No wonder they try to hide him

Published: December 15, 2012 at 9:06pm

Flying start, eh, Anglu? We’ve only just started and he’s already all over the shop. If you’re not yet watching, zip to your TV now.

He started out with a grab for the sympathy vote: those 20 students who died in the US. Like that has anything to do with the price of eggs.

The man is barely coherent. Tal-biki. Mur arah deputat prim ministru.

Oh, and where’s his war medal? He’s only got the ribbon stuck to his front.

47 Comments Comment

  1. Roy says:

    What a bumbling mess…

  2. xmun says:

    We have a new phrase from Dr On D Rekort – Please do it!

  3. Norwegian Wood says:

    Faqar kbir

  4. sandy:) says:

    Kemm ghandu make up Angelo.

  5. sandy:) says:

    !!!!!!! lejber style b xeba explanation markz

  6. Bob says:

    best quotes so far:

    “Ha jkellimna fuq il-korp tal-Pulizija Anglu Farrugia” – Simon Busuttil

    “Qedin aghar mill-Azerbaijan” – Anglu Farrugia

  7. Neil Dent says:

    How much foundation is he wearing? Swiss Tony would be proud.

  8. Norwegian Wood says:

    To fight off his panic, Farrugia is hiding behind an artificial grin.

    • diana vella says:

      It’s true he tried to make us laugh. He was very artificial, thinking to make fun of Simon. Well done, Simon

  9. caroline says:

    Does this jerk think he is being funny? He can’t even give a straightforward answer.

    God protect all Malta from having these Labour idiots running the country again. Well done, Simon, the programme just started and you have already outdone him.

  10. Max says:

    It is an insult..rhetoric….rhetoric…rhetoric…

  11. zaphod says:

    I never thought I’d say this, but I’m honestly feeling sorry for Anglu and all the LP crew, because it’s the classic case of “tghum il-bahar kollu u tghereq fil-port”.

  12. Neil Dent says:

    Clapton Almighty, he’s off the map! Roll on 9th March.

  13. davidg says:

    Ghogbitni ta’ Simon : ” Intom dejjem tard ” anzi ma qallux li anke biex jirkbu ajruplan bhal ma kien gralu Jozef..

  14. Let the campaign begin. Just think, three months of Labour fuck ups.

    • La Redoute says:

      Followed by 5 years of major Labour fuck-ups (about the only sex Franco Debono’s going to get).

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Kawart! Mort tistahba fl-Alpi! Hares lejja! Jien KBURI li bqajt haw ha nkun l-ewwel wiehed li nixtri Taste!

      I would translate it but it loses the oomph in any other language.

  15. anthony says:

    Who does this moron think he is?

    The British PM on Wednesday at PM question time paying tribute to the members of the armed forces who have lost their lives on active duty?

    What has the massacre in Newtown got to do with him, his pathetic party and this poor country of ours?

    18000 children die everyday of hunger and malnutrition.

    900 children die every day of AIDS and related illnesses.

    1150 children become infected every day with the AIDS virus.

    What about these Rekort?

    Piss off.

    We want to know where you and your sordid party stand on vital issues affecting our country.

    We are not interested in scientific studies that you plan to undertake when in power.

    You have had 25 full years to do that.

    Now we expect to have concrete facts.

    Please deliver or perish.

  16. Toyger says:

    I can’t take him any more. I’m still watching because I’m happy to see Simon wipe the floor with him.

    The idiot (Farrugia), when asked what indirect taxes are, couldn’t come up with examples…then he stammered VvvvAT.

    Well stupid, it’s simple math: if the government is getting more revenue from VAT and other indirect taxes that’s because people are spending more and not because the government is taxing them more.

  17. paddy says:

    Il-veru Anglu Farrugia b’ dahqa sarkastika jipprova jikkonvinci bil-hmerijiet – hanqa ta’ hmar qatt ma waslet is-sema.

  18. Julian says:

    Is Anglu Farrugia ever going to answer a direct question?

  19. Antoine Vella says:

    Anglu Farrugia had mentioned hundreds of votes being bought by the PN. The case he is mentioning regards only two.

  20. jackie says:

    “Anglu Farrugia lies in court”. That was below the belt from Simon Busuttil. Everyone knows that Anglu was trying to tell the truth but he couldn’t verbalise it.

  21. 1970 baby says:

    He looks like a polished wooden ventriloquist’s dummy.

  22. Isabel says:

    God preserve us.

  23. Alex Fenech says:

    OMG! Is Anglu Farrugia for real? He looks and sounds like one of the cast from the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

    Also does he have one of those Quality Street sweets in his mouth? You know, those big round toffees in the gold wrapper.

  24. Clifford Galea says:

    Daz-zokk t’Anglu Farrugia x’iz-zokk jahbat?

    Inhares lejh BISS diga hija raguni valida ghaliex ma nafdax il-PL.


  25. NGT says:

    Did he say that VAT is an indirect tax?

  26. Giovanni says:

    The PL elves are all over Kemm hu tajjeb Anglu when he has not said anything yet.

    Veru miskin il-PL with a deputy leader like Anglu.

  27. Tom says:

    ‘war medal’ – is that what they give to the guys who beat and abused people at the Depot?

    You’d know, I suppose.

  28. giraffa says:

    Anglu is true to form – simply pathetic.

    The only Labour (read Socialist) way to debate is to continuously interrupt in at a loud voice, throwing in lies and more Super One lies.

    Simon is great as he is not letting this bag of hot air destabilize his argument. A few more shows like these and PL had better ‘mind the gap’.

  29. Clifford says:

    No substance, Ang.

  30. Pro says:

    Well done, Angelo! You managed to convince me to vote PN… not that I wasn’t going to. Simon, you’re brilliant.

  31. paddy says:

    With Anglu Farrugia on Xarabank, I, my family and my friends who had mostly been grumbling for the last 5 years have now decided that there is no option but to vote PN.

  32. M. Grech says:

    Hares lejja, Daphne!

  33. paddy says:

    Does Anglu know he is no longer a police officer who asks and answers his own questions? Hopeless case.

  34. U Le! says:

    Cannot wait for school to start next Monday. Cannot wait to try out the line “Hares lejja’ on some of my naughty students.

  35. Il-Labra says:

    Fejn qieghdin tal-lejber li tant ipecilqu? M’ghandhom xejn xi jghidu iktar?

  36. The Scot says:

    I have to admit that I am worried – yes, worried for my beloved island.

    The PN needs to spend time in opposition, to do a proper clean-up , if they win the election again, it will be close to a dictatorship.

    [Daphne – I hope you have sufficient intelligence to realise that what you have just said is a contradiction in terms. “If the PN are elected again it will be close to a dictatorship”. What defines a dictatorship is not length of time in government, but imposition of that government. Hence, a dictatorship by definition cannot be democratically elected.]

    but if yesterday show was the best the LP can throw….I am sorry but its really bad….the least the LP talk the better.. Anglu was very poor yesterday,not that Simon was impressive …the irony is that Caccopardo looked the better of all 3….bad times for the country…

  37. David says:

    Oh c`mon, guys don`t be so harsh on poor old Ang. He`s in love with Simon. Didn’t he say himself li kellu problemi personali mal-mara fi zmien il-kampanja tar-referendum dwar id-divorzju?

    He wanted to hypnotize Simon with his bikk blu ajs. Hares lejja, Simon.

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