Guest post, written by somebody who managed to watch part of the MINTOFF: COFFIN TOUR 2012

Published: August 24, 2012 at 2:51am

OMG! Watching One Live.

The hearse has just stopped at Mile End, Hamrun. Boot opened. People, amongst them Mark Montebello dressed in virginal white and standing with his back to the coffin, are chatting and smiling.

It looks like a party, not a funeral.

Now, the coffin is about to be carried by the pall-bearers, presumably the few hundred metres to the Centru Laburista, for Joseph to be given more air-time.

A band is leading the procession. Ray Azzopardi is milking it for all it is worth, posing and arranging his tie. Now, Mark Montebello stands before the shoulder-high coffin, looking suitably grim.

All we need, with all the stops they’ve pulled out, is Angelique Caruana of Borg in-Nadur to suddenly pop out behind the coffin and pull a thorn from his mouth while undulating and gyrating.

Mintoff’s grandson and grand-daughter are behind the coffin, smiling, joking and laughing. The people have been there for hours, and the procession is already over an hour late. They’re really going the whole hog.

The barriers were put up in Hamrun this morning, with policemen preventing people from parking. All off our bloody taxes.

His grand-daughter is still smiling and chatting. Nobody’s told her it’s not appropriate, that this isn’t an Irish wake. They’re trying to make it a solemn occasion, but Mary Spiteri is crying more than Mintoff’s daughters.

I think that there really is Angelique (suitably suited) walking behind the pall-bearers. If it’s not him, it must be a double.

OMG! There’s a horrible line-up of Labour candidates waiting at the CNI HQ for the bastard-in-a-box, although it’s still several minutes away from arriving anywhere near them.

Mark Montebello, rather than try to look solemn, is like a nodding dog, looking all around him to take it in.

The procession is now close to the CNI HQ. Joseph’s chin is doing its best to impersonate Mussolini.

Anne McKenna Mintoff is there, looking like she’s just been retired from the streets.

Toni Abela is there, too, with brillantined hair. Anglu Farrugia’s hair has been freshly blow-dried for the occasion.

Wasal il-kolmo. Kwazi wasal hdejn Jowzef. X’ecitament!

Yana Mintoff can’t wipe the smile off her face.

Michelle Muscat is wearing a chavtastic “up-do tal-okkazjoni”, and is made up like a streetwalker. It will take a trowel to get her make-up off tonight.

They have turned the coffin to face Muscat, rather than Muscat turning to face the coffin. They need a protocol adviser, and fast. There are chants of “Mintoff! Mintoff!” Wouldn’t it be amazing if he pushed open the lid and hurled his standard pornographic obscenities in their direction? I bet he feels like it.

Muscat acts like he’s about to break down. He won’t be making Broadway any time soon. He kisses the coffin, sticks out his chin some more, and then lays a wreath somewhere above Mintoff’s dick.

Some sixth-rate soprano sings another bit of drivel from the rock opera Gensna (mitna ghall-barrani, etc).

Toni Abela’s wife can barely contain her tears. How sad, madoffi! Bloody good riddance to the bloody bastard.

Muscat is still standing near the coffin, trying hard but failing to look morose. He is now clapping and bowing. Ooops, he just let slip a smile while kissing Yana Mintoff Bland, who was then kissed by Michelle, before she was whisked away by Ray Azzopardi on a tide of Gensna.

Yana has removed the wreath and handed a Mintoff midalja to Muscat, who waves it jubilantly at the hysterical crowd.

They’re now singing the national anthem. At least, this time, Muscat seems to know the words. Sceberras Trigona can’t help looking around instead of looking decent. His wife seems to be missing.

Lydia Abela is looking sad, jahasra.

The coffin’s whisked off and the bastard-in-a-box is reloaded into the hearse for the next stop on the MINTOFF: COFFIN TOUR 2012.

As the hearse drives off, Muscat and his Michelle immediately turn their backs on it, Michelle giving us the full impact of the deep plunging back of her very black dress.

Live transmission of the procession has been suspended for the moment, perhaps while the producers and film crew pass round the smelling salts.

I don’t think I’ll be watching the rest of the charade. Mintoff was horrible in life, but in death, he’s just plain sickening.

133 Comments Comment

  1. Heyy says:


  2. Fotis says:

    And here we have a living memorial of the bastard-in-a-box’s politics. May he and his ignoramuses rot in hell.

    • Heyy says:

      Foxx kemm ghandek u n-Nazzjonalisti shabek kollha. Jekk ma tafx, ja pufta dizapprezzanti, dak il-persuna gab lilek u lil familtek kollha ic-childrens allowances u pensjonijiet, abolixxa it-tallaba, skejjel tal-gvern jinfethu il-hin kollhu, tant li l-iskola saret obbligatorja minnu stess, sptar b’xejn, air Malta (Li intom kissirtu), Sea Malta(ukoll), Bankijiet, e hana aktar social services b’Xejn!. U x’gab il-kurnut Gonzo taghkom? Hlief dejn, assolutament XEJN.

      • Libertas says:

        Mintoff ma ħallas xejn minn dak kollu li semmejt. Ħallas min ħadem u stinka u Mintoff għamillu kastig ta’ 65% taxxa. U l-pensjonijiet iħallashom il-ħaddiem mill-bolla. U min Mintoff ħadlu ħwejġu.

        Mintoff miet miljunarju u inti tadurah għax mingħalik għamlek nies. Nies issir bl-isforz tiegħek, my friend, mhux għax għamlek nies Mintoff.

        Ma nistax nagħmillek lista tad-diżgrazzji li Mintoff għamel f’dal-pajjiż għax m’hawnx spazju biżżejjed. Kemm ngħidlek li Mintoff kien l-uniku dittatur li kellna Malta mill-1921 għax ġie jitnejjek mill-vot tal-poplu bejn l-1981 u l-1987.

        Biex tagħmel is-social services la hemm għalfejn tkisser id-demokrazija u lanqas il-liberta’. Boffa waħdu 1947-49 u Borg-Olivier f’koalizzjoni ma’ Boffa 1950-55 għamlu skoss social services ħafna qabel Mintoff imma ma sawtu ‘l ħadd, la kissru l-liberta’ u d-demokrazija, la ġabuna rridu nxaħħmu biex ikollna tv jew telephone u lanqas ġabuna lagħqa tad-dittaturi bħal sħab Mintoff Gaddafi, Ceaucescu u Kim Il Sung li kollha spiċċaw fuq il-miżbla tal-istorja, tnejn minnhom iġġustizzjati mill-poplu tagħhom stess.

      • Min Jaf says:

        Skola obbligatorja: flus mohlija fil-kas tac-corma Mintoffjana, kif juru b’mod car il-kummenti li qed jintbaghtu biex minghalijhom jiddefendu dak l’alla falz li ghandhom.

        Ragel ta mgieba oxxena defiz b’kummenti oxxena – a fitting epitaph to a man whose legacy is a curse upon the the land of his birth.

      • Joe Micallef says:

        Heyy ma tantx jidher illi gawdejt mill iskola obbligatorja. Ikolli nighd naf fejn kont tkun.

      • The chemist says:

        U b’dak kollu li gablek is-salvatur bqajt injorant u r’rabbjat sur ‘Hevy’. Ikkalma ftit ghax tinqatghalek xi vina. Daqt ikollok il Jowzef jaghtik kollox b’xejn.

      • Mister says:

        Who do you think pays for the childrens allowance?

        Our taxes pay for it…. so stop huffing and puffing…. cause Mintoff gave the country nothing.

        Did you think its manna from the sky ? The over-abuse of the welfare state is what crippled Greece. The same problem we’ve inherited from your Mintoff. Companies full of employees who dont want to work…. and who dont want to give any productivity to the country. And when real work comes into play…. the employees strike. U mhux hekk!

        You like Mintoff as he blinded you with allowances….instead of giving the country time to flourish.

        But why am I bothering with you.

      • Roy says:

        Le, Heyy. Dak l-muqran Mintoff taghkhom gab LILEK u lil FAMILTEK ic-childrens’ allowance u il-pensjonijiet filwaqt li minghandi u familti ha il-business u d-dinjitá u instigá il-vjolenza lejn l-antenati tieghi billi uza hmieg tat-tip tieghek bhala messaggier ta’ din il-vjolenza fizika u psikologica.

        Filwaqt li dawk li riedu jahdmu ghal familthom biex itejjbu lilhom infushom sfaw imsawta u migbudin l-isfel minn dat-tapp bil-bokkla, nies bhalek, mahkumin mill-ghass u lesti jghixu hajjithom fil-faqar intellettwali, ovvjament li jadurawh ghax tefaghlkhom il-bajtra f’halqkhom u kontu kurnuti kuntenti b’li taghkhom ghax ma hallikhomx tkunu tafu ahjar min hekk.

        Issa ibaghtni niehdu f’ghoxx kemm ghandi ghax ghal daqshekk tidher li int tajjeb – ja injurant Mintoffjan. Int l-ikbar success ta’ Mintoff – il-fjakkezza fl-argument u l-adulazzjoni ghamja ta’ nanu psikopatiku sadist.

      • Fido says:

        Filwaqt li biex tifhimni aħjar, se nuża l-istess vokabularju tiegħek. “il-Qaħba milli jkollha ttik.” Din l-istess atteġġjament li naraw jekk il-PL ikun fil-gvern għal min ma jaħsibiex bħalhom. Grazzi Hevy talli qed turi għal darb’oħra x’għandkom fikom biex forsi dawn li jaħsbu li l-PL mhuwiex il-MLP tas-snin 80 forsi jistembħu!

      • K says:

        Tipiku Laburist hamallu u njurant – kif riedek Mintoff wara kollox – tiehu pjacir bil-loqom u l-handouts.

        Id-dinjita’ vera jtihielek min itik kull opportunita’ biex ittejjeb lilek innifsek – edukazzjoni ta’ vera u tasal se fejn ituk il-hiliet tieghek mhux lil min taf. Tinkoragixxi l-intrapriza u mhux tohnoqha, ghaliex b’hekk ikun hawn xoghol ta’ veru mhux korpi jew qghad kullimkien.

        Imbaghad tisma s-soltu kantaliena

        Air Malta (Jew Air Wistin) u Banek (Bankijiet skont int) staqsi lil min seraqhom u tahom il-laqx jew sahansitra tefaghhom il-habs kif bniehom?

        Staqsi lil tant nies kemm hadilhom art u ma tahom xejn bi ksur tal-iktar principju baziku – id-dritt li jkollok propjeta’ tieghek.

        Staqsi lil dawk is-sidien ta’ djar li espropjahom il-GVERN ta’ Mintoff biex tahom lill-PARTIT ta’ Mintoff u ghadhom kazini sal-gurnata tal-lum???

        Anzi ma semmejtx l-ikbar mazzra li qatt kellu m’ghonqu l-poplu Malti – it-Tarzna – li kompla gharraqha meta ma halliex iktar bastimenti militari jidhlu ghat-tiswija.

        U l-ikbar gidba minnhom kollha – li ‘helisna’ mill-Inglizi meta fir-realta’ baghtuh isaqqi meta pprova jislohhom u minflok mar jigri jitkarrab ghand Gaddafi u qahhab lil pajjizna mieghu.

      • Wow says:

        Sheer class

      • Hip Hip says:

        l-ahhar lotterija Gold Rolex, Instead job mal Gvern.

      • IMHO says:

        U mur hudu f’ghoxx kemm ghandek int, Heyy.

        Int u razztek kollha mgidma li ilkom terdaw minn fuq min il-vera hadem biex jizviluppa pajjiz xieraq minkejja l-hdura ta’ pxat bhalek u dak iz-zibel mixhut go tebut.

        Taghmillu reklam sabih dak il-koccut li zammek injurant tant li ghadek temmen il-hrejjef li bellalek.

        Nahseb jien li int u c-criecer l-ohra li tigi minnhom qatt se tifhmu li l-ebda social service hu b’xejn ghax ihallas haddiehor ghall-erdar taghkom. Jekk daqshekk thobbuh ghax ma taqbzux kollha warajh halli fl-ahhar nehilsu minnkom ilkoll, ja qabda racanc cwiec.

      • maria says:

        Mintoff dgab renju ta’ vjolenza, renju ta’ tnaqqis ta’ dinjita, tnaqqis mid-dawl u l-ilma, tnaqqis mill-affarijiet bazici li kull bniedem ghadu bzonn.

        Gab gwaj kbir u ghamel hafna deni.

        Ibkuh kemm tridu, ghax issa huwa z-zmien li tinsew li fl-1998 ghajjartuh traditur. Ibkuh forsi jidrilkom, u ibqu zguri li jekk jidrilkom, qatgha kbira tiehdu.

      • silverbug says:


        Apparti li dak li qed tghid huwa storikament skorrett fil-parti l-kbira tieghu, jekk xejn (u zgur mhux xejn) il-PN tak il-facilita, habib, li tista’ titghajjar minghajr ma tispicca f’qiegh ta’ sodda bis-swat.

        Naf li fil-qalba ta’ qalbek, int u ta’ bhalek hekk tixtiequ li jerga jkun iz-zmien (ara dak li ghadek kif ktibt u merini, issa). Il-verita hi li tghidu li tridu l-liberta imma ma tifilhuhiex.

        Ghamel haga semplici u demokratika, siehbi: jekk Daphne ddejjqek, injorha. Imma li taghmel dawn il-posts juri kemm Daphne fil-fatt ghandha ragun dwarkom.

      • Gina G says:

        Dear Heyy, dawn ghalhekk joghboduh lil Perit, ghax qabel huma biss kienu jieklu u ipappuwha. Ma jistawx ghaliha kif l-universita kien tal-klassi gholja (busuwli ghoxxi) imbghad Il-kbir Mintoff dahhal it-tfal tal-haddiema. Ma jistawx ghaliha li il-Perit hadilhom l-artijiet biex fuqha bena housing estates li minhom gawdew it-tfal tal-haddiema. Ma jistawx ghaliha li kien jikkontrolla il-prezzijiet biex ma jibqawx ihaxxnu bwiethom u il-maltin l-ohra kienu mejtin bil-guh. Ghidilna il-verita ghala ghandek din il-mibgehda kolla lejn il-Perit, ghidilna ghaziza Defni.

        [Daphne – ‘Defni’. Din li ma tistghux tghidu l-a bl-Ingliz toghgobni wisq. “A is for eppil. B is for boll. C is for cet.”]

      • boq says:

        Ara veru injorant u pastaz int.

        Jiena niftakar lil missieri jigi lura id-dar imsawwat mil mintofjani taghkom.

        Il-glied kollu li holoq Mintoff kien. Meta kien wadbu il-gebel lil nazzjonalisti ghax hekk kien ried Mintoff tieghek.

        Dittatur prim li ghlaija missu miet hafna qabel.

      • Clifford says:

        Ic-children’s allowance mhux Mintoff tahielna, imma Gaddafi. Nittama ma tghidilniex nirringrazzjaw li Gaddafi issa

      • Xejn sew says:

        Sinjuri, ghadkom kif qrajtu silta qasira minghand Heyy, ezempju tipiku ta’ membru progressiv u moderat. Iva, dawk li jghidu li kulhadd welcome maghhom.

      • Pink says:

        You are all so delusional!! U l-vera baxxi. Imisskom tisthu titkellmu hekk. hadd mhu ha johodkom bis-serjeta jekk intom daqshekk psataz.

        He did so many bad things but you always try to ignore them. Kemm tgergru ghax ghadna lura? Kieku bqajna taht tmexxija hekk ghadna hafna izjed lura. Meta waqqa’ l-gvern iddecidejtu li tibblokawa? U zgur ghax anke li kontu sentejn fil-gvern tibblokaw.

        Kieku ma dhalniex fl-EU, qieghdin f-ricessjoni qawwija ghax il-currency taghna ma kinitx tiflah.

        Naf li dak li qed nghid ha jaqa f’widnejn torox ghax ghalikom qaddis miexi fl-art kien – raggiera kien jonqsu.

        Imisskom tisthu ma tapprezzawx x’gab il gvern Nazzjonalista – ghax kieku minthomx tghixu f’kumdita.

      • Arcieperku says:

        Taghtini permess nirrispondi lill dan hey kull meta joffendi lill-nazzjonalisti. Ghax dejjaqni.

      • sap says:

        Mid-dehra, ghalkemm Don Mintoff xorta iddikriminalizza l-omosesswalita (jew hekk qed jghidu), int xorta ma tahmilhomx ghax lil min ma tahmilx tghajru pufta.

        Don Mintoff – ghal ammonti ta referenzi lejn allat li saru l-bierah tisthajjel li kien xi qassis.

        sms fuq one kien jaqra: mintoff kien l-id t’alla fid-dinja!

      • Il-Hajbu says:

        Grazzi hafna “Heyy” talli bil-kummenti tieghek qieghed tikkonferma li ma tittollerawx kritika, tajba jew hazina ghax xhidt lil kulhadd f’keffa wahda.

        Dak li tafu taghmlu intom! U dan huwa l-istil li tmexxu jekk Alla hares qatt Joseph jitla’ Kastilja.

      • M. says:

        Heyy, Mintoff ma gab xejn ‘bankijiet’. Seraqhom minghand il-privat, min ghand min tant hadem ghal flusu, mhux min ghand min stenna xi ‘allowance’ b’xejn, bhalek.

        Bilhaqq, ahsibha sew qabel ma tghajjar lin- nies ‘pufta’, ghax Ray Azzopardi jiehu ghalih.

        Kemp tiflah takin injorant/a, jahasra, mhux ta’ b’xejn Mintoff tant gawda hi personalment minn fuq dar kulhadd.

      • M. says:

        Heyy, Mintoff ma gab xejn ‘bankijiet’. Seraqhom minghand il-privat, min ghand min tant hadem ghal flusu, mhux min ghand min stenna xi ‘allowance’ b’xejn, bhalek.

        Bilhaqq, ahsibha sew qabel ma tghajjar lin- nies ‘pufta’, ghax Ray Azzopardi jiehu ghalih.

        Kemp tiflah takin injorant/a, jahasra, mhux ta’ b’xejn Mintoff tant gawda hu personalment minn fuq dar kulhadd.

      • TinaB says:

        Ghalfejn qieghed/qeghda titbaqbaq, Heyy? Ja cuc b’zewg tikkek.

        Uliedu u ulied uliedu bi tbissima fuq fommhom u jiccaccraw wara t-tebut – wisq probabli ha jtiru bil-ferh bil-wirta li ha jirtu, ha jkomplu isiru sinjuri aktar milli diga huma, u intkom tnewwhu u tixhru, titmasshnu, titkellmu hazin, theddu u titghajjru hawn. Dan kollu ghax xi hadd, mara, li ghandha bajd aktar minnkhom kollha f’daqqa, qeghda tipprova tedukakhom, forsi tnehhu ftit mil-ghanqbut li imlewlkhom mohhkhom bih il-generazzjonijiet ta’ qabilkhom.

        Injoranti, hamalli u psataz kontu u bi fortuna kbira ghal bqija tal-popolazzjoni u l-pajjiz, hekk ghadkhom.

        Il-Mulej ikollu hniena minnha. X’inhu gej fuqna.

      • Priscilla says:

        Dear pink i think you ought to have your pink pill asap!

      • Gourami says:

        Ahjar tmur titghallem tikteb ghax l-injoranza grassa l’ghandek hija inkredibbli! L-unici kliem li ktibt tajjeb huma l-kliem hazin!! Biex tara l-livell ta’ inteligenza l’ghandek.

        U biex nghallmek wahda…… Il-plural ta’ Bank huwa Banek, mhux bankijiet. Bankijiet huma tal-knisja! Dik li l-eroj taghkom tant kien jobghod!

      • Heyy says:

        Tkellmu il-puliti hej! Taghmlu tabirruhkom li intom qaddisin, izda fil-veru fatt intom, baxxi ukoll, ghaliex ghadni ma rajt l-ebda nies li jifirhu bil-mewt ta xi hadd!

      • Monte bello says:

        Imma zomm – Eddie gabilna l-mobajl fone. U Gonzi l-iPad! Vera mil-aghar int ghax injurant u ma tafx li int injurant

      • language pls,,,, says:

        You sound like my ex husband. I’m wondering if it’s you actually.

      • Peter Camenzuli says:

        Tidher li qatt ma segwejt l-istorja, jekk ma tafx li Mintoff tieghek kien jaghmila ma l-imbarazz ta’ dittaturi li kien hawn u ried igibna hekk.

        Mur lura l-iskola u tghallem il-fatti sew qabel ma tara x’ kien ser igib dan iz-zibel li tant tfahhar.

      • language pls,,,, says:

        Shootings in RABAT and ZEJTUN on kids during mass meetings, 6th form closed, church schools closed, 60% tax, no water in Sliema throughout the summer, strikes all over the place starting from HOSPITAL.

        Ara x’tambi sptar b’xejn jekk m’ghandekx tobba.

        I was determined not to vote this time round but your arrogance, hunger for power and attitude is making me think twice. Alla maghna jekk tibqghu b’din l-attitudni.

        U Gonzo, kif tghidlu int, kif taf li kurnut? Mela hxejtlu il-mara, HEYY?

      • ciccio says:

        “pufta disprezzanti”

        Dan zgur minn tal-LGBT Labour.

      • Heyy says:

        @ language pls minn iz zobb jitttollerak daqs kemm int hadra

    • Heyy says:



      • M. says:

        It is not a “regine”, less so a “25-year” one.

        You seem to have forgotten that there was a Labour government between November 1996 and September 1998, when Mintoff, the hero to whose defence you sprung in here, brought it down.

        Now run back to your rat-infested hole.

      • Chicago Bulls says:

        @heyy…never commented on this blog but your utter ignorance has led me to answer and mention just a few “anything good” the so called regime you mention achieved:

        EU membership for starters, complete market liberalisation of anything you can imagine under the sun, internet, mobile phones, FDI (foreign direct investment that is), all government services are online and place best in Europe, jobs, and the list goes on and on..feel free to add…and don’t come back with the usual airmalta, seamalta…..

      • Heyy says:

        @M., your ghoxx is a rat infested hole.

        @Chicago bullshit, please, even North Korea has mobile phones and so-called internet!And why can’t I go ack to the so-called ‘usual list’? are you so chicken-shit that you can’t admit that they were created by a labour government? And yes, let me add to your list..

        So, 4 billion in debt, failed airline,one of the highest inflation rates in Europe, a currency in which we have to pay other countries’ debts, many electric power cuts, failed public transport network, government MPs rebelling, and please.. FEEL FREE TO ADD MORE!

      • Pink says:

        Kemm int pastaz/a. Ma tafx targumenta minghajr ma titkellem baxx.

        Hawn Malta habba nies bhalek u bhal Priscilla u l-Laburisti l-ohra ma timxix. Ma tafux tammettu meta gvern oppost jghamel xahaga tajba. Li f’dal kaz ghamel 25 sena -NAQQAS IS-SENTEJN BEJN IN-196 U 1998 GHAX L-LABOUR MA KIENUX KAPACI JMEXXI- jghamel it-tajjeb. Issa tidhaq la jitlalek Joseph u jkompli jaffegg fil-gvern izjed milli (Joseph) qed jghaffeg issa.

        Jekk ma tafx il-gvern xghamel dawn l-ahhar snin, sinjal li qed tghix f’dinja ohra.

        U haga ohra li ili biex nghid. Inthom tghidu li Mintoff kien ihobb lil Malta u ghamel hafna affarijiet biex wasalna fejn wasalna, imma fl-ahhar mill-ahhar, lill-uliedu barra bathom jistudjaw. Ma l-ewwel cans li kellu hadhom f’pajjiz iehor u ma resqux l’hawn qabel ftit ilu – meta l-gvern NAZZJONALISTA ghamel lil Malta dik li hi llum.

        I will not waste my time reading your disgusting comments so please spare your time. But, remember this, meta Joseph taghkom ikun fil-gvern tista tinsa li ha jnaqqaslek il-kontijiet u ha jollillek il-paga – bhal meta Alfred Santa weghedkom li ha jnehhi t-taxxa, imma semmieha haga ohra minflok.

    • Heyy says:

      Intom il-PN ta xejn Nies bla gost u arroganti. Jirra jehdukom kollha is-Somalja.

      • Monte bello says:

        Kumment vera matur, Heyy. Prosit.
        Aqtali l-kurzita….. kemm ghandek zmien?

      • Heyy says:

        mhuz affarik demla nazzjonalista

      • ciccio says:

        Heyy, kompli sejjer hekk. Qed issir dejjem izjed progressiv u moderat. U iffukat, bhall-Moviment Bla Isem.

      • Chicago Bulls says:


        Decency requires that when you receive no offence you do not reply in an offensive manner. Your tone shows that Labour voters tend to come from a particular kind of very rough background.

        Do you remember your beloved Mintoff toppling the Labour government in 1998?

        Do you remember what life was like before 1987?

        Probably not.

  3. Gahan says:

    Now, to complete this coffin charade the organisers should turn the coffin towards the Valletta PN club from where a shower of flowers will be thrown, in his time his “suldati tal-azzar”, under his protection, emptied the club from its furniture in no time (I once saw the TV going out of the window from Pjazza Regina).

    Another detour should be to The Times building in Saint Paul’s street where his “few hotheads” burned down the building with people trapped inside. Confetti should be thrown out from the offices by the employees there who should go to Valletta from Imriehel for this great occasion.

    While going out of Valletta the funeral should turn to the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana which his devout (now orphaned) sons redecorated in a fit of ecstatic love for all that is sacred.
    The Archbishop will throw an olive branch to show that Labour is at peace with the church.

    While in the area, the hearse should go down to the CID yard (in the Police HQ right opposite the Curia) where ex inspector Anglu Farrugia will relate how well ,people who opposed Mintoff ,were treated and that any injuries which the interrogated persons sustained were self inflicted and all written evidence was all voluntary and not ill-gotten. A firing squad….never mind, he’s dead!

    Vote Joseph and get Mintoff, isn’t it what the people want?

  4. Calipha says:

    Now we’ll see what happens when Fenech Adami or Gonzi finally croak. I bet it will shy the Papal Conclave.

  5. Min Jaf says:

    “they turned the coffin to face Muscat…” The ‘protocol’ was correct. The red house segment was not about honouring Mintoff at all. Mintoff was only allowed to enter the PL headquarters once in his life time – and then only to serve as a stooge to a JM tv promotional clip. That clip was repeatedly inserted in a short documentary showing highlights of Mintoff’s political career.

    The red house shindig in the Coffin Tour was solely intended to get the message across to the Mintoffjani that Muscat is Mintoff’s anointed successor.

  6. qahbu says:

    ….. and where was Alfred Sant?

  7. Bormliza says:

    Ara vera, liba ta foxx kemm jistgha jkollok… Qatt f kemm ili nghix ma naf li ltqajt jew smajt b mara liba u hadra daqshekk !!!

    Jekk qieghda tghir daqshekk, ghalfejn qadt tarah fuq it television??? Dan ghax qed nuru rispett lil persuna li lilek l ewwel wahda refghatek il fuq … Lilbies qed tara tal partitarji laburisti u x libsa Michelle Muscat (li fuq kollox ma seghtetx tkun ahjar daqs kemm kienet pulita) ??? ara inti, la inti kerha daqs daghwa b’ Alla lanqas taf tghid ha nilbes naqa pulit forsi ningabar, ghax xorta sahhara tibqa…

    Komplu ghiru a qatta liba Nazzjonalisti, bir rispett li wrejna lil missierna u S Salvatur ta Malta, ghax zgur mhux se jkollkom hekk jekk imutilkom xi hadt minn taghkom !!!

    Issa jekk ghandek il bajd qahba irrispondini imma mhux biex tghidli il kliem li spellejt hazin…. Kurnuta !!!

  8. The chemist says:

    I have a feeling Wenzu Mintoff wasn’t there was he ?

  9. A.Attard says:

    Aren’t policeman supposed to take off their cap in church?

  10. Luqa says:

    Dear heyy,

    First of all, It’s Gonzi mhux Gonzo. We’re not running a sesame street episode here. Secondly, why all the insults? Did DCG & Fotis offend you?. Are you one of those people who just became a seasoned politician who can recite Mintoff’s political career by heart?

    Besides, not taking sides here, for all I care if DCG and Fotis want to call the man names because they despise him, they can do it as much as they want. This is their space to do so and your insults like the classic “Foxx kemm ghandek” won’t bring about any change.

    So, with all due respect, stop the bickering and instead here’s something for you to read….

  11. cippy cop says:

    L-Ghassa li ghandek wara l-bieb mhux it-tax payer Malti qed ihallasha wkoll?

  12. joseph muscat says:

    Prosit, Daphne. Keep up the good work. The highlight of yesterday’s funeral procession at Hamrun was when Joseph Muscat kissed the bastard’s coffin.


  13. Carnival de Malte says:

    King Carnival came in a coffin this year.

  14. Min Jaf says:


  15. peace to all of good will. says:

    in the poetry chat room.

    it’s been ages since I’ve visited,
    this place where I find solace.
    and read the work of fellow men,
    and think this as a palace.
    so full of real life people,
    with limbs and hearts and sprightly souls.
    all moving on a journey 
    to find life’s super goals.
    but the journey is the reason,
    why we were placed on earth.
    the goal’s a destination 
    that ends the final verse,
    that closes your door on your story,
    and makes one part of history
    to be remembered or forgotten.
    based solely on the fabric that was woven on the way.
    with these thoughts then I will leave you,
    as I wish you’all good day.
    the above poem was actually written mid of june 2012. I think it’s very appropriate for these days’
    it’s funny though how nearly nobody talks ill of the departed – aloud,
    but everybody harbours their own real opinions.
    funny that huh?

  16. aw says:

    You amaze me Daphne, You really am a soulless horible bitch.

    [Daphne – My, what an impressive argument.]

  17. FFF says:

    … my thoughts exactly

  18. Hip Hip says:

    This is a huge show of MLP and the rest of the bastards. What a joke.

  19. marks says:

    Ikkalma Heyy, ahseb ftit. Staqsi lilek innifsek ghaliex nofs il-poplu Malti jiftakar fil-hakma ta Mintoff bil-biza kbir gewwa qalbhom. Jekk konna nghixu f’genna ta’ l-art?

  20. Et says:

    I will not send you there or here I will just say the truth. that person you so hate yesterday had thousands and thousands of people waiting for him. the party you saw i thing you was sleeping and dreamin. when one day you will day(and I hpoe is not that far) your lucky if your family come to your funeral. but still you will not be missed (That day will be a holiday every one to pees and shit on your coffin)

  21. Michelle Pirotta says:

    Sur “Heyy”, Fejn tahdem?

    Hemm cans tajjeb li tahdem l-ST, il-Methode jew it-Trelleborg. Allura Gonzi ‘taghkom’ zammlek il-post tax-xoghol.

    Probabli sejra zball imma, probabli tridha tal-unemployed halli tiehu l-beneficcji tal-‘well-fer-stejt” (the phrase of the week).

  22. J Frendo says:

    The million dollar question: Where is Alfred Sant? Can someone spot Alfred Sant?

  23. Kenneth Cassar says:

    What is it with these peasants that makes them get so worked up on the opinion of one person?

  24. Jozef says:

    Joseph has been anointed eternal leader by the oracle.

    All that was left was for a funeral pyre a storey high with Joseph lighting it from the balcony, having accepted the flame from the incarnate.

    I expect some rumour that he could be a direct descendant.

    Now watch this, Berlinguer’s funeral, he who refused to have anything to do with Dom and his master, the assimilation of the party with the eastern bloc and the use of violence to achieve his aims.

    Enrico Berlinguer remains one of Labour’s taboos, too painful to compare.

  25. Jean Cortis says:

    Ara veru mara hadra. Mela qed tifrah u flok hrigt ticcelebra qadt ikkakmata tara l-one. Ghidt li Mintoff kellu xitan go fih. Jekk dak kellu wiehed int ghadek legjun ta’ xjaten ja mara hadra. U int x’qatt tajtu lill-pajjizek??? iva bilhaqq….hdura u xejn inqas minn hdura.


  26. Yochanan Ellul says:

    Din it-tip ta’ kitba ma taghmel gieh lil hadd, wisq inqas lil min kitibha!

    Jekk qed tahseb li qed taghmel xi riklam lill-Partit Nazzjonalista qed jgharralek.

    Infakkar biss x’qal Nerik Mizzi, kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista ferm akbar minn dak tal-lum, li:

    “Mintoff hu l-bniedem li jien dejjem ħlomt. L-ammirazzjoni tiegħi lejh jien qatt ma ħbejtha. Mintoff hu bniedem ispirat minn sentimenti patrijottiċi mhux komuni. Malta għad trid tagħfas ma’ qalbha lil dan l-iben denn tagħha. F’Malta għad jiġru avvenimenti kbar iżda Malta ma tiġix miċħuda mill-bniedem li jkollha bżonn!”.

  27. fran says:

    Where is Heyy living? He obviously did not avail himself of any sort of obbligatory schooling if he can only produce the obscene and ignorant comments above.

    I remember being driven out of my school and forced to have ‘top secret’ lessons at home – which was considered a criminal offence in good old Labour days.

    Look around you now – this is freedom and opportunity at its best! Mintoff’s idea of freedom was state control.

  28. tal-misthija says:

    Bil-mewt ta’ mintoff issa hareg car dak li irridu nistennew meta dawn ta’ Joseph/Mintoff ikun fil-gvern.

    Jien li ma nafx li sa ftit ilu kien jghidu li hu tradittur ghax ma ghamlux waqfa fejn bosta min dawn l-ipokkriti ghajru lil mintoff traditur, gharaft nies li dakinnhar kien jghidu li hu tradittur allura issa sar salvatur.

    Illum bidlu l-isem tal-partit ghax riedu li in-nies jinsew il-passat imma lpassat tal-mlp huwa tant ikrah li ftit nistaw ninsewh.

    Jien nghid grazzi kbira lil dawn tal-mlp jew lp ghax qed juru li l-verita twegga w wkoll li min haseb li dawn jinbiddlu sejjer zball.

  29. L.Gatt says:

    So tempted to see the show on Youtube. I need to get some work done though. This footage is hilarious and got me curious, must find some time later. Good day !

  30. Billy Goat says:

    The article above couldn’t have been written any better. Watching some of the scenes from yesterday reminded me of North Korea. What ignorance.

    As for Heyy…well it just goes to show the level of ignorance.

    Apart from the rudeness and hamallagni, he can’t even write Maltese. Bankijiet are the ones found in a garden. I think he meant Banek – hich Mintoff stole from their legitimate owners.

    Heyy should be grateful to Fenech Adami and the PN for all that he has today.

    It was really ironic yesterday watching people with iPads taking pictures for all to see (as if cameras do not exist) and then grumbling about the state of the economy. Simply pathetic.

    I used to go to a Church school under fear of being attacked. WTF…was that democracy? Bulk buying and no commodities in the shops. Disgusting stuff. And they admire him for ‘giving’ them that sort of life.

    They must be really suffering now with all this stuff in the shops, if what they really like is deprivation.

    Some staunch Mintoffian once had the nerve to tell me that Mintoff banned chocolate to keep us healthy. What complete rubbish. I just can’t take anymore of this charade.

    Give the man a state funeral as it’s just a formality, but stop this nonsense on the TV. We are in the EU not North Korea.

    On the one hand, I feel compelled to wish the man eternal rest, but on the other hand I can’t help saying good riddance to bad rubbish. He was nothing to me….definitely not my father as my father wants the best for me.

  31. mhuxLejburist says:

    mintoff hadem tant ghal lejber……..
    issa cahhduh mill-bandiera lejburista fuqu ……
    dal-korteo organizzat mis-socjalisti, lejburisti maltin…..
    kienu jqisuh missierhom……
    issa forsi tghallmu jisthu?
    jew l-elezzjoni vicin u jkun jaqbel ?

  32. Edward Curmi says:

    Ghaziz Heyy

    ipprova uri il-poplu Malti li il PL inbidel u mhemmx ghalfejn toqghod tuza kliem baxx li ma tantx jgaghel gid l-istess partit tieghek.

    Kulhadd ghandu opinjoni u missek tirrispettaha.

  33. Stephen says:

    Criticising dead people is moot. There is a higher percentage of labour to be elected in government …. you yourself have doubts on the outcome and I’ll quote you:

    “Of course, this probably means that this weasel of a daughter will be elected on a rush of sympathy and misplaced sentiment. But we’ll worry about that later.”

    The “weasel of daughter” as you call her “will be elected”…and I am sure that Labour won’t be in the opposition. There is no Alfred Sant excuses now. Now there is Joseph Muscat whom you like so much. “A new broom sweeps clean” the English idiom goes. Face it if you can Daphne…the runaway train of your government is reaching the end of the line and heading to crash straight into a concrete bastion. Your beloved prime minister said a few days ago that he created 20,000 jobs during this legislature. Even economists are taking the mickey out of him. If he really created 20,000 jobs as he is saying they are certainly not of smart city:

    I find it amusing how PN had the nerve to say that Labour’s reaction was a sign of panic…panic to what?? to Labour won’t work? .. we’ll see about that :) It certainly won’t work for him if labour is in power because he would not be able to pocket 500 euros a week with his scale 1 wage.

    Your government is drowing and is trying to float by using a piece of celery as a raft. PN’s only hope of being re-elected is by finding oil and then we will have your prime minister lying to the people again on how much better our lives will be. Then we will have the mentally challenged, the gobies who believe empty promises made by this government and also people like :

    who would then vote for him. Take your pick they all side with your government, they are all Nationalists like you, they are all in your social class means you are so adamant in mentioning social classes.

    Oh yes by the way… this looks interesting:

    writing trash and finishing in court ….and you call yourself a serious journalist? and I can also see from this clip what a happy marriage you must have throwing plates and saucers at your husband. Some family you must be with your son’s ‘fuck off’ when he was at the Unversity of Malta. I guess it is hard married to a witch and having a witch as a mother. The only difference it seems is that you dont travel on a broom. You travel on a flying saucer :D

    Only a few months to the coming elections…..enjoy what is left of this current legislature daphne…

  34. A Grech says:

    Ma tahsibx li dardart lil kulhadd bil-velenu tieghek, Daphne? Ma jidhirlikx li qed timxi, kif nghidu bil-Malti, ta’ hanzira? Tghid il-prim ministru qed jitpaxxa bli qed tikteb? Nispera li le.

  35. Say What ? says:

    Heyy . . . . put a sock in it!

  36. tony galea says:

    Amazing…im not a fan of mintoff by any strech. However this is a prime example of gutter “journalism” at its very worst, written by a venomous wannabe shock journo. Sorry Daphne, in my eyes you have no credibility and your piece lacks any substance. It doesn’t do you credit. It just showed how damaged a human being you really are….wonder what they’ll say when youre the bitch in the box???

    [Daphne – strech. Tlift it-t, tony.]

  37. Arcieperku says:

    I`m still waiting someone from the media to qoute that he`s the first ex Prime Minester of Malta who died millionaire.

  38. Erwin says:

    As a Dutchman, married to a Maltese for well over 30 years, and having lived in Malta at the time Mintoff pulled his last party trick by ensuring il-perroki’s (pardon my terrible Maltese) government fell, I cannot help but laugh at all the flap about Mintoff’s death.

    I have heard stories about him. I remember my wife’s fury at seeing his picture in hospitals and state buildings as if he was JC himself.

    I remember vividly having to smuggle in Mars bars and household electronics in our luggage when flying in (you had to hide it well, because on more then one occassion an unfortunate accident led to the luggage falling open and the chocolate going “missing”).

    But much worse I remember my wife’s fear at what might happen to her family left behind: the bombs going off at houses, the stories of judicial “errors”, Minister Holland being caught with his pants down on the banana scandal, finding flies in the chocolate bars you could buy, the election-rigging and gerrymandering.

    I am sure Mr Mintoff – as 99% of all humans – had some good streaks, but as a more-or-less neutral bystander I feel they most certainly do not weigh up against his wrongdoings.

    Visiting Malta from 1977 onwards I, until the early 1990s, always had the feeling I was in Eastern Germany with the same grey curtain hanging over the country and with people always careful what to say where others might hear.

    It was very sad and depressing, but as a visitor and a foreigner at that, silence was well advised.

    I am happy for Malta to be where it is today, not perfect, certainly not, but then again, which country is?

    Burying Mintoff? Certainly. I even go as far as to advise an extremely solid and heavy slab of concrete on top of the grave.

    And Heyy, I may not understand it all, but I am sorry to say you seem to represent the ignorant thugs I saw in Malta’s streets in the dark days, those glorious days with no water and electricity.

  39. Manuel says:

    Pity the funeral charade did not pass by The Times building.

  40. mlpvspn says:


  41. Edward says:

    Qatt ma kelli simpatija ma Mintoff, qatt ma rajt xejn tajjeb fih. Ironikament qrajt dak li ktibt last Monday u tant kont iebsa li hassejt li ghandi nara jekk dan Mintoff uhx daqttant hazin.Hsibt li zgur ghandu xi haga tajba. U gharbilt kemm flaht fuq Mintoff din matul din il-gimgha. Aktar mill-akbar Socjalist Malti

    Ikolli nistqarr li Mintoff tassew kien bniedem kbir li Malta qatt ma rat bhalu.

    Skuzwni, dan qieghed nghidu kontra l-principji li haddant fi tfuliti.

    Kellu bzonn il-mexxejja tal-lum ghandom imqar nofs it-tajjeb tieghu. I will contimue my research.

  42. elephant says:

    Winning or losing (elections I mean) will not change their manner or mentality – that’s Mintoff’s legacy.

  43. Interested Bystander says:

    I mean I know you are giving them enough rope but there aint that much rope in the universe what you’ve given ’em already.

  44. brian says:

    Am one of those who went through the dark days when Mintoff and KMB (Alfred Sant was a breath of fresh air) reigned but would appreciate if the excessive denigration of Mintoff the man be stopped. It is getting to a ridiculous level. It is fine to say that Mintoff’s policies were harmful to many but let it stop there without useless insults. I never liked Mintoff, the politician, but let him rest in peace now. Continuing in this venomous direction is leading only to division and hatred when it is the last thing we need at this critical stage of our economic and social development.

    [Daphne – I love that philosophy, Brian: ‘don’t criticise wrong-doing and damaging stupidity which affects the country, because if you do so, then YOU are the problem.’ No, thank you. Venom directed at Mintoff? Take a look at the thousands of comments full of obscenities, directed at me. It is far, far more worrying when thousands of people abuse a newspaper columnist for criticising their primitive political saviour, than when one newspaper columnist criticises that politician, dead or alive. People who reason as you do think that Malta is somehow a special case and does not deserve the same democratic environment as Britain or the United States.]

  45. mel says:

    jin ha nirrispondi bil malti… ma tistax tkun zibel iltar milli int u emmini najd dal kliem min qieh qalbi…mahnix nitkellmu biss fuq politikant imma ragel li paxxa u hadem al xeba maltin… dil hdura kolla li hirga … najd alijja meta miet gwido rajt lfuneral u lebda hdura ma harget min halqi alkemm qatt u zgur mux han nhaddan il politika tijw..isthi mizbla emm missjhom jitfawk lilek

  46. Brenda says:

    Jin nahseb bix gejt inti fid dinja ix xitan hxilek lommok mux missierek ja haga kera u moqziza

  47. Brenda says:

    Mintoff vera gab il penzjoni mil libja clifford , mla fenech adami xgab bicca poodle isbah minu mil awstralja

  48. Emilia says:

    I have to say one thing though, Claire Caruana is definitely not a sixth rate soprano.

    [Daphne – Who cares? She sang at Mintoff’s funeral. What sort of soprana does that.]

  49. ciccio says:

    Hilarious. The Guest Post writer should be invited to do the live commentary of the funeral on TV or on timesofmalta oneline tomorrow.

    Silvio Parnis should lodge a complaint at the Centru Nazzjonali. Why did he have to postpone his Summer Fest because of Mintoff’s death, but the Coffin Tour 2012 was not cancelled?

  50. PN says:

    Min fost dawk il bikkejja li rajna l-bierah kemm kien hemm minnhom li fl-1996 ghajjruh traditur.

    FARSA SHIEHA! Min irid igib il Malta l-quddiem.

  51. Charlie says:

    Diga n-nies jibzghu jitkellmu dwar il-hnizrijietli ghamel Mintoff fis-70 u t-80.

  52. Rusteeee12 says:

    Domocracy = freedom of speech
    Live and let live
    Think about it and stop this hatred immediately or else go and live in North Korea were puppets on a string live

  53. Agnes says:

    Dear Daphne I don’t live in Malta, but I read your comments. I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU WRITE.

    There should be more people like you.

    Keep writing the good stuff.

    • Heyy says:

      mur ahra hej.. Iva hekk ghandna bzonn, iktar Kurnuti bhal din, halli jekk inkun konstipat kemm naqbad u nhares barra mit-tieqa biex nara wicca u hemm tarah niezel il-hara !

  54. Peter F says:

    Mintoff divided the country when he ruled, and now he has divided it in death.

    X’rikonciljazzjoni nazzjonali!

    It’s a waste of time on these lowlifes.

    Twenty-five years down the line and they still act like scum.

    Daph (I trust I am allowed to call you that, given that we go back a long way), do you really think that the floating voter – call him/her what you like – after seeing the scenes in Cottonera and all the rest, would really like to vote these people back into power?

    I’m probably being naive in hoping we’d be spared it.

    • maryanne says:

      When I was watching them on television, I must admit that Astrid Vella and her friends came to mind. They would just fit in, won’t they.

  55. gigi says:

    Very well said. Mintoff kien ixewwex, jifred u isaltan. U halla lil Malta mifruda.

  56. C Falzon says:

    “Yana Mintoff can’t wipe the smile off her face.”

    But has she seen the will yet?

  57. Louise says:

    It’s her blog and she writes what she wants. Deal with it and if you don’t like it, read something else instead of posting vulgar comments.

  58. MX says:

    Good one! Love it!

  59. Stephanie says:

    Enjoyed reading this one, cracked me up a few times haha!

  60. ganni says:

    kompli ghamel hekk daphne ghax kif jitla il labour int ha nweddek li ha jkollok tahrab min malta ja sahhara wait and see

  61. Mario Farrugia says:

    mamma mia Daph – you relly made them angry …. what about you, how do you feel.

    I have a felling that tihis week you expirience the longest orgasam of your life, and you are still quivering for more … keep going for the climax is tomorrow.

    I wonder what do you dream about (excluding sex with the Devil) …. flowers ? maybe ……. hehehahah lol

  62. JS says:

    Pls to all noderate your views. let’s unite as a mature nation.

  63. Nadesh says:

    Jekk dan imsejjah ‘heyy’ skond hu m’ghamel xejn f’ 25 sena ta’ gvern PN, x’ baqa jghix jaghmel fuq din il-gzira, li minkejja c-cokon taghha, irnexxiela ma taqax f’ recessjoni bhalma waqaw Spanja u l-Grecja.

    U dan, grazzi ghal gvern attwali m’ emigrax, orsi kien ikun ahjar u iktar kuntent.jien ma nistax nifhem kif barrani jigi jfittex xoghol f’ pajjizna u jkun irid jibqa jghix hawn u Malti ghax mghomi bil-polittika hlief imaqdar ma jaghmilx.

    Possibli xejn m’ ghamel tajjeb il-gvern PN ghal dan il-heyy? mMlta demokratika u nies bhalek heyy li ma jaccetawx kritika huma dawk in-nies li ha jergghu jeqirdu l-paci l-l-Maltin ghandhom jekk allahares qatt jitilghu l-Labour.

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