As the Nationalist Party gets its new deputy leader, it’s time to remember Labour’s

Published: December 3, 2012 at 9:43pm

18 Comments Comment

  1. D. Zammit says:

    The TV debate between the the two deputy leaders this coming Friday should make interesting viewing

  2. canon says:

    Simon Busuttil should be given the chance to lead the Nationalist Party in the coming election. With Simon as leader there is a good chance to snatch victory from Joseph Muscat.

    • canon: You heard Simon yesterday. He wants Gonzi to keep on leading GonziPN ” FOR A VERY LONG TIME” ! I can imagine how many thousands of PN supporters gasped in disbelief, hearing Dr. Busuttil, whom many thought, would bring radical change, precisely say that NOTHING WILL CHANGE!

      • James Bartolo says:

        Simon Busuttil is deputy leader, not leader. Up till now there is no vacancy for the party leadership.

        The MLP had many vacancies for leadership and deputy leadership as from 1987 onwards. How many times has the MLP changed its trio? Tell us, please, Eddy.

  3. Josette Jones says:

    Labour: a broken record.

  4. TROY says:

    Gadget will lose his temper while our Simon remains calm and collected.

    • anna caruana says:

      Mr cool and collected is on PN Bondi +,

      He is basically telling the voters to vote for the new faces in the party .

      He obviously holds no grudge against all the Ministers that openly supported Tonio.

      Is he still on the payroll as an MEP ? just curious.

      • etil says:

        As far as I know Dr. Busuttil has not yet resigned as an MEP so I suppose he is still on the payroll – not that it matters an iota to me. It is enough for me that he is Deputy Leader of the PN.

  5. P.Gauci says:

    It still doesn’t solve the biggest problem in the Nationalist Party i.e. its leader.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      There’s no problem with the leader. He’s sailed us through some pretty rough seas.

      Kept unemployment down, tourism on record levels, churned out graduates by the thousands and found them jobs, was not afraid to denounce Gaddafi when the Labour Party would have offered him a safe-haven, financed a myriad of projects across the country and got rid of entities that were leaching millions away.

      When you compare him to the clueless, strutting, half-baked gingerbread muppet that is poised to take his place as PM, I despair of this nation.

      • You’ll know whether Lawrence Gonzi is a problem or not at election time ! Simon has shot himself in the foot very badly yesterday on Bondi+ by lauding Gonzi, who is the main problem of the PN !

      • Neil Dent says:

        Well Eddy, when it comes to ‘problem leaders’ you of all people should certainly know your onions, considering the MLP’s disastrous leadership record in recent history, current leader and soon-to-be PM included.

      • James Bartolo says:

        Eddy, your former leaders had dubbed Gonzi as a serial loser, but he succeeded in keeping you in opposition for all these years.

        How about that for a serial loser?

        Gonzi whatever may happen in the future, will still be standing in our history as a leader and a statesman whatever your ilk says.

        It’s all jealousy and nothing else. MLP couldn’t put up a leader who could win them the general election.

      • canon says:

        Don’t get so excited because of Simon Busuttil, Eddy. You know, it is not good for your health.

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