Gosh, he’s been a bird breeder since he was a little child. And English he get it A.

Published: September 18, 2012 at 11:06pm

Left click on the images to read them. Will somebody please try to work out what he means by his response to the person who asked why he dropped out of the law course and then started again two years later?

I can’t understand him. He’s barely coherent.

And ara, English he get it grade B but was not satisfied so he try again and he get it A. Il-lajks.

Fil-parlament ma jikbrux fjuri, imma bejn gidra u ohra tista taghmel minestra mhux hazin.

47 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Forsi qabez sena lura, minflok ‘il quddiem. Which still leaves one year unaccounted for.

  2. J Abela says:

    Poor little Franco .. Everyone has abandoned him except those people who absolutely love to poke fun at people. Oh well, it was written in stone that this would be his end.

  3. Harry Purdie says:

    I will never understand how this weirdo continues to publicly display that he is a certified nut.

  4. M. says:

    Is this man for real? The more I read his blog, the more I think it’s a spoof. Sadly, though, it is not.

  5. Kevin Zammit says:

    Initially it was with ridicule that I used to read his blog but now it has become painful to the extent that it makes me feel sorry for the idiot.

    He has no insight at all. His development seems to have stalled and in my humble opinion it’s all due to the fact that he lived and still lives in his mother’s universe where reality has never hit home.

  6. Carmel Said says:

    Can we see copies of his O’Level and A’Level certificates?

  7. lola says:

    Why don’t you leave this man alone.You are running him mad.Who knows how much his parents are suffering.

    • Angus Black says:

      All he has to do, lola, is to SHUT UP himself and everyone else would be ecstatic to leave him be, but being who he is, he wants to be in the limelight all the time at whatever cost.

    • M. says:

      Malta is suffering thanks to their “child” being foisted upon us.

  8. Aunt Hetty says:

    The man has gone potty , and in a big way too. He has not been quite right since that day , long ago when he was put on a soap box and made to read the priedka tal Milied that was destined for a much older boy by his pushy mother.

    • mattie says:

      He could have gone to the best universities in the world. Nobody will teach anyone the importance of good relationship skills, it is us who has to develop that and recognise the importance of getting on with people.

      And by people I don’t mean those three friends one has from the beginning of scholastic year till the end, ‘ghax ma jafdaw lil hadd’. The more people relate with people, the better.

      A good politician needs to be someone who sees his friends as friends and not as negative competition. It is good to have competitors but a good politician must see them as positive competitors and not as negative competitors. People who think otherwise, certainly do not fit into the role.

  9. Allo Allo says:

    English he got it A. You joking me? Can a microwave replace a mother?

  10. Alex says:

    The man has outdone himself in his latest blog entry. He is implying he was ‘eliminated’ from the party because some deemed him to be a contender for a possible party leadership race. I am incredulous – he seriously believes that he is party leadership material, or that party councillors will vote for him to become leader.

    He is quoting a survey, which I believe was conducted by Malta Today, showing him to be the third favourite in a hypothetical leadership contest – AMONG THE POPULATION IN GENERAL.

    The party leader is chosen by the party, not by The People, and certainly not by Labour voters.

  11. Josette Jones says:

    Manuel: He speak good… how you say…?
    Sybil: English


    And it must be Franco’s fault they’re scrapping the GCSE exams:


  12. Mike says:

    Re the second image – where he replies to stordut & fiesta.

    A while back – 11th September – he wrote a piece about fallacies and brought forward a theory about ‘The Straw Man Argument’ which, as he describes it, not-so-intelligent people use to try to deflect an audience with an answer that runs off at a tangent.

    He used this argument to attack what he calls the ‘evil clique’ and his latest targets.

    Is it possible that he doesn’t realise that he is using this same form of argument time and again – a perfect example being his reply to fiesta and stordut above?

    • Bubu says:

      I remember the article you’re talking about. He himself set up a straw man argument in that very article as I recall. It is his favourite rhetorical device after all. No wonder he knows it so well.

  13. ciccio says:

    Franco’s blog is a good script for this year’s panto.

    I can already see Alan Montanaro playing the part of Franconstein with his form 2c report in his left hand and his cock in his right.

  14. Joseph Caruana says:

    “Bird breeder since I was little child.”

    Mur araħ bil-kukku ġol kaġġa taqt idejh, ix-xatt tal-Isla bi’ qmis tad-didda’.

  15. Monte bello says:

    Rchgchfchvhgihg – sorry. I was typink di inglixx in a hurri!

  16. Jack says:

    Quite an eventful childhood – “priedka tal-milied” and bird-breeder.

  17. Grosvenor says:

    Franco, nobody in the workforce ever has a clue about what you learnt in school ahseb u ara what grades you got.

    Even if you’re focused on academics (as opposed to extracurricular activities or just having fun), it’s important to distinguish between the goals of getting high grades and learning useful things.

    Forsi fl-ahhar tifhem: I think the biggest test in university is how quickly you learn the statement “good grades aren’t going to help you”.

    It’s funny that many years later YOU still don’t realise that it’s what YOU are like as a person that will get you somewhere, and not what grades YOU get.

    Grades will get your foot in the door but people skills are what will help you in all aspects of life.

    Image and personality are crucial factors. When you present yourself at an interview, people will be looking at you and thinking “How will working with you benefit me?”

    Another piece of advice, forsi fl-ahhar tifhem: STOP sponging off your parents! Growing up sucks, but, we all have to do it sometime or other.

    It’s an ‘eat what you kill’ world, it’s always been like that and that is not changing anytime soon. Capisci?

    Last piece of advice and I’m off out to the real world. Grades matter less than relationships and, unfortunately, sometimes students are left to choose between the two. I prefer good relationships and I don’t complain. It’s those that got me far. Cheerie mate.

  18. anthony says:

    I am sure Debono is convinced that he is Lawrence Gonzi’s anointed successor as party leader.

    Thousand of people were convinced that they were Lord Nelson and even more thousands that they were Napoleon Bonaparte.

    Besides the hundreds of thousands who were Jesus of Nazareth.

    • Dickens says:

      Jesus left home at 30 and Napoleon was earning his keep at an early age on the front, and not by having breakfast in bed at his mummy’s house whilst toying with his…bird.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        And Napoleon’s mum, bless her, was wise enough to know that her son’s empire was a case of “Pourvu que ça dure.” Franco’s barely lasted five years. À bon entendeur, salut !

  19. Grosvenor says:

    Yeah and one last thing before I forget to mention it once again: balance is everything.

    Franco, it seems like your school and university days were only focussed on getting good grades to enable you to get ic-certifikat tad-degree. Oh God! Tieghi qas ghadni ghamiltu go frame u ghaddew 30 sena. Min jaf fejn hu.

    Seriously, my academic days were a mix of these: grades, good social skills, good relationships with others and having fun and partying with people I like which all paid off, because I use all those qualities now. All have been beneficial to my professional career.

  20. tinnat says:

    And yet he did not give a logical answer to why he started law then stopped.

    • mattie says:

      Forsi ma gabx A f’xi suggett. Taf int, peress li taqlaghha minn ghand il-Boss jekk ma tkunx gibt A u tapplika ghall-job.

      Ara who on mother earth cares what type of results he got!

      I knew a prison inmate who got straight As when he sat for his Os and As from his prison cell. But that didn’t change his sentence or the fact that he had committed a serious crime and sad but true, he was a criminal.

  21. Evarist Saliba says:

    Quite honestly, this is pitiful both for him and for us, since he is clearly not fit to be in parliament having a deciding role in decisions affecting national policies.

    • mattie says:

      He’s too focussed on academics as has been said a hundred times over.

      He wouldn’t be fit to work in an office let alone in parliament, heading an important ministerial role. Not because he hasn’t got the grades, not because he hasn’t got the image, but because people like him, who are too focussed on grades, tend to lack social skills and thus don’t develop character.

      People with character is what we need in parliament. Personally, I’d rather have ten people like Austin Gatt. He is the type of people we need.

  22. Toyger says:

    So he takes offence at being called a below average bird breeder, but he does not comment on being called an average lawyer and a hopeless politician. Unbelievable.

    And as for those two missing years, he either didn’t understand the question put to him (which wouldn’t surprise me, with his abysmal English) or he just replied like that to avoid telling the truth.

    • tinnat says:

      He is hiding something. If he is so proud of his Form IIA report, then surely he should be equally proud of having A levels early, entering university early.

      • Aunt Hetty says:

        Instead of doing everything so ”early” , he should have loafed around for a year or so all over Europe, living out of a knapsack and doing an odd job or two to survive whilst meeting all sorts of interesting people, seeing interesting places and developing some life experience away from insular Malta and even more insular Ghaxaq.


  23. The truth? says:

    He used to breed birds ever since he was a “little child”. Now he’s a big “child” -.-

  24. Joe Fenech says:

    Your language and acts betray you, Franco.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      And where did the rest of my message go?:

      I re-post:

      He who projected himself as Malta’s Prometheus turned out to be a self-centred, puerile nincompoop.

  25. me says:

    Aħjar li flok qabez sena, qabez il-kumplament ta’ ħajtu.

    Kien jaqa’ għan n**k ferm anqas.

  26. Observer says:

    Man. He’s sad. I actually pity him.

    Kemm ha jibqa’ sejjer jaqa ghan-nejk?

  27. L.Gatt says:

    What’s with this “little child” kemm ghandu bija din l-espressjoni.

    I think that Freud and Jung would have had a field day with this guy.

    All he talks about is his childhood where he is obviously mentally stuck.

    He has given us ample evidence that his English is still at Grade 2 level but now it seems even his mathematical skills have not progressed beyond Form II.

    He said he skipped a year of sixth form to justify graduating at age 26 instead of 24? If he skipped a year he should have graduated at 22/23, not 26.

  28. Mercury Rising says:

    Do repeaters give up their stipend? I cannot remember.

  29. Moronic Intellect says:

    Why do you begin with ‘Left click on the images to read them.’ Why do you treat your readers like morons?

    [Daphne – Because I have readers of all ages and internet-savviness, Moronic intellect. My youngest known readers are 14; my oldest known readers are 90. I consider myself fortunate to have such a wide-spectrum readership, and so don’t take it for granted. It’s the service concept.]

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