Jahasra (u msieken ahna)
February 25, 2013 at 2:28pm
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Reply to Harry Purdie Click here to cancel reply
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Reply to Harry Purdie Click here to cancel reply
The painted head is slipping down the forehead. If he wipes it hard with surgical spirit, it might go away.
Probably that is why he does not lift any heavy weights at the gym (it is revealed by the lack of physical effort in the propoganda videos).
Any perspiration might expose the paint on his head and the tan on his face.
I guess that scalp paint runs when one sweats.
Must be why he avoids occassions where he may be faced with difficult questions.
Am I reading it right? (Better Spending of Taxpayer’s Money
) section!
Because Labour can and will do better with tax payer’s money. It will ensure that tax payers get a better deal and that a new Labour government will prioritize its spending where it is needed most. PL will work to address the current situation where more money is spent on interest to service national debt rather than on our children’s education.
What is he up to with his hair? I saw Disset last week and they showed a video from two years ago. JOSEPH MUSCAT had much less hair at that time.
[Daphne – Well, don’t you remember that the summer before last he was invisible after supposedly fracturing his leg at the August Moon Ball, and Anglu and Michelle took over his duties. Maybe he had a hair transplant and it didn’t really take.]
I heard it was a brain transplant. That didn’t take either.
Nesa jtiha naqa sekwestrin.
Snake-oil artist wishing to remain positive in the last few days that separate him from potential victory: He’s made it this far without an honest decent idea of his own.
He must be wondering when it’s all going to burst like a bubble… or whether he can make it through the finish line.
There are some things you can’t remain buoyant with.
His ultimate test would definitely be a live debate with Gonzi, who will definitely beat him hands down. The people need to watch such a debate, especially the undecideds.