Labour and the GWU are already building a ‘klikka’ – what a surprise

Published: February 7, 2013 at 5:09pm

It’s so transparently obvious. All this fuss about ‘klikkek’ isn’t shock and horror; it’s envy (and ironically, envy of something that doesn’t exist but is only perceived to do so).

When Labour talks about being in touch with and having the support of “hurt businessmen” (I quote Muscat’s words exactly), what this means is that a real ‘klikka’ is forming.

Those ‘hurt businessmen’ are not talking to Labour and giving Labour money because they believe in Labour’s ideology and competence. They’re doing so because they see this as their chance to form the first line of influence and get in with Labour at the start. They’re not helping Labour to win because they think Labour will be best at running the country (they don’t even think about that).

They’re helping Labour to win in return for winning contracts once Labour forms the government.

It’s sickening, really. This is the real corruption. This is actual trading in influence. The recordings are below, but here’s the transcript TZ transcript

25 Comments Comment

  1. JPS says:

    And a good chunk of these actually ‘flirt’ with both parties keeping both options open….

    • Makjavel says:

      It is called hedging, having one leg in the blue and one in the red (blue on a temporary basis).

      Businessmen know how to make money, politicians know how to spend it, good politicians know how to spend it properly.

      Joseph is showing how to spend money irresponsibly, but then who cares – it’s not his.

  2. Jozef says:

    Tony Zarb issued a longish statement, contradicting himself throughout.

    If it’s true this contractor was feeling discriminated, could it be the department of contracts was doing its work properly?

    Zarb said they were trying to convince him to get his act in order, for what, a sham union representation?

    Pay us and we’ll tell Joseph you’re fine. It’s hideous.

    Honestly, what do they think we are? He better shut it, and quick.

    • anthony says:

      Zarb, in his crass ignorance, believes that everyone else, except himself, is an idiot.

      He must be dotty.

      He has confirmed to all and sundry that, under Labour, corruption is established in advance.

      It is predetermined.


      Bidu Gdid Taghna Lkoll.

  3. lorna saliba says:

    Anybody who controls the Unions, controls business as they can order a strike each time you do not dance to their tune. This is organized crime, extortion.

  4. village says:

    Waslet tieghek Tony. Triq wahda ghandek. Jekk twebbes rasek ser timbarazza u taghmel hsara lil Joseph u l-GWU.

    Sirt litteralment piz.

  5. Angus Black says:

    Right on (again) Daphne and what I cannot understand is, in view of what was clearly said, in whole or in part, and in Joseph’s presence, how no one perceives this piece as being open corruption of the worst kind.

    It is something like this that once made public, the Police Commissioner should jump right in and start interrogating Mr. Zarb and others.

    Yes, this is influence peddling and as far as I know, it is against the law. This is not lobbying. This is a promise to give a ‘push’ to GWU-LP sympathizers when tendering for government contracts.

    We’re back to institutionalized corruption.

    We will be back to Minister approved contracts getting around the entity which awards contracts at arms length from government.

    The Commissioner has the power to act on his own.

    When a crime is being committed or hatched, the Commissioner doesn’t phone up the Prime Minister first, seeking permission to act, no?

    We cut that out 25 years ago and have no intention of returning to the corrupt ‘golden years’.

  6. Pheidippides says:

    We can now update that old Maltese tongue twister to ‘Toni taghna tani tender talli tajt il-vot lill-Lejber’.

  7. Herbie says:

    Exactly but to be more precise these are real greedy people who not happy with what they already got, and they did get a lot, just want more and more and having been unsucsessful are now switching allegiances.

    This is the truth and no amount of pontificating about new movements that incorportate one and all can prove otherwise.

  8. Leslie Darmanin says:

    I am amazed at the fuss being made because Simon Busuttil said Deborah Schembri had the face of a Nationalist. It just goes to prove your point that there are two Maltas out there.

    To start with, although I did not hear him, I am sure Dr Busuttil meant it as a compliment, and I would even add that Deborah Schembri took it as such.

    But the description of “wicc Nazjonalist” brought back memories from those horror Labour years which I wish to share with you.

    It was the early eighties and with no other career prospects ahead of me, I landed myself a job with one of the government-owned banks. A low-paid boring job we were all expected to vote for KMB in return.

    With this sudden influx of new bank clerks, the bankers’ union MUBE got busy trying to get some new recruits, fearing political patronage could lose it its majority representation at the bank.

    Now, going around recuiting members for MUBE (as against the GWU) was no easy task in those most oppressive of Labour years. But eventally one senior manager did approached me and asked if I wish to join the MUBE. I said yes.

    “I knew you would say that,” he replied cheerfully. “You don’t look like the others,” he said, referring to seven other new clerks who had been assigned to the same bank branch I was. He was right – they were all Labour.

    It was the most wonderful compliment he could pay me, although it was to cost him a transfer a week later – he ended up at the Birzebbugia branch (he was from Sliema). That’s Labour for you – Malta taghna lkoll.

    But the point is that Simon was speaking as a Nationalist. And it is true that. generally speaking (and I am sure there are exceptions), it is quite easy to pick a Nationalist in a crowd.

    Looking back to Labour’s horror years, I think it was something in your face that gave you away, or maybe simple basic manners, as against the more abrasive, confrontational Labour supporter. It was afterall a time when Nationalists in public sector employment spoke to each other in whispers, taking some relief in finding a soul-mate, although it was short lived for that MUBE representative who recruited me.

    Wicc Nazjonalist – is the most beautiful of compliments.

  9. david says:

    ixxa daqxhekk ha jkolli nirizenja

  10. TROY says:

    They can hide behind their new flag and their blue ties but they are still as corrupt as they’ve always been.

    We have the GWU’s secretary general dealing in corrupt practices on the eve of a general election.

    And to add insult to injury,the labour leader sticks by him.

    Mhux hekk hux, jekk Malta taghna lkoll.

    This is the true colour of Labour, RED.

  11. Augustus says:

    Exactly as the times when corruption was institutionalised.

  12. TROY says:

    Issa? daqshekk?

  13. Evelyn Grech says:

    God help us. I shudder to think what is in store for us. This country will be taken to the dogs and then they will realise how good we had it.

  14. ciccio says:

    Labour is safe for business.

    They threaten free businessmen into joining the union.

    And they use their media to attack free business.

    I am wondering. If they help the businessmen to win the tenders, do they also ask for a cut or a commission?

    Labour is known for institutionalised corruption. Now they have evolved the art into unionised corruption as well.

  15. Riya says:

    Jekk l-istruttiri tal-pajjiz, bhal per ezempju id-dipertiment tal-kuntratti, jibqghu mexjin serji kif jimxu illum, trid tkun vera gifa biex tibblaghha li l-GWU tista’ tghinek biex tiehu tender.

    Il-Labour iridu jirbhu bil-gideb u mhux ghax is-sewwa jirbah zgur bhal ma kien jghidilna il-kbir u missier Malta Ewropeja Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami u warajh baqa’ jmexxi fis-sewwa Dr. Laurence Gonzi.

    Joseph Muscat irid jirbah bil-fors u biex dan jirnexxielu anke ghal qerq qed jirrikorri. Diga korrot u jinkoraggixxi il-korruzzjoni ghadu mhux fil-gvern ahseb u ara x’jigri jekk ikun fil-gvern? l’aktar b’dawk il-qatta grieden u pruvati korrotti li ghandu imdawrin mieghu.

    Hallina nghixu fis-sewwa u trankwilli Joseph Muscat f’gieh is-sewwa!

  16. Makjavel says:

    It will be back to Lorry Sant times, Malta Taghna , min mhux maghna kontra taghna , mela Malta taghna u mhux ta min hu kontra taghna tfisser , l-ewwel Labour, imbghad Labour u jekk jibqa xi haga Labour , il vangelu skont Debono Grech il partner tal Lorry fi zmien l-ikrah tat Tarzna.

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