The scarves are out on Fejsbuk

Published: December 10, 2012 at 9:55pm

12 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    Jaqq. X’hamallagni ta’ nies.

  2. U Le! says:

    This is a reality check. Switchers take note.

  3. Angus Black says:

    As obsolete and irrelevant as Franco Debono.

    Bye-bye Franco, now you can train your cock full-time.

  4. Gabs says:

    I thought that they have changed the logo.

  5. Ken il malti says:

    Imagine if they lose the election.

    They would be super pissed, as they think it is in the bag already.

  6. Alfred Bugeja says:

    So much for their failed PR exercise in changing the emblem and the name.

  7. John Zammit says:

    Believe me Daphne, I have never been to a mass meeting in my life. I suppose I am a bit snobbish about them, but I think they could be such fun.

    Issa nipprepara ftit sengwiches u thermos tee u trumbetta, u immorru niżżablu ftit. Ikun hemm ftit gherf u entużjażmu nisimaw lill Joseph jghidilna kif ser irahhas il kontijiet tad-dawl.

    Majt ez well get used to it. back to the origins of species.

  8. mark pace says:

    The paranoid side of you always prevails.
    Why dont you create a facebook account instead of having your little slaves most of which comment here send you private pictures and shots of others timeline.
    Your problem would be finding a decent picture……. oh wait I forgot Pl on their billboad made you look a bit decent so I guess you can upload that.

    [Daphne – That’s what I actually look like, sugar. It has nothing to do with the PL. Not all witches are ugly, you know. Best remember that.]

  9. TinaB says:

    Mr Pace, your friends’ pictures are not private. If they want them to be private they should hide them. If they choose to put them on display, biex joqghodu jghidulhom “kemm int mazza” it is completely up to them. .

    Secondly, what you and your ilk define as beautiful, or ugly, the rest of us see in a totally different way. Keep that in mind.

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