Wow, he’s going to deliver and serve the beef

Published: December 10, 2012 at 9:14pm

Joseph Muscat has just given a press conference (of course).

He was asked when and if he’ll let us know what he plans to do about water and electricity rates.

His answer? In Anglixx:

“D beef will be served on the 7th January.”

X’antipatija ta’ bniedem. Jaqq.

Kemm jahseb li hu helu, miskin.

32 Comments Comment

  1. QahbuMalti says:

    Watch him on Super One now – he is an UGLY man.

  2. Bubu says:

    I’d like mine crispy please. With soy sauce on the side.

  3. David Ganado says:

    Oh so it’s going to be a busy few weeks for the PL trying actually figure out how they are going to seem to reduce the utility rates.

    Sorry guys, Christmas is cancelled for you this year.

    • Jozef says:

      Everyone in Labour’s wary of that hot potato. Imagine coming across as someone who’s been lying for over three years, couple of months from elections.

      As the PM said yesterday, hopefully, they got their sums right.

      I don’t see Scicluna, Mangion or Vella going there.

  4. jojo says:

    id dwejjaq kielek!!! hu go fik

  5. Claude Sciberras says:

    Daphne your site has gone extremely slow. Guess its going to be another record.

  6. Allo Allo says:

    And when do we get the bone then?

  7. TROY says:

    What about vegetarians?

  8. ClS says:

    Beef Olives filled with unpleasant surprises.

  9. Peter Mercieca says:

    Well that excludes all the vegetarians and animal huggers ha ha all inclusive my backside….

  10. Stacey says:

    So Labour candidate Deborah Schembri on TVM saying kemm qed ibatu n-nies and the Labour leader on Super One just made an appeal for funds for the Labour campaign.
    Ma jisthiex ukoll.

    • maryanne says:

      She can always start helping the poor by not charging the fees that were reported on the media (for divorce procedures).

    • Mercury Rising says:

      Deborah Schembri gave a very poor performance. If I were her I would go into hiding – and I am going to refrain from the obvious jokes about that.

      • Catsrbest says:

        She also said that she is not going to the fun run. And this when she really needs it – poor soul.

  11. Lilla says:

    Ghandi ‘feellink’ ha nibqghu bil-guh.

  12. Riya says:

    Deborah Schembri. Dik brava hafna ta’.

    Qisa ila fil-politika xi miljun sena u taf aktar minn kullhadd.

    Pruzunzjonijiet biss ghandha u sugu ta’ xejn. Hasbet li ghax rebhet tad-divorzju saret xi professura.

  13. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I’ll have mine rare, with taters, carrots, sprouts and Yorkshire puddings.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Good choice, Baxxter. Low carbos and lot’s of protein. Go easy on the taters and Yorkshire, though.

      Should keep you lean and mean. Dr. Aitkin would be proud.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Nah, only joking. And I wanted to test the comment function which seems to have gone belly up.

  14. Gabs says:

    Jekk thares lejn il-figura ta’ Deborah tindika kemm hawn guh f’dan il-pajjiz

  15. Ken il malti says:

    Everyone should call up Joseph just after the 7th and ask him where is the beef.

  16. Antoine Vella says:

    What are the odds that the PL electoral programme still requires some finishing touches? Perhaps the beef is not ready to be served just yet.

    • Catsrbest says:

      ‘… requires some finishing touches?’ Actually, I’ll bet my last cent that they haven’t yet started it. And when it’s out, it will again be infested with mistakes, half-baked proposals and other plans that have already been implemented.

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