Read between the lines (something Laburisti and Mintoffiani hodor won’t do)

Published: August 21, 2012 at 2:36am

From’s report on The Death That Took Too Long To Happen:

We spent decades wishing he would go to hell and now that it’s finally happened it’s almost an anticlimax.

In a statement, Dr Gonzi was quoted as saying that Mr Mintoff was a leading personality in Maltese public life from the end of the Second World War right up to the end of the twentieth century. His work had profoundly marked recent political, economic and social history. His commitment and determination led to major developments which marked Malta and Gozo.

Note that there is absolutely no reference to the consequences of the actions of this ‘leading personality’, nor to the manner in which the ‘major developments’ marked Malta and Gozo for the worse.

Mintoffians will read that positively, but all others – well, the ones with a few brains, at least, and certainly not the wittering idiots on their Facebook walls with their RIPs and their ‘he did lots of good’ – will read between the lines to the subtext: that the man was a total sociopathic prick who did untold harm to Malta.


Fortunately for me, I don’t have to be diplomatic or statesmanlike or even a force for unity and peace with Laburisti and the Mintoffiani hodor and their awful descendants who put him where he was to do what he did.

May he bugger off to hell and may even Lucifer slam the gates closed in his ghastly face and ask who the Godforsaken dwarf is who’s cluttering up his doorstep.

241 Comments Comment

  1. Matthew Camilleri says:

    Il-liberta tal-espressjoni ghandha tintuza biex tghaddi messaggi posittivi.

    [Daphne – Fejn trabbejt, Matthew – fil-Korea ta’ Fuq, jew f’xi familja Mintoffjana?]

    Jekk ma int kapaci tikritika dak li ghamel Mintoff b’mod posittiv, jew tal-inqas b’mod rispettabbli zomm halqek mghaluq. Sfortunatament nies ohrajn jispicaw il-qorti ghall-kumemnti bhalma tikteb int, imma qed nghixu f’pajjiz fejn jezistu neis li jahsbu li huma ‘fuq mil-ligi, fosthom int!!
    Persuni bhali tista tghajjarna kemm trid li ahna cwiec laburisti, injuranti u ta livell baxx, emminni, nipreferi nkun idjota milli naqa ghal-livell ta dak li qrajt f’dan il-blog!!! Ahjar fqir (injurant) u kuntent milli sinjur (intelligenti) u ndannat

    • maryanne says:

      Mintoff jien jitkellem hafna pulit, rispettabli u dejjem bi kritika pozittiva.

      • Gigi says:


      • Grezz says:

        Maryanne, that depended entirely on who he was dealing with, and under what circumstances.

      • ciccio says:

        Dwar il-kostituzzjoni tghidx kemm kien pulit, rispettabli u bi kritika pozittiva.

        “Jien nitnejjek mil-kostituzzjoni.”

      • Angus Black says:

        Really? He wasn’t even civil with his own ministers and MPs! He had a foul mouth, could hardly ever contain his anger and insulted Dockyard workers calling them eunuchs – and they clapped! It proves that their genes descended to the ones writing obscene messages here!

    • aw says:

      nahseb aktar baxxa u ta livell baxx int Daphne. Jekk xi darba kelli dubju issa ghamilili cara kem int pastasa u injoranta. Ahjar Mintoffjan mili purcinella bhalek mimlija hdura.

    • Toninu says:

      Liberta tal-espressjoni u qed tirrestringiha ghal messaggi pozittivi biss?

      Ma jidirlekx li qed tikkontradixxi lilek innifsek Matthew?

    • Not Tonight says:

      Il-Laburisti dejjem hekk kienu: ferhanin ghax cwiec.

      U min qallek li s-sinjuri huma ndannati? Jekk hu hekk, mela d-dear Leader taghkom ndannat ukoll ghax sinjur mhux hazin. U Mintoff miljunarju – ara kemm kien iktar indannat.

      U vera ndannat kien – ma kien fih xejn pozittiv. Biex titkellem posittiv fuq Mintoff trid jew tkun Laburist minn guf ommok jew ipokrita mill-kbar nett.

      Jien nixtieq inkun naf ghaliex kif miet Mintoff, kulhadd gie jigri jara x’qalet Daphne – l-anqas stajt nidhol ghall-hafna hin. Jien la mmur fuq Maltastar, la fuq inews u l-anqas fl-ebda post fejn hemm cans tajjeb li ntella’ l-pressjoni.

      • Mary says:

        Ahseb u ara in-nazzionalisti kuntentti pupazzi that dal-gvern li jaghmel li jried bihom!!

        U haga ohra jien ma hienx laburista minn guff ommi u familja nazzonalista imma ghal grazzja ta’ Alla taghlimt il verita grazzi ghall-istorja u mhux kif tireferi ghalija Daphne propoganda laburista, li kien grazzi ghalih li komplejt nistudja ax li kien ghal dan il gvern dittatorjat li jahdem ghas- sinjur bqajna injoranti. Imbghad ghandkom il wicc tigu tighdu li zammna injuranti. Skuzi imma injuranti intom ghax thallu lil gvern taghkom u cwiec bhal Daphne ipingulkom kollox ikrah.

    • Mhux pjaciri, drittijiet says:

      Matthew, halqna konna nalquh fi zmien ir-renju tat-terrur tas Salvatur/Traditur , ghax jekk nifthuh, konna naqilu xi bela gas tad-dmugh, transfer jew ex-ufficcio vendikattiv, xebgha min ghand shabna tax-xoghol jew min xi kriminal liebes uniformi jew nispiccaw immorru go pajjiz iehor ghax nispicca hawn minghajr xoghol jew post fl-universita.

      Jaqaw int xi pulit b’zewg kunjomijiet li trabbejt f”xi villa lussuza ta’ xi laghqi pulit u ipprivileggjat tar-regim ta’ zmien Mintoff?

      Ghalaq halqek int u ifthu biss meta xi hadd jafaslek il buttuna jew ticcargjalek il-batterija.,

    • ciccio says:

      Matthew, il-liberta tal-espressjoni ghandha tintuza biex tinbena generazzjoni Socjalista.

    • Mary says:

      Matthew no offence but just becuase someone is well off doesnt make them intelligent! Case in point Ms.Caruana Galizia because anyone with some sort of intelligence would not utter such disrespectful words but one cannot accept better from an arrogant low life like her.

      So don’t bother with her, ignore what she says because one day karma will come around and bite her ass!!

    • Mary says:

      Matthew no offence but just becuase someone is well off doesnt make them intelligent! Case in point Ms.Caruana Galizia because anyone with some sort of intelligence would not utter such disrespectful words towards anyone but one cannot accept better from an arrogant low life like her.

      So don’t bother with her, ignore what she says because one day karma will come around and bite her ass!!

    • Mary says:

      Matthew no offence but just because someone is well off doesn’t make them intelligent! Case in point Ms.Caruana Galizia because anyone with some sort of intelligence would not utter such disrespectful words towards anyone but one cannot accept better from an arrogant low life like her.

      So don’t bother with her, ignore what she says because one day karma will come around and bite her ass!!

    • Jo says:

      Hemm bzonn li l-istorja vera ricenti ta’ Malta tinketeb ghax mill-kitba ta’ bosta mintoffjani, jidher bic-car li dawn jafu biss dak li bellawlom il-kazini tal-lejbor. Il-hnizrijiet li twettqu dak iz-zmien ghalihom huma hrafa tan-nazzjonalisti.
      Nerga’ ntenni li zball kbir ta’ Eddie Fenech Adami – Prim Ministru xempju- kien li ghar-rikonciljazzjoni nazzjonali ma’ fethux proceduri krimanali kontra l-oxxenitajiet ta’ zmien Mintoff u KMB.
      B’rizultat li qed naraw fil-kummenti tal-mintuffjani li jhobbu jaqraw dan il-blog.

    • none says:

      seriously ?! i hope one day you’ll fall down the stairs straight up to rotten in hell ! u’re a one of a kind witch and it’s even more of shame to say that you are maltese ur’e one big shame of our country

  2. NOTMLPandproudofit. says:

    Are these people morons or what? reciting litanies, prayers and rosaries by the doorway of a man who was openly a heretic, an atheist and who stopped at nothing to deride religion at every occasion.

    It must be his idea of hell, and if he’s watching from the next world, he will feel pure contempt for those people. That they don’t know this shows that they worshipped a cardboard cut-out of whom they knew nothing.

    He didn’t believe in God, hated Catholicism, and will now be given a right royal send-off with all the religious trappings. It’s almost funny.

    • maryanne says:

      I have never seen him entering a church. Why is he going to have a religious ceremony? His own are the ones who should respect him first.

      Even this evening. Wenzu Mintoff, his nephew, was on Super One commenting. Is it possible that he didn’t have the good sense of wearing a shirt and a black tie? He wore a blue Tshirt as if it was some usual programme.

      • ALFREDC1 says:

        mela kull min imur il knisja qadis jew catolicu

      • L.Gatt says:

        He must be livid that he is being “dragged” into a Church. He hated God and swore against him in the vilest possible language (more or less using the same vocabulary of the comments on this blog),

      • Priscilla says:

        Y were u his follower 24/7?

        [Daphne – This isn’t your Facebook wall or anyone else’s, Priscilla. Stop using code and ciphers. It doesn’t hurt to type out ‘why’ instead of Y or ‘you’ instead of U.]

    • Ken il malti says:

      Don’t you know?

      Dom is now off to see the wizard, that wonderful wizard of Oz.

      • Yeled Shovav says:

        If he does get a full requiem send off, that’s just the kind of delicious irony he so richly deserves.

        The Church endures and ultimately (yep, I mean eschatologically) triumphs.

        There’s nothing better than a hollow victory. Hope the Archbishop enjoys it while it lasts.

    • Malteser says:

      You clearly don’t know your history. Mintoff remained a catholic even after everything he had to go through because of the Church. He comes from a very religious family and was religious himself.

  3. Beowulf says:

    Perhaps one of his supporters will send you to join him. One small step for man, one giant leap for the Maltese people!

    • La Redoute says:

      Or we could send him to County Antrim to join the resident leprechaun.

    • etil says:

      Mr. Tyrrell – is that how you percieve justice – wishful thinking Mr. Tyrell – your arguments give you away as to what type of person you really are. Stay in Ireland or Britain and comment on the situations over there.

      • James Tyrell AKA Beowulf says:

        First off I’m not mister fucking Tyrell although that ugly bitch you retards worship thinks I am. Secondly what type of person am I exactly? I care more about the country of Malta than any PN supporting bastard that lives there. The North of Ireland and Malta do have something in common though, they both have criminal bastards in their parliaments.

    • Grezz says:

      Beowulf, you are admitting what the bulk of his supporters are capable of doing. Yes, such is Mintoff’s legacy – Not quite something to be proud of, is it?

  4. Natanael Aquilina says:

    Please, tell me more about how you became mentally ill

  5. Dickens says:

    Perhaps we should be praying for him, after all. I mean, it’s thanks to him that we got rid of Sant’s government in 1998 and got into the EU in the 2004 intake.

    Will they be playing ‘Ma taghmlu xejn mal perit Mintoff’ at the state funeral?

  6. Qeghdin Sew says:

    I’m curious: how would you react to the Laburisti if they were to celebrate EFA’s death, whenever that happens (Ħadd wara Ħadd…)?

    [Daphne – They have no reason to do so. You fall into the fatal trap of stupidity: comparing people on the basis that they were both prime ministers. That is not the basis on which comparisons should be made. The basis for comparison is performance, achievements, consequences, end results and above all, personality, methods and character. If Mintoffiani say that Fenech Adami should rot in hell, they will only confirm the extremely poor judgement of those who vote Labour. Mine, on the other hand, is a considered opinion, and believe me when I say that it has been considered over years.]

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      They’re hardly saints, the both of them. One simply had the privilege that he was elected at a different time when, to use Bocca’s reasoning, democracy would have happened on its own anyway.

      [Daphne – You are unbelievable. Truly.]

    • Joshua says:

      You have fell into a trap long ago Ms.Caruana Galizia … more accurately you have fell into an abyss of despair which you call your method of journalism. You are a biased nationalist blinded by your perception of ‘good’ and scared of the big possibility of a future nation with a labour government leading it. You have lived in the past for too long and i think it’s about time you start living in the present. Until you start talking to people from all social classes I suggest you be careful how you use that venom injected tongue of yours because your words are seriously offensive to thousands of people who couldnt even afford a house, electricity, and food, and thanks To Dom Mintoff they managed to get on their feet and earn their daily bread and butter, have a roof over their heads and get food on the table. You may be ungrateful to him because knowing the family you came from you did not need such benefits but other people did and you are showing utter disrespect to them.
      P.S. if you think your level of english impresses all the nation it sure as hell does not impress me and many other people

      • Monte bello says:

        Yet here you are reading a blog that, I suspect, you had to wait to get through to.

        While feels obliged to omit negative comments on Mintoff’s life (and death), over here on this blog we find the balance.

    • Priscilla says:

      Was it now? Lol

    • Bormliza says:

      Hahahaha … and you think that EFA achieved more in his time as Prime Minister than Dom Mintoff….. Oh come on you ignorant witch !!!!

      Kompli uri l injoranza u hdura tieghek ta…

      Lilek l ewwel wahda Mintoff tak id dritt li tivota u qed tgawdi ic childrens allowance!!!

      Mela xiz zobb trid tgerger !!!

    • paul grant says:

      and who are you to compare achievements and consequences ? let the people decide, mela gejja tghid, they have no reason to do so (ara vera you are a dictator living in 2012), i already judged the pn li int tammira thanks to you ghax kif jghidu ma min rajtek xebahtek.

  7. Stephanie says:


    • sha says:

      inti qeda tghix hawn malta jeww ??
      fahhara naqa ohra ha tintefahh ..
      inthom in nazzjonalisti hodor kollhaa !! tghakom biss tajjeb ..

      • ta da says:

        Look at you guys – depicting Mintoff like a saint. Kemm qlajt fuq wicci jiena l-ewwel wahda.

      • Not Tonight says:

        Jien ili nghix hawn Malta ghal fuq minn hamsin sena.

        Ghixt taht Mintoff u l-marmalja tieghu ghal hafna snin. Rajt l-affarijiet b’ghanejja u missejthom b’idejja.

        Blajt il-gass tad-dmugh, thallejt barra mill-Università u ma qlajtx xebgha ktajjen ghax kont atleta tajba u rnexxieli nizgicca. U ahna hodor?

        Hadd ma kelllu jigdibli fuq il-passat kif jidhru li ghamlu lilek. Daphne ma qalet xejn li mhux il-verità sagrosanta.

    • Mario Demicoli says:

      Vera andkom wicckom bil hara. Lakontu tejxu u lanqas teziztu. Insejtu Kemm kien hawn guh u qad qabel ma tela mintof? Ghaliex ma tejdux li wasalna fen wasalna bissaha tijaw. Isthu u iktbu dak Id-diskors. Wicckom Miksi bil-hara blu u mux kannella

  8. Fox Daphne says:

    FOX KEMM ANDEK DAPHNE kemm inti kerha jaqqqqqq nahliflek li meta tmut inti jien inkun lewwel wiehed li nigi inbulek fuq il qabar ja QAHBA fxalata

    • rjc says:

      Now that’s positive criticism for you, Matthew Camilleri at the top of the page.

    • L.Gatt says:

      Of all the fancy language used, this has really lost me – what’s “fxalata”?

      • Grezz says:

        Presumably, he meant “qahba f’xalata”, a term which would probably befit the bulk of the Mintoffjani supporters here.

      • ciccio says:

        It is “qahba f’xalata.” It is the only concept of “xalata” Mintoffjani understand. Their moments of joy and aggression, and therefore their entire life, are all related to misogynstic sex.

    • IMHO says:

      Hemm intom il-Mintoffjani. Inkapaci tesprimu sentiment jew opinjoni minghajr ma xxandra l-injuranza taghkom. Mhux ta’ b’xejn ivvutajtu lil Mintoff u ghadkom tadurawh.

    • MMuscat says:

      My what a sly fox

    • Unknown says:

      Siehbi, qabel ma’ tinsulta u ggib ruhek ta’ injorant li int, nahseb ahjar tmur titghallem daqxejn skola ta’ ghax apparti li qed turi kemm int pastazz u ordnat, qed turi kemm int injorant. Tidher x’int siegheb!

      PS: Qed nikkwata kelmtek u mhux noffendik ghax jien ma naqax fil-livell baxx li waqajt int fih imma: “F’GHOXX KEMM GHANDEK” hekk tinkiteb u mhux “FOX KEMM ANDEK”! Ghax f’dak il-kas lil Daphe qed tghidila “Fox” li bil-Malti tfisser “Volpi”! =)

      • AntiDaphneandHerSon says:

        L-injoranza tispika f’xi hadd li kif jara kamera ta One tv Jidghi l inglizi ghax irida tal ‘Pepe’ u jura certu swaba. Imiskom tisthu familja galizia Nixtiqilkom kull deni li tixtieq lil haddiehor .


      • John says:

        ….u nikkwota tghid mhux nikkwata u kas tinkiteb kaz :P

      • Backwards country says:


        an ellipses is … not ….

      • Steve says:

        Anki int ghandek xi zbalji ortografici. Injorant iehor!
        * pastaz
        u ohrajn……

      • Chris says:

        kemm intkom injoranti basta triduha li tafu hafna intkom ‘fans’ ta dis sahhara u zbalji l’adocc tiktbu . get a life ja qatta imdejqin u ndannati .dil mibgheda li andkom go demmkom kollha tirifletti li andkom hajja frustrata u mdejqa, mil ghatba il gewwa u taraw kif ser tizvugaw l’indanazzjoni li tejxu fijha ma qrabatkom u tal familja!!!

  9. sha says:

    after what you writee people willl spent decades wishing that YOU GO TO HELL … FUCK OFF

    • IMHO says:

      Mintoff kien obligat li jmexxi il-pajjiz sewwa u minnflok halla l-injurant jirrenja. Li jkun ikkritikat huwa dritt u ta’ xejn toqghodu titajru ghax tikkonfermaw li biex trid tkun injurant biex tkun Mintoffjan.

      Il-hasra hi li kient zmaga u ma setax jara kemm kien sar irrelevanti.

    • Backwards country says:

      it is spend not spent

  10. Jason Mifsud says:

    Daphne Caruana Galizia, may I say that you are the lowest of the low celebrating the death of another human being. Just for the record, I am not a laborite or mintoffiani but rather an individual who can recognize in an unbiased fashion what the good and the bad is. Mr. Mintoff gave Malta the social benefits that everyone enjoys today.. free education, health benefits, paid sick leave, mandatory paid vacation.. all things that larger countries, such as the Americas, fail to provide. He did what was necessary at a time when Malta had nothing. He had pride for a country he loved dearly. I am not saying that he did no wrong, not in the least. When the validity of his politics were no longer in line with the growth and progress of the country, the people had their say and Malta moved on to the next stage of growth leaving behind the redundant leadership and ways. Having said this, without the ways instilled by Mr.Mintoff, Malta would not be what it is today and neither would eithermajor political party. You’re hatred for a man that helped form Malta as it is known today is ridiculous. Voicing your ‘opinion’ in a malevolent manner is purely inconsiderate unprofessional. Everyone knows how you love to be the one who stirs the pot with controversy. All you are showing is that you are an egocentric, disrespectful idiot. Now, if you are as anti-politically correct as you say you are, you will publish this unedited.

    Thank you.

    Jason Mifsud

    P.S.this is also being published on Facebook and several other blows and sites.

    [Daphne – Blows and sites, eh? Fifty shades of effing stupidity.]

    • JB says:

      Wow all that, and all you picked up on is a mis-typed letter. Seems as though, Jason Mifsud is so right that you have nothing to say to him other that he is stupid.

      I can really say that I really identify with Jason, because he said he is not laborite, so that either makes him a nationalist or a floating voter. Yet, still, he recognizes the good, that you never seem to acknowledge, that a laborite has done.

      I’m not a laborite nor am I nationalist. I weigh up both parties and decide for myself which party can best serve the public for the next 5 years.

      Stupidity is when a person follows a party like a religion, meaning that no matter what, you always vote for Party A and ridicule Party B, even though Party A has made more harm than good.

      Hating the other Party and preaching that hatred is a way of removing one’s freedom of opinion. Why should you hate the other Party? Have your own opinion, express it professionally and respect others opinion/s.

      I think that Malta, is overdue for a wake up call. Politics isn’t about pride that one’s party is in Government, that’s a bi-product. Politics is about the best way the country can move forward, regardless of from whom this best way comes from.

      Living and reciting the past hurts forward movement. When walking on a pavement and you look back, you start to deviate from your path. Politics is the same. You can learn from the past and move on or you can become fixated on it and stay living in the past.

    • Philippe Saliba says:

      Really Daphne? From the entire post, the few words which struck you the most were the last two where there was a genuine typo? How sad Daphne, I was expecting a harsh reply to what Jason said, but no, you decided to go low and show how stupid you can act and revert the attack on those words.

    • 101 says:

      The way you reply to posts like this clearly shows you have more than fifty shades of stupidity running through that ugly being of yours :)

      I believe in free speech, so I’m not gonna say you deserve a legal action or anything like that, but you surely deserve an illegal one, and probably you will!

      [Daphne – God bless you all, Laburisti. You don’t change, do you. Il-vera reklam sabih ghal Joseph u l-partit tal-progressivi. Maaa, x’hamallagni u vjolenza. Qabda criecer u total scum.]

      • 101 says:

        Insa il-politika ghal hames sekondi u hares naqa fil mera aa Gargamella, qed tiggudikani li jien Laburist minn zewg sentenzi li ktibtlek, jekk trid nibatlek il vot id-dar ruhi qalbi, just biex nurik kemm jimpurtani mil blu u l-ahmar.

        U haga ohra. Ghala qed idawwar il-kliem ta Gonzi? Wara li qrajt dan il-hmieg t’artiklu fittixt u sibt li l-kliem ta Gonzi ma kellu xejn “between the lines”! Mohhok biex tigbed l attenzjoni fuq dak l-ikrah, sfigurat wiccek :)

        hohoho, petizjoni ghal festa nazzjonali dak inhar li joqtlu lil din il-kankru jew?

      • marahazina says:

        u inti x tip ta reklam minalik li qed tamel lil gonzipn???.. x tistenna binti jekk ma tisthix tghid certu klim u taqa daqsekk fil baxx, li kulhadd ha jbaxxi rasu u jajdlek proset.. int tista tajd li trid u haddihor le???

        Int mara hazina u provokattiva u minalik li bli qed tamel ha titfa stampa hazina fuq il laburisti ax jajruk lura imma ftakar li dak li qed tamel int huwa hafna aghar u ma tantx qed iservi ta gid lill kap u l partit tijak…

      • Grezz says:

        I agree entirely, Daphne. Your blog should be made compulsory reading for all those floating voters out there.

      • Chris says:

        int vera riklam sabih ghan nazjonalisti daphne!! well done kompli sejra hekk halli imorru tajjeb ahna !!

    • Chris says:

      Can we please, once and for all kill this myth about free education being introduced by Mintoff. In 1971 I sat for my 11 plus exams to enter secondary school. I sat for the Lyceum exam (government and the St Aloysius exam. I won a scholarship to go to St Aloysius. My father preferred sending me to the FREE government school as it was far superior. Two years later i had to move to De La Salle as the state school had become the Hamrum Secondary school thanks to the new educational policies of the Labour Government. Seven years later the Labour Government dismantles the FREE University of Malta reduced to a poor second rate polytechnic. Mintoff’s advisor, Ralph Dahrendorrf, warns the then PM that this was a bad move and for his sins is declared Persona Non Grata. We are still feeling the benefit of that as many of our lecturers currently there are the result of that education and we have the sad situation of the blind leading the blind. So please can we stop this nonsense of free education.
      Free education at primary level was introduced in 1798 by the French. In 1847, elementary schooling was changed to the British model, schools were opened in every village and education was made free of charge. And to quote Wikipedia:
      “During World War I, the interwar years and World War II, widespread poverty in Malta prevented the children of the lower classes from pursuing basic education in favor of staying home to assist parents with agricultural work and other income earning activities. To counteract this phenomenon, education was declared compulsory in 1946. ” (Incidentally it woudl be Sir Paul Boffa who leads the Labour Party to victory in 1947!)

      Unfortunately from the type of comments you are getting here, a fat lot of good it did us, and for this i must blame the Nationalist Party. They had 25 years to sort things out and instead they screwed up so now we are faced with a nation of …. well your readers can fill in the blanks here.

  11. The other hatter says:

    Wow. Best birthday present EVER.

    Why just this morning I had a rather stark reminder of a few of Mintoff’s most enduring legacies: thievery, extortion and envy.

    My first email of the day came from an over holding tenant, whose lease, by the terms of its carefully drafted contract, expired some 18 years ago.

    In a two-line email replete with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, this so-and-so’s esteemed legal counsel sought to extort an unspecified sum from my family in exchange for the gift of what was always rightfully ours to begin with: the quiet enjoyment of our own property.

    RIP indeed. My only wish is that the Legions down below have had enough time to prepare a hero’s welcome for Dear Dom.

    • ciccio says:

      They did, although in the last couple of years they’ve had a few false alarms, so they might have been caught off guard.

  12. free your mind says:

    Stick to cooking recipes dear cause only in that field you are a little credible now a days!

    Have peace of mind if any trace of that left in you ,that all this aint coming from Mintoffiani or a laburisti ……it coming from someone with same party view but that simply got fed up of all this Hatred you go preaching……In each party there is good and bad…..Why dont you judge the same the politicians of today? Dont tell me that you dont get it that By voting people like Austin today, one gets Lorry days back from the past?

    • Not Tonight says:

      If you are comparing Lorry Sant to Austin Gatt, please have your head examined by a professional as soon as possible for your own safety and, more importantly, for the safety of others.

      Don’t bullshit us by claiming not to be a Laburist.

      Why are you all so ashamed of admitting it?

      Well, actually it IS something to hang your head in shame over so you’re quite right to hide it. You just need to do it better, much better.

      • Chantel Bruce says:

        i must admit there are thankfully very few bitter persons as your self. Why is it you can never be positive? why do you carry this hatred in your heart? I do understand from reading Franco Debonos blog that you have personal financial interests due to your family connections, but show some love and respect once in your miserable is not about grabbing you know..

      • Not Tonight says:

        Chantel Bruce, not that I believe for one second that that’s your name, but you have no idea who I am because I have absolutely nothing to gain financially through any of the gentlemen mentioned. Neither does any member of my family. I’ve never even exchanged one word with them EVER.

        And I’m only negative when it comes to Labour, because I have never witnessed anything positive in it.

        But maybe, you did not mean to put your comment under mine at all.

  13. P Shaw says:

    It’s about time that Joseph Muscat and his Imelda Marcos organize a few mourning sessions across the island, while Yana Bland rejoices over the millions of Euros she inherits.

  14. Rachel Catania says:

    Shame on YOU Daphne….

  15. OLD GUARD says:

    This is really gross. During the past years you manage to make a fool of yourself each time you write or talk. Keep it up. However this one really is top of the pops! I am sure that -contrary to these two gentlemen who at least made an impact to the way we are today – you will have a lonely death; shunned by everyone and most probably left to rot on site. You are already too dirty; arrogant and drowned in your sorry mind frame to be given a second thought. Enjoy the fact that you are and will never be anything in these two’s shadow.

  16. Adrian Gouder says:

    Daphne, I must admit my cultural and educational inhibitions disallow me in fact from speaking out about a dead person as blatently as you do. My bad. The bottom line is I feel the same way.

    It is so sad that people simply do not see the deep harm he and the monsters around him have done. What’s worse, some of them have still not taken responsibility and are still there, within the party, ready and able to do more harm.

  17. Vincenzo Gruppetta says:


  18. Randon says:

    Mintoff died as the next terrbile heat wave besets Malta and the Mediterranean.

    Fate has it that Italian meteorologists have dubbed this African heat wave with the name of ‘Lucifer’.

    Are you sure that Lucifer is slamming closed the dark gates or opening them wide open to roast us?

  19. Nico says:

    It isn’t like this man set up death camps. He was not a dictator… your posts are very extreme and disrespectful. Your only objective seems to be to agitate his supporters. You are doing a great job at that. Whatever Dom did, what you are doing here is not much better…

    Anyway, lets read between the lines shall we? He might have delayed certain development and made life a bit harder for a bit longer, but it isn’t like post-Mintoff Malta has done a great job without him. Instead of spending your time looking at the past maybe you should take a good hard look at what is happening today. Progress in Malta is still slowed by corruption and small-minded-thinking, you don’t seem to need Mintoff for that.

    Whatever your political views might be, he was a tough man with an iron will and he is and always will be an important part of the history and heritage of today’s Malta.

    • John C says:

      Ah no? Post-Mintoff Malta hasn’t done a great job without him.

      Go and look up some photos of the 80s and spot the difference. Ask your parents what they used to eat and wear and drive in the 80s, compared to what you do now. Ask them what job they had, and compare it to your job now.

      Blinkered thinking at its best.

  20. Ruth Muscat says:

    DCG inti vera mara ndannata u mdejqa bil-hajja. Ahjar tbiddel hajtek sakemm ghadek hawn.

  21. silvio says:

    He is dead.

    I know of some people who think that they now can sleep in peace, because the man they hated most is dead, forgetting of course that if it wasn’t for him, they would still be eating GUXIN like their fathers, and their mothers offering services to British sailors.

    Like any other he did things that weren’t popular, but we must admit some were necessary.

    Let us remember him for the LOVE he had for his country.

    Daphne, as you say, it could be there was no place for him in Hell, but this was because of the many others who arrived there before him.most of whom were considered as holy man while on earth and even had the cheek of having our fellow Maltese, burried in the Mizbla.

    All this, lest we forget.

    In spite of all his mistakes, let us remember him for the good he did and the more hate you show for this man, only reflects a very unstable mind, the cosequence of too much HDURA, with very serious effects on the proper functiong of the brain.

    (I hope you won’t consider this as not appropriate).

    [Daphne – Madonna, xi dwejjaq fik, Silvio. Jaqaw spiccajt taqra Fifty Shades? There are another two. Qisni jien il-wahda bit-tahwid go mohhi dwar il-politika, u mhux int.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Let’s have a group hug.

    • silvio says:

      Yes Daphne,actually I just finsihed reading it and I strongly recomend it to all those darlings who are either passing through their menopause or who are suffering the effects of the medication they have to take at this time in their life.

      It should also help those younger ones stop their day dreaming of easy richness and making them realise that they have to work really Hard for it, and I mean really hard.

      But all in all I think that you should go through it and see how lucky you are to have to cope with us who are a DWEJJAQ than having to pass through what she had to.

      I can assure that I have no TAHWID GO MOHHI because I am living in the present,not like some who can’t get away from the past . I am rather happy for you that the cause of most of your nightmares is now gone, and you now have to find another reason for your aggresivness.
      Take my advice and go for his funeral,if nothing else just to make sure he IS Burried .
      You will than feel FREE.

      [Daphne – Well, I expect nothing better from an admirer of Mussolini.]

      • silvio says:

        Daphne,from the way you answered my last two comments, I can feel that you are already more relaxed than usual.
        I’m really happy for you , and in calling me names and attributing to me, soemthings that are not facts, please feel free to continue, as long as it makes you feel more relieved,
        We are all here to help you.
        Keep it up.

        [Daphne – Silvio, how many times must I point out to you that your behaviour is totally out of order? Go and harass a woman your own age.]

      • silvio says:


    • Charles says:

      @ Silvio Let us remember him for the LOVE he had for MONEY

  22. ABZ says:

    jekk ghandek il-bajd ejja l-funeral…. qahba kollok…

  23. The truth? says:

    Daphne, why don’t you write a post of what happened during Mintoff’s time? maybe some people will maybe get a reality check.

    [Daphne – They’ll think I’m lying.]

    • ciccio says:

      “a post of what happened during Mintoff’s time”? It will take a whole series of books, with the last one saying “to be continued” to write about all the atrocities of the Mintoff government.

  24. George Cross says:

    May he reap in death what he sowed in life.

    I also hope that he has the opportunity to meet those that he sent to an early grave.

    [Daphne – They’re unlikely to be in the same place, if you believe that kind of thing.]

  25. Lomax says:

    I don’t celebrate Mintoff’s death because Mintoff has been dead and buried for years. Being a practising Catholic, I do look for solace in the scriptures and there is a passage which I’ve always associated with Mintoff:

    He hath shewed strength with his arm.
    He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
    He hath put down the mighty from their seat
    and hath exalted the humble and meek.

    (Luke 1:46-55)

    Mintoff has had the worst kind of death – the fade-into-oblivion death. He has had the worst kind of existence: being ignored and derided.

    Mintoff would have wanted to die at the height of his power, so he becomes a myth, a legend. Yet, he died at the ripe old age of 96, perfectly demented and at the centre of much speculation about how perfectly cuckoo he has become.

    Physical death is only nature’s way of ending our lives on earth. But the real death, that which really kills, is the death which we sometimes see in others. People who give up on life, people who despair, people whose dreams have been shattered and have no strength to move on, people, like Mintoff, who were power-hungry when alive but when that power was somehow taken away from them, well, they die.

    We all know people who are dead, even though their bodies are still alive. Mintoff was dead yet he kept on living. He must have hated being in that state. Frankly, he got the ending he deserved. He died powerless without any say in anything. Yesterday Joseph Muscat was SMILING when he speaking about Mintoff’s death. And no it wasn’t the smile of when we reminisce about a loved one after their death. It was another smile. It was the I-finally-got-rid-of-that-meddling-fool smile. He was giving an account of some anecdote of when Mintoff visited the PL headquarters some months (or years?) ago. Yet, Muscat couldn’t suppress a smile.

    Let’s turn that around. Would anybody smile on NET if Eddie Fenech Adami had to die today? Would anybody speak of anecdotes as though they were speaking about a cuddly, slightly-demented grandfather. We all know that the answer is “no”. Of course, people would tell anecdotes but they would not certainly speak of him as though he were a huge Forever Friends bear.

    My greatest satisfaction is not seeing him die. No. My greatest satisfaction is seeing that he had become a nobody. A person to be pitied. He was living in his own prison, here on earth. A meagre satisfaction when one thinks about all those lives he ruined, all those childhoods (amongst which mine) he tainted and tarnished with fear, persecution and oppression and all those hardships which the Maltese had to go through due to this alleged statesman.

    Hence, yesterday’s non-event is nothing but the coronation of thirty years or so living as a hermit, in the poverty he has built for himself (though having hoardedmillions ) and surrounded by memories of what has been but not what is.

    One last thing: I would love to write this on my Facebook profile. I would love to be able to use my name on this website. But I’m damn scared to do so because I know that Joseph’s approach to life as Prime Minister won’t be much different to Dom’s. Maybe he won’t have the suldati tal-azzar but things won’t be much different, as we already had occasion to see this year. This lingering fear, this fear of dread, this fear that one day we will wake up and find our little island run again by a gang of criminals, this is the ONLY real legacy of Mintoff. I saw young lawyers, yesterday on Facebook, people even younger than me (I’m 34), saying that they are the fruit of Mintoff’s policy. What a load of crap. If it were for Mintoff, only a handful would gain access to University and most probably they wouldn’t be on the list.

    No, Mintoff’s legacy is not education, or social welfare, or Airmalta, or anything else apart from fear and crass ignorance.

    For this I shall never forget him. Nor forgive him.

    • Work harder says:

      What are you ? What do u do ? What have you accomplished ? Most probably you have never made a mistake because … Let me tell you why … Because you don’t have balls to do anything .. Mention one politician who has only done good l…. The worst people are those who have only ever went to their 9 to 5 job did what they wer told to do . Please note spent 20 min from there time at work reading a blog … Get a life and try do something better than judging people …. If you think mint off will vanish I pity you when you will die …..

    • Antoniette says:

      Amen to that.

      • Antoniette says:

        I wanted my comment “Amen to that” to be a response for Lomax’s comment, That is who I was agreeing with and NOT with “Work harder”.

    • Artemis says:

      I note with interest your comment “I would love to be able to use my name on this website. But I’m damn scared to do so because I know that Joseph’s approach to life as Prime Minister won’t be much different to Dom’s”. You are right to be afraid. Be very afraid.

      From my personal experience of Joseph Muscat, and I mean personal face to face, not what I read in newspapers or watch on TV, he is not the man he projects himself to be.

      He pretends to be one thing but behaves as another.

      In my opinion he is not a statesman and not the leader that Malta deserves. Make of that what you will, but be warned.

  26. Maxi says:

    I will spit on your grave You fu##en Trans Whore.

  27. int mil liema razza gejt ja mignuna li ma ssibx min itik 2 tiri f mohhok

  28. L.Gatt says:

    Well firstly and most importantly, I have just realised we were born on the same day and year.

    [Daphne – My birthday is actually on Sunday.]

    As for Mintoff’s death – it leaves me totally indifferent. I so wished him dead many, many years ago when he made my country a hell to live in.

    Ironically, I am sure that Mintoff would himself have rather died during those years, in his full glory and when his death would have ignited strong emotions on both sides rather than die as another senile 96 year old who “finally kicked the bucket”.

    I wonder if he is swearing at you “up there” that you used his death to provoke his electorate out of their holes and bring their “finesse” to the frontal cortex of floating voters.

    Incidentally, his death made the Italian headlines as “Gheddafi’s close friend”

  29. S Borg says:

    Satan is rounding up his troops. First Mintoff, then Zenawi…

  30. Maria says:

    The Saviour or the traitor? of Malta has died……now everyone. Will be having good words to say about Dom!

    But can we ever forget the reign of terror during his time as Prime Minister and during the time of hs anointed successor KMB?

    So Maltese tax payers are once again going to fork out of their offers or another state funeral. Yes, he was PM, but does he really deserve a state funeral?

  31. Julia S. says:

    Well done Daphne! I think you are one of the few persons in Malta who has the balls and knowledge to say what is true.

  32. John says:

    The ironic thing is that whatever ugly happens to you, people around you will all celebrate (not just one blogger) You have all right to express yourself, but doing so, you’re creating a lot of enemies, and you just love that. What I pity is that you use your intelligence the wrong way, and you are really intelligent, honest.

  33. Bob says:

    Obliqati nibkbuk bhal x’Kim Il Sung? Tghid mhux ser nahli minuta – bkejna fis-70ijiet, illum nifirhu.

  34. canon says:

    Many happy returns of the day Daphne. It seems that your blog is more popular with the Laburisti than with the Nazzjonalisti. Today it is dedicated to the book “Duminku Mintoff professur tad-demokrazija Ghalliem u Mexxej”.

  35. Jiddispjacini biss nara nies jitbaqbqu fuq dak li tghid Daphne. Ghadkom ma drajtuiex? It’s the only thing she knows how to do…. Stir shit and create controversy in order to get attention, and the more attention she gets the more satisfied she is. Pure Indifference is exactly what she deserves. Let her choke quietly in her own raged blood.

  36. SPAM says:

    The cherry on the cake – on Times of Malta

    M Damato

    Today, 09:12

    and I would add:
    Every Maltese citizen who dreamed in seeing Malta in the EUROPEAN UNION, ultimately are indebted to him as well.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:


      Wow. Just wow.

      • yor/malta says:

        Sadly ironic but true , he toppled A Sant in parliament and following the election that confirmed Sants ‘demise the Nationalists were able to get on with the job of joining the EU , maybe that was his plan all along !

    • ciccio says:

      Next on Labour’s propaganda:


  37. Daid Farrugia says:

    this article is disgusting at the very least. i was never a mintoff fan, i actually dislike him quite a bit, but come on some respect for the deceased. you are a horrible person

  38. Daniel Camilleri says:

    Ma nafx kif ma tisthix. Tghid li ma ghamel l-ebda gid. As if you did gid in Malta. Jekk inti daqshekk tiehu pjacir li Malta qedgha fl-EU, kieku minghajr Mintoff, kieku ghadna parti mill-Ingilterra u Malta bilkemm tissemma.
    Ghal inqas meta Mintoff miet, ghal l-inqas f’qalbu qal li Malta mexxieha quddiem. Int meta tmut qas biss taf x’ghamilt f’hajtek ghax hlief tghajjar lil dak u lil l-iehor m’ghamiltx bhal wahda mahruqa.
    Taf min hu l-ikbar injorant, min lest li jilghaq partit u tant kemm thalt fiha, li lest lanqas biss tahseb fil-gid li ghamel bniedem bhal Mintoff. He did a lot of bad things (no one is perfect) imma mhux tghid li ma ghamel xejn tajjeb!

    • Not Tonight says:

      Go study your history. It was Mintoff who wanted Malta to be part of England (ever heard of integration). Mintoff was against independence (it was the PN who got us our independence) and against EU membership.

      Malta’s close friends under Mintoff were Libya’s Ghaddafi, Romania’s Ceausescu, North Korea’s Kim il Sung etc.

      If Mintoff had had his way, we’d be in a dictatorship. It didn’t materialise because he found stiff opposition before he made a final move – and believe me, we were very close to it.

      And if Mintoff had had his way, we wouldn’t even have internet. Mintoff mistrusted technology, especially the kind that would give us world-wide communication. Internet would definitely have violated the infamous law of “indhil barrani”.

  39. Andre says:

    Xi dwejjaq. I’m so sick and tired of people being polite about that rancid old bastard.

    Why are they getting so hung up? If he’s the salvatur, he’ll rise again after three days. He hoodwinked them into that too. Xeba moghoz.

    I’m expecting Mary Spiteri to sing a Maltese version of “Candle in the Wind” – perhaps she can call it “Insellmulek Warda Maltija”.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Lyrics alert!

      Goodbye Salvatur
      Jalla tikber f’qalb il-Maltin
      Int kont id-dawl tal-haddiem
      Fi zmien id-dlamijiet.

      U hlist lil dal-pajjiz
      Mill-hakma kiefra tal-barrani
      Issa tlajt fis-sema
      U l-poplu jibkik mill-art.

      U jidhirli jien, li hajtek ghext
      Bhala t-tarka tal-haddiem
      Dejjem tahdem favur il-Malti, sakemm tajtu il-Helsien
      U l-istatwa li se jibnulek
      Magenb id-Dockyard No. 1
      Se tghatti x-xemx ta’ nofsinhar
      B’par bocci mill-kbar.

      Goodbye Salvatur
      Issa ghar-rebha ilkoll flimkien
      Inzommu t-torca u il-maktur
      Imbaghad nifqghu kullimkien.

      Lanqas jekk jghaddu s-snin
      Ifahhruk dawn il-Maltin
      Ta’ kull kulur u sengha
      Hlief xi indannati ghajjurin.

      U jidhirli jien, li hajtek ghext
      Bhala t-tarka tal-haddiem
      Dejjem tahdem favur il-Malti, sakemm tajtu il-Helsien
      U l-kotba tal-istorja
      Se jghannu l-grajja ta’ gens glorjuz
      Immexxi dejjem mill-Perit
      Bil-linfa tal-hadid.

  40. Paul Smith says:

    DCG – Your arrogance, obnoxiousness, and disrespect knows no limits – you can never be regarded as a person or a respected blogger – you are literally doing character assassination to yourself.

  41. Marie says:


    You don’t really deserve this propaganda. I only checked your blog because everyone is raving about how awful you are and I shouldn’t have even bothered checking to be honest. What a waste of time! Anyways, yes I have and all I can read is hatred.

    You are not getting to Mintoff but you are hurting his loved ones who are mourning his death. One day maybe you will understand. Please stop instilling hatred and pain … those times are over and today we are bearing the fruit of all good and bad of past governments.

    • Fusellinu says:

      Mintoff in his heyday hurt our loved ones and with gusto too.
      Or dont you get it,.you brainwashed spoilt little prat?

  42. Brian*14 says:

    Thirty-six years too long.

  43. Mike says:

    Dear Daphne, death comes to us all and before it comes to you (hopefully sooner rather than later) know this, you are actually their daughter, they both screwed your mama’ and since they both were evil, the result was you…….evil ++++++

    • Maximus Aurelius says:

      This comment obviously makes a lot of sense! U le……….x’hasra ta poplu sar fina.

      • mattie says:

        ‘x’hasra ta poplu sar fina’.

        Il-poplu minn dejjem hekk kien, iz-zejt jibqa johrog.

      • Mike says:

        What do you expect Maximus? What I’ve read here today exceeds by far all limits. So I am assuming you agree with what she wrote hux hekk.
        Yes people suffered under his rule but haven’t others too under others and perhaps even today.

  44. mattie says:

    Ejja, forsi ma tafx kif, bit-tbatija kollha li hawn f’Malta, halla xi haga ghall-fqar.

  45. Brian*14 says:

    @Beowulf/James Tyrell

    One giant leap for the Maltese people would be when you scurry back to County Antrim.

  46. Kyle says:

    If there’s a bigger cunt in Malta, it’d be you. Satan can’t wait till your death. Hell’s waiting Daphne.

  47. Bunny Rabbit says:

    Bye-bye, Dom. Give our best regards to Gaddafi, Saddam, Kim il Sung, Nicolai Caucescu, Tito and all your other friends and admirers.

  48. Antoine Vella says:

    This is turning out to be a long hot summer but if anyone finds this kind of heat intolerable, give a thought to poor old Dom.

  49. Maximus Aurelius says:

    The Mintoffjani’s response to your words about Mintoff, Daphne, is to swear and threaten you. Old habits die hard, I guess, or maybe they’re just following in their Great Leader’s footsteps.

    Another common trait is that their English is appalling. Imnalla ried l-integrejxin ma’ L-Inglizi is-Salvatur!

  50. ConDom says:

    Tghid hadhom mieghu il-flus tal-war damage riservati ghal bini mil-gdid tat-tejatru l imqwaqqa’ li ghebu fi zmien meta kien ministru tax-xoghlijiet?

  51. Stefan Aquilina says:

    Like him, Dom, that is, you seem to have turned into a bitter crazed villian. Ironically your progression in the Maltese journalistic World seems to parallel his Political life, great to the downright ridiculous. His of course was much longer career and also infiltrated the international sphere with a bang. For that alone he should be given respect as a Maltese leader. Unfortunately, I believe you never came to terms with what being Maltese is all about, no Malteser that lives on the island really has. It s as much as being able to read between the lines as being coarse and fat and many other things. If you want to blame someone then blame the Catholic church for never allowing you integration. Regards, Stefan

  52. Dale Vella says:


  53. n says:

    taf x’naf inghid? li bin nejk u l hara kollu li ghandek li tahseb li inti xi oht alla ax gejja minn familja nazzjonalista, jien ghadni qatt ma rajt bniedem aktar injorant/a u pastaz/a aktar minnek. tridix tal pulita ukoll. purcinella. vera injoranta u baxxa.

    [Daphne – Jien miniex gejja minn familja Nazzjonalista. Turi li ma taf xejn dwari, basta trid titkellem.]

  54. Paperon Dei Paperoni says:

    Lord ZERO, the hero of the ”workers’ aristocracy” joins the fray;

    At least he can now rest assured that he no longer will be called upon to pay the old miser’s utility bills when the equally miserly miser’s daughters refuse to do so.

  55. Daniel Camilleri says:

    Ma nafx kif ma tisthix. Tghid li ma ghamel l-ebda gid. As if you did gid in Malta. Jekk inti daqshekk tiehu pjacir li Malta qedgha fl-EU, kieku minghajr Mintoff, kieku ghadna parti mill-Ingilterra u Malta bilkemm tissemma.
    Ghal inqas meta Mintoff miet, ghal l-inqas f’qalbu qal li Malta mexxieha quddiem. Int meta tmut qas biss taf x’ghamilt f’hajtek ghax hlief tghajjar lil dak u lil l-iehor m’ghamiltx bhal wahda mahruqa.
    Taf min hu l-ikbar injorant, min lest li jilghaq partit u tant kemm thalt fiha, li lest lanqas biss tahseb fil-gid li ghamel bniedem bhal Mintoff. He did a lot of bad things (no one is perfect) imma mhux tghid li ma ghamel xejn tajjeb!

  56. Black Humour says:

    What do you think Dom Mintoff would be doing if he stayed alive for the next twelve months – writing his memoirs? Advising Muscat?

  57. Demis says:

    you’re such an ignorant snob , better thank MIntoff for giving women fundamental rights , and giving you all a right to vote , so shut up and have some respect !

    • IMHO says:

      Smart, aren’t you? Your sort are the reason the rest of us celebrate. We can say exactly what we think. And it’s no thanks to Mintoff.

    • rjc says:

      Stupid ignorant Labourites continue to disseminate this fable.

      The vote for women was granted by the British colonial government in 1947 under the MacMichael Constitution.

      At that time Labour was under the leadership of Boffa. So Mintoff had nothing to do with the vote for women… and stop trying to rewrite history the MLP way.

  58. L.Gatt says:

    My God ! They organised a VIGIL for him, with candles, rosary beads and pictures of Padre Pio.

    Something tells me that, given the choice, he would have preferred the treatment given to his friend Gaddafi to the vigil!

  59. Francesca says:

    Dear Daphne,

    What you wish to others …….. !!!!

    I hope you got the message.

  60. Lorna saliba says:

    God rest his soul but lest we not forget:

    This is the man who betrayed the Maltese, stood up to the British on Gaddafi’s instructions to remove naval bases here in Malta only to turn us into a Libyan satellite. He forced us to adopt green passports, written in Arabic which allowed Malta to harbour PLO and other terrorists en route to planting biombs in Continental Europe. he made arabic compulsury at secondary level and force fed us libyan propaganda, we even had Gaddafi’s phoos hanging in Governemnt departments.

    This was the salvatur who aligned himself to Caucescu, Chairman Mao the North Koreans having his foreign minister AST sign a secret treaty for Arms dealing with this country. he even went non to make Malta a safe harbour for the Soviet fleet.

    Mintoff was instrumental in turning malta into a hostile nation and destroyed every concept of democracy. He fuelled deprivation and scarcities and in spite of our high utility bills to-day we open the taps and find running water as opposed to endless dry summers. He was the man who invested in second hand telephone systems when one would lift his receiver and listen into six or seven different conversations. Stalin, Hitler Pol Pot and Idi Amin too were great leaders, but all for the wrong reasons!!

    The gas tad-dmugh some readers mentioned also happened during the time when he was governing this country against the public will, the burning and ransacking of the Curia by his appointed designate leader and the Aristocracy of the working class:

    While Daphne might have come on strongly, at least she has the guts and openness to say what she feels instead of the usual hypocritical bullshit our media and politicians try to feed us!

    • Malteser says:

      I think you’re confusing ‘guts and openness’ with obnoxiousness and rudeness …..not to mention the fact that she is abusing her right to freedom of speech by being disrespectful .

      [Daphne – Yes, Laburisti tend to think that way. They still can’t come to terms with freedom of speech.]

  61. Helen Cassar says:

    Former Labour Prime Minister Alfred Sant has expressed his deep condolences to the Mintoff family for the loss of Dom Mintoff, describing him as a “monumental figure”.

    Issa m’ghadux traditur?

  62. Maria says:

    Dear Daphne,

    What you wish to others …… !!!!!

  63. Tony says:

    Jien qatt ma rajt JAQQ il kwalita tieghek f’hajti.

  64. Mhux Affarik says:

    Ghajjar lin-nies dwarves ta Cruella De Ville.

    [Daphne – Obviously a fake comment. Dwarves? Tsk tsk. Next time write ‘dwarfs’ or ‘nani’. And in any case, the word I use is midget. Also, the horde of Facebook peasants currently swarming in here haven’t a clue who Cruella de Ville is, let alone how to write her name. Try harder.]

  65. Luca Spiteri says:

    What makes you so angry and hateful? The fact that he achieved so much and managed to have a massive percentage of the population follow him and admire him? while you are hated by even nationalists like myself ? You have made yourself very transparent to the Maltese Nation and accuse so many of doing wrong, but stop and think about what you have shared with the world today, and ask yourself how you are any different? I am sure you are a true role model to all your family members just as I read below on FB

    Maria Caruana Galizia- I am sure whatever she has written it will just make the lives of our family members in Malta worse. I’ll never be able to return :(

    There you have it Daphne, so proud ay?????? The day you die, your family members will not only have to deal with the pain of your death, but also with the amount of people displaying their hatred and happiness towards the tragic moment publicly.

    Shame on you.

    [Daphne – The only Caruana Galizias who are members of my family are my husband and sons. This might be a little difficult for you to understand, given that you actually believe it is my family name. Also, you are clearly incapable of registering irony, so leave it at that and don’t bother with the ‘ara anke tal-familja qed jghidu biha’ rubbish. It should strike you as obvious that if my sons can return to Malta, then so can my husband’s cousin’s daughter. It should also occur to you that what she is speaking of here is fear of Laburisti hodor and what they might do, so you shouldn’t be boasting about it.]

    • Mhux Affarik says:

      I am sure that whatever might happen to them if they come to Malta will be ALL BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU WROTE. So, I do hope that they also read your blogs, and here I will ask them to thank Daphne Caruana Galizia, for any negative attitudes the Maltese population has against them, thanks to her hateful and retarded blog posts.

    • Luca Spiteri says:

      Daphne, if your relatives could not come to Malta because of the followers of the Labour Party, then you would be six feet under by now…trust me on this. If you are still alive and kicking, then I am sure they will be too! Trying to twist words around will not gain you one ounce of respect… want to attack everyone who even posts on your blogg, well that is the reason you make these posts is it not? Lets face it how many people on here are actually agreeing with your shameful and horrible comments? This is not about politics, this is about the hatred and lack of respect towards a person’s family members who at this time are grieving the loss of a loved one, but you of course have to look down on everyone from your imaginary high horse calling everyone around you ignorant……well since you are the only intelligent one around here, why are you not running for prime minister? oh wait sorry, you would generate less votes than Norman Lowel!! …

    • Shame! says:

      Have you got a husband?? You witch!!!!!!!!

    • Chris says:

      ara vera kull min jgholli idejh andu xi jxomm ta’ !!! ahjar tiehu postok u tinzel minn fuq dak il pedestall tal kartapesta li minalik qeda fuqu!!

  66. Maria says:

    Dear Daphne,
    What you wish to others …… !!!!!

  67. Ganna says:

    Din tal-vot hija banali. Qabel il guerra madwar id-dinja kollha hekk kienu: in nisa m’ghandhomx vot.

  68. Mhux Affarik says:

    Are you seriously that stupid? Get yourself an english dictionary and see if it’s Dwarves or Dwarfs.

    [Daphne – My, another one who thinks literally. Why don’t we gather them up all together and use them to fulfil Joseph’s land reclamation dream?]

    And who are you calling a peasant? Since when were you considered ‘royal’ in our country? Or do you need a definition of a ‘peasent’ as well?

    No-one supports your comments, no-one supports your ideas. As for what I am commenting, I’m sure that thousands of Maltese people agree with me, so that already makes me more respected than you.

    A one-man army is not an army, Daphne. And seriously, if you relatives support your comments, I really do feel pity for them.

    [Daphne – Of course thousands of people agree with you, my dear. I was around when they voted the bugger into government, remember. And I’m still around now, when they’re planning to vote in his Empty Man successor. Thousands of people agreeing with you is not a judgement on the quality of your opinion. This is not a Eurovision Song Contest: vote for the opinion you like most.]

    • Mhux Affarik says:

      Well actually it is, Daph.

      We vote, the majority wins. It’s exactly like Eurovision.

      [Daphne – I’m talking about my website, not a general election. And don’t reveal your inferior background by addressing me as ‘Daph’. That’s for friends and family only. But then why am I surprised? Look at the rest of what you write. Kemm hawn hamalli f’Malta, marelli – an absurdly disproportionate number.]

      And the last time I checked my Math, thousands are far greater than one. So either you’re an idiot surrounded by people with common sense, or you’re the only one right and we are all stupid (which I highly doubt).

      For one thing, being at your position and posting such comments, clearly shows your level of literacy and social skills.

      I am not qualified to say this, but if I were you friend, I would encourage you to seek some medical attention with regards to mental challenges, just to make sure there isn’t a lose bolt up there or anything :)

      PS: I sincerely hope that there is still some humanity left in you, Daphne. I am sure that were you to admit what is really troubling you and seeking consolidation from your friends will help you live a better life. And please, don’t bother telling me that what you do makes you happy…

      • Grezz says:

        It’s not “exactly like Eurovision”. Your vote at a general election has the power to change lives, mine included. To hell with Eurovision.

      • Mhux Affarik says:

        Why am I considered a ‘hamallu’ ? That’s what you call anyone that shows you their disapproval of your ideas and perspectives.

        [Daphne – No, it’s a name used for people who use the sort of language and communication style that you favour.]

        And about the ‘Daph’ – it’s either friends, family, or people I don’t give a damn about what they want me to call them.

        Be grateful that I am still addressing you by at least half your name. If only you were able to have the amazing and high class background that I have had, Daphne. So, don’t even try to think of me as inferior to you.

        [Daphne – Tghidli xejn. If you were really from that sort of background, you wouldn’t call yourself ‘high class’ (an expression used only by those who are not) and in any case, your speaking and writing voice would be roughly similar to mine, and certainly not this.]

        You are the inferior one here. A PEASANT, a low life, a depressed woman, probably as a result of her kids abandoning her, and yes I said it, (qed inkun vojt, imma haqqek kull kelma).

        [Daphne – You are infantile and immature. I suggest that before you discuss politics, you develop a political opinion and try growing up. Otherwise, you are at grave risk of becoming Franco Debono. I suggest you abandon your mother and try living, studying and working in foreign parts. It will do you the world of good. You are currently at a serious disadvantage. Some further advice: depression is usually to be found among women who don’t work, and it is entirely normal for men in their mid to late 20s to leave home. It is worrying if they don’t. Look at Franco Debono, the end result of a culture that seeks to keep its sons in the nest until they marry.]

        U le, m’inhiex mintoffian u lanqas laburist, anzi nemmen fil partit nazzjonalista bi kbir, imma xorta ma rridx li jkollok x’taqsam maghna! Int hela ta arja!

      • Mhux Affarik says:

        I sometimes think about abandoning my mother to become slightly more independent, but then I look at you and see what you’ve become after your son abandoned you, and I get rid of the thought immediately :)

    • TinaB says:

      Typical mentality:

      When sons and daughters do not leave home because they are getting married but simply because they are mature and independent enough to be able to live on their own, they are abandoning their parents.

      Ma, x’injoranza ta’ nies.

  69. Mhux Affarik says:

    Oh and by the way, here’s a url to an image of who Cruella de Ville is, so your blog viewers can relate to my comparison of you and the character.

  70. Veronica Bonnici says:

    Oh my oh my how terrifying to be reminded that we all have the same vote. Thank you Daph for calling a spade a spade.

  71. Paul Jonson says:

    I have spent all morning reading all these posts and it all makes me laugh. So what? Daphne called him a prick, a bastard etc.

    She has her reasons and she’s allowed to express herself.

    She is right about one thing though, you Labour supporters are still the same.

    Violence is the only answer for you and when Labour win the next election (which I think they will) wait and see what happens.

    Well done, Daphne – you have said exactly what thousands of other Maltese are thinking but maybe are afraid to say out loud. Now let’s just bury him and talk about something more interesting, you know, like gardening perhaps.

  72. PR says:

    Did you see the expression on the face of Muscat when he appeared on One last night giving comments on the death of Mintoff?

    I found it rather disturbing that he was not capable of wiping his smirky smile off his face when as leader of the Labour Party he was expected to give his comments in a sombre fashion.

    He just does not know how to rise to the occasion and act in a solemn manner.

    He is incapable of behaving as a serious, mature adult, let alone have the gravitas to be our Prime Minister.

    • ciccio says:

      Muscat is taking as much political mileage from this as possible. Thank Goodness we are not in the electoral campaign.

  73. Stella says:

    The amount of fervent Mintoffjanizmu I have seen on Facebook is, frankly, quite annoying. As you said, they are merely repeating what they have been taught by their elders about how great their ‘dear leader’ was.

    Yet your anti-Mintoffjanizmu is just as fervent as theirs, and to make it worse, it is spiked with a particularly strong dose of venom. For your sake rather than anyone else’s, know that you sound just as infantile as the Mintoffjani.

    Just saying.

    [Daphne – Ah, but the crucial difference is that you know I’m not.]

    • Stella says:

      I know you’re not as infantile? I do?

      Sorry still not so sure about that, even after re-reading all your articles regarding this topic.

      Anyway I don’t think I’ll be getting my point across any time soon now, even if I tried. Won’t waste your/my time any more now.

  74. ciccio says:

    In between the lines:
    Mr Mintoff was a leading divisive personality in Maltese public life from the end of the Second World War right up to the end of the twentieth century. His work had profoundly adversely marked recent political, economic and social history. His commitment and determination led to major disastrous developments which marked Malta and Gozo.

  75. citizen says:

    I know nothing in politics. when I hear your name I taught you were a MP or something . I always imagined you as one of those high class people. but after reading your post I think you are a low life that can only get fame by offending people. to be fair I agree with what you said but to go public on the day of his death is stupid. if you call the laburisti hamalli u slavagg you must be the biggest laburista of all . maybe your next post should be why you attacked him and his family personally .

  76. Abil says:


  77. Daphne Caruana Galizia il liba kera says:

    nira tmut ja liba int u dak il barri missierek foxx kemm andek nira jaqbdek cancer f”rasek ja bott liba

  78. mlt says:

    Lanqas lill-ikbar ghadu li jixtieqli kull deni ma nitkellem hekk fuqu li kellu jispicca taht l-irhama.

    Turi kemm inti mara bla rispett.

    Apparti minn hekk ma nifilhekx aktar twaqqa’ l-partit ghac-cajt.

  79. Ruben says:

    Daphne it is not nice to say such words about dead people. Behind closed door and on your blog you say and write what ever you want. People said that you have got balls of steel. Why you and you son go to Dom Mintoff Statal funeral and say what you are writing in public in front of the people attending the funeral . Then you can decide if you ball are of steel or not but for sure you haven’t got the guts to show yourself .

  80. Maria says:

    Toqghod tajjar lil Laburisti hamalli believe it or not inti wahda minnhom !!!

  81. Catsrbest says:

    Let me make it clear to all that I totally agree with what you write about the ‘poisoned dwarf’ – u mela ggant jew – u jekk hu kien ggant, allura int Daphne tigi Gulija. Kulhadd jafha l-istorja kif spiccat.

  82. XxX says:


  83. Tinnat says:

    Daphne, it’s truly shocking to see how your posts have revealed the true colours of these people. Many of them are experts in colourful insults, unbelievably vulgar, violent and capable of puerile arguments only.

    They also suffer from long-term memory loss, or they are truly gullible, and, to top it all, they are horrible spellers of both Maltese and English. Oh, and what a sweet surprise to see that they do read your posts after all!

    • Priscilla says:

      You’re soooo intelligent though aye lol impressive

    • Priscilla says:

      These ppl can sound violent rude and vulgar when provoked but they have a heart. Gullible? Hardly. Not as much as you. 25 years is not enough to ensure your mental state is fine

      [Daphne – They are violent, but they have a heart: the cliched whores with hearts of gold and mobsters who raise funds for children with cancer. Ajma.]

      • Tinnat says:

        Darling Priscilla, I LIVED through the dark times as a child. No one had to feed me lies to make me gullible.

  84. *1981* says:

    Hope you are safe Daphne… these people are nuts!

  85. maryanne says:

    Now I know why Joseph Muscat wants a second university. All the Laburisti commenting here will be applying for a degree in the Faculty of Creative Swearing.

  86. L.Gatt says:

    As I said previously Mintoff’s death does not move me one way or the other. People’s reactions on Facebook have however been very enlightening.

    First of all, the people who have condemned you and even publicly condoned the vile comments posted on your blog were mainly Lawrence Gonzi and NP arse lickers who occupied important posts under the Nationalist government and are now smelling a change.

    I suspect they took the opportunity to publicly switch allegiance.

    One of these even went as far as saying “you will be missed perit”. Knowing who these people are, I find them even more disgusting than the Faculty of Creative Swearing (good one Maryanne) students. The latter know no better.

    Secondly, I have cleaned my Facebook list. Someone actually blocked me because in her opinion you should be “banned from having a blog” and I stated that her comment was worthy of the most autocratic totalitarian State.

    For that alone she “blocked” me from her friend’s list.

    I never knew her personally she was just a member of a common network – but still. See democracy and tolerance are concepts which these people do not understand. Another person lashed at me stating that I am “unworthy of my profession”- why? Because I said that the lurid comments on your blog prove that the Mintoffjani have not evolved.

    Insomma all this to say that the debating skills of the Maltese do not go beyond hurling insults, sulking, taking umbrage and “blocking” you from their precious Facebook list.

    Unfortunately, nothing has changed since the Mintoff days when I used to be called a qahba and worse because I’d buy the Nazzjon Taghna and walk with it in hand in the street.

    The hypocrisy is unbelievable. They are all shocked that you insulted a dead man – because people become saints and merit respect as soon as they take their last breath! Since when? Why?

    When Scalfaro died recently the press (let alone blogs) lashed out big time not hesitating to remind people that he was linked to Aldo Moro’s assassination. I don’t remember any sort of public outrage and against the journalists or bloggers or suggestions that they should be banned from using the internet (?) and, let’s face it, in Italy double standards are not exactly lacking, but Malta takes the prize. What can I say? Un f#####ing believable.

    [Daphne – The people you mention are not Nationalist Party supporters being hypocritical about Mintoff. They are closet Mintoffiani being honest about Mintoff because at last they feel able to do so. You are only surprised because you don’t know the family history of many of them. The assumption is always that if somebody is a ‘pulit’ or tal-pepe or similar, then he or she is PN. Wrong. I grew up Stella Maris parish, Sliema, where most people voted Labour. So I’m more perceptive about these things. You don’t jump to Mintoff’s defence out of the blue, or stick your neck out to slag me off just to defend Mintoff, unless there’s Mintoff history in your background.]

    • L.Gatt says:

      Yes, you are probably right.

      However I do not think “blood” is the point.

      The point is that these people who are my age and suffered as much as I did during the Mintoff days should know better than to post “Sahha Perit, you will be missed!”

      Whether they are being hypocrites now or were putting on a mask at the front line of NP mass meetings in the eighties, the point is they are still double faced opportunists.

  87. diplomatic citizen says:

    I usually ignore your ignorant attitude but this article is something each intelligent citizen who has at least a basic knowledge of our history would criticise you about. I would like to start by answering Maryanne’s comment : “August 21, 2012 at 6:12 pm
    Now I know why Joseph Muscat wants a second university. All the Laburisti commenting here will be applying for a degree in the Faculty of Creative Swearing.” by informing you that i’m a laburista who has just graduated from Saint Aloysius college and has just applied for a degree in the Faculty of Education and not as stated in the comment previously mentioned.
    The problem with you and a lot of other nationalists is the fact that you pretend you’re untouchables and the einsteins of this island whereas you’re just as crap as you are insinuating each of us mintoffjani is. A person who has studied and graduated which i assume you did otherwise you must have gained your position through corruption like many other people did in the past 25 years , would be aware that this article is shameful especially since you’re talking about a dead person who can’t defend himself and it’s not just a common dead person it’s an ex prime minister who granted you and your mother with children’s allowance, health benefits, the right to vote and free health and education.
    People like Mintoff bother you and bothered other nationalists in the past because he was against corruption and wanted equality for all and he surely wouldn’t have allowed a 16 year old accused by illegal substances get it over and done with because as far as I know these things are happening on our island at this moment right ??
    The last thing I want to advise you about is not to point your fingers at others and accusing us laburisti of being hamalli because as far as i’m concerned it’s better to tell somebody “foxx ommok” rather than calling a dead person “prick” and wishing to “spit on his grave and break open the champagne before he is bured”. Thanks

  88. Claire says:

    As a child of the 70s and 80s I totally get where Daphne is coming from.

    I find the name calling and threats disturbing and I am genuinely curious to know what good Mintoff did as my personal experience is such that I remain forever scarred by the stuff I witnessed in my childhood thanks to the Salvatur/traditur.

    Eddie Fenech Adami himself pointed out the good done by Mintoff and I am seriously baffled now. EFA of all people? Am I missing something here, is it just EFA rising above partisan politics and being a statesman or is there a hint of truth somewhere?

    Will somebody ever write an unbiased account of Mintoff’s times and legacy.

    I read this blog because it reflects my own experience of those times. For the sake of balance I’d love to read different views but I have yet to find any other credible source and perhaps the truth is that anybody singing Mintoff’s praises is simply not credible to begin with.

    I genuinely believed the PL under Jospeh Muscat was going to reform the marmalja but sadly all he did was present Mintoff’s daughter as a star candidate and cosy up to the corrupt figures of the 80s.

  89. Moseph Juscat says:

    Nice work Daphne! Always getting stuff spot on!

    And how all the Labour people used the word ‘cress’ extensively in their posts, made me wonder, Daphne, you are now teaching them new words.

    Well, after all, if only he lived in his own era where he could possibly have been shot, killed by worry, and left neglegted by poverty instead of dying peacefully in a bed, and being treated by the best surgeons and what not, to cater for him in a comfy bed in a state-of-the-art hospital with all amenities which he denied others during his time as prime minister.

    I posted something on Facebook which was in favour of your opinion, and I got told off by BRAINWASHED 11-YEAR-OLDS CALLING ME “AHDAR”. And where do they come from?

    They brainwash their children from a young age against political entities and public opinioners like you. Take care, be safe. You are on the right track!

  90. Rogers says:

    It is obvious that Daphne tries very hard to gain popularity by trying to upset others during sad periods such as the present time.
    This woman couldn’t have been around like I was when Dom Mintoff was at his prime and the rubbish she quote is simply a way of highlighting her name.

  91. ZBA says:

    X’bassezzi ta’ blog! Xi hmieg ta’ kummenti! Dan il-blog Dizunur ghal Malta!

    • TinaB says:

      Mentalita bhal tieghek hi dizunur ghal malta zgur, mela dan il-blog? U mhux dizunur biss, izda ukoll tal-biza. Litteralment.

  92. Wied tad-Dmugh says:

    Ifirhu Maltin. Dan kien l-ewwel jum minghajr Missier Malta tan-nies Vjolenti. Missier Malta tan-nies Injoranti. Missier Malta tal-Marmalja. Missier Malta tax-Xirka tal-Ghajjurin. Missier il-Lejber li ttradixxih mhux darba, imma darbtejn. U Missier Malta li bis-sahha tieghu illum hawn nies bhal Daphne li jibqghu ifakkru min kien il-veru Duminku Mintoff. Iva, Mintoff jibqa mfakkar ghal kemm dahhal mibgheda u dawwar ir-rotta ta’ Malta fi zmien delikat 6 snien wara l-Indipendenza u dahhalna dritt gol hajt. Meta nduna li ma setghax ikompli qabad u telaqna f’idejn KMB biex il-vjolenza li lanqas hu ma kien kapaci jzid ikun jista’ jzida KMB. U ghax wara KMB tellghu wiehed mhux vjolenti, rega dahal hu, il-King tal-vjolenza u qaccat lil Fredu Sant minn hemm.

  93. luca says:

    kemm inti mara jaq….. you give us pn ppl a bad name….. just get lost dap u will do a favour talking about a dead man this way… bring respect to the family at least.

  94. Priscilla says:

    All these ppl ‘ssuffering under mintoff and mintoffiani… All this misery! All this hatred! Can anyone say WHY? What’s with all this commiseration? What did this person do so wrong?

  95. Clyde says:

    We Maltese are full of labels and stereotypes, right?

    Well, I grew up thinking that the typical Labourite was often a lower educated person, sometimes a little lazy, banking more on the allowances he can suck off the government and other people’s taxes than his own career, lacking any sense of good taste in anything he wears, eats or says… And this was by virtue of the Labour party being the “partit tal-haddiema”, traditionally attracting the lower classes, manual workers and socially challenged people and taking a stand against professionals, big money makers and essentially everyone else that actually has the potential of making a difference in this country…

    On the other hand, I grew up thinking that the typical Nationalist had a good education, was polite and respectful, made good conversations based on proper informed arguments and inspired other people, by virtue of the PN’s history and its support for professionals, such as doctors, the Church, its alliances with the private sector and so on…

    Well, I’m a moderate nationalist who grew up on many such stereotypes, thinking that most ignorant rif-raf from the Southern regions of Malta were Labourites, and feeling proud to be on “The Other Side” – a nationalist.

    Daphne’s Blog is a game changer.

    Your articles are based on hate, rather than good arguments. Your criticism is based on fundamentalism, not political ideologies. You try to draw an image of yourself as being intellectual, brainy and posh, but it takes a little more than throwing in a few smart expressions in between the Maltese phrases you often use, Sliema-girl-style, to convince us all that you’re worth any serious attention. And when you tell anyone, let alone a former Maltese statesman, to bugger off in hell and hope that even Lucifer slams the door at him, you reach rock bottom low and prove to your readers that you’re nothing better than the “Laburisti hodor” and the “baxxi hamalli injoranti” that you insist to loath so much after all!

    You’re nothing but a disgrace to the PN and to the PN supporters who immediately stop feeling proud of their beliefs any time they end up stumbling across an article you wrote! If old stereotypes are anything to go by, perhaps you should consider joining Labour after all, as you may fit in more appropriately in there!

    [Daphne – Who are these tedious people, and where do they live when they’re not here bothering me? First they got themselves cars and began driving all over Malta and invading everybody else’s space, and now they have internet connections and come up right in our faces. At least on the internet I don’t have to look at them holding their knives like pens and their forks like screwdrivers.]

    • Mhux Affarik says:

      @Duffy – At least we feel safe and at home in Malta. We do not find the need to have a 24/7 security at our own house. So, yeah – you’re the outcast here, not us, so GTFO :)

    • Justin Paul Grima says:

      That hit the nail on the head, also, why do you moderate posts? So much for ‘freedom of speech’.

      [Daphne – I moderate comments (the posts are what I write, not you) because I am responsible at law for anything carried on this website. If you want to slander third parties while remaining anonymous, go to]

  96. Micheal says:

    He was a tyrant. A man who ruined my family . A man who would treat us like pigs.

  97. A.J says:

    Is your name DICK because you write like one

  98. Max says:

    Definition of a sociopath :

    %failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
    %deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
    %impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
    %irritability and aggressiveness
    %reckless disregard for safety of self or others
    %consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations
    %lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another

    I would be seriously worried if I were you Deff :)

  99. CASSAR says:

    Mid Med? Sold (for a pittance)
    Tarzna? Sold (100’s jobless!)
    Airmalta? ….RJ’s (no comment)
    Dar Malta? …… (no comment)
    Mater Dei? …… (no comment)
    Delimara Power Station? …..(no comment)
    Marsa Power station? …..(you’ve not had anyone die of cancer recently… no comment!)

    Daphne, do your reasearch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  100. O.Sciberras says:

    Daphne Fehmni naqa ghala dil hdura kollha kontra dal-bniedem jekk jogobkom.

  101. anonymous says:

    Haha and I guess you’re the smart ass who sits in the front row every sunday morning during mass

  102. mingu says:

    mhux ta bxejn imniehrek kbir ghax ghadni kemm bassejt bassa ghalik bla ma tqanzaht ghax kif tikkritika int tqabbad il harra lil kulhadd.

  103. Fact Giver says:

    Without Mintoff you wouldn’t have the right to talk at all, let alone have your way of talking, Daphne. You are able to vote because of Mintoff. Whether it would have happened anyway in the following future matters not. The fact is, that even your very blog is allowed thanks to Mintoff. So I’m guessing that deep down you are grateful and likely a secret admirer of Mintoff’s :)

    Also, you would have been punished harshly for throwing a plate at your husband, should it not have been for Mintoff earning women more rights.

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