A repill until di and

Published: December 11, 2012 at 8:57am

Has Franco Debono been served with a ticket yet?

The Top Criminal Lawyer and Representative of the People was in such a hurry to accelerate off in his getaway car last night that he didn’t pause to put on his seat-belt.

He drove off unbelted, despite the heavy presence of police and the fact that he had a police escort.

Tajba ukoll. Bniedem specjali until the end.

30 Comments Comment

  1. mattie says:

    Reptilian until the end.

    • Daphne Mela kemm int specjali INt li ilek is-snin twal bil-pulizija tghatik protezzjoni mad-dar tieghek, halli tkompli tivvomta l-hdura tieghek ghal-laburisti u dawk kollha li jieqfu lil GonziPN, bhal-Franco, Jeffrey u Mugliett !

      Ghandek kuragg iggib dan il-kumment ?

      [Daphne – I don’t have police protection, Privitera. Where did you get that idea? Ah, yes…you believe everything Labour tells you.]

      • ciccio says:

        Mela rqadt lagemba, Privitera?

        X’tghidilna dwar il-fatt li Joseph Muscat u l-muviment iffukat ivvutaw kollha kontra l-budget, eh?

        Irrid nghid, il-budget li qalulna li fih mizuri pozittivi, fosthom Euro 300 fis-sena ghal min bhalek ghandu 80 sena?

        U ma kienx qalilna li meta ssaffar is-suffara jikxef il-pjanijiet kollha? Issa s-suffara saffret, u l-pjanijiet ghadna ma rajnihomx. X’qed jahbi?

      • Claude Sciberras says:

        You missed the point, Eddy. Daphne said he was special not because he had police protection but because he was driving without the seatbelt on when he and more so the police around him should know better. Insomma qbatha minn sieqha…

      • Leli says:

        Bhas-soltu waqajt ghan-nejk.

  2. Stingray says:

    You are really in the throes of depair to come up with this.

    [Daphne – Au contraire, it’s a valid observation and should have been reported by the press.]

    • Dee says:

      Franco Debono was more desperate it seems to avoid his Labourite fans after the NO vote.

      Wonder why.

      Sejjer jiehu donazzjonijiet ghall-partit ta’ Joseph fuq ONE TV nhar il-Hamis dak il- hasi imsewwi?

    • Last Post says:


      What makes you think she’s in the throes of despair? If anything, the lady has a sharp eye for detail, a detail which tells volumes about the character.

      Not that there wasn’t enough evidence, but still a confirmation.

      Yesterday, I listened to him with laughable pathos as he went on babbling about his broken ego. Even if, as has been reported, he has woke up in high spirits, he will only be remembered as the sole person responsible for bringing down his own party in government over the budget vote.

      All NP supporters and sympathisers drew a deep sigh of relief yesterday at having finally got rid of one whose far too long egocentric and megalomaniac antics, abetted by a couple of other, equally egocentric mavericks, were a continuous embarrassment to the government, the party and the nation at large.

      Contrary to what happened in 1989 under A Sant, it is to Dr Gonzi’s credit that he patiently and steadfastly steered his government for the full term despite the numerous spokes in the wheel caused by some of his own men.

      A lesser leader would have called it a day a long time ago. Luckily for this country, his great sense of direction, sobriety and determination took the better of him until reaching port.

      I am hopeful that from what we’ve heard and seen yesterday, the NP will come out stronger from this experience in the run-up to the election. Let’s all remember that in the long term, as the adage goes, it’s the empty vessels that make most sound.

  3. bystander says:

    Pity he didn’t have to brake suddenly.

  4. Jozef says:

    Yesterday was typical, a nervous wreck, holding back the tears, and yet, let them have it.

    It’s not like that van, is it? Grown up is weird.

  5. Guzeppi Borg tal-Mosta says:

    Lil Franco:

    it-tmiem ta’ gonzi?

    fejn qed tara t-tmiem ta’ gonzi int?

    iktar qed jissahhah il-partit b’li gara.

    Gonzi, kien,ghadu u jibqa sod – anzi jissoda iktar qieghed

    lili kellimni wara l-elezzjoni biss.

    Dan li gara huwa biss parti mid-demokrazija, li gvern jaghmel hames snin (u gurnata) huwa normali f’malta u ssir l-elezzjoni

    int qed tahseb li gonzi se jitlef l-elezzjoni?

    kemm sejjer zball habib!

    anqas idea m’ghandek…. ma tafx li t-tigrija tal-elezzjoni fl-ahhar hames gimghat u mela int l-istrategisti tal-partit taghna hsibtom xi erbat ipcilaq jew! – dawk jafu sew x’inhuma jaghmlu

    nispera li l-mulej itini ftit hajja ohra halli nara lil Gonzi jerga jiehu l-gurament

    guzeppi tal-mosta
    Gonzi FOREVER

  6. billy goat says:

    …and what’s with the funny walk? It’s like having big balls or something, when in fact he’s got none?

    [Daphne – Round my neck of the woods, we used to describe that way of walking as ‘jimxi qisu mxawwat.’]

  7. GS says:

    Hey Daphne, do you think that Debono will try to go for president of Malta after George Abela? If PL wins the election?

  8. A. Charles says:

    There was also a heavy presence of policemen around his mother’s house in Ghaxaq.

    • maryanne says:

      He really gave his mother and family the best Christmas present ever. Imissu jisthi.

    • Nanny Goat says:

      I am starting to feel very very sorry for his immediate family.

      • Last Post says:

        While I can understand what you feel, bear in mind that he only has himself to blame.

        If as he said he said, his family has strong Nationalist roots, the shame is even greater, especially considering that his village (Hal Ghaxaq) is a Labour stronghold. All of which shows how immature he still is.

        That’s what I understand by the phrase: everyone has to shoulder responsibility for his/her actions. His success and ambition were far greater than his sense of judgement.

        While other equally successful (at the polls) and restive backbenchers had the good sense of keeping their ambition in check, he was blind enough to continue heading towards his own blind alley.

  9. Stanley Clews says:

    Good riddance to bad rubbish

  10. Gabs says:

    What Franco did was only to hurt the Maltese, especially to those who voted for him. People shoulod show their disapproval of this when they come to choose a lawyer. Let him roth. Addio Franco and good riddens.

  11. Catsrbest says:

    Now GonziPN has rid itself of John Dalli, Franco Debono, Jeffrey, Mugliett. Poor Joseph can’t do the same. He must go into battle with his dinosaurs still on his back.

  12. Candida says:

    Prosit Guzeppi jien bhalek nahsiba. Stragesti Stilla, Mexxej sod u onorabbli u partit b’sahhtu li jaf x’inhu jaghmel kemm ghall-poplu u kif ukoll ghall haddiema

  13. James Bartolo says:

    M’ghandhomx ghalfejn jaghmlulu l-ghassa. Il-PN mhux il-PL jew kulhadd nesa x’ghamlu lil Mintoff il-partitarji Laburisti mmexxija minn Joe Debono Grech li pprova jmur ihebb ghalih?

    Imbaghad taparsi jmur jibkih f’mewtu. IPOKRITA. Insejt li ppruvajt tahbat ghalih darbtejn lil min ghamlek xi haga?

  14. Tracy Flick says:

    From the bottom of all our hearts dear Franco — Issa inti ‘’Hu go fik’’

    ‘’Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever’’.(James Baldwin)

    Clinging so steadfastly to your hatred (as starkly demonstrated again yesterday) will only deservedly force you now to deal with nightmares and pain.

    Full credit to the Prime Minister whose patience and tolerance will now earn him all the more, increased admiration and support, thanks to your idiocy.

  15. Ghaxaq 1974 says:

    Jealousy is the worst thing created.

    And Franco Debono`s jealousy was the reason for what have happened yesterday.

    And I know Franco very well. Terribly jealous.

  16. Claude Sciberras says:

    The guy really thinks he did something great. When I saw the footage I noticed he actually hooted twice as he sped away, as though he just had a good time with some friends and was leaving.

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