Lorry Sant had photographs. What does Jason Micallef have?

Published: February 2, 2013 at 9:46pm

This was exactly a year ago:

But within a few months of making that great personal sacrifice and sticking to the amazing reforms at Super One, Jason was out and proud as a star candidate:

36 Comments Comment

  1. bystander says:

    Brokeback Mountain?

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    Sometimes the simplest and most obvious explanation could be the right one: Joseph Muscat can’t afford a jilted resentful Jason whose bitching would make even Franco Debono seem dignified.

  3. edgar says:

    Something to do with the organising of the election for the leadership race between Joseph Muscat and George Abela? Something to do with the management of the number of votes?

  4. BDSM says:

    Who is my daddy?

  5. canon says:

    Jason Micallef nesa kif jghid il-Kredu.

  6. joseph says:

    Made in Brussels – the tapes.

  7. Curious says:

    Let’s see what Jason has to say about the Maltasong of this year. Remember last year?

  8. V S says:

    Jason must have information and photos of Joseph in Brussels. At the time, Michelle was in Malta.

  9. An angel in disguise says:

    Something about his thesis?

  10. Miss O'Brien says:

    Jason has Joseph by the short and the curlies. Everyone with half a brain can see that. He knows something about him.

  11. dwardu says:

    Lorry Sant had photographs. What does Jason Micallef have?

    Maybe a hot video.

  12. Fargo says:

    This man’s ego spans three timezones. If we thought Franco Debono was bad, we’re about to discover Jason Micallef.

  13. Augustus says:

    Joseph Muscat is the leader of the PL and he’s got Jason’s permission to say so.

  14. Justin Beefer says:

    The body language at 8.16 onwards in the first video is remarkable.
    And what was it at 8.24 – is that a tango with Stefan Zrinzo?

  15. matt says:

    Jason, no government should be in the business of running a Sea Malta company, a bus company, or a dry docks.

    What you espouse is the philosophy of a totalitarian government and like you said this in your fiber. MLP was always afraid of liberalization of the economy as that concept would lead to deterioration of control the party wants on its people.

    That mentality is over. The toothpaste is already out of the tube and you can never be able to put it back as your own followers will turn against you.

    Your own people turned against Mintoff in 1981 and against KMB in 1987 because they failed to notice that the world has changed before their eyes.

    You really frighten me.

    All dictators started like you.

  16. ciccio says:

    It seems that one is in control of the Party, and the other one is in control of the Muvument.

  17. PD says:

    From Labour star candidate Marion Mizzi’s FB page:

    “The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think”

    Truly in line with the PL’s views on women. Partit femminista, my foot.

  18. rcamilleri says:

    My God, he sure looks scary in that second video. No wonder that he is against racism.

  19. Hibernating from Malta says:

    There are people who work at Super One who are damned scared of Jason Micallef contesting the general election, even more now that Anglu Farrugia is not contesting.

    Jason and Joseph are arch enemies. It is clear that for some reason or another which a Super One insider calls “ghax Jason jaf affarijiet fuq Joseph”- but wouldn’t disclose more than that.

    Jason not only defied Joseph in contesting the general election after first acceding to Joseph’s request not to do so, but he will also want a ministerial position whether Joseph Muscat likes it or not.

    When the first disagreement arises, Jason will not think twice about bringing the government down. He has that kind of personality and must be appeased.

  20. Hibernating from Malta says:

    Typo: I’ll repeat

  21. Alfred Bugeja says:

    Check out Anglu Farrugia’s comments to The Sunday Times today. He says the the “PL is close to contractors.”

    Meanwhile that putrid puppet-on-a-string Saviour Balzan, smelling that Anglu is about to start singing about Labour’s €5-€6 million campaign budget, leads in Malta Today with a story about the PN having received donations from Zaren Vassallo.

    Exciting times ahead, I say. Especially for Karmenu Vella.

    • maryanne says:

      Muscat has his men/women planted everywhere in the media. What a coincidence for MaltaToday to come out with the Zaren Vassallo story.

      While on the subject, does anyone know where Sabrina Agius is working?

    • Jozef says:

      Yes, Saviour just told all Zaren’s employees where their future lies.

      Thankfully, Vassallo’s free to issue an internal memo reminding everyone to please attend a corporate event, the second Saturday of March.

      Now that Anglu’s gone.

  22. etil says:

    Muscat type answer: I will not tell you if you do not tell me.

  23. old-timer says:

    Anglu Farrugia acted correctly. What he missed, I think, is the very sudden way that Louis Grech came on the scene. It seems that it had been stage-managed from the start. No other contestant for the post?

  24. bob-a-job says:

    He obviously has something that Anglu Farrugia did not have.

    After seeing that photo of Joseph Muscat obviously enjoying being intimately hugged by Byon Jo Zammit


    and recalling a picture I had seen of Jason Micallef lovingly adjusting Joseph Muscat’s tie


    and also happening to know that since Cyrus Engerer started getting close to Joseph Muscat he (Cyrus) has become Jason Micallef’s pet hate (this is something Cyrus Engerer himself boasts about), I am slowly forming a personal opinion which at this point in time is only sustained by circumstantial evidence.

  25. RJC says:

    He’s a bloody good actor.

  26. Anon says:

    Jew Jason ghandu kunjatu super-loaded li forsi qed jimpala l-euros lil-kampanja ta’ Muscat?

  27. Charles says:

    Joseph Muscat does not give a toss about anyone except for Jason Micallef who is blackmailing him.

    Joseph Muscat is acting like a spoiled brat and his only aim is to become the youngest prime minister of Malta and than there is no need of doing anything a according to him, tourist will flock to Malta and new jobs will be created like magic.

    That is what he keeps preaching to the gullible.

  28. observer says:

    The smug sneer on il-Ginger’s face, while Jason il-King was eulogizing his many qualities (frisk, zaghzugh, ecc ecc) seems to say a lot more than il-King is doing.

  29. Anon says:

    Jason jibqa lejali lejn Joseph SA KEMM jitla t tarag ta Kastilja at 3 26. U wara Jason, ser taghmel?

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