Do Labour really think that parading this maniac on Super One is doing them any favours?

Published: December 15, 2012 at 10:58am

33 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    As I always say, they are bloody amateurs.

    What happened yesterday is an eye opener of what is to come if the PL come to power.

  2. Chris Mifsud says:

    Hahahah that does sound like Franco Debono last night. There is a video on Youtube of last night.

    Labour is so empty that they couldn’t even send their deputy leader to face Busuttil. Instead they send Debono.

  3. Chris Mifsud says:


  4. Kevin Zammit says:

    Nothing changed from Alfred Sant’s time. They always boycott Xarabank and now they have come with the excuse that Peppi is biased.

  5. silvio says:

    While I might not totally agree with hunting,I do not see what right did this German woman have to tresspass on private property.
    I suggest that this desendent of ,we know who,should go back to her country,and maybe devote her energy in saving innocent Unborn babies.

    • vanni says:

      Stop spewing tosh, Silvio. If, as you wrote, she is a ‘decendent’ of we know who, what are you if not a ‘decendent’ of some British seaman’s itch, or failing that, a by product of some wandering Arab’s sowing of oats.

  6. Bob says:

    Parading who? I did not get this.

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I think you meant to post this:

    [Daphne – Yes. Switched.]

  8. Tania says:

    Hilton’s fully booked again already for lunch tomorrow, not taking anymore reservations.

    People aren’t even slowing down a bit so they can spend more during the week between Christmas and the new year.

    Dan kif farrkuh u qerduh pajjiz in-nazzjonalisti madoffi, kullhadd mejjet bil-guh x’ghar u casa!

  9. A. Charles says:

    After Frankie Debono’s histrionics at Where’s Everybody’s studios, I came to the humble conclusion that we are about to witness the creation of the Pullicino/Debono syndrome which will be part and parcel of the psychiatrists armamentarium.

    * patient lies through his/her teeth
    * the patient has a television audience
    * the patient thinks that he is in the right when everybody else thinks otherwise
    * takes place just before a national election
    * the patient is about to be thrown into a political oblivion
    * the patient is hysterical
    * the patient is of limited IQ and EQ.
    * the patient has no respect for the intelligence of other people

  10. Paolite says:

    The MLP’s plan to substitute Anglu with Franco “imploda”.

  11. Carlos Bonavia says:

    Franco’s theatrics were such a put-on, sham, amateur act that it was very obvious who put him up to it, to hide the fact that they have a dud back at HQ.

    It was much more than pathetic, it was simply childish.

    The Irrelevant One does not even qualify to be an amateur thespian.

    The only thing he qualifies for is sitting at Addolorata parking giving nightly shows right now.

    What wouldn’t I give to be locked up in a room with the little twerp to hold ‘a very meaningful, one-on-one dialogue’ for 30 minutes.

  12. P Shaw says:

    I have one idea for the MLP: if they hold themselves to such high levels in the area of freedom of speech, why don’t they organize a mass meeting on il-Fosos for Franco Debono similar to the old ones organized for Il-Farfett and Spiru Sant?

    The Labour audience love such clowns – they are used to them.

  13. Superman says:

    I just saw something on Facebook by someone who is clearly a totally blind Laburista.

    What amazes me is the lack of coherent thinking.

    She said our country is a disaster, even after posting the numerous articles about EU reports she said are crap and the EU is corrupt.

    Of course she insulted me and then she unfriended me.

    I think we need to teach people critical thinking.

    This is what’s keeping this country back with these people who are easily manipulated by Labour and their lies, and they end up believing the lies.

    An interesting article on the subject:

  14. Daphne: He will definitely NEVER reach the harm you have done and still do to GonziPN. For sure !

  15. J Mizzi says:


    – fuckers
    – condom
    – rubber jolly

    limited vocabulary

  16. PG says:

    What a hamallu. Pastaz kbir. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  17. ta'sapienza says:

    Why does snatching defeat from the jaws of victory (again) come to mind?

  18. Josette Jones says:

    “Dawn tal PBS… oppressjoni… lanqas il-Libya!”

  19. bystander says:

    Why is no-one laughing at him?

    I would be pissing the floor.

    Spoiled brat. Blame the parents.

  20. bystander says:

    It’s clear their brainwave of bringing Frankie did not get as far as ‘what happens if they call off the debate?’.

    In their mind, the debate was always going to happen, with Frankie instead of Farrugia.

    I wouldn’t trust these people to flush after themselves let alone run an economy.

  21. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Bloody hell. This is even worse:

    At times it looked like it would degenerate into a fist fight.

  22. La Redoute says:

    Apparti kollox, kemm hu ikrah. Imbasta jghid ghal haddiehor.

  23. PG says:

    Irrelevanti u inferjorita kbira – I pity this man.

  24. phoebe says:

    And he is still obsessed with Form 2. Something must have happened to him, at that stage, and he is still stuck there.

    He was shouting and saying about Simon: “Inghalaq gol kamra qisu wiehed tal-form 2.” U le.

  25. Ken il malti says:

    As a Maltese person who has lived abroad for over half a century I wonder how the Maltese population puts up with such childish and amateurish antics from a so called professional and (former) public servant with actions that verge on psychotic and mentally unbalanced.

    I can’t think of any other nation, third or otherwise, that would put up with this drama let alone giving him an establishment soapbox to constantly air his tired point of view.

    Anywhere else a Frankie type would have been nipped in the bud and would have been waylaid to the fringes of society and be placed on medication, or left to wander the streets while fighting aloud the invisible demons persecuting his mind.

  26. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Why didn’t they just ask security to chuck the bloody idiot out?

  27. C says:

    This show reminds me of the movie “ONE FLEW OVER THE COOKOO’S NEST”.

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