The Labour mayor of Zurrieq – a class act

Published: August 19, 2012 at 4:12pm

In between bouts of anal bleaching (apparently, you lie down, spread your cheeks and they turn that area where the sun doesn’t shine into Marilyn Monroe), depilating lady-gardens into Brazilians and heart shapes, and performing what I am told is called ‘anal rim’ (this is where you lie down, spread your cheeks etc but this time, they wax off the fuzz while, presumably, the man in question bites down hard on a bullet and thinks heroic thoughts), the patron of Natius Ola salon and mayor of Zurrieq is having a really nice time.

Left click on the image to read it.

Natius Farrugia (centre) – presumably he gave himself an anal rim before his wedding day. Or maybe he just stuck with the Brazilian.

Sorry, Natius, but you’re not Boris Johnson (“Boris Johnson min il-lustja hu?”)

26 Comments Comment

  1. Interested Bystander says:

    Christ on a tandem, he’s a raving iron.

  2. Marie says:

    Natius might write Malta’s version of 50 Shades in response to Boris Johnson’s tongue in cheek novels.

    [Daphne – Yes, but in which language?]

  3. AnnaC says:

    I think the ‘anal rim’ you are referring to is actually called a crack, back and sack :) Anal rimming is something else.

    [Daphne – Would you ring a salon to book “a crack, back and sack on Monday at 2pm, please”? No, you would not. Or rather, you would do so at your peril. I have it on the best authority of a friend who works in the field, when we were talking about the idiosyncrasies of her fascinating job and I asked her what clients specify when they ring to book an appointment to get that bit waxed.

    I also asked her whether somebody has invented the necessary equipment – you know, a cheek-spreading device to make the waxer’s life easier, or whether one person must hold them apart while the other goes to work on the fuzz – but by then it was late and I can’t remember the answer though I do remember that we were in hysterical fits until we noticed that the people at the next table had fallen into silence and were listening keenly.

    “We call it anal rim,” she said. “I mean, they can’t exactly ring me up and say, ‘I’d like to get my arsehole waxed on Tuesday at one o’clock, please’, can they?”

    I’ll spare you the bleaching details. This is supposed to be a family blog. But…dear heavens.]

  4. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Jiġifieri fir-rimm ġopp jillustrali n-nijkil? (PS. Boris Johnson for President of the Universe!)

  5. Qeghdin Sew says:

    BTW, please remove that horrid photo of Tucks before I sue you for crimes against humanity.

  6. Lola says:

    Daphne,kid hadd maneb ISA minnek?U kemm tkun taf affarijiet?

  7. sasha says:

    OMG: “we go for a lunch”.

  8. Żurrieqi says:

    Oh Daphne, were you influential enough when it came to my fellow Żrieraq, I would welcome your posts with open arms, possibly even send you a card.

    These reminders that this barely educated Eurovision-loving-partitarju-Karmelitan-Laburist-beautician has the final say on what happens in the village that gave us Mons. P.P. Saydon, a polyglot smart enough to translate the whole Bible from the original into Maltese, are enough to make a grown man weep.

    Have some sympathy, will you?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Kemm ftahartu bih u ghedtu li jahdem ghall-gid taz-Zurrieq. Issa gawduh.

      • Żurrieqi says:

        If you’d bothered to read the comment you apparently replied to, you might have come to the conclusion that I am not the type to boast of Natius, much less to have voted for him. In case you need me to spell it out for you, I did not vote for Natius, and cannot empathise with those who do.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I know. If you’d bothered to read my reams of commentary on this site you’ll know that I’m not stupid.

        I’m referring to your fellow Zrieraq and my fellow countrymen.

        Years ago, when I was warning them against this buffoon, I was brushed away with the usual Maltese “imma taf kemm hu ragel sew hux/taf kemm hu dhuli/taf kemm jahdem”/various other feelings of warmth which take account only of congeniality but not of rational skills.

        Natius is a caricature of the Maltese male celebrity. That is why he is so popular. That is also why he is so unfit for purpose.

  9. Pisces says:

    This guy is a total freak.

  10. edgar says:

    He wears white pants, same as Jason Micallef. Has he by any chance, got the same tendency as Jason or Ronnie Pellegrini?

  11. Lomax says:

    One thing is sure: Our Natius guy is not following his resident-dietician’s diet sheet.

  12. Chris says:

    Isn’t an ‘anal rim job’ a sex position?

  13. Anthony says:

    He must have taken his name after the natal cleft.

  14. Roderick says:

    tatix kaz Nat allavolja mandiex alfejn najdlek ta ax int mghandekx hin xtahli ma dawn il boloh u njoranti minn gol bahrija ax dawn kollha jixtiequ waslu fejn wasalt int mux bhalhom biex jidher issimhom irridu jipruvaw ihhamgu lil hadiehor u ma nafx jien kif ma jindunawx bil hafna inglizati u nejk li andhom ma jindunawx li qedin jaqaw wahda ol ostja an nejk,insomma minn banda mnalla jkunu dawn in nies ta ax nibda nhossni genju xhin nara njuranta pastaza arroganti hara hmieg u kull zibel li jezisti bhal WITCH GALIZIA LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

  15. justme says:

    woooow why dont you just get a life……first look at yourself in the mirror before judging others …. i mean really?? you should get arrested for what you write in this blog but we all know thats not going to happen and why……

  16. Opinionist says:

    Daphne …you cannot go any lower !!! …Just leave this man alone…His personal life is not you fuckin buisiness..He is professional in what he does and here in Zurrieq we are proud of him ! The best mayor we ever had so far ! Just look at yourself before judging others…his sexual orientation is none of our buisiness…you should critisize him on his work and how helpful he is…he helps every family in need here in zurrieq instead of staying on his laptop posting nonsense blogs…and even though he relates to a particular party and a particular feast in zurrieq he still helps everyone irrespective of his or her political colour/feast…

  17. Joe Bonello says:

    Inti Vera witch u bitch tal- Bidnija…. Few mtrs away from where you refuge, there is shooting range. You will do a great favour to that bastard that concepted you, if you get there and William Chetcuti will use you as an ugly target.

    Go to hell, bitchwitch tal- bidnija….

  18. Opinionist says:

    And apart from that, do you respect public people??… For your information these two pics were taken during a wedding and the two people beside Natius were just guests to the feast having fun during the wedding and for fun took a photo with Natius.

    You really cannot get lower……… at least if you want to pick on Natius which you shouldn’t for sure, publish photos where he is standing alone.

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