My contemporaries will require no explanation of this

Published: August 20, 2012 at 9:19pm

29 Comments Comment

  1. Carlos Bonavia says:

    Just heard that the old goat Mintoff has passed away

  2. jeff says:

    I recall a line in some poem or other for my Maltese A Level which went something like this “La tiskrux fil-Fanta, il-lejla waqt Politikanta”.

  3. Anthony says:

    1984 – Their finest hour.

    Puts Dr Goebbels to shame.

  4. Marie says:

    Mintoff died?

  5. Andre says:

    MINTOFF IS DEAD – Crack open that champagne

  6. David Meilak says:

    I love the trophy…….Torca……..just lovely, maybe I can find one on ebay !

  7. camillv says:

    FINALLY !!!!!!!

  8. David S says:

    Tags : Xandir Malta , wardakanta 84, Norman Hamilton , karmenu Mifsud Bonnici prime minister, Closure of private schools , Curia ransacked, dry-docks workers- Aristokrazija tal-haddiema , PN clubs bombed , 20 punt oxxeni , no water , runaway unemployment , years waiting list for a phone line , 3 year wage freeze , computers deemed illegal , banks controlled by government , lm300 limit for travel , karmenu Vella , Leo brincat , Joe Grima ….

  9. David S says:

    OMG. Those bastard KMB on TVM tight now

  10. something wicked says:

    I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?

  11. David S says:

    That bastard…

  12. N.L. says:

    Mintoff passed away

  13. Mark v says:

    Poor Tony, he always struggled to make a living from singing.

    We can forgive him this one; most probably he was compelled to come up with a stupidity like this.

  14. paul grant says:

    shame on you, whore

  15. Silverbug says:

    Yes none needed, the shivers down my spine said it all…and the perpetrator of all this, Mintoff, has just died. Poor St Peter.

  16. dudu says:

    Now that Mintoff has passed away Joseph Muscat will be spending the night writing his (ahem) Obamesque speech.

    [Daphne – Passed away? He died.]

  17. *1981* says:

    The song Highway to Hell sounds too right.

  18. ciccio says:

    Dardir Malta u l-Generazzjoni Socjalista.
    U l-istess nies ta’ dak iz-zmien ghadhom kollha hemm.

  19. Grezz says:

    Since the news of Mintoff’s death emerged this evening (amongst simultaneous screams of joy from various homes in my neighbourhood, and a couple of fireworks shortly afterwards), it has been virtually impossible to access your blog … until now.

    In the interim, I “migrated” to for entertainment, and could barely believe my eyes when I saw his latest post.

  20. The Phoenix says:

    xi dwejjaq

  21. Lupin says:

    What a disgrace. The paintings of the socialist leaders on stage copy and paste North Korea.

  22. rjc says:

    The fact that such crap was allowed on the ‘naxinal’ station is enough to send shivers down anybody’s spine. It certainly has down mine

  23. P Shaw says:

    The most important thing was that “Anna sinjura ghax tara Dallas bil-kulur”.

    Given the comments being currently posted on Mintoff on Facebook, it seems that all this propaganda worked and still does.

  24. king says:

    x misthija ta nies ! gibu rispett lil dak il bnidem li takom id drittijiet socjali u li takom il vot. ara vera aw min hu zibel min twelidu ta

  25. Mario Coleiro says:

    Issa nispera li jkollok il-kuragg li tippubblika li ser niktiblek! Iva int thossok protetta mir-regim u l-pulizija tieghu! Dik hi l-uniku raguni li xxerred il-hdura u l-velenu kontra min lilek l-ewwel wahda nehhilek il-mahta minn ma`mniehrek! Mhux ser niskanta bil-mibgheda u l-hdura tieghek ghax biex wasalt li tipprova toqtol lill zewgek b’daqqa ta`platt, m’hemmx fejn tasal izjed! Issa naraw x’guts ghandek li tippubblika dan li ktibtlek! Isa cempel lill siehbek RCC halli jordna lill-pulizija tar-regim jarrestawni! Mario Coleiro 567160(M)

  26. brains says:

    We will now have to suffer a re-writing of history, this is going to get really confusing!

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