Herr Flick’s been talking to the bats

Published: February 7, 2013 at 5:37pm

Herr Flick tweets again

JosephMuscatDotCom’s manifesto (or was it an electoral programme?) was launched last night as an afterthought at the Bay Arena in Paceville, at a conference where one speaker after another took to the stage to talk not about the manifesto, its contents, and the political party that would be implementing it, but about how wonderful the Great Leader is.

It was all so very, very Reverend Moon.

Being immune to sects and cults of all descriptions (I actually find them frightening and sickening, even the supposedly legitimate ones), I was repulsed. But Malta is a place that’s very much prone to the influences of religious fanaticism, so the market is ripe for this kind of thing.

It’s ironic, though, that the very people who consider themselves progressive have fallen victim to what is, effectively, a form of religious fanaticism that uses exactly the same tools.

The big event ended when it was long past your average Labour supporter’s bedtime. But just after eight o’clock this morning, Herr Flick tweeted about how he was overwhelmed by enthusiasm about Labour’s manifesto, from people from all walks of life. He must have been mixing with nocturnal sorts, then, who somehow managed to read JosephMuscatDotCom’s manifesto between 10pm and 8am and find Leo Brincat to talk to him about it.

Jahasra, what a sad circus this is.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Mark says:

    In any case if Malta is (or will be shortly) ‘taghna lkoll’, it shouldn’t really matter if one is ‘In’ or not.

  2. C Falzon says:

    If reported correctly by The Times Toni Abela said that Labour’s motto shuld be ‘Consider it done’ because Labour was ‘promising to keep its promises’.

    Will Labour also promise to keep the promise that it will keep its promises?


  3. Bob says:

    What was Lara Boffa all about? She could not even read a word of what was written for her to say.

  4. village says:

    Joseph jista jiehu post Edward ta Erga Lura.

    From religion to politics. Mass hysteria in the making.

  5. Mark M says:

    Who is Marlene Seychell exactly? She doesnt seem to naturally fit in with MLP. There must be a story there, just as there is with architect Ellul Vincenti.

    [Daphne – No story. She owns fashion retail outlets in Valletta and used to be married to Carlo Seychell, the man on the far right in this photograph of Mintoff and Karmenu Vella out boating with friends http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2013/01/top-comment-of-the-night/ ]

  6. Jozef says:

    Wonder if Buckle heard Louis Grech say the project in Valletta can wait. New hospital first.

    That’s it, Labour’s election will leave us with a building site.

    • La Redoute says:

      I wonder if Buckle knew about Labour and the censorship law before he took to the podium.

      • Boycott says:

        Buckle is not a switcher. His family have very strong Labour roots. if I recall correctly, his father was a friend of Lorry Sant.

  7. george grech says:

    He surely wasn’t talking to Charles Mangion who this morning on TV AM admitted he hadn’t read it yet.

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