My dear reporter friends, have you swallowed a Gullibility Pill?

Published: February 8, 2013 at 12:18pm

The Times reported on JosephMuscatDotCom’s big event at the Bay Arena a couple of nights back:

The conference was characterised by the number of speakers who said they had voted PN in the past but were now voting Labour.

The speakers this evening included lawyer Ramona Frendo, former PN activist Cyrus Engerer, stage director Adrian Buckle, actor Frederick Testa, Albert Gauci Cunningham, university student Mark Micallef, businesswoman Marlene Seychell, Lara Boffa, Keith Mintoff, Prof Charles Grixti and Audrey Harrison.

And then in a separate report:

Between keynote speeches, people from all walks of life – but most with a political background previously tinged blue – offered testimonials as to why, come March 9, they would be voting for the Labour Party.

God, how idiotic. Don’t they even bother checking? Switchers my Christmas tree fairy’s left foot.

Ramona Frendo: daughter of the woman who ran the Zejtun MLP club for years, she was elected to the Zejtun council on the Labour ticket, and has for the last several years lived with Peter Borg, one of the (100% Labour) owners of Bortex, with whom she has a son and to whom she is now married.

Cyrus Engerer: switched to Labour rather than tell the PN party leadership that he was being prosecuted by the police for emailing naked sex pictures of his ex boyfriend to his ex boyfriend’s friends, employer and work colleagues, after having broken into his flat and stolen them off his computer.

Adrian Buckle: comes from a family of longstanding diehard Mintoffjani, with the older men in his family having been politically close to, among others, Lorry Sant.

Frederick Testa: who gives a damn.

Albert Gauci Cunningham: an intellectually and emotionally challenged man who defines himself, in the way of the intellectually and emotionally challenged, by his sexuality alone, and who has spent the better part of the past few years posting absolutely hysterical and barely coherent comments on the comments-boards at and other internet sites, proving beyond doubt that he couldn’t possibly have written the testimonial published under his name in the latest Malta Taghna Lkoll colour supplement.

Mark Micallef: as with Frederick Testa, who gives a damn.

Marlene Seychell: about as ‘former Nationalist who converted to JosephMuscatDotCom’ as I am an Alaskan Malamute. She was married for years to Carlo Seychell, one of Dom Mintoff’s and Karmenu Vella’s ‘close friends’, who features in the photograph below.

Lara Boffa: look at the surname – busy betraying her grandfather, I assume

Keith Mintoff: nice switcher, with a surname like that

Charles Griscti: always has been a Mintoffjan, even back in the doctors’ lock-out years in the 1970s

Audrey Harrison: married to Miriam Dalli’s ex boyfriend Assistant Police Commissioner Neil Harrison, who is working hard to replace Police Commissioner John Rizzo when Labour comes to power. Mhux najs tkun il-mara tal-kummissarju, jew?

The day Labour gets me up on that podium to say I’ve switched because JosephMuscatDotCom is so terrific is the day they can talk. So far, all they’ve got is a bunch of losers, bitter vengeful people, crooks, those who are on the make and hope for a bit of bounty, some really intellectually challenged individuals, spurned lovers, longtime Mintoffjani from standard Mintoffjani families who are pretending to have switched when they have voted Labour all along, and those whose motives are so ulterior that they whisper in Labour’s ear but will be damned if they are going to give a testimonial in public.

Here is my testimonial (and it doesn’t come from any of the above): I think Joseph Muscat is more worrying than Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici. He’s just packaged better and has more money to spend in the media age. But the substance is pretty much the same, and it isn’t looking good at all.

Marlene Seychell isn't a switcher or a convert to the cult of JosephMuscatDotCom. She used to be married to Carlo Seychell, on the right of this picture, seen here out boating with Karmenu Vella and Dom Mintoff back in the Golden Years.

Marlene Seychell isn’t a switcher or a convert to the cult of JosephMuscatDotCom. She used to be married to Carlo Seychell, on the right of this picture, seen here out boating with Karmenu Vella and Dom Mintoff back in the Golden Years.

55 Comments Comment

  1. bystander says:

    Do you think it possible that either party will release their manifesto in English?

    [Daphne – The Nationalist Party did so a couple of weeks back. Go to and find it there.]

    • bystander says:

      Thanks. I couldn’t find it last week for some reason.

      Now I wait for Labour’s to compare.

      If Labour don’t do one in English then by default PN gets the vote.

  2. daisy II says:

    Spot on, Daphne. The only people I know who will be voting in the next election are those opportunists that would sell their vote to the devil as long as their appetite for power is satiated. These are all a bunch of losers and that’s all. I am more than happy to give my vote to the PN.

  3. Manuel says:

    Bencini was not paraded during that me-only-me-show. I wonder why.

  4. Jozef says:

    ‘….Last week, in one of the newspapers, he gave a yapping description of Malta’s long, hard struggle to achieve EU membership against the considerable odds that were put up by the man who groomed him and tied a pink ribbon round his neck. ‘Over the past decade,’ Joseph Muscat wrote, ‘the country’s conservative establishment successfully encroached on the EU issue, culminating in membership in 2004.’…..’

    This was in 2008.

  5. Wilson says:

    This is not surprising at all. I would have been surprised if any of the above ever voted Nationalist.

  6. Mesmes says:

    If Anglu Farrugia was made to resign over the Magistrate comments, what should Toni Abela be made to? Castrate himself?

    Feels we’re going back to the past, where police was controlled by the (Lejber) politicians. And this when they’re still not in Government…

  7. Political assassin says:

    Here is JosephMuscatDotCom’s opportunity to axe the Deputy Leader Tony Abela. He can be replaced by Jason Micallef.

  8. Malta Taghna Biss - PL says:

    “No one has the right to speak for a new government,” Muscat insisted, “Policies are made by this party, as approved in our manifesto.”

    Didn’t JosephMuscatDotCom say that “Malta taghna lkoll”?

    Why is it then that he has already made the ‘new government’ his and his party’s exclusivity?

    Do Dr. Muscat and his party have the right to speak for the ‘new government’? What if the ‘new government’ is a PN government?


  9. Herbie says:

    So Lara Boffa is proud about voting Labour.

    Well rubbing shoulders with and voting for the like of il-Guy, Brincat, Debono Grech and their ilk isn’t really something to be proud about.

  10. ciccio says:

    Here is another crisis for JosephMuscatDotCom, who will be Prime Minister on 10 March 2013. Straight from Malta Today.

    “Richard Vella, of Attard, claimed in court this morning that (Toni) Abela had put pressure on the police not to arraign him and Labour local councillor John Bonnici, when the two were involved in a fight, ostensibly to quash any media attention to the brawl.”

    Toni Abela must resign.

    Hasn’t Joseph Muscat been preaching about high morals and about “ghaqal fit-tmexxija” and about “korruzzjoni” and about the Whistleblower Act?

    Hasn’t Joseph MuscatDotCom been preaching about “Ahna imbdilna. Ejjew maghna. Ejjew maghna. Malta taghna lkoll”?

  11. jaqq says:

    What about John Bencini?

    He said he switched when Gonzi said he will vote ‘bil-qalb’ in favour of not lowering the energy tariffs. With the same reasoning wasn’t he around when EFA said ‘ha joghlew il-prezzijiet!’ I think he just needs something to justify.

    AS for Audrey Harrison, Malta Taghna Lkoll, The police comissioner and most of the ACs are labourites. She said she lives in M’Xlokk and switched, apart from another reason, because of the power station. Well she chose to live there.

    She said that she switched because of teleworking. If she works in a private company the Government cannot impose teleworking however there are Governmental Departments she can relay her concern to.

    She forgot that after child care leave the Government gave her a year tax free when she returned to work. Secondly she did her Masters whilst on Child Care leave. Hadn’t it been for PN God knows whether she would have been able to

    • Chris Ripard says:

      If I had been called to assist the casting director of ‘Lord of the Rings’, I’d have suggested Bencini as Wormtongue.

  12. TROY says:

    Dawn l-affarijiet izjed isahhu lil PN.


  13. Riya says:

    Tal-Labour jghidu li hawn hafna li kiienu Nazzjonalisti li ser jivvutaw Labour.

    Pero’ tal-Labour m’ghadomx jaghjtu li ser jaghddu lil-PN b’xi eluf kbar ta’ voti bhal ma’ kien qallom Jason Micallef id-darba l-ohra.

    Ghaliex mhux qed jghidu din i-darba wkoll li ser jirbhu b’maggoranza kbira?

    Anzi din id-darba ghandom kap gdid. gharma gdida u x’naf jien!

  14. Last Post says:

    It’s good to have this “j’accuse” list so we can come back to it if and when this people decides to ‘change direction’. We may then be able to confirm or otherwise as to the real motive of their ‘switching’.

  15. Yanika says:

    Is it true that Toni Abela won’t be contesting the election? Did Muscat kick him out quietly?

    [Daphne – He hasn’t stood for election for years.]

  16. Lomax says:

    So many pennies have dropped….

  17. Election Mode says:

    You’ve upset him miskin.

    Albert Gauci Cunningham
    43 minutes ago
    I criticised the Labour Party for what? Years? How many letters did I write against the Labour Party? Tens? Qatt smajtu lil xi hadd jghajjarni? Ikkritikajt lil GonziPN u l-marmalja Desigualjana qalet li jien “mignun” ‘isteriku” u “emozzjonalment disturbat”…..any further comments are superfluous!!
    13 people like this.
    View 4 more comments

  18. Harry Purdie says:

    Better they swallow a culpability pill. Sad sacks, all.

  19. Lovejoy says:

    It’s 2013 not 80 something

  20. Angus Black says:

    Labour’s credibility continues to dip to unfathomed depths. Nothing new, we knew it all along but recycling old fogies and labeling them as ex-PN shows a bit of desperation.

    Perhaps they know, deep down, things are not as rosy as they wish them to be.

    Maybe the next four weeks will be long enough for the ‘floaters’ to get some sense into their head and weigh the consequences of electing Labour.

  21. pazzo says:

    My testimonial is my vote. Surveys are like a two-edged sword.

    My son and I have both given the opposite answer of what we intend to do on election day. This to inflate the Labour Party as the higher the fall the greater the crash.

  22. bob-a-job says:

    According to Maltastar, one Lara Boffa has expressed her discontempt, whatever that means.

  23. Signs of the times says:

    The whole editorial system of The Times should be put under scrutiny.

    This sort of journalism does not show any respect to the readers.

    The judgement of the editorial staff should be questioned.

    Why exactly is the Times not scrutinising the alternative government?

  24. Steve Forster says:

    I cannot believe there are no “reporters” or “journalists” who can check out this crap before they go to print.

  25. Toni says:

    Labour’s electoral programme fails to mention the LNG terminal. On the other hand it states: “F’dan il-kuntest ukoll, qeghdin jigu evalwati diversi possibiltajiet ta’ infrasstrutura differenti dwar kif il-gass jista jitwassal f’pajjizna bl-aktar mod li jkun ekonomikament u ambjentalment sosstenibbli.”

    Is this a U-turn?

    Is Labour now studying gas transfer options ie either by ship or pipeline?

    Is this why Konrad Mizzi has suddenly disappeared?

  26. verita says:

    Veru kas ta’ MOVIMENT TA OPPORTUNISTI bil-kap b’kollox.

  27. J Abela says:

    This strategy will only work for the Labour Party because an x-PN voter adds to the value to the brand that the Labour Party is trying to build.

    So does the colour blue and the Maltese flag.

    On the other hand this strategy won’t work for the Nationalists as an ex-Labour voter, the colour red and everything else associated with the Labour party decreases the value of the party’s brand.

  28. Philip Micallef says:

    My grandfather Sir Paul Boffa was renowned for his democratic credentials and his gentlemanly behavior and today would be proud that his granddaughters and grandsons embrace different political beliefs across the spectrum of the Maltese politics. I do not think anyone of us are betraying him, irrespective of which party we support or favour.

    [Daphne – As his grandson, you will know exactly what I mean by ‘betrayal’. It has nothing to do with supporting the Labour Party or having different political views, and everything to do with supporting Muscat and hence, supporting by default his admiration and glorification of the very man who destroyed your grandfather’s political career and, not being content with that, went on to spread vile rumours about him. To each his own, but I’d have been damned rather than do it. Did Lara Boffa join the rest of the Labour Party in mourning behind Mintoff’s coffin? If so, imissa tisthi. Either that or she needs to get her head examined.]

    • Philip Micallef says:

      Dear Daphne my mother was thrown out of a university lecturing job in 1956, the Malta Labour Party club in Pawla played Elvis Presley songs as my grandfather’s coffin passed by in July 1962, I had to leave a job in 1977 and another one in early 1997 for not agreeing with the Government of the time and go abroad on both occasions to earn a living yet I do not hold it against anyone within my family or outside for supporting the Labour Party and my grandfather (whom I distinctly remember as a loving gentleman when i was a young boy) would certainly have not. By the way this time around I became wiser and a month ago on the expiry of my contract left the island again so as to be master of my own destiny in case a repeat of 1977 and 1997 takes place but I think Malta has grown up.

      • Gahan says:

        You’ll be amused when you see how many people who spread those false rumours against your late grandfather are still around in the Mile End corridors.

        Hopefully Malta has grown up, Philip.

      • Claude Sciberras says:

        Mr Micallef, I really cannot follow your arguments.

        You seem to be sticking up for someone who is supporting a party who you confirm had been vile towards your grandfather and who made you leave your job and your island twice.

        You are also saying you are so scared (although hopeful that you are wrong) of Labour that you are leaving the island in anticipation. And yet you try to make the point that this Lara Boffa (your cousin, I suppose) has every right to join the Labour Party and do not see this as betrayal.

        I would consider it betrayal even to yourself let alone to your grandfather.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I see. Socialism is thicker than blood.

        Oh well.

      • ciccio says:

        Mr. Micallef, on 9 March, Malta is set for a repeat of 1971-1987 (the Golden Years) and 1996-1998 (the forgotten years).
        I do not think that Malta has grown up.

      • Philip Micallef says:

        Mr Sciberras,

        My argument is very simple: one should respect and accept other people’s views and beliefs exactly like my grandfather professed and practised and not adopt “an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth” approach whatever the circumstances.

      • Angus Black says:

        Something is wrong here or I have completely misunderstood your last sentence.

        Assuming that you had the right to vote, you were not so wise to leave Malta a month ago which means one less vote against those bastards who played Elvis songs as your grandfather’s coffin passed by their club in Paola.

        You left “just in case a repeat of 1977 and 1997 takes place”?

        Forgive me, but I cannot see the logic behind your (in)action.

  29. francesco says:

    ”Mhux najs tkun il-mara tal-kummissarju, jew?”

    Il-ottja, Il-ottja, Il-ottja !

  30. dudu bedudu says:

    Come on, Charles Grixti a switcher? He was appointed chairman of Zammit Clapp Hospital in 1996 as soon as Labour came to power.

  31. Gahan says:

    Audrey Harrison went to live in Marsaxlokk after the power station was built. So how can she complain about the supposed “cancer factory”?

    She went to live near it.

    This is like complaining about manure smells after buying a villa near a farm in the country for a few thousand Euro.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      It happens all the time. A family buys a house across the road from a church and then complains about the bells, so now they are silent during the night.

      Soon they will want to nap in the afternoon and in a few years time they will be napping all day long. The church might as well take the bells down.

  32. MV says:

    Deborah Schembri seems like one of the few legitimates cases though; her family is incredibly Nationalist.

    [Daphne – What, still? You mean to say that Deborah Schembri’s parents/siblings/whatever are not voting for her? Somehow, that doesn’t wash.]

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