An open letter to Franco Debono. By H.P. Baxxter, Esq.

Published: December 11, 2012 at 7:57am

So that was that then. Your last bow.

Sneaking out of the back door like some petty villain. You know, one of those minor characters in a Shakespearean tragedy whose name you can never remember.

So much for your pretentious haiku and your absurd re-invention as a poet, as the Soul Of The Nation.

Did you say “helix”? That’s right, a screw is a helix. And by god, did you manage to screw the nation.

For close upon five years we’ve been listening to your crap. You filled the airwaves, then filled the mental space and every interstice of this frenzied nation, talking bollocks. Acting like a prize twat.

We watched you in silence, awed by the sorry spectacle.

And you claim to speak for us.

You don’t. You’re ridiculous and you’re a bloody fraud.

You never were against the System. You belong to the System; you are part of it and you are it. From your youth as top student to your law degree and your parliamentary seat, you couldn’t be more System if you tried.

Sure, we all disagree with our bosses at some point. Hell, I’ve been pointing out the failures of this government since I joined this magnificent online forum more than four years ago. But honourable men — nay, sane people – when the disagreement gets too violent to maintain a professional relationship, will do the right thing and resign.

It happened to me once. I realised that I wasn’t cut out for the job, that I would start to be a nuisance to my colleagues and a liability to the company, and I resigned after just three days. And that was just a minimum wage McJob.

You, Sir, and I use the word out of convention, for never was a title more wrongly used, do not flip burgers. You are a member of that parliament which you worship and laud to high heaven, whose dignity you claim to fight for.

Utter bollocks. You are an affront to the dignity of parliament.

For almost five years you have been ranting and raving against your party leader. Your party, mind. Yours. Not that of “The People”.

You knew full well what you were letting yourself in for. Like an egotistical bastard, you rode all the way to parliament on a party ticket, then set about bringing your own side down from within.

A 21st-century European-style democrat you’re not. You’re a coward and a leech. And not a very bright one either.

You have neither class, nor charisma, nor intelligence, nor, crucially, manly honour. Neither are you a free thinker. You’re just a prisoner of the tiny speck of rock on which you were born. You might have fooled your electors in this backwater, but would have been torn to shreds on day one in the real Europe out there, or in the UK whose parliamentary system you claim to yearn for.

I too yearn for British-style democracy. I yearn for parliamentary speeches of thirty seconds max, in which a few well-aimed barbs from the opposition benches would have burst the bubble of your inflated ego.

I yearn for a British-style press, where real journalists would have stopped your ridiculous charade way back in 2008, instead of shoring you up and treating you like a normal, sane person with honourable objectives.

I yearn for British-style satire, where you, your provincial manners and your backwardness would have been lampooned on every single cover of Private Eye for five solid years.

Most of all, I yearn for politicians with sharp brains and solid balls, who would have told you where to get off, officially, in parliament if need be, after firing you from the cushy post that was given to you like a child’s security blanket, then ejecting you from the party which you fraudulently used to get elected.

Sharp brains and solid balls are the two things you never knew and will never have. You sapped this country’s – my country’s – energy for five years. Five wasted years. In the middle of the worst financial crisis in anybody’s lifetime, which threatens my future and that of the children I’ll never have.

But of course you never cared about our future – that of The People. You were snug in your own little nest, collecting that parliamentary assistant’s pay cheque and defending petty criminals in court by day while masquerading as the defender of tough justice by night. And yes, talking bollocks all the while.

Thank fuck this is over. Malta doesn’t need you. The 21st century doesn’t need you. You are a relic of the past. Of a provincial past that my generation is struggling to shake off.

The future beckons and you are dead weight, holding us back.

Good night and sod off.

125 Comments Comment

  1. Charlie says:

    This man on his own changed forrever the face of how politics are done in Malta he will be remembered for many years to come taking, on a big party like the PN is no small feat Franco Debone from the beginning till the vote on the Budget was always consistent in what he did and said. Hope that if the Labour Party will be in Power comes next March keeps his feet on the ground and listens to the people whether they are blue or red governments are elected to represent the people and not just the party.
    Good luck for FD and hope that what he did will not be in vain.

    • Joe Micallef says:

      Changed what? If anything it reaffirmed the solidity of the PN which is able to reject its unwanted warts (could have done it before) and still perform. It can rely on a better supply of grey matter.

      Franco Debono is a sorry scam who was able to give sorry people the impression that he had something to offer. Like all scam, once deleted it is soon forgotten.

      • Stingray says:

        And you believe, and want us to believe that Franco Debono was the only “unwanted wart” in the PN. Keep on digging your heads deeper in the sand and enjoy this tragic state of denial blaming Franco Debono and nobody else for the tragic mess that the PN has driven itself into and expect many, many more years for the PN on the oppositon benches.

    • lg says:

      He will go down in history as a politician who said that he was defending democracy when in actual fact he was defending his own ego and his own desires

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Charlie, you are a perfect example of what sane people are attempting to avoid—the Labour goonies.

      Defective, warped thinking, terrible grammar, poor sentence structure and embarrassing spelling.

      Good stuff, Baxxter. Happy you kept your emotions in check.

    • claudia says:

      Well said, Charlie! Let’s hope that if the labour is in government they’ll also have their own Franco Debono.

      • The Sting says:

        Claudia, when Mintoff voted against the Labour government, he was physically attacked right there in Parliament.

    • thehobbit says:

      You can join the rest of the freaking idiots of your ilk and flush yourselves down the toilet.

    • C Frendo says:

      When he asked PBS to film his form 2 report card, all sane people recognised him for what he is.

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      Charlie, any idiot could do what Franco did. All that is required is a parliamentary seat.

    • Daphne and all your fans on this blog: What have you got to say about Lawrence Gonzi’s latest LIE about the election date ? He was caught , once again, with his pants down by Dr. Muscat. so much so, that his office CORRECTED what Dr. Gonzi had said this morning on TVM, thus proving Dr. Muscat RIGHT ( that both the election and local council elections, can be held earlier than 9 March and still be held on same date ) and Lawrence Gonzi WRONG ! Dr. Gonzi has become an embarrassment for genuine nationalist supporters !!

      • GiovDeMartino says:

        Wherever you go Ed, you’ll find me breathing down your neck. You have NOT answered my question about Franco. I’m still waiting for your answer.

      • Futur Imcajpar says:

        What would YOU know about genuine PN supporters, Eddy? Madonna henn ghaliha. We are talking about a COUPLE OF WEEKS.

        What you are really afraid of is that the longer people have to see what’s on offer by the two parties, the more they are likely to spot the holes and contradictions in Labour’s plans.

        If the PL keep to their word about giving us all the details on the 7th of January (bearing the gifts like the three wise men) then they would want to have the election as soon as possible before the hot air starts to dissipate.

        It’s the prerogative of the Prime Minister to call the date of the election. Dak il-pruzuntuz sidek ikollu jistenna ftit aktar. Kieku hawn ftit sens kumun f’din l-art, kien ikollu jistenna hajtu kollha.

      • canon says:

        It is the prerogative of the Prime Minister to set the election date and not of the Leader of the Opposition.

      • Nighthawk says:

        Dear Mr. Privitera, you have been spewing anti-PN bile in all the media since the 70s at least.

        According to you, the socialists were perfect, could do no wrong and have remained so.

        As somebody who endorsed the behaviour of the socialists in the 70s and 80s, I think we genuine nationalist supporters will respectfully (not!) consider your opinion about who is an embarrassment to whom to be worthless and draw our own conclusions on the subject of Lawrence Gonzi, thank you very much.

        Franco Debono and his hysterical self-delusional ranting in parliament is one such embarrassment, as is Jeffrey Pullicino, Jesmond Mugliett, John Dalli, Cyrus Engerer, Jo Said and others who you have seen fit to embrace as heroes.

        You and your party seem to have an inordinate attraction for our crappy rejects. I believe the condition is known as coprophilia and you will be glad to hear that it is treatable.

    • Daphne and fans What have you to say about Dr. Gonzi’s latest LIE said today on TVM , about the election date ? Gonzi has been caught once again, by Dr. Muscat with his pants down. So uch so that Dr. Gonzi’s office had ro correct what was said by Dr. Gonzi, that local council elections could not be moved to an earlier date !

      This is the lates gaffe by Dr. Gonzi. He has become an embarrassment to genuine PN supporters !

    • EDGAR says:

      I Totally Agree Charlie . Franco Is The Voice Of The People That Want True Democracy . Arrivederci Franco , Hope
      Sooner Rather Then Later . Gonzi Bye Bye Tick Tock Tick Tock .

  2. QahbuMalti says:

    Hear hear!!

  3. Frank says:

    Amen to that.

  4. The Shadow says:

    Bang on. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

  5. Athina says:

    Well said

  6. FP says:

    Hats off to you, Sir. And I use the word advisedly, H.P. Baxxter.

  7. Edmond Dantes says:

    Faith in humanity partially restored: thank you, Baxxter.

  8. canon says:

    It is nice to see his back. He has to start life again at 40, which is not easy. But it will never be the same for him.

    I never met him in life but if I do my greetings will be “Hudu f’gh*** ommok.

  9. Galian says:


  10. Jo says:

    I was on tenterhooks during yesterday’s parliamentary session. But strangely enough this morning I feel liberated.

    The PN has got rid of the dead wood and is now refreshed.

    The new faces in the PN’s group plus the integrity and hardworking ministers and members of parliament make for a winning team.

    Good luck to them and to Malta.

    Let’s all who really want a continuation of what was attained with sacrifices, intelligence and determination do our utmost to give the PN another term in government.

    Thank you all but especially thank you, Dr. Lawrence Gonzi.

    • Taks Fors says:

      Can’t agree more Jo. Gone is the ballast in PN and now full speed ahead, lighter and tighter.

    • Mercury Rising says:

      Could not agree more. This morning I woke up to the realisation that Franco is finally no more. While the PN has been purged, the PL is plagued.

    • Catsrbest says:

      Let us all show our approval and support that the PN rid itself of the junk by attending the rally to be held later today.

  11. Candida says:

    Prosit- Franco Debono betrayed those who placed their trust in him with their vote.

  12. voter says:

    Baxxter’s letter above should be printed and framed and hug up on the wall. Franco left parliament by the back door, escorted by the police.

    I pity the man because for years to come he will have to keep looking behind his back in fear. It will all be in his mind, of course, but that is the kind of person he is.

    Gone will be the days when he struts down Republic Street, looking left and right for approval.

    No one loves a turncoat, not even those who benefit from his behaviour.

    I feel Mr. Speaker was weak and should have closed his microphone for not heeding the Speaker’s remarks.

  13. Censu says:

    In more than a nutshell.

  14. observer says:


  15. bystander says:

    Now say what you really mean.

  16. Rob79 says:

    ‘And you claim to speak for us.’, do you?

    I’ve met a quite a few British folks who would vehemently disagree with your views about British ‘democracy’.

    You are dead right stating that he should have resigned but had he resigned, wouldn’t election have been forced earlier?

    • bystander says:

      What gets me is the way uncertainty is accepted as the norm here. There is no budget for next year. We don’t know what Labour will do if they win in March. I don’t think even they know.

    • johnnie Boy says:

      No. When a member of parliament resigns he is replaced immediately.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      Had he resigned from parliament, a by-election would have been held and he would have been replaced by some one else. Just as what happened when Tonio Borg resigned a few weeks ago. Nothing more.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I don’t think any individual can claim to speak for 400,000 people, least of all me, especially when I find myself in disagreement with the majority view on almost every issue.

      But I think I speak for the very small group of like-minded 20- to 30-somethings, the liberal, rational ‘floaters’, for want of a better word. ‘We’ would rather pay the full market price for utilities than put up with a government which panders to the construction industry. We would rather make our own way in the world than depend on social handouts from a socially conscious government. We would rather be given the freedom to make our own decisions in ethical grey areas than to be the eternal exception among the nations.

      We eagerly voted for PN in 2003, then reluctantly voted again for PN in 2008, and now we ourselves in a quandary. But we would definitely not vote for anyone like Franco Debono.

      I know that British democracy has its pitfalls, but I cannot help thinking of the standing ovation given to Robin Cook after his resignation speech in the House of Commons. He had resigned from Tony Blair’s cabinet on a matter of principle and morality, just the sort of matters which guided our Franco’s actions, says he.

      I speak for myself here. I despise oligarchs in government. And Malta is full of them. Which is why I have never worked for any political party, been a member of one, or stood for election. Franco Debono did all this. I don’t think he was either honest, or brave, or right.

      One cannot be part of an organisation when one claims it is morally corrupt. A disagreement on management decisions is one thing, but this is different. Incidentally, this is precisely why Alfred Sant’s European Parliament bid is so shamefully wrong. He was not just against joining the EU as a matter of opinion. He believed it was the embodiment of evil. He will now be a member of an institution making up that Evil. How’s that for consistency?

      Working to change the system from within is only acceptable if that system is intrinsically right but needs tweaking. Otherwise, an honourable man will simply leave that system. For this reason, I hold UKIP and its acolytes, Marxist-Communists, radical environmentalist parties, some UN organisation members and, yes, some Socialists, equally to contempt.

      Franco Debono knew all about The System before 2008. Yet he inveigled his way into government. The man is either a liar or a common opportunist. Hence my open letter.

      • yor/malta says:

        If only I could offer to buy you a pint of your favourite beer followed by a decent short.

        Debono should have been filtered out of the system way before being allowed to run on the PN ticket.

  17. Bob says:

    Issa ikun jaf Franco u in-nies li hadu pjacir x’se jkun iffiser il-Labour.

    Veru bniedem imfidded imma tort ukoll tal-PN ghax il-PN tant hu tajjeb li il-polpu fisdu, ibda minn Franco, li sar AVUCAT u ma kellux ghalfejn jintrabat bil-ktajjen biex imur l-universita jew bil-parrinu!

    Anyway hlisna minnu at least.

  18. Natalie Mallett says:

    Well done H.P. Baxxter. Couldn’t agree more.

  19. billy goat says:


  20. silvio says:

    Dear Baxter, you are free to use all the adjectives and fuck words that you want,when refering to Franco.

    One thing I can assure you is,that our friends across the sea, would consider Franco as :
    He did what he warned he would do, in spite of all the threats.

    • Gakku says:

      You mean the mob guys across the pond?

    • tinnat says:

      They would consider him as mentally fragile, Silvio.

    • Jozef says:

      Shut up Silvio. And get yourself to read something by Sciascia.

      Sicily’s new governor is openly gay, gathering consensus due his incessant work against that mentality. He’s working with the Movimento 5 Stelle, (that’s the internet based movement) to get rid of it.

    • Brian says:

      @ Silvio

      With due respect, you are either dumb or otherwise blinkered.

      • Brian says:

        @ Silvio

        If Franco Debono really had at heart the interests of Malta and the Maltese, he would have abstained – thus hitting two birds with one stone.

        He was only interested in his own personal need for revenge. Democracy, my arse.

    • anthony says:

      Silvio, you do not know what you are talking about.

      Our friends across the channel to the North shoot people like Franco, then carefully proceed to perform a penectomy.

      Finally they gracefully insert the lifeless member into the corpse’s mouth.

      That is what they do.

      Very clearly you have no clue what ‘un’uomo d’onore’ in the context in which you quote it means.

      It means everything but Franco Debono.

      • silvio says:

        T o all my above fans who I have a small suspicion that they do not totally agree with what I said about Franco’

        One thing we all have to agree with. At least, right or wrong, he stuck to his beliefs and principles, unlike what someone else did lately, who renounced to all his past beliefs, and simply chose the most lucrative option.

        Franco is to be considered as the defender of all us little ones who feeling as being trodden over and subject to the whims and interest of the hidden hand behind the throne.

        E Come , , FRANCO E UN UOMO D’ONORE in maiuscola.

        [Daphne – There is nothing right, good, correct, moral or glorious in sticking to your beliefs if those beliefs are wrong.]

      • Mercury Rising says:

        Well Silvio, so did Hitler and Himmler, does that make them uomini d’onore?

        Ma jistghax ikun argument iktar bazwi.

      • Jozef says:

        When you say Franco e un uomo d’onore, who would it be?

        Basta tharbex bit-Taljan.

    • thehobbit says:

      You’re such an idiot, Silvio.

      1. A ‘uomo d’onore’ is nothing but a criminal, you stupid fuck.

      2. If a’uomo d’onore’ did what FD did i.e. do something without the consent of the leadership or more so scathe or embarass his bosses it would be the last thing he did.

      Now, eff off.

  21. Miss O'Brien says:

    Excellent! As I said yesterday I feel so good at last. We’re rid of the scum of the earth.

    • silvio says:

      Dear Miss O’Brien, I am also glad it’s all over, but unlike yourself, I surely would not describe, Gonzi &Co, as “the scum of the earth” as you so unchristianly do.

      They might have had their defects,and many, but to call them scum, that’s too much,although quite a lot would tend to agree. and as a matter of fact, parliament,which represents the will of the people, has yesterday decided to dump them in the skip,hoping that they will have time to cure themselves of their arrogance, and some,of their greed.

      • Miss O'Brien says:

        Dear Silvio

        I was referring to Franco. So spare me your sermonizing.

      • Angus Black says:

        Silvio, you just proved that you are as sharp as Labour’s li’l elves.

        Only you can mistake Miss O’Brien’ reference to Franco as ‘scum of the earth’, for Gonzi’s government.

        A new IQ chart has yet to be developed for Lejburisti, starting at -100 to +10 when average IQ on the present chart is +140.

        For people like you, Miss o’Brien should have named Franco and possibly the other two. Kapixx?

  22. The chemist says:

    That was very well-mannered of H.P Baxxter. The Maltese version would be much shorter and crude, the way most of Franco’s drug-dealing clients describe their daily activities and hassle with the ‘dreaded’ police force and law courts. Nicely put, Mr Baxxter.

    • silvio says:

      Dear Miss O’Brien. It has always been a woman’s prerogative to change her mind to match the colour of her hair, etc.

      Unfortunately, the written words stick longer than the spoken ones. So as they say in Paris, you have to lump it. What’s written can’t be unwritten.

  23. marie says:

    I love this man! (Baxxter, not Franco)

  24. Brian says:

    @ H.P. Baxxter

    Impressive…. Frickin’ A to you Baxxter! Pity is that Franco is too fuckin’ dumb to understand what you wrote.

  25. Jozef says:

    Baxxter’s right, he had us fooled. One lesson to learn.

  26. TinaB says:

    You nailed it, H.P. Baxxter. Bravo.

  27. voter says:

    Curious – very curious how Privitera has not offered a comment yet, on the budget not being approved. Perhaps he is angry because he will not benefit from the benefits offered – tell us something Eddy.

  28. A. Charles says:

    I am 100% in agreement with Mr. Baxxter.

    Debono mentioned that the evil clique consists of The Times and PBS among others; did he mention DCG and her blog as I could not make myself continuing to hear this Quisling spew out hatred and stupidity at machine gun velocity?

  29. Philip says:

    Well and truly said. Pity the asshole dragged us down with him. Hearing this sicko rant away last night I wondered how long it will be before he’s institutionalized.

  30. AE says:

    Thank you genteel Sir for expressing this so eloquently.

    I do have children and I am worried for their future in this country. Neither I or my spouse has a ‘job mal-Gvern’ and can rest assured of a stable income.

    We work hard for every cent we earn and pay our taxes on all of it.

    Now thanks to this egotistical swine and the Labour Party I cannot look forward to a decrease in my taxes, or an increase in my children’s allowance and prospects of generating income look bleak. They were already tough in this current climate but things look set to grind to a halt with that lot at the helm.

    It is the greatest tragedy that the current Opposition have failed to rejuvenate themselves and provide us with a real and viable alternative. I too am not happy with certain elements in the PN and hope that this next election will rid us of the arrogance and corruptive forces within, but even that is a lot better than handing the reins of this country to a lot who are no less arrogant but a lot more ignorant – as for corruption do we really need to hark back to the dreadful ’80s but seeing the same faces there I think we do.

    I firmly believe Dr Gonzi is a good man and it is a downright shame that he was hampered by persons within his own team. It is a miracle that he managed to achieve as much as he did with the hand he was dealt with. He managed to keep his eye on the ball in spite of all the tantrum throwing around him. God only knows how much those tantrums have cost us. How much more he could have achieved without having to deal with all the theatrics around him.

    Yes he could have dealt with certain situations a lot better and this was his failure but his successes have been many. God only knows how much more he can do with the likes of Simon Busuttil by his side. Let’s hope that the PN is more vigilant about who it lets run on its ticket this time round.

  31. Martin says:

    Lanqas hu maħruq, Baxxter, miskin!

  32. Bubu says:

    Can you get the Pulitzer for a blog post?

  33. Paul Bonnici says:

    Franco Debono would never have dared do such a thing under the Mintoff/KMB regimes.

    Remember what happened to the building of The Times, the Curia and the house of the then leader of the opposition Dr Fenech Adami. Franco would not have dreamt of causing the fall of the regime.

  34. Li Ding says:

    Excellent, Mr Baxxter. I liked the “Good night and sod off” best.

  35. Alex says:


    franco debono is presenting an opportunity to the PN. quite wisely, Gonzi managed to push Muscat into a discomfort position of not approving the budget, even if he claims he will impliment it once in power. the PN bandwagon will repeat this song for 3 months now and if PN wins the election it will because of this.

    Franco Debono can turn himself into an opportunity for the PN!

  36. TROY says:

    Hats off for our Baxxter.

  37. Pensioner says:

    I still can’t believe that Franco supposedly an intelligent lawyer could be capable of voting against the budget just because he was against one person in parliament.

    That budget was our direction for the next year, it is good and voting against it even if you liked it, is wrong.

    In doing this stupid Franco even put his future in politics to an end because no one will trust him now.

    • thehobbit says:

      No one wil ltrust him NOW? You mean, had he voted in favour then we ought to have trusted him then is what you’re saying?

  38. verita says:

    The difference between Mintoff and Debono? After Mintoff brought down the Labour government in 1998, he left the palace by the main door in full view of the press and the crowd, and Debono left like a skulking rat by a side door, heavily protected by police. The coward.

  39. PG says:

    Was your parting shot, sod off, lost on Franco.

  40. ciccio says:

    Baxxter, can we sign this with you?

    What you wrote can only be summed up in a short phrase from Franco’s own language: “Franco, hekk hu go fik.”

  41. M. Grech says:

    Prosit Baxxter. Ma stajtx torqom il-kliem aħjar.

  42. T.Farrugia says:

    Let him go and try Italy’s politics which he fancies a lot. Any way who needs him?

  43. AntiLabour says:

    Good riddance Mr. Irrelevant.

  44. Stefan V says:

    H.P. Baxxter min hu? Mhux dak il-kantant Germaniz jismu hekk?

  45. Gahan says:

    The last sentences which our Baxxter wrote should have been told to this peasant by the PN party executive yesterday.

    “The future beckons and you are dead weight, holding us back, sod off and good riddance to bad rubbish”.

    After telling him off, the executive should approve unanimously Dr Hermann Schiavone as candidate on the fifth district, and write an appreciation letter for the suffering he suffered because of a peasant politician.

  46. paddy says:

    Franco Machiavelli to contest in his beloved Italy with Beppe Grillo

  47. Mela darba kien hemm wiehed jismu Franco Debono…

    Issa jmur Sqallija forsi jsib xi Mafioso lil min jkun jista jiddefendi.

    La ma ridtx tisma min riedlek l-gid- hu li haqqekk- Lilna tal- 5 Distrett ITRTRADEJTNA- Gharmejt l-karriera tieghek l-bahar.

  48. obama says:

    Haha …Baxter is upset. Paxxejtni!

  49. Matt says:

    Baxter, I couldn’t agree with you more.

    It’s a mystery to me how this dolt managed to win Louis Galea’s seat.

  50. Mario says:

    Htija tieghi bl-akbar htija tieghi.

  51. Frank says:

    I just want to make one last comment on this sordid Debono business.

    Debono’s vote against the budget last Monday was the mother of irrational and illogical actions that I have ever seen happen in national politics.

    It is a giant non sequitur that illustrates and captivates nicely what Franco Debono is all about, a puffed up ignorant jerk with limited intelligence, completely incapable of logical thought.

    He voted against the budget not because he disagreed with its contents but because of a different issue completely unrelated to the budget.

  52. David S says:

    Coincidentally, The Government Gazette of 7th December has a supplement with an Act of Parliament XXII of 2012, “An Act to regulate the provision of mental health services, care and rehabilitation whilst promoting and upholding the rights of people suffering from mental disorders.”

    Can somebody send a copy to Franco Debono?

  53. canon says:

    Lawrence Gonzi is too much of a gentleman for not exposing Franco Debono for what he really is.

    The Prime Minister knows much more than we do about Franco.

    I suspect Franco tried to blackmail the Prime Minister for a ministerial post.

    Franco’s frustration was because he didn’t get what he wanted.

    Franco ridiculed himself by showing his Form II result to the press and became the laughing stock of the country. Thank God Franco now belongs to the Labour skip.

  54. Brian*14 says:

    This is no open letter, it’s a masterpiece.

  55. Tumas says:

    Hear, hear!

  56. Riya says:

    Prosit Baxxter kemm int bravu.

  57. Natalie says:

    Great post. Great ending.

  58. Lord Lucan says:

    The PN needs you Baxxter.

  59. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Franco Debono has done nothing which was not perpetrated much more notoriously two millenia ago by a certain Judas Iscariot for a dirty, measly thirty pieces of silver.

    That Judas ended his miserable life by committing suicide hanging by the neck from a true.

    Franco is destined to commit a different suicide, politically and professionally, but, that unlike the original Judas’s won’t even be remembered two years from now, let alone after two millennia.

    [Daphne – Judas committed suicide because of regret and guilt. Regret and guilt are the result of self-awareness and insight, and those in turn are the result of a certain degree of intelligence. Franco has no self-awareness or insight into what he has done, so he is incapable of regret and feelings of guilt. Which is just as well, really, for his own sake.]

  60. Aunt Hetty says:

    Can anyone throw some light on this?

    What on earth is happening in the judiciary system?

  61. Matt says:

    All the MPs walked out the palace through the main door, except Debono, who like a rat sneaked out through the back door.

    Mintoff walked out through the main door after he brought down Sant’s government.

  62. Maria aquilina says:

    It is good to have a Franco Debono in each party. It is important that the government is continuously being checked from within.

    This does not necessarily mean to bring down the government.God forbid.But to say that Franco is irrelevant!Irrelevant and was capable
    singlehandedly to bring down the government.I believe him when he says that he gave Gonzi many chances.Gonzi was in the middle and could not give in to Franco because he was dominated by powerful ministers.I can understand OGonzi’sposition.What happened is now history.We look forward to a peaceful Christmas time and a peaceful election campagne.

  63. canon says:

    I think we should forget about Franco and concentrate how we can keep Labour at bay.

  64. kev says:

    Oh, I see, I see, I see. So, had it not been for Franco Debono’s tantrum Gonzi would not have held an election this March. Or ever, I suppose. No wonder you poor kids are so obsessed with this “irrelevant” man.

    But, pssst… there’s a sinking ship. It’s called the Eurozanic. The bad thing is we’re on it. The good thing is you won’t realise you’re breathing water when we hit the seabed. And there’ll be Cyprus there and the Greeks, and of course the Germans will be there too, showing us the way forward.

    Carry on Lilliput! Clarity of mind might visit you on Muscat’s watch. Or perhaps not. Either way, water is what you’ll have to breathe.

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