Lovely – look what’s just gone up on former Labour minister and current Labour TV star Joe Grima’s Facebook wall

Published: August 27, 2012 at 9:41pm

Left click on the image to read it.

What are they planning to do – drop Joe Grima on me from a great height?

The first scent of victory and they’re already talking publicly about taking the law into their own hands.

Kemm hadmet ir-reconcilijazzjoni, Alla jbierek. Mela l-leopard tista tbidillu l-ispots billi taghmillu ftit nicey-nicey?


One of my readers has found this report from (March 2008). The man who talks about perpetrating violence on me had violence perpetrated on him by his own Labour friends, to the point where he ended up in hospital.


“Mhux aħjar twaqqa’ l-każ, mhux biżżejjed li għadna bil-ferita, għaliex se tkompli sejjer biha?”

Dan kien id-diskors li qal l-Avukat Toni Abela lil ex-Segretarju tal-kumitat tal-każin Laburista fiż-Żejtun, li fetaħ kawża kontra żewġ persuni midħla sew tal-każin li ħebbew għalih għax ried idaħħal is-serjeta’ fil-każin.

Quddiem il-Maġistrat Jacqueline Padovani, Androcles Joseph Scicluna, li qed jiddefendu lilu nniffsu fil-każ ried li l-kawża tkompli minkejja l-insistenza tal-Avukat Toni Abela biex iwaqqaf kollox.

L-Avukat Abela insista ma’ Scicluna biex jwaqqaf kollox sabiex ma ssirx ħsara lill-Partit Laburista. Il-każ kien seħħ fl-24 ta’ Marzu li għadda għall-ħabta tal-4.15 p.m. f’Misrah ir-Repubblika, iż-Żejtun.

Huwa kien attakkat bi stikka tal-billiard u sofra ġrieħi ħfief u dan għax ried idaħħal is-serjeta’ fil-każin. Fost is-serjeta’ li ried idaħħal kien li jkunu rreġistrati l-cash registers f’każin fejn allegatament il-barman minkejja li kellu ntrojtu mill-każin Laburista, kien ukoll jirreġistra għax-xogħol.

Jonathan Attard ta’ 27 sena miż-Żejtun, li jiġi n-neputi tas-Sindku ta’ l-istess lokalita’ Joe Attard, u John Giardina ta’ 39 sena, li huwa wkoll miż-Żejtun, qegħdin jiġu mixlija flimkien ma’ l-istess Androcles Joseph Scicluna, li kisru l-paċi pubblika u li ħebbew għal xulxin wara ġlieda, li fiha mar l-aktar minn taħt l-ex Segretarju Ġenerali Androcles Joseph Scicluna, li spiċċa bi ġrieħu ħfief u rikoverat fl-isptar.

Min-naħa l-oħra, Jonathan Attard qed jiġi mixli wkoll li sawwat lil Androcles Joseph Scicluna, ta’ 58 sena, minn Bormla, u li sawwat b’oġġett iebes, li kienet stuikka tal-injam u biċ-ċomb li tintuża għall-billiard.

Qed jiġi mixli wkoll li uża forza attiva u hedded bil-kliem lil Scicluna.

Ix-xhieda qalu li raw lil Scicluna jagħti bl-ispalla minn naħa l-oħra tat-triq fejn hemm salib, u dan bejn 12 u 15-il metru l-bogħod minn fejn sar l-inċident.

Nies fuq il-post raw lil Androcles Joseph Scicluna b’wiċċu u ħwejjġu mimli demm u ħafna nies imdawwrin miegħu. Kienu bosta nies li għenuh imur l-Għassa tal-Pulizija bis-Surġent Abdilla iċempel għall-ambullanza Fil-kawża li jmiss mistennija aktar xhieda dwar dan il-każ.

Il-Qorti talbet ukoll jekk Scicluna jridx li jkun hemm garanzija li l-imputati ma jkellmuhx. Huwa aċċetta bil-kundizzjoni li l-kawża tkompli. Il-każ ikompli fil-5 ta’ Ġunju li ġej.

67 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    Sue him

    [Daphne – He’ll be dead before the case is over. I’d much rather wait and see how they are going to get him into a coffin. Do they make special ones for the obese? Or do they just scoop out as much as possible and squash them in like a vacuum-cleaner bag?]

    • martin said says:

      Sue who?

      If Androcles exists all I can say is WHAT A HORRIBLE NAME.

      [Daphne – I can sue Joe Grima for publishing that on his wall. I don’t think people in Malta realise that they are responsible at law for the comments that other people post on their walls. If it is libellous or threatening, and you don’t remove it, you are in breach of the law.]

      • diane says:

        the same thing that you do on other people

      • Konti Ugolino says:

        Hallih johrog i- lanzit dak li xkaffa hara, halli il-floating voters u nies ta’ certa eta jirrejalizzaw li dawk il-hmieg ma jitbiddlu qatt!

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Androcles Scicluna is a real name; we were at the Lyceum together. He’s only slightly more coherent than Lungaro Mifsud.

      • Hubert Paul Farrugia says:

        He didn’t technically publish it himself, Androcles did.

        [Daphne – No, that’s not how it works. If it’s on your wall and you have the power to remove it but don’t, you’re responsible at law. By having it on your wall, you are publishing it.]

    • Patrik says:

      To paraphrase Hitchens, they’d just give him an enema and bury him in a matchbox.

  2. Peter F says:

    And there we have it. Come on everyone, vote Labour and let’s go through it all again.

  3. Paul Bonnici says:

    What a nasty evil man. Although I disagree with some things you say, I fight for your right to say them Daphne.

    What you said about Mintoff is true. As a journalist, it is your right and duty to speak out and express your opinion.

    Joe Grima should be charged for inciting violence. He is a nasty intolerant rat.

  4. ciccio says:

    How can Joseph Muscat associate his name with these people? Haven’t we been telling him this for a long time?

    Joseph, are you in command?

    • Antoniette says:

      Because he’s one of them, how would he have been made leader if he was not one of them?
      He only pretends to be moderate, or hadn’t you noticed?

    • Min Jaf says:

      No, Joseph is NOT in command. The MLP old guard, Karmenu Guy Vella, Alex Sceberras Trigona, Leo Brincat and the rest of them are. Joseph is as much in the hands of those old fossils as Mintoff was in the hands of Lorry sant, Fusellu and co.

    • Jozef says:

      Of course not, not when he accepts to trail behind his major shareholder.

  5. Aesop. says:

    If he is Androcles, then I am Aesop.

  6. diamond1 says:

    You have a problem here. This guy claims to have two parallel lives, one here in Malta and one in England. He was on Xarabank claiming this stupidity as the truth.

  7. The chemist says:

    Joe Grima was and is a bully.

    Alfred Sant managed to get rid of most of the scum but it seems Joseph’s nanna taught him otherwise.

    You can rest assured this is not 1981, Mr Grima, and you and your ilk are will not be allowed to put us in that position.

    I would have thought you would have learned that lesson by now.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Here lies the problem: Alfred Sant did not get rid of the thugs and the rabid Mintoffians but only swept them under the carpet because they were a PR liability.

      Throughout the Sant years, the Labour Party never accepted responsibility for what had happened in the 1970s and 1980s and, in fact, never even acknowledged that anything bad had happened.

      Meanwhile, Mintoffian parents were busy brainwashing their children who have now grown up believing that Raymond Caruana accidentally killed himself while playing with a gun (this was the theory of someone on Facebook) and that the burning down of The Times building is a lie invented by Daphne.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Stop saying that Sant got rid of the Mintoffjani. It’s stupid. Mintoff himself was a member of parliament during Sant’s tenure. So was Joe Debono Grech. And Karmenu Vella. And Leo Brincat. And Mr Sackcloth & Ashes himself, Lino Spiteri.

      Who do you think drove these people around when they were cabinet ministers between 1996 and 1998? Who ran their electoral campaign on the ground? Even within the Nationalist Party, the thug/heavy profile is standard among canvassers, political appointees in ministries, and among party activists. Why would Sant’s MLP in government have been any different? Or Joseph Muscat’s future one?

      Imbasta rridu s-sitt siggu Brussels. Slavag konna, u slavag nibqghu.

  8. A Montebello says:

    This is typical….. and yet they tell us to forget and get over the past when violence is so deeply ingrained in their mindset.
    At least you have a record of all these threats.

  9. IMHO says:

    Androcles Scicluna has had an extraordinary life. One wonders why he’s obsessed with Mintoff.

    About Androcles

    • Min Jaf says:

      Chapter One: Androcles and the Billiard Cue.

      Tells about the violent encounter between the extraordinary Androcles and a billiard cue in the public arena in the S.P.Q.Z.

  10. Min Jaf says:

    Put the police on Androcles for openly instigating violence.

  11. Jules says:

    You are so sick they should lock you all up and throw away the keys.

    • IMHO says:

      You’re in the wrong place. You should have taken a megaphone to last weekend’s carnival parade. That would have been more effective.

  12. Anthony says:

    With the genes of parents who dare christen you Androcles you have a big, big problem.

    Poor thing.

    By the way Daphne, they do not need to drop Joe Grima on you from a great height.

    Just a few metres and you’ve had it.

  13. The Engineer says:

    The mintoffiani have to be sidelined within the MLP otherwise we will never recover from this type of politics.

    They are the worst type of Laburist there is. They are intolerant, liars, incompetent, irresponsible, immature, they do whatever they like.

    They are still dominating the party till today.

    KMB, Alfred Sant and Muscat are all a product of MIntoff.

    They are Mintoffjani in style and methods.

    They were and are still supported by the Mintoffjani within the party. The Labour Party needed a leader similar to Boffa. George Abela would have signalled a new thrust in the labours history. All Mintoffjani are dangerously extremist and intolerant.

    George Abela was a moderate although he had a colossal task at hand to purge the party of the Mintoffjani. From outside it seems that Labour is much the old style Mintoffjan Labour.

    The PN cannot permit himself to lose the next election. He has to win it at all cost. Alla maghna u nisperaw li tigina tajba. It’s a question between bad people and good people.

  14. James Tyrell/Beowulf says:

    But surely attracting threats from Labour supporters is all part of the plan isn’t it Daphne? What comes next, a few shots at your house or maybe an arson attack, carried out by your own people of course and blamed on Labour supporters? Bad old Labour up to their old tricks and all that. I can see the stories already. Who knows it might even swing a few votes back to GonziPN. Dream on.

    [Daphne – I’m quite sure your man Joe Grima won’t mind if I quote him back at you, James: FUCK OFF AND DIE YOU PEDOFILE. But seriously, Tyrell, are you really this obsessed?]

    • el bandido guapo says:

      Speaks the man who is so up to date with Maltese affairs, and thus able to carefully choose his allegiances, that he had never even heard of an organisation such as Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna until very recently.

    • James Tyrell/Beowulf says:

      Obsessed? I don’t have any idea what you mean by obsessed. The point is that even the normal sick bastards who support the crap you write were turned off by your attacks on a dead man.

      [Daphne – Which ones have you been talking to, Mr Tyrell. The ones I wrote about the other day, who were responsible for bringing Mintoff to power in 1971 and are using his death as a form of catharsis to get rid of their guilt complex? “Ah, even Eddie Fenech Adami said that the good outweighed the bad, so maybe I didn’t commit an act of near-criminal irresponsibility by voting for him in 1971/1976. I’ll just repeat that mantra and say how bad Daphne is for saying what she’s saying, because we must let bygones be bygones so that I can forget or accept the part I played in the destruction of Malta over the 16 years that followed.” I know people – especially the people from whence I come – far better than you do. Why, even Astrid’s lot probably voted Labour in 1971; she does come from a Labour family, you know – so much for her whining now about the damage Mintoff did.]

      Not that it’s the first time you have attacked the dead. I suppose you feel that there is less chance of being taken to court by a corpse. Times they are a changing as they say. You are losing even more support amongst the PN camp than you were before and in the process you are costing that same camp votes which can only be a good thing.

      [Daphne – That’s all right, Mr Tyrell. The last time I looked, I wasn’t a politician but a newspaper columnist. I don’t need votes. I need readers. And boy, do I have a lot of those, including you, it seems.]

      And then of course you are having problems with sponsorship for your sick blog because let’s face it what business would want to be associated with you. I won’t end by using the sort of language that seems to come easily to you Daphne because as David Keuck said “Profanity is the common crutch of the conversational cripple.”

      [Daphne – The truly intelligence, Mr Tyrell, know how to deploy all available forms of communication to their advantage and as fits the purpose. They will also adapt their language to their interlocutor, to make for better comprehension. That I can switch communication styles so easily is a huge advantage and not a drawback. I certainly have one over you – and those poor sods – in that respect. I can speak all your languages, but you and they cannot speak all of mine, and by that I do not mean the actual language alone, but all the many variations, undertones, overtones, and subtleties within it.]

      • Paul Bonnici says:

        James Tyrell/Beowulf

        So we should not speak ill of the dead? What about Hitler, Gaddafi, Stalin and all the other dead dictators, we should not criticise them because they are all dead?

        Does death make the living saints after they die and beyond reproach?

        James you do not remember the dark years of the Mintoff mobs, you were too busy fighting the IRA and protecting yourself from them, the IRA received support from Gaddafi and Mintoff was Gaddafi’s best friend, he even received an award from Gaddafi a few years before their deaths.

  15. Aesop. says:

    The civility that Alfred Sant tried to imprint on the Laburisti was only skin deep.
    The myriad of semi-illiterate violent threats and insults posted on this site are ample proof.
    The old Mintoffjani are back in force.

    For those of us who were gassed,robbed, beaten, threatened , exiled and made jobless or saw their dear ones die prematurely as a result of stress and haressment, this is just deja vu.

    Gej Milied tajjeb ghalina, nahseb, :(

  16. Last Post says:

    I happen to know the guy from many, many years ago and he always seemed a weirdo to me. We’re roughly of the same age and from what I know he had a very precarious childhood and early youth in England. He flagrantly described on Xarabank how when in England he purposely committed a petty crime (something to do with not paying for a meal he ordered and ate at a restaurant) in order to end up in a police cell because he had nowhere to go.

    Joe “Over-my-dead-body” Grima being from Zejtun would and should know Androcles well because he’s quite a ‘character’. I’m not in any way condoning Androcles’ stupidly dangerous comment. On the contrary, SHAME on Grima to continue to show his hateful arrogance and violent tendencies, same as he and his cronies used to do in the districts in which he contested during previous elections.

    Here in the south Grima was considered second only to Lorry Sant. In associating himself with him, Joseph Muscat is not only discrediting Alfred Sant’s ‘clean the violence’ stance but is showing us all his true colours and the shape of things to come once in government.

    These are serious and grave things for our future and you are right, Daphne to expose these villains for what they are. Let’s hope against so many odds that in the end common sense will prevail. Hopefully, Mintoff’s death and it’s immediate aftermath will bring to the fore the type of political attitudes and strategies we will be voting for in the coming elections!

  17. H.P. Baxxter says:

    No. It is not the Mintoffiani who must be sidelined, but the hamalli. And no decision-making power will ever do that, because of a bunch of smarmy ideas about inclusiveness.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I am so looking for next March, when PL is in power and all you disgusting rats get what you deserve! Long live Mintoff, and the PL!

    • maryanne says:

      I was still pondering if I will vote Labour or not since Joseph Muscat is all inclusive and wants to embrace all in his Moviment.

      But then what happens? Insib lilek xorta u tatini dak li jisthoqqli? Xi Rolex jew xi xeba ghal-mewt?

      Your dear leader’s plan has already fallen flat on its face. All-inclusive, my foot.

    • el bandido guapo says:

      You will find March after February, and just before April. Hope this helps.

      Oh and Mintoff is dead, by the way.

    • A Montebello says:

      Long live Mintoff? What, he’s back?

      I challenge you, Anonymous, to tell us what it is you think we deserve: beatings? Bomb threats? Gas attacks? Redundancies? Transfers?

      What in heaven’s name do you think we deserve for disagreeing with PL policies?

    • Peter F says:

      Pray, clarify.

  19. Oscar says:

    Daphne I salute you. You have, at great risk to your family and yourself, single-handedly managed to pull these shits out of the woodwork.

    They are the scum of the earth. They will never change and God help us if they’ll be in power again, which sadly seems a distinct possibility.

    Shame on the 3 ”rebels” for creating all this furore these last months and causing such unnecessary problems to the party, the government and the nation.

    The electorate will dispose of them soon enough but It is now up to the commissioner of police (and he doesn’t need you to make a report) to immediately initiate proceedings against Androcles Scicluna for instigating threats against your person.

    He should also charge former Labour minister Joseph Grima for publishing these same threats on his blog.

    Failing action by the police we expect a resignation letter from the Commissioner of Police for failure in his duty to protect life and property. For goodness sake, he doesn’t even have to investigate. It’s all there on a platter.

  20. Tuta Sporca says:

    Workers under Mintoff: a true story (only the names have been changed):

    In 1992, on a stormy February evening, I was on my way to Gozo to act as an Electoral Commissioner. On the Gozo ferry I met Joe, a Drydocks worker I had got to know after the Mnarja protest and subsequent lock-out.

    Braving the winter chill we stood on deck as the ferry left Malta and started reminiscing about those fateful 7 weeks in July when we were both suspended without any chance of recourse to unemployment leave, meaning we (and our children with us) were left to starve. Joe was in his fifties, nearing retirement. He was a man you could not but admire.

    “I’m looking forward to my retirement in five years’ time. It’s not that I don’t love my work at the Drydocks, but after so many years working under tension in our workplace, which has been turned into an alternative Labour Party Club, complete with large billboards of Mintoff’s photo hanging everywhere (some with candles lighted in front of them), for us who have been labelled “Nationalists” (many of us were just “counter-revolutionairies” disgruntled by Mintoff’s tactics at dichotomising Malta into “us” and “them”) it has been very, very hard; and after the Mnarja protest, excruciatingly painful.”

    “Yes,” I replied, “As if an attempt at starving us to death – besides physical beating of some of us, were not enough, as soon as we re-entered our place of work, many of us were given vengeful transfers, persecuted, ostracised. Talk of l-interdett? This was far worse!”

    We both knew of course that the majority of dockyard workers were not happy with the way we were being bullied, but were helpless in the face of the few untouchable thugs who carried out these acts of shame in the name of the Labour Party.

    “Sometimes,” continued Joe, “I ask myself why did I do it? I mean, I knew what I could be letting myself in to, and I could have chosen the easy way out and reported for work on the 29th June. I only did it for the future of my family, and of Malta.”

    “Same here,” I replied, “I guess I did it because a man has to believe in something, and I believe the Labour Party has gone too far this time.”

    We talked a little bit more, then went to have a coffee together, and augured that the 1992 election would confirm the Nationalist government in office, not so much because we were that keen on the NP, but because we believed that the MLP was still not purged of those heinous elements within it.

    I did not meet Joe personally again after that. But three years later, on the 3rd February, 1995, my heart sank in despair as I heard the news that he had lost his life tragically in his place of work when the Um El Faroud exploded while in dock.

    Rest in peace, Joe, and hope we’ll be seeing each other again up there, where no “us” and “them” exist.

  21. DVG says:

    Androcles…did his parents have aspirations for some modern day philosopher? His IQ let them down. As for Mr Grima, he’s a lovely chap, isn’t he.

  22. A Montebello says:

    Joe Grima’s comments to the the priest made front page news in The Times (another Glory Glory Alleluia moment, I’d say).

    Of course Joe Grima, instead of saving face and apologizing claiming “spur of the moment reaction whilst in mourning”, is standing by his words as though “Fuck you Father. If you’re not already used to it there are enough pedophiles in your clan to show you the ropes”, is a view debate based on fact.

    This is not a nobody, mind you, but an ex minister and One TV presenter.

    Unfortunately, The Times didn’t cover the threat of violence on your person because – let’s face it a call to take the law into their own hands can only mean physical punishment because you dared criticize!

    Labour will NEVER change – and I hope that those disgruntled Nationalists and floating voters are beginning understand why it is important to vote PN again.

  23. Interested Bystander says:

    If it wasn’t for Daphne flushing out the scum, there are a few of us floating voters who might have voted PL, just to have a ‘change’.

    Although I don’t care for Gonzi and his cronies, I see now the only way forward is to vote tactically.

    Not to keep Gonzi in, but to keep the scum out.

    What a life.

  24. *1981* says:

    Can I camp in Bidnija? I want to see these thugs wicc imbwicc.

  25. Wayne Hewitt says:

    ‘Nies fuq il-post raw lil Androcles Joseph Scicluna b’wiċċu u ħwejjġu mimli demm u ħafna nies imdawwrin miegħu’…

    Stockholm Syndrome…

  26. Maltese Patriot says:

    I cannot believe my eyes.

    I believed that the insanity Daphne and her fans are in was only possible before we were homo-sapiens.

    How dare you accuse this man of threatening violence and that he should be sewed and at the same time be on Daphne’s side?

    This blog is truly a factory of hate and insanity.

    Daphne should spend her time at counselling her sick mind, and as soon as she’s finished she should start rehabilitating her son.

  27. La Redoute says:

    How does one sew Joe Grima when he threatens violence?

  28. Paul Bonnici says:

    This is a serious criminal offence and you should take action against this Daphne. This is incitement to violence against a person.

  29. Androcles says:


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