Does Anglu know that VAT is a tax on spending?

Published: December 15, 2012 at 10:13pm

Anglu Farrugia (his make-up is terrible and did he buy his sjut with his hankie already stitched into the pocket?) has just given the fact that VAT revenue has increased hugely since 1997 as an example of how this Evil Gvern is taxing us more.

Blethering idiot.

Please somebody tell him that the more people spend, the more VAT the government collects. People have more money to spend than they did in 1997 and they’re spending it.

Anyway, we didn’t have VAT in 1997. We had….CET.

9 Comments Comment

  1. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Yes, in fact I was also thinking the same.

    Given the fact that my salary almost doubled over the same period (due to working my butt off I will add and not because I was somehow favoured by anyone) I am also paying twice as much tax.

    That’s what a good economy does.

  2. xmun says:

    I could not believe my ears when I heard him make that statement

  3. sm says:

    He’s sweating now .. under pressure.

  4. anthony says:


  5. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    The question to ask is, have they realised that by increasing the bottom tax band, everyone is going to be impacted?

    And the tax impact is going to be significant?

    Have they quantified the value?

    Have they quantified the age brackets of these single minimum wage earners?

    Are they 17-year-olds who have just joined the labour market at the lower end of the scale?

    Are they students who also happen to work at the same time?

    Are they layabouts who do not want to take advantage of the training grants (of Eur 600) being offered?

  6. paddy says:

    Dumb simple economics Kenysian or Monetary Economics are too much for him

  7. george grech says:

    No wonder they sent Franco Debono instead of him.

  8. Claude Sciberras says:

    U ejja Daphne, mela anke inti mhux qed tifhem bhal Peppi?

    Tini cas ha nispjegalek.

    Iva din gennata li l-gvern zied id-dhul tieghu. Gvern Laburista Gdid (iehor) se jnaqqas id-dhul tal-gvern minn taxxi indiretti…

    U vera jnaqqsuh ghax jekk jaghmlu qassata bhal ma kienu ghamlu bejn 1996-1998 id-dhul tal-gvern jonqos zgur

  9. Jozef says:

    It’s what Joseph says, same applies to the distortion regarding debt since Independence.

    Of course, Net TV journalists aren’t allowed anywhere near him however. How is one expected to understand their philosophy if the details aren’t quantified or put into an overall perspective?

    Testing the electorate’s reaction is essential to the viability of any financial measure. VAT proved better than CET even because it had already been successfully implemented.

    We need a debate between the two finance spokesmen. Labour’s spoilt for choice, isn’t it?

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