Ah, so now we know

Published: November 16, 2012 at 1:51am

Mario Gerada with his Great Leader

Mario Gerada – the ‘unemployed’ casual nurse who drives a brand-new Mercedes SLK, who posts pictures on Facebook of his cruises and trips to Vegas, who campaigns for Labour and is photographed on nights out in evening dress with Joseph and Mrs Leader, and who has just been awarded EUR208,000 by Judge Silvio Meli in a suit pressed on his behalf by Labour star candidate and presidential son and heir Robert Abela – is George Vella’s first cousin.

Yes, George Vella. The Labour MP. The one who never got over the fact that we voted to defrost the EU membership application which he froze. Alfred Sant’s foreign minister. Joseph Muscat’s shadow foreign minister.


Scratch that. So bloody obvious. Anyone who expects otherwise is nuts. And anyone who actually sits down and thinks “Hmmm, not so bad. I think I’ll vote for them” is totally irresponsible.

Mario Gerada, starving in Vegas with his girlfriend.

George Vella will be foreign minister in a few months’ time. That should give Mario Gerada plenty of opportunity for throwing his weight around.

30 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Of course! Those eyebrows. I’ve been so slow, Watson!

    • ciccio says:

      Of course, their hair style. I’ve been so slow, Baxxter.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        And the toothless mouthbreather smile. Watson, what has happened to any brains that God gave me? Meet me at the Westminster wharf with a steam launch and an angry lynch mob.

  2. Jozef says:

    This takes the biscuit.

    It becomes imperative to know why he was kicked out in the first place. Remember Silvio Parnis and his ‘diga’ preparati min diehel f’liema dipartiment’?

    • Mikiel says:

      Incredible! These people never cease to amaze me. It seems that the more scholarships and educational opportunities there are, the more is expected.

      Kollox jaqa mis-sema ghall dawn, imma il-gvern ma jaghmel xejn! Jonfoq biss!

      The ‘ejja ha niddobaw’ syndrome, instead of “let’s work hard & achieve” ideal is unfortunately still ingrained in the DNA of a high percentage of the Maltese population.

  3. Wenzu Cole says:

    kemm taghtek gewwa din daphne….

    I know a lot of people that are considerably doing well at the moment. They travel, they have nice houses, they drive new cars and they can pay their electricity bills with no issues at all. But you know what…… They will not vote for the PN and you know why???? Because they simply do not have strings attached. Unlike a lot of people here who have a lot to loose if PL are voted into power…

    [Daphne – Bit of an idiot, aren’t you? Everyone has ‘strings attached’: the economy doesn’t run itself, education doesn’t run itself, healthcare doesn’t run itself. If the government f**ks up, we ALL get f**ked over in one way or another. Your argument is perversely stupid: “We’re doing well in this sound economy, so we’re going to vote for the idiot party because we really don’t need the smart guys as we’re doing so well, look.” You’re doing well because the Nationalists are in government. The way you people speak, it is as though the government is there for decorative purposes only.]

    • mac says:

      Yes, Daphne. It’s unbelievable how people’s minds work.

      I was once friendly with a supermarket cashier. It was obvious that the supermarket was going from bad to worse as the shelves were more than half empty.

      When I spoke to her about it, she said ‘What do I care, as long as I get my salary.’

      Obviously, the supermarket closed down, and she became unemployed. Il-hajja kollha katina.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      That’s daft! You claim to have no ‘strings attached’ so you can’t wait to put a noose around your neck. Not that I’m bothered much about your ungrateful neck. I’m more concerned about the rest of us.

      You sound as if you are going to vote Labour simply to exact revenge on your fellow citizens and exorcise some of your lanzit for those you perceive as having gained more than their just deserts under the present administration.

      And for heaven’s sake learn the difference between loose and lose.

  4. Matt says:

    Many EU member states are in a recession, while Malta’s economy is expanding modestly. This is no accident. Through wise decisions taken by the series PN governments the middle class today is thriving nicely.

    Voting MLP to government is sheer madness.Lets hope maturity and sanity prevail.

  5. edgar says:

    So Mario Gerada is a first cousin of George Vella. By any chance would Gerada, the Isqof Lejburist Ta L’Azzar, be related to this Mario Gerada.

  6. Lestrade says:

    So Mario Gerada was also granted future earnings up to age 63 and damages when he could have been granted half-pay from date of dismissal/suspension up to date of reinstatement and no damages; after all he was not partially or totally disabled at his place of work.

    He must be laughing all the way to the bank. Either the law or the judge is an ass. Can this judgement be appealed and hopefully repealed?

  7. PG says:

    Prosit sur nurse x’kemxa flus dik.

    Il-veru labra f’sorm il-poplu Malti.

  8. Natalie says:

    They do look alike. I did think that his face looked familiar, but I put it down to the many Maltese pudgy faces one sees around.

    So Labour’s new billboard says: “Iktar flus fil-but”.

    And there we have it, it’s not going to happen for everyone, it’ll come from other people’s ‘but’, and it’ll be unfair as is usual with Labour.

    Give them some power and they’ll dish out injustice.

    • Jozef says:

      It’s what came to mind driving past their billboard in Msida this afternoon.

      Don’t worry, vote Labour.

      Jekk int ta’ gewwa ie.

      Lestu ruhkom, ghax ilhom jitnejku bejniethom li ser jahtfu kull m’hawn. Id-diskors minn gol-Mile End hiereg.

  9. PumbaaSaurus says:

    I get your gist Daphne…people in the circle getting treated with priviledges, not quite ethical, point taken.

    But which major (Maltese or foreign) political party has NOT done such thing before?

    Come on…please do tell!

    [Daphne – You cannot be serious.]

  10. SLK says:

    I was under the impression that empoyees are rewarded for their outstanding performance at their place of work.

  11. Imexxi l-gvern ikun hemm Dr. Muscat. U bhal ma kien Dr. Alfred Sant, Dr. Muscat mhu se jhalli lil hadd IHAMMEG gvern laburista, ikun min ikun ! Mhux bhal Lawrence Gonzi, li ghal-hmieg u skandli idawwar wiccu n-naha l-ohra !

    • mattie says:

      Kemm ghandkom doctors, qed nghid :)

    • Kohl says:

      Tajba Eddy, trid tghid int il-hmieg u l-iskandlu msemmi hawn fuq, tort ta’ Gonzi wkoll?

      Jew forsi ma taqbilx li huwa skandlu?

      Veru li hawn min ma jafx jiehu responsabilita’. Kollox tort tal-Gvern, anke l-mentalita’ u l-egoizmu tal-poplu.

      Skond il-Malti, lanqas Alla ma jghinek jekk ma tghinx ruhek. Imma z-ziju…

  12. Mikiel says:

    And they (PL) used to say that PN runs well through its nepotism – ‘il-Barunijiet’ and so on.

    I guess this idiot proves that tal-klikka huma tal-PL. ‘Taf lil xi hadd ha jirrangali hi?’

    Daphne, prosit for bringing these issues to light. Your blog has been a real eye-opener about Malta’s (hidden) history. It has helped me define my ideas better.

  13. Silvio says:

    Up to now my mind was set on not voting for the P.N.

    But I must confess that seeing the type of SCUM above is confusing me and I really do not know whether I should not change my mind or not.

    All I have to do is forget the many injustices that I suffered under the P.N. but of course this might take some more time.

    • Linda Kveen says:

      Silvio, save yourself the soul-searching. Stick with Labour, it’s where you belong.

      • silvio says:

        I have given the matter some consideration, and I think I might (ample time to decide) take your advice.

        Anything than being in the same boat with the likes of you.

      • silvio says:


        I bow out of this argument. I have to admit that I am not up to your standards when it comes to this type of hamallagni.

        You must be one of those who thinks that being rude and insulting is acceptable.

        Yours is nothing but “Ta Wara is-Suq” tactics which brings out both the character and the upbringing.

        So let’s for the record proclaim you winner; hopefully we will meet again when you have completed your education.

    • Natalie says:

      Really Silvio? Are you an ex-PN too by any chance? And are you still posting comments full of praise for Muscat on timesofmalta.com?

      • silvio says:

        Yes dear, I’m a True Nationalist, but unfortunately I do no longer see the P.N. the true heirs of Mizzi and Borg Olivier.

        If you are a member of the gentle sex, in those glorious days, women stuck to their place in the kitchen and making babies, and they were really happy to leave important decisions to their providers.

      • Natalie says:

        Ooh! Touchy..

        In the glorious days only men with a brain and a proper education used to vote, and judging from your brainless comments, I’m not sure you’d have been one of them.

        I wouldn’t have minded much not voting, knowing that my husband and his contemporaries would vote for the correct party.

      • Jozef says:

        And there you go, voting for the most feminist government in the history of the Republic.

  14. edgar says:

    Eddy, if we have to accept that Alfred Sant got rid of the rubbish that there was in the Socialist party then you have to admit that Muscat opened the doors to all the rubbish thrown out by Sant. And believe me I am not talking about you. There are much worse than you.

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