Celebrating already

Published: February 16, 2013 at 11:49am

celebrating already

22 Comments Comment

  1. Carmelo Micallef says:


  2. Giovanni says:

    She will be celebrating and spending on holidays and we will start saving for the up coming rainy days while business will be on their knees because of our savings.

  3. Daniel says:

    Labour is still the underdog in this election.

    [Daphne – Been at the magic mushrooms in Thailand, have you?]

  4. Peter Mallia says:

    Daphne, you always write something about people ‘endorsing’ Labour. Anything about Kevin Drake?

    [Daphne – Not really. I try to avoid writing about my childhood neighbours as far as possible. Kevin and I are the same age and grew up a street away from each other. If that were not the case, I would have gone to town on Michael Falzon (Labour’s), who incidentally grew up in the house facing Kevin’s mother’s. I’ll just say that I think Kevin is wrong and quite ill-mannered to do what he’s doing, and that there is nothing to be gained from being spiteful. By that I don’t mean voting Labour (do what you please in private) but embarrassing his ex wife, perhaps deliberately, and also all those people who had so much patience with him when he was too unwell to do his job properly at the Malta Tourism Authority, but still they kept him on and paid him his full salary. Let’s just say that I wouldn’t have done anything so public, despite my private actions. The fact that he has gone public in this dramatic way just tells me that the main motivation is not politics but some kind of misplaced resentment and personal spite. Not a good look, Kevin, if you’re reading this. Next time, keep it private.]

    • jae says:

      Daphne, I agree with you. He is free to do as he pleases but he should have kept it private.

      In another programme (Bla Agenda of a week or two ago), he compared this election with that of 1987. Just as we needed a change in direction then, he argued, we need a change in direction now.

      I think it is crazy to argue for a change in direction following five very successful years in jobs and education and with a further 1.2 billion euros secured from the EU.

      I used to think Kevin had a much better sense of judgement. Finding a ready ear from PL activists may have made the difference.

      PS. Kevin has passed through a very difficult time due to his condition. I wish him well and hope he will manage to recover.

    • P Shaw says:

      Wasn’t Kevin fired together with Roger de Giorgio from Media Link/PN during the ‘cost-cutting exercise’ in 1998, when Lawrence Gonzi was secretary general?

  5. edgar says:

    I really shall pray that there won’t be a tsunami that week in Thailand.

  6. C Mifsud says:

    The more I see Laburisti believing their movement, party or whatever they call it is going to win, the more I will laugh if they lose.

  7. anthony says:

    When the PN won the 1987 elections nobody went to Thailand to celebrate.

    Nobody apart from the MLP apparatchiks could afford to go.

    And those were in no mood for celebrating.

    We did go to church though and thanked the Almighty for having given us Eddie Fenech Adami.

    That we did. That we could afford to do.

  8. Renald says:

    I have booked a holiday but not to celebrate. I booked it for a simple reason: to get out of here once Labour is in government.

  9. bob-a-job says:

    Yes, they will be celebrating but not because Labour is the better option but because the government repeated a past mistake.

    Five years ago and just before the last elections, the PM apologized for having ignored the people. Now five years on, it is clear that no lesson has been learnt.

    We have evolved from ‘il-poplu ma’ fehemx’ to ‘cuc-Malti’. A similar song by different authors.

    Some members of this government, the PM included, completely disregarded the requirements, suggestions and qualms of the population surrounding themselves with the familiar faces while ignoring others who offered suggestions in spheres where they are professional.

    This is one reason for the swing to Labour.

    The other reason is that many are being fooled into the mistaken perception that Joseph Muscat is an understanding, all-embracing, benevolent Leader.

    These non-Labour supporters walk naively towards their date with destiny on the 10th of March, as innocent as the Jews delivered to the gas chambers.

    It is most upsetting that a few minutes of folly while filling in the ballot may well drag us all into a virtual holocaust.

    Meanwhile, yes, they will be celebrating.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      Ignored the people? Ignored the specific requests of people, you mean. When a country does well and moves forward, the whole nation does too.

      Is there anyone who is worse off now than they were 25 years ago?

      The nationalist scored full marks on the economy, education and health services. What change of direction do we need? When you are doing well and change direction, you can only do worse.

  10. Just me says:

    A holiday to Thailand is expensive. Mela ma qeridhomx il-gvern?

    • Tabatha White says:

      I’m thinking that either Labour supporters have no clue that the lifestyle they’re able to enjoy and decisions taken by politicians are directly linked, or that lies are such an ingrained part of the way they function that they see no disparity between how they live and what they say.

    • tinnat says:

      Sharon Ellul Bonici – Miss NO TO EU – is milking the gravy cow in Brussels. Because, you know, if you don´t believe in an institution, you go and work in it. Fuzzy logic. Or simply another opportunistic political prostitute.

      The credibility of people like her is ZERO. Let´s remember that she was Joseph´s number 1 NO TO EU propoganda maker not so long ago.

  11. ken il malti says:

    I thought only homosexual paedophiles go to Thailand.

    Thailand has been a popular destination with American Catholic priests for certain obvious reasons.

  12. Mercury Rising says:

    Even Ellul Bonici thinks it best to get away once there is a Labour government.

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