Trid tkun il-vera Laburist

Published: December 13, 2012 at 3:58pm

So that Laburist (a term which means so much more than the innocuous ‘Labour-voter’) Lino Farrugia Sacco has reacted to the Ombudsman’s request that Farrugia Sacco be relieved of his official duties by ASKING THE POLICE TO INVESTIGATE AND PROSECUTE THE OMBUDSMAN FOR CRIMINAL DEFAMATION.

I would say this is unbelievable, but sadly it is all too typical.

Bla zejt f’wiccu.

So sordid, the lot of them

8 Comments Comment

  1. mandango70 says:

    Well “trid tkun vera Nazzjonalist” also has a wider meaning, and that being “tkun vera ahdar”.

    [Daphne – Really? Perhaps, among people like you. Funny how you don’t use it about Franco and Jeffrey and Dalli, then, given that they are forever protesting about being more Nationalist than the Pope, so to speak. ]

  2. hbieb, kollegi nazzjonalisti,

    aqraw il-verita fuq franco debono hawn:

    guzeppi tal-mosta
    kullhadd jafni

    • mandango70 says:

      Hahaha! Welcome aboard Guzeppi tal-Mosta kulhadd jafek.

      Daphne must be dancing the Gaguam Style dance with this achievement. She managed to nick one of Franco’s regulars, which will assist in the rankings’ game.

      Keep us posted Guzeppi, love your style. Aqwa minn Ganguam…or however you spell that!

      [Daphne – He cropped up here first, actually. I would never do anything quite as naff as do that dance. It’s for chavs. And what’s more, chavs half my age.]

  3. Josephine Cini says:

    a gentle reminder of what to expect, to all nazzjonalisti who are thinking about a change,

  4. Josephine Cini says:

    What we can expect of a Labour government:

  5. *1981* says:

    Utterly disgusting

  6. David Ganado says:

    Iva fhimnik, Guzeppi. M’ghandhekx bzonn tikteb fuq kull artiklu f’dan il-blog.

    Mhux ahjar tibda tikteb xi haga fil-blog tieghek ha naqraw affarjiet interessanti fuq Franco (min?)?

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