Are you going to give the money back now, Franco?

Published: December 10, 2012 at 10:29pm

Would any journalist please be so good as to ring Franco Debono (9998 8877) and ask him whether he plans to return all the money he has taken in pay for a job he never did and for which he never turned up – parliamentary assistant in the Office of the Prime Minister?

Or has he spent it all on Big Pony shirts and weekends in Rome already?

He’s uploaded the full text of his speech on his now redundant blokk – including the bit he never spoke because the Speaker stopped him for running out of time.

You’d think that with a spiel about accountability and wrong-doing like that, he’d have the decency to practise what he preaches, instead of taking taxpayers’ money and not doing the work.

Vanessa has the night off, so Franco has safe sex with his mother’s turkey instead.

33 Comments Comment

  1. U Le! says:

    He took our vote and our money. Hu go fik votant. New democracy my arse.

  2. Aunt Hetty says:

    Taking tax payer money for doing nothing AND denying tax payers the benefits of the positive proposals of the budget by voting ”NO”.
    There must be plenty of people tonight who are none too pleased with Dr. Franco Debono of Hal Ghaxaq.

  3. Allo Allo says:

    There were many instances when I felt pissed off by the govenment’s policies including those on divorce and the increase in the salaries of ministers. Not that I have anything against ministers being paid fairly, but you cannot be telling the rest of the people that there is a crisis around and then awarding yourself a weekly Eur 500 increase.

    You cannot tell the rest of the population not to compare their salaries with the highest paid EU countries and then justify the ministerial increase with a comparison of what ministers are paid in Italy. You cannot tell the rest of the population that a meagre COLA weekly increase averaging some Eur 5 is up for debate because of competitivity and then award yourself a hundred times that amount.

    However, Franco has proved his worth as an asset for the PN. He has rekindled my support for the party. No matter how disgruntled I felt in the past, Franco’s antics have convinced me that in the forthcoming election I should give a clear vote for the PN and the prime minister.

    I’m sure I’m not a lonely species. I am a sample and a representative of many others who feel the same. Expect the polls to bridge the difference between the parties shortly.

    Thank you Franco for leaving me with no doubt on how I should vote in the next elections. Thank you for reviving the interest of many of us in the party and in wanting to see that party govern for another five years.

    • mandango70 says:

      I know the feeling. Happened to me too when Minoff voted against the Labour Government in 1998. It surely rekindled my support then.

      Alas, we still lost!

    • C Mifsud says:

      I totally agree!!

      I think we should thank Franco Debono for at least 2 things:

      A: His threat to vote against the budget

      Because of his constant threats to vote against, most of Malta watched Dr. Gonzi’s excellent speech where he highlighted so many positive points about the last 5 years, an excellent speech which I am glad to have watched and I am glad most of Malta has watched. I am more than sure that this has had a huge positive effect for the PN.

      B: He actually voted against

      The government has done its 5 years and Dr. Gonzi was going to call an election anyway. FD is now officially finished from the PN, relegated to the dustbin of political history where he belongs.

      The outcome ? I honestly believe that through his actions the country has been reminded about how much worse of we would have been under the MLP and how electing the PN again is the only hope for Malta.

      Grazzi Franco

  4. Dickens says:

    Why did Dr Franco Debono feel the need to sneak out of Parliament from the back door after the sitting?
    Diid he do something he was ashamed of?

  5. Dickens says:

    There must be plenty of people tonight who are none to pleased with the way Dr Franco Debono voted.

    And it has nothing to do with their political colour either.

    It has to do with all the financial benefits that the budget would have brought to their families, had Debono voted in favour.

  6. Monte bello says:

    I’ve just browsed through the comments Debono’s litany – and I can’t help thinking he’s written the ones singing his praises. This one for instance:

    It-traditur huwa min ghamel il-hsara lill-pajjiz u ma jhallasx ta eghmilu, bhall min ghabba pajjiz b 5000 miljun ewro dejn, min falla lit-tarzna bil-kaz tal-fairmout, il-BWSC, Arriva, min ha 500 (2,000 fix-xahar) ewro zieda fil-gimgha minn wara dahar kulhadd. Dawk huma l-veru tradituri u mhux min kellu l-kuragg jieqaf lil dawn il-hnizrijiet.

  7. Mark v says:

    All this screams for better vetting for PN candidates. We cannot continue to load ourselves with rubbish.

    Franco, Cyrus, Nikki Dimech, JPOo, Mugliett and a couple of others who are still around. I prefer a list with fewer candidates, but valid ones.

  8. Aunt Hetty says:

    Dr Debono pronounced himself proud of delivering the final blow against the oligarchy and for true democracy, Yet he sneaked out of the Palace from the back door like a burgler.

    One would have expected him to emerge triumphantly from the main entrance to savour the applause of the newly-liberated ”migemgha”.

    caccasott, fil di put, test di kazz ,gran farabutt!

  9. unknown says:

    Forget the turkey. He has a married mistress in Gozo.

  10. Rover says:

    What a prick. He steals taxpayer money for doing sweet f..k all and then blabbers about corruption.

    Il-veru pastazun imdejjaq minn Hal Ghaxaq.

  11. Brian says:

    An Epithet To Franco Debono

    Madness rushed roaring like a river forging his veins.
    A drippy dreaded development grumpily grows on his gritty bones.
    Unpractical perceptions mercilessly multiplies
    Who? What? Where? Why? When? as he lies
    Questions rapidly reproducing his charm into fright
    Born during the day, but shines only at night.
    Shadows of thirteen align with his spine,
    With a mad hat on his head, fitting all too fine
    To help contain or maybe sustain
    Silly sounding imagination bread from his brain
    His mental malnutrition, manipulates his mystical mind
    His madness soon to come with time
    He knew now he could never be defeated
    Look at what creepy crafty creature had been created!

    He sits on his throne, but a crown he wears not
    His sorcerer’s ways, dictated by though
    Buried under his big burly brim
    He figures out how to control this sin
    He’ll win by whittling his wonders into a time of torturous triumph
    It would not feel right if it weren’t for feeling so defiant
    He twiddles his thumbs as he conjures up his next decision
    Greed greedily glorified, as it grew his next vision
    His obtuse obsession overemphasized his intuition
    He lies and cheats and steels, but only by omission
    But he became small, sick and alone with no friend
    So would become the beginning of the end!

    His pondering puddle silenced, listen to the evaporation
    The Hatter’s unbundling humor earned his place in damnation
    His thoughts were all too mean
    Nightmares he confused with a dream
    Collected with his frightful might
    He now knew he couldn’t win this fight
    Against the arrogantly armored arsenal
    His insane wit could not prevent his fall
    Beatty eyes sucked back to shadows of his hat
    Right that upon that silly chair he sat!
    The walls of subtle sanity, he did in fact shatter
    And so was the fall of the great Mad Hatter!

    “The Rise and Fall of The Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland”

    Let’s all look at the bright side of things; That’s the last(?) we have heard of this sod and his incessant, drive you up the wall whingeing. And thank God for that.

  12. Gahan says:

    I followed what I could during the evening. I heard the prime minister who was realistic in his speech and made us recall what was done in this legislature.

    I liked his comment about how, when Joseph told him he will, as PM, invite him to open the new parliament building with him, he replied that Muscat should do the same with the new MCAST campus, the water flooding project, the power link to the European grid, the new radiology department at Mater Dei Hospital, and the plethora of other projects which are underway and for which this government found the money, competence and energy.

    The comment which takes the biscuit is Debono’s, when he said that The Times is the mouthpiece of the PN.

    People who work at The Times of Malta news room know very well how much they were pestered by this ‘iffisat’ to be given exposure for his private practice and for his tilting at windmills or rather arm-twisting tactics so that he will be made minister.

    When I heard Franco’s rant, I recalled him banging in approval for this year’s budget, he was right there in front of us trying to enter the oligarchy circle. Kemm bata miskin!

    I can’t comment about what Joseph Muscat said even though I listened to his speech about how closely knit his team is and what a fragmented team the PN has.

    That’s now irrelevant for the voters because the people who caused all the trouble have left the PN for good. He’s not a good actor he looked artificial.

  13. fredu says:

    I hope we never see his face again. All he wanted was publicity, full of jealousy for something that the prime minister never gave him.

    Franco is disgusting escaping from the back door and prosit Austin that you never surrendered.

  14. Morris Farrugia says:

    Thanks Franco for depriving me and my family from a 10% less income tax. I am really happy that you are the past and we will not hear more your name.

  15. J Farrugia says:

    Good riddance.

    Just for the information, no Vanessa any more issa. He is dating a separated mother of a boy, from Victoria, aged around 30. They don’t want anyone to know.

  16. Michelle Pirotta says:

    Evidently he read a scripted speech prepared by someone else.

  17. patrick mifsud says:

    Issa Sur franco l-Irrelevanti – aqbad ir-rizultat tal-form 2, obormu u iglih.

    Jekk ma tafx xi tfisser, ghidli u nispjegalek.

    Ma setax sablek kumment isbah il-prim ministru. Franco Debono IRRELEVANTI.

  18. chair says:

    On a positive note, I feel that many disgruntled Nationalists, including me, who were till very recently disillusioned have realised now that it is still important to keep on voting to try and keep the Nationalist Party in goverment. And this is all thanks to an irrelevant piece of S**t from Hal Ghaxaq and his mummy.

  19. PG says:

    I wasn’t expecting any better from such a stupid and irresponsible person. He has sealed his doomed fate forever.

  20. James Bartolo says:

    He is proud of what he did, and yet he left by the back door.

  21. billy goat says:

    Well…at last….he’s dead (politically … in case he takes me literally). I can already imagine his tombstone.

    Here lies


    Now sod off to Italy to play with your cock.

  22. Joe says:

    Ghaziz Franco,

    Min jaf kemm hi kburija bik il-mama eh? U f’dawn iz-zmenijiet min jaf kemm tiftakar fil-famuza priedka tal-milied li kont ghamilt.

    Dakinhar kienet ghamlitlek kaxxa biex tlahhaq u tkun fil-gholi. Donnu min dejjem xtaqitek tkun ‘High Achiever’ minkejja l-kapacitajiet tieghek.

    Isma, ir-report tal-Form II ahjar troddula lura l-mummy sabiex terga tpoggieh fil-gwarnicjun. Hekk jew b’hekk issa m’ghandekx daqshekk bzonnu u ser tgharrqu ggorru mieghek.

    Jaqaw dak ic-certifikat huwa ta’ l-unika sena li ghaddejtu l-Muscat? Ghax fil-hajja professjonali gera bik – hu mar l-Ewropa mentri int bqajt hawn, lily lahhquh kap tal-partit, u lilek l-anqas ministru tal-hofor m’ghamluk, Muscat dalwaqt jilhaq Prim Ministru u inti kulma irnexxilek issir huwa Prim Bugarrun! Biss, jekk forsi tithajjar, Berlusconi ser jerga johrog ghal politka – mur arak eh.

    Kemm titpaxxa kieku l-mama! Dak high achievement, tkunu cirku tal-kummiedja bejnitkom it-tnejn kieku.

  23. Natalie Mallett says:

    Lil Franco nisthajlu tifel li kien jigi biex jilghab maghna imma l’unika haga li niftakru jghid hi “Jew nirbah jew inharbat”. Spicca wahdu miskin bahlek Franco. Hlisna minnek bis-sahha tieghek stess ja supperv egoist.

  24. AntiLabour says:

    Insomma, ta’ Hal Ghaxaq GHAXXAQHA. Min jaf jiehux xi premju jekk jitla l-Labour?

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