I guess there’s not going to much of the tuna toast at Cordina for a while

Published: December 10, 2012 at 8:37pm

When I grow up I want to be a prick.

What’s Franco Debono planning to do for the next few months, I wonder? Hide out at mummy’s?

Without his daily cruise between South Street and Cafe Cordina, he’s going to be totally lost.

Mintoff was in his 80s when he brought down the government, and was quite content to hibernate.

But Franco can’t live without constant attention, and now he’s going to have to.

18 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Franco didn’t grow up and it showed.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Franco slithers out of the side exit.

      The rabid reds are revelling.

      Little smirking Joey goes to the head of the class.

      He thanks Franco, and shows HIS form 2 results.

      Little Joey fucks up, during the election campaign. (bad advice from the illterate dinosaurs).

      Panic ensues.

      Down they go to the depths to which they deserve.

      A revitalized PN emerges.

      All is calm as we continue to grow.

      Take your pick, people.

  2. bystander says:

    He could always become a rent boy.

  3. La reroute says:

    Oh, he’ll have attention all right, only not the kind he craves.

  4. maryanne says:

    He can always go to the GWU’s restaurant. Do they make tuna toast?

  5. Vanni says:

    Gonzi just buried Franco, with ‘Franco Debono hu irrilevanti’

  6. P.Zammit says:

    Daphne … I came across this quote and it made my day.

    Another Old Aloysian leaves the Highest Institution of the Land … forever???
    Like · · 35 minutes ago near Valletta ·

    Confined to the gutter of irrelevance. He can now take his true place sitting on top of the Luqa monument.
    16 minutes ago ·

  7. Ken il malti says:

    Franco would be wise to lay off the tuna on toast and the Italian pasta plates as his suit jacket has really shrunk on him.

    Or maybe his whole body has now puffed up to catch up with his bloated rooster head.


  8. francesco says:

    Franco Debono u l-Partit Laburista llum baghtu messagg unanimu lil-poplu mMlti kollu :

    ‘Hekk, hu go fik!’

  9. Cloud 9 says:

    Who is Franco Debono?

  10. Riya says:

    Franco Debono did nothing special. He wanted to become a hero due to his jealousy towards his PN colleagues. With his action he strenthened the PN and the MLP will still have to wait till March for an election which was due just the same.

    If Franco assumes that he is strong, or that his action put him in a stronger position, he should contest the election as an indipendent candidate and he will become a ZERO like KMB.

  11. Taks Fors says:

    U bhal halliel, hareg mill-bieb ta’ wara.

    Seraq il-fiducja li tawh il-votanti Nazzjonalisti biex ipprova jwegga lil-Partit.

    Imma l-Partit mexa t-triq kollha u poggieh go rokna li minna ma kellux fejn jimmanuvra.

    Issa dahal fl-istorja ta’ Malta bhala t-traditur mhux biss tal-Partit imma ta’ budget li anke l-oppozizzjoni qablet mieghu. Ghamel l-ahhar speech tieghu mhux fuq il-budget imma fuq ‘il-Jien’.

    U ghax halliel, l-ghazla li baqghalu issa hi li jew jisparixxi mix-xena politika jew imur iqatta’ s-sighat fuq Smash ma KMB u Emy.

    RIPH (Rest in Political Hell) Franco tal-Form 2 Debono. U llejla gharaxulu naqa lis-serduk.

  12. xmun says:

    He will probably be a regular on Super One until 07 March because its suits Labour, then he will disappear into oblivion

  13. S Borg says:

    “Ma kkonsultawnix ghall-budget! Ma kkonsultawnix ghall-budget!”
    *sniff sniff*

    “Hallewni barra!!!”

    “Il-PBS ma stedinnix ghal dawn l-ahhar 3 xhur!!!”

    ….my first reaction to hearing all that bs?

    “Int min iz-z*** int??!”

  14. voter says:

    I wonder if Debono will now have the brass neck to go to court as though nothing happened yesterday.

  15. *1981* says:

    Maybe he’ll take up residence in his kamra at San Tumas and redecorate.

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