but honestly some of the comments I’ve read have scarred me for life.

    Half of them include swearing and very thrilling orthography.

    I agree on people answering to threads and sharing thoughts but not in the manner I’ve seen here.

    I’m quite sure everyone has a reason for either liking him or hating his guts. She clearly doesn’t have a reason for liking him, but that’s OK since the world is made up of mixed opinions (thank God).

  340. Backwards country says:

    We really live in a backwards country.

    All you people spewing hate against Daphne saying go to hell f*xx ommok etc etc…I am not a man of god but if I remember correctly, judge lest you not be judged, and love thy neighbor as you love me were pretty important in the Christian dogma.

    But I guess you are all too uneducated to realize what you are doing.

    The saddest thing is that you have a vote that carries the same weight as mine.

    What Daphne did could be called crass and in poor taste but it is not illegal so what you are all doing is just proving her right that you Mintoffjani are all uneducated animals who should be lined up in front of their families and shot.

    • Mark Cachia says:

      if I had Daphne as my neighbour I will surely love the idea to blind fold her, cover her face as I might suffer from a serial of nightmares and shag her. that’s the most I can do otherwise I’d rather have a pig farm next to me as a neighbour rather than having that low life, with no self esteem bitch

      [Daphne – I hate to break it to you, Mark, but if you lived near me, you WOULD have a pig farm as a neighbour. It’s just across the road.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Interesting. They hate you but they want to have sex with you.

        [Daphne – It’s been like that from day one. The subtext of their violence and hatred is invariably about sex. They don’t realise it themselves and they don’t know that I have the required knowledge to see it. These are people for whom sex, violence and misogyny are intertwined. It’s very ugly out there in Maltese underclass culture.]

      • ciccio says:

        Baxxter, it is why Mintoff liberalised sodomy.

      • Dcg says:

        You make part of the maltese underclass culture

    • Mark Cachia says:

      also from your writing it seems that you’re one hell of an uneducated son of a gun….. wow you’re just saying that all Labour fans are to be lined up and shot….very nice of you. is that the way your leader whisper to you in your ears? aren’t we supposed to have one Prime minister who represents us all. shame on you backward mind you have not a backward country

      • Backwards country says:

        Mr Cachia,

        I was going to be sarcastic in this comment but I am afraid you won’t understand, so I will spell it out to you.

        I do not have a leader. Unlike you i don’t choose a colour and stick with it. I use my brain.

        I never said all Labour people should be lined up and shot, but that uneducated Mintoffjani should be. And that is just a British turn of phrase.

        For their hypocritical comments, and about our country being backwards – well, just look at all the colorful enhancing language they are using in their comments. Just pure class.

  341. Daphne Admirer says:

    Dear Daphne,

    Rest assured that you will never rot in hell as you wished the two gentlemen above, because so many maltese will come ti piss on your grave (ibda minni) that you will not even make it to hell. By the way, I copied this blog so that I can paste it in memoriam to you when you eventually croak and die as your epitaph.

    Good day, may you choke on your next breath.

    • Mark Cachia says:

      you can choose to be sarcastic as much as you like backwards country. As a mater of fact my mind detects sarcastic people and all I do is care less about them. I will surely not get troubled with an idiot saying such a similar phrase about what his wish would dearly be to do to all Mintoffjani(just to exclude the word Labour) but writing similar barbarian stuff will lead you nowhere but to see what kind of low life people you are….. this is exactly like that prick of a local counciler (Julian at Sliema) forgot his surname said about that he do with his Labour employees…giving them less salary…. I give that credit too…. sick twats like you and all those who were so rude in your writings clearly show us what kind of mercenaries you are. would you like to be respected if there was a government change? then show some to get some!!!!!!!

  342. SOFIE says:

    I’m sorry, but sal-bieraħ jien kont proud li kont nazzjonalista, u I’m still proud that I have voted PN during the last election, imma sorry ta’ MILL-LUM qed nirraġuna li jekk il-partit tagħna għandu persuni moqżieża bħalek, mara mingħajr skrupli, ħadra daqstant, li bħalissa malta kollha kontrik, I’m very sorry go fuck yourself u you’re just a fucking shame for our beloved party. Ma’ mmissekx tistħi twaqqgħa għar-redikolu persuni mejta, umbgħad nifftaħħru li INT NAZZJONALISTA !!!. Qed tkompli tkisser partit li bħalissa huwa mkisser frak. YOU ARE JUST A FUCKING BITCH LI TAGĦMEL DIN L-AZZJONI BIEX BĦALISSA MALTA QED TASSOĊJA LILL-PARTIT TAGĦNA MIEGĦEK. ISTĦI JA MARA ĦAMALLA U BLA SKRUPLI. Mhux ta’ bxejn għandek imnieħrek kbir qisu pesisa ta’ dinosawru !!!

    • Angus Black says:

      Pull the other one, the one with bells on, Sofie.

      If you switch allegiance because of an article in a blog, then you must spin faster than a wind vane.

  343. Pwunkybug says:

    The biggest bastard calls a real man a bastard ? lol you disgust me daphne.

    [Daphne – In English, ‘bastard’, like ‘cunt’ (also used erroneously elsewhere on this comments-board) is a pejorative term used exclusively for men. I don’t want you to waste your time by popping in here, so I’ll let you go away with some information you didn’t know before.]

  344. Joseph Micallef says:

    @ Daphne I am not yet sure what runs through your disturbed mind/head. Whether you have any conscience, love, respect, any sort of human feeling towards anybody or anything! Sometimes I wonder whether you have received any yourself throughout your life!
    I simply see you as a total psychopath who is struggling to show the world the hatered you have for the ones around you simply because you have not yet fullfilled your dreams or achieved what you have long waited for.
    I would be ashamaed of myself, in these days, in such a civilised community, to write such aricles. Having said that I am not ashamed to openly express my opinion agianst you (or anyone who supports you)! I hope that sometime you realise that the world will definetley be a better place, certainly not through the passing away of a political leader (whoever he may be)! It will be a better place if people like you never existed or were not given the right to utter any word, betterso write down whatever goes through their sick minds!
    Hope God has mercy on your soul when the day comes – unlike most people who read your blogs!
    And finally, may Dom Mintoff rest in peace – at the end of the day, good or bad, he was a human being like the rest of us and throughout his life he struggled to give the working class a better life! So sorry that, unfrotunately, I can see no struggle from your side for anyone in Malta to get a better chance of life!
    Joseph – EX PN supporter.

  345. Gorg says:

    Ja mara hazina, ma tisthiex tghid hekk? F pajjiz b’ religjon kattolika edin ta, Minjaf kif tghallimom luliedek. Jalla il kliem li edt issib min jajdu lilek.

    [Daphne – “Ja mara hazina”. I LOVE IT. I didn’t think people actually said this outside the Arcipierku.]

  346. Priscilla says:

    HOW SAD! Is this your idea of ‘celebrating’ your birthday?? Seriously, you need to get laid! But then again who’d want to dig in sewers?

    [Daphne – You need to get laid. The chav solution to the nation’s problems. That’s why you’re all reading Fifty Shades of Grey, because you’re so busy getting laid. Tal-biki.]

    • Priscilla says:

      Seems like you know shades by heart… I assume you read it yourself. Don’t have another choice of gratification i guess…. This or shades…. How exciting

      [Daphne – When you next have sex in a helicopter, call me.]

      • Priscilla says:

        Woah wouldn’t want to spoil the moment by calling you lol. P.S with this statement here you confirmed your lack of ‘exciting’ moments

      • hope you die you heartless bitch says:

        ghandek sahna fuqek daphne qas il kelba lghandi ma tiftah saqaja daqsek

      • Player says:

        Give me your number.

      • Vinny says:


        call her and make sure to invite her on the helicopter…… would be amazing watching daphne on her way down to hit the floor

        one other thing make sure you already had sex before she arrives otherwise ……… as soon you c her bye bye sex.

    • Priscilla says:

      We’re raped everyday for these last 25 years

  347. lol says:

    who gives you the right to judge ofc daphne you judge and are living better today cause the nationalist party is covering all your ass you stupid bitch -,- may you rot in hell -.-

  348. p.m says:

    Hadd ma jista joffri minn dak li m ghandux, u minn andek odju biss jista johrog xejn aktar ….ejdlu grazzi l kbir dumink li ghamlek nies ghax kieku ma kienx hu li tak dinjita ta mara int illum mohbija f x i kantina tinsab jew msakkra f xi sptar tal mohh! jekk mandekx rispett ghal ajrek almenu gib rispett lil familtek .. kieku jien nisthi nghid li ghandi demmek..nies bhalek jamluni kburija li ma naghmilx parti mil klikka nazzjonalista. kliemek marda ta socjeta ,,skart li ma jigix riciklat.

  349. Mark Cachia says:

    I am taking this opportunity to thank all those who showed sympathy with the death of one of the strongest pillars that Malta ever had.

    In the meantime I condemn you Cruella De Ville. Your low life never finish to surprise many people, we all know what your abilities are but nonetheless it seems that you always reign. let me tell you this, you pretend to be classy, but you’re nothing but a piece of dried shit you fucking whore. My only wish is to see the Karma working back to you and see you suffer while your last rites are being told to you. I will be the one of many shitting on your grave.

    I only wonder if you ever were breast fed in your early days, or if your mum sipped venom directly in your mouth. No wonder why are you called the fucking SAHHARA TAL-BIDNIJA you long nosed whore

  350. This goes to you BITCH…!!!

    Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point – that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one alternative, self- value. If you cannot love yourself, you will never believe you are loved (which in your case Ms galizia you are not and will never be loved). You will always think it’s a mistake or luck. Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within. Find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences. Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security. You should be ashamed of yourself you may think that death may not reach you one time or another but the only problem is that when it will reach you only God has to Create hell for you. If you ever decide to respond to this, you don’t have to bother I already know your answer…(we are ignorant, chicken heads and sooooo on) you always say the same old things…you’re soooo damn frustrated bitch. The difference between you and Mintoff is, Mintoff is well known with everyone not only in Malta by all the good he did for our country and for us including you, you say it’s not true but we all know it is true, every single one of us in one way or another is enjoying the good he brought to our country. On the other hand you are going to be well known by everyone infact you already are, for the rudeness etc and for the evil woman you are BITCH but that’s what jealousy brings you to do…That’s the big Difference between you and Mintoff BITCH.

  351. AC says:

    One cannot say that Mintoff did no good, but a lot of bad there was! His biggest mistake was letting Lorry Sant take over, bribes galore. Remember Pio Camilleri and their bella klikka.

    One couldn’t even get a telephone line, colour TV, basic commodities in the shops – the worst was NO water at all. So I must say, I am not sorry he passed away. He should have gone sooner – but perhaps that was his punishment.

    • Paul Bajada says:

      You forgot the Mars chocolate and toothpaste. We really needed those! But Mintoff unfortunately was more interested to get us pensions, schools, women rights to vote, education, minimum wage, free healthcare, employment and housing.

      Of course there are some who abused and also passed away. But look at the present administration. Do you think they are getting fat from tap water?

      get a life!

    • Priscilla says:

      Why, there r no bribes now you think? Pronto! Terra chiama luna! No bella klikka now after 25 years? E.T. go home! Wake up!

  352. MLP Forever says:

    Ja mara hazina jaqaw ma tafx int x’inhi misthijaaaaa ??!! Ara vera bitch bla ebda dubju taa you igonrant nationalist hater ! Int hateful mela Mintoff.. bhalu ma ssib imkien tipprova tintogob ma’ haddiehor u safrattant il-maggoranza tan-nies kontrik haduha! Anka nazzjonalisti ddejqu bl-agir tijakk sahhara kollok ! Hope you get what you deserve.. Ax nigi ngaralek il-platti

  353. You must be sick in the head says:

    Do not give her the satisfaction of posting on her website people! She’s just desperate for a good root that’s all, but she’s too fat and ugly that even if she’s giving it away for free no man would be interested!!! So instead she takes out her frustration on a dead man!! She must be so sad!!! We’ll see what an intelligent reply we’ll get back of her…

    [Daphne – ‘She takes out her frustration on a dead man’. Now I’m a necrophiliac but worse than that, one who fancies Mintoff’s corpse.]

    • hope you die you heartless bitch says:

      the day you die daphne i will do make sure i will not just spit on your grave .. ill take a great shit on it too you whore

      [Daphne – You’re very confident that you’re going to outlive me.]

    • You must be sick in the head says:

      Yep I knew she’d reply with something that she perceives  as  intelligent but really it’s a pretty damn stupid reply.  Daphne since you brought it up and since you seem to agree with it ‘ you are a Necrophiliac ‘ as you are so obsessed and fascinated with the dead! However if I was you I wouldn’t brag about it as it also means that you have erotic attractions and sexual contact with corpses. Then again I wouldn’t hold it past you, after all we all know that you are one sick puppy !!  

  354. Luana says:

    Hawn ja bewla tinten ta ziemel marid khemm kien kburi missierna mintoff bil bokkla li kien igorr jalla jidirlek u jtik xebba u jbiccrek bhall ma biccru l gesu kristu ja bghala hadra u sahhara . Inthom tejdu li inthom tal knisja n nazzjonalisti ? Mela jien nghejd li jien kburija u li jien laburista . Jalla jsibuk mormija l matab ghax hemm hu postok.

  355. Bendu says:

    Marmalja ta’ criecer, this time on Facebook. No wonder the shares are plummeting.!/groups/314196775289230/

    • maryanne says:

      Dawn mhumiex shahar u hodor, tridx tmur. Nahseb li l-puluzija tista’ tipprocedi kontrijhom.

      X’wirt hallielu Mintoff lil Joseph. Possibli jridhom wara biebu lill dawn in-nies? Ara ma jhallix lill uliedu qribhom ghax tghidx kemm jitghallmu vokabularju sabih.

      Nispera li ma johrogx jiddefendijom u jghid li kienu provokati. Qisni qed nistenna xi haga hekk.

  356. Justice says:

    “Swieqi guy fined 500 euros over facebook comment.”
    Bitch please. You should be fined with paying all of Malta’s debt.

  357. Miss.Pinky says:

    Inti bis-serjeta hi???? Mintoff gid kbir ghamel ghal Malta. Tigi tghid li hu ‘hateful’ u fuq kollox huwa kien jghid ‘Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox.’ Jien nahseb int hateful mhux hu. Jekk inti ma tahmlux, zomma ghalik. Missek tisthi malli miet gejja taghmel dan il-blog fuqu! Int monstru! Tigi tghid hekk fl-istess gurnata li miet!
    You Bitch!

    • Angus Black says:

      Jekk int ma taqbilx ma Daphne, imissek zammejta ghalik.

      Wisq aktar difficli taghmel dak li tippritka lill haddiehor, hux?

  358. Doreen says:


    Can I ask you one simple question… you have a father or you are adopted?

  359. JP says:

    Mhux ahjar tiehu hsibt familtek. Ahjar tara xinu addej go hajtek l-ewwel foxx ommok ja qahba li mxenqa al zobb ax dak il mejjet li andek ma jserhekx.

  360. Nemesis says:

    Why is it that all of a sudden Mintoffians have become so mealy-mouthed when commenting about the dead?

  361. it's a spade says:

    Wow, reading some of the comments makes me thank Zeus that I left this country a decade ago.

    It’s ironic that the hate-spewers commenting are a direct legacy of Mintoff’s time; this is what he wanted to create and he managed it brilliantly.

    To think that the same people will probably be in power very soon makes me shudder, just for the fact that my elderly parents are in Malta and live in fear of what will happen.

    What I do find amusing are all the references to ‘hell, devils , lakes of fire’ and so on. Mediaeval superstition still rules with an iron fist in ‘christian’ Malta.

  362. Raymond says:

    vera mara bla qalb int u tidher li ma mortx skola

    • Angus Black says:

      Veru ta w lanqas biss ma kienet fil-Brigata ghax kieku kienet titghallem bhalek u bhal dawk li qed jiktbu favur Mintoff meta anqas biss ma jafuh jew ghexu fi zmienu fil-gvern!

      Milli nista nara mill-kitba mfarrka bl-Ingliz u bil-Malti, u mill-kliem oxxen u bit-theddid, Mintoff kien il-pilastru ta l-edukazjoni f’Malta. Dnub li xi gharef ma kitibx bl-Gharbi li fi zmienu kont trid tistudjah bilfors.

      Hasra ghal Daphne.

  363. Eldarion says:

    So, did anyone else watch the United match last night? Fergie totally should have brought on Van Persie before.

    Oh wait, wrong blog. Bad Daphne, bad, you should be ashamed.

    But seriously, Van Persie should have started the match.

    • it's a spade says:

      I know I shouldn’t say this, but as a Liverpool fan I feel a bit better after last night.

      • Eldarion says:

        Of course you do. Perfect tonic after a 3-0 bashing. Hopes for this season? (I was thinking United, much to my dismay, will finish 2nd or 3rd).

  364. SHAME ON YOU says:

    qieghed nithassar lil dawk in nies li qeghdin jaqblu maghha u lil dawk li jghixu madwara….tista tkun labour u nazzjonalista.. ma titkellimx hekk fuq ragel mejjet.. anka Gonzi wera rispett lejh ax se jamillu funeral statali…IVA DAPHNE IL KAP TIEGHEK SE JAMILLU FUNERAL STATALI!!

    imbad tigi din il-“persuna” u tghid hekk..

    insomma Dear Daphne din qed taqlahha biex tigbor naqa attenzjoni.. aktar ma tiktbula aktar tkompli zzid.. ta lahhar kienet li dhalt fdan it TQALLIH ta blog.. caw caw

  365. Jean says:

    Ghadek torqod mal klieb Daphne ? Ghax hekk haqqek.
    Nithasrek wisq mma. Jekk ma tmurx int l-infern ma nafx min ser imur :(

  366. chris b says:

    Intom tal pn ghajjurin ax tafu li mintoff l iktar bniedem li amel gid gol pajjiz u intom mintomx kapaci bhalu oqod em AJJURA ilkom daqsekk fil gvern u ma amiltux qatra li amel hu !!! Dom mintoff f qalbna al dejjem u ma ninsewk qatt grazzi ta li amilt al pajjizna !!

  367. joseph says:

    allelluiah meta tmut int Daphne u nies bhalek ax tghidx kemm nitfewwaq qal wiccek

  368. sharon grech says:

    Daphne you despicable piece of shit how dare you write those hatefull words about someone who just died and about a person who did such great things for Malta and its people.
    God must have been in a really bad mood when he made you not only do you look ugly but your character is evil,sadistic and vile.Hope you get your come uppance one day.I will sit back and enjoy champagne on that glorious day.Go to hell YOU ugly bitch.

    • IMHO says:

      You are free to kiss Mintoff’s arse and everyone else is free to laugh at you for doing so. That’s the difference between then and now, Sharon. You can say what you wish, but so can everyone else. If the truth hurts, then you’ve only yourself to blame. Your rotten hero’s gone. Raise your standards before you choose your next one.

  369. Leli C says:

    MELA: l-ewwel kien ‘SALVATUR,’ imbghad ‘TRADITUR’ u issa ? ‘BEATU’.

  370. Gorg says:



    U jekk taħseb li xi ħadd ħa jiggustak, għandek zball hi.
    Ja wirdiena kerha!

  371. Joseph says:

    Dear Ms (or Mr coz it’s not easy to recognize if your a woman or man) Caruana Galizia

    First of all, nithasrek ghall hajja indanata li ghandek… u din l-indanazjoni li ghandek tohrog fil-berah b’artiklu bhal dan!

    Naf zgur li int ghandek ragun tghid: “This is the man without whom my life and the lives of those around me would have been completely different.” …ghax ovja, Dom Mintoff qatt ma kien ha jkun daqshekk purcinell u jghati xebgha konsulenzi lir- ragel / kurnut tieghek!!!!! L-ewwel u qabel kollox, he would burn you alive, and let us pee on your ashes!!

    Umbaghad biex tkompli turi kemm m’ghandekx idea kif tiehu gost fil-hajja tghid “How very considerate of Mr Mintoff to make this one of my best birthdays ever”. Biex tasal tgawdi l-aqwa birthday tieghek b’mewt ta xi hadd, jew trid tkun imxajtna, jew ma nafx!!!

    Don’t you have other hobbies in life Ms Caruana Galizia, rather than writing this shit?? Imqar taghmel sena idur mieghek innifsek forsi xi darba nkun nista ninduna mal-ewwel jekk intix mara jew ragel…. jew tibda tmur il-gym forsi tnehhi dik l-ixkaffa ta wara li ghandek…

    Hope I have your reply dear

  372. What goes around comes around says:

    Qrajt dan il blog dalghodu u vera kont disgustata li bniedem setghet tikteb xa haga hekk bla ebda rispett lejn bniedem li miet sieghat biss qabel … pero mhux disgustanti daqs il-maggoranza tal kummenti li qalet din il-mara .. jien ma naqbel assolutament XEJN ma li tikteb imma uwejja li tixtieq deni sahansitra fuq binha hija disgustanti ,ara xghandu xjahti =( apparti it tghajjair fahxi (umbad ghidu li intom kattolici) ..

  373. Henry says:

    Aw ja sahhara kera , jien tifel ta tlettax il sena u bill kitba li qed naqra qed nara khemm qed taghti ezempju hazin u qed turina int stess lil minn ha nivota kif nkun nista u qed nara khemm int mara hadra , ghadu kif imut is salvatur ta malta skont in nanniet tieghi ja mara mentali

  374. girly says:

    dear daphne
    will you please tell me what have mintoff ever done to you??
    from your speach i see you hated him and still hate him very much,well im realy looking foward to see what he done to you and your near 1.

    • Angus Black says:

      When you ask, ” what have mintoff ever done to you??”, you have to address it in plural – to ALL of Malta who lived in his era. The difference is that half were brainwashed and the other half saw things as they REALLY were and not what the ‘leader’ wanted them to see.
      It takes brains to distinguish between logic and defective decisions as taken by him. Unfortunately the brainless half have since reproduced and handed down their genes to those who still think that Mintoff was some kind of a genius even if they never knew him.

      • girly says:

        Angus black, for that i am asking what he ever done wrong?Im 22years old.i still wasent born till he was the ruler of Malta.can you please tell me some?
        and I asked to DCG what he done to her seence i see so much hate in he s confront,
        but umperently as i see she answers only the people that she want to make fun of only.
        regards all
        p.s waiting your reply DCG


  375. adrian says:

    issa jekk hawn xi hadd RAGEL jew MARA nistiednu jaghmel dak li ktibtu xi ftit zmien ilu fuq din il-pagna b’referenza ghall-qabar ta’ MINTOFF ha naraw kemm intom tal-kelma, specjalment int DAPHNE nistiednek tmur taghmel dak li ktibt.

  376. Hayley Chilton says:

    Calm down people! Let her write what she wants because this is a free country! If you don’t like her blog don’t read it!

    • SOFIE says:

      she just have to be ashamed of herself. This is not a blog, din paġna ta’ valenu li qed tgħamel ħsara lill-partit tagħna stess.

      • Angus Black says:

        Sofie (Sophie?) quit referring to the PN as ‘your Party’.

        X’inhu n-numru tat-tessera tieghek?

  377. K says:

    I fully agree with you Daphne! May he rot in hell.

    These idiots are speaking like this because they were the ones who in their own ignorance ‘benefitted’ under Mintoff’s regime whilst the other people suffered. Ask people with businesses if they would speak like this about Mintoff today.

    • L.V says:


      how would you feel if a member of your family died and others told you ”may he rot in hell!!” ???

      [Daphne – I wouldn’t bother. I’ve been fielding insults since the age of 25, even if I cared what others who I don’t care about think, in the first place. Also, nobody would have any reason to say that. No member of my family did what Mintoff did. They only had it done to them.]

      • L.V says:

        your comment proves you have an empty space where your heart is supposed to be!!! wow you must live a very sad and lonely life!!!!

      • Joseph says:

        Mhux ghalhekk indanata, ghax ilhom jaqlawlek fuq kemm int mafga minn mindu kont zghira!!! Well, from your appearance, 25 nahseb ilek li alaqthom sew!!! so that must be ages ago bitch!!!

  378. ed edd n edy says:

    Hey Daph, just a short note to honestly thank you for voicing the real truth on this great day.

    Thousands of hurt Maltese who suffered horrendous acts under his dictatorship don’t have the guts to talk freely about this moment. They are still scared of the unchangeable CORMA Mintoffjana who again confirm their barbaric nature through their comments here. God have mercy on us when they are back to govern.

    • mary says:

      Excuse Mr Ed edd n edy ( just your nick name shows how childish you are but thats bedsides the point) The barbaics here are ur beloved deaphne and people like you who are celebrating the death of a person.

      I wish to meet the thousands of people who suffered under Mintoff because as far as i know all he did was give people their rights and not let them remain in misery.

      • ed edd n edy says:

        Dear Mary, check out 1981/87 election results and you will easily get your answer in what rights he really gave.

    • Jean says:


    • Priscilla says:

      Do you get bonus and children’s allowance to start with? Do your children get education for free (if still so under pn)? Does yr mum or dad get pension (s’issa)?

  379. DA says:

    Din bis-serjeta jew!!

    Bniedma bla qalb u kuxjenza – Ara pajjiz li jhalli dan it tip ta nies jinfluwenzaw lil haddiehor.

    Mela sewwa meta xi hadd jikteb fuq il papa jghadduh guri u lil din l-imxajtna hadd ma jghidilha xejn!

    Haga wahda ftakar li min jixtieq deni lil garu jigih f daru!!

    RIP Dear DOM!!

  380. Noel says:

    Jaaaaaaaa hadra lint u foxx demmek jira alla joqtlok fiz zmien gimgha -.- mur hudu foxx il partit tieghek ma nafx kif iz zobb dahluk man nazjonalisti… bilhaqq partit taz zibel ghalekk dahluk

    • Nemesis says:

      Kemm hallas sa issa it-tax payer Malti fl edukazzjoni tieghek, biex irnexxilek tikteb dan l’gherf kollhu?

  381. L.V says:


    ghandek kull dritt ma taqbilx ma fehma ta bniedem. min qed joffendik lura m’hu qed juri xejn hlief kemm hu pastaz. Pero li tifrah ghax miet bniedem juri kemm inti mara bla qalb u pastaza! Possibli hadd m’ghalmek xi jfissru kliem bhal; rispett u dinjita?? Imissek tisthi tikteb dawk il-kliem fuq bniedem li ghamel tant gid ghal pajjiz u li fuq kollox issa huwa mejjet!! TURI KEMM INTI MARA MHUX BILL TIKTEB DAN L’IMBARAZZ FUQ MINTOFF IMMA BILLI TITLOB APOLOGIJA LIL FAMILJA TIEGHU li min jaf bhalissa min xiex inuma addejjin!!

  382. mhux importanti says:

    Ok prosit.. kulhadd fehem li ma kontx tista ghalih.. pero possibli tasal li tikteb hekk fuq xi hadd li jkun ghadu kif miet? tkun min tkun il persuna! seta kien xi hadd li ghamel ghomru il habs! ghax xorta nies normali ma jaslux li jitkelmu b’tali mod fuq xi hadd li jkun ghadu kif miet.. jew alinqas zomma ghalik.. ghax nghiduha kif inhi.. 80% tar raguni li ktibt dal blog biex izzid il popolarita tieghek li btw m’ghandekx bzonn ghax kulhadd jaf x’int. clearly ghandek problemi mentali, skuzani, hu azzjoni. apparti li mhux sew li wiehed jitkellem b’dan il mod fuq xi hadd li miet, xi nghidu ghar rispett lejn il familjari tieghu? kieku int ma thossx kieku xi hadd jitkeb hekk fuq missierek, nannuk, zijuk? ghamel pjacir lilek innifsek b’mod specjali u hassar dak li ktibt u kun mara u skuza ruhek ma qrabatu u ma malta.

  383. T.R Schembri says:

    I don’t really care what Mintoff did… but seriously Daphne you fell to a worst level possible by insulting a dead person

    • Angus Black says:

      So are Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Caucescu, Kim il Sung, Saddam, Gaddafi et al, very much dead. Do you think, for one moment that millions did not celebrate when the monsters croaked – or were killed?
      Generally, they kept quiet because in their countries there was no ‘freedom of speech’ and communications were nowhere where today’s. There was no Internet, no Facebook, no Twitter etc. otherwise the true feelings would have come out loud and clear.
      Mintoff can now join the illustrious company who left this world before him.