The people get the prime minister they deserve

Published: February 2, 2013 at 5:13pm

And given that this is the generation of idiotic adults eaten alive by their obsession with Facebook, here goes: the prime minister THEY deserve (and want).

Unfortunately, all the normal grown-ups will get him too.

If you really need to put this totally absurd individual into context, try for one moment to imagine David Cameron, Francois Hollande, Sarkozy, Ed Miliband, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, doing this on Facebook.

Silvio Berlusconi, maybe, yes.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Curious says:

    Yes time has come for the people to get the PM they deserve. And you know why? Because when they had everything and were comfortable they didn’t appreciate and were ungrateful.

    Now Joseph will satisfy their needs, so let the fun begin in 5 weeks’ time.

  2. Leli says:


  3. David says:

    The irony is that the PN is promising 25,000 jobs and this idiot is promising 25,000 “Likes”, but he’s the one who’s going to become prime minister.

  4. Min Jaf says:

    Vavu. M’ hemmx kelma ohra ghalih.

  5. MX says:

    What a loser, x’misthija.

  6. wicc il-ktieb says:

    Government by Facebook.

    U hallina.

  7. tinnat says:

    That´s democracy for you.

  8. M. says:

    Is there a “don’t like” button?”

  9. ciccio says:

    It’s the “Everybody likes Joseph” brigade. 25,000 of them.

  10. Peter Bonello says:

    Sewwa l-Prim jahdem daqs il-klieb biex igib ir-rebha u intom taqtghu qalb in-nies? Mela bahrin tal-bnazzi? Bikom ma naslu imkien!Tidhru li qabda pepe.

    • anti labour says:

      Naqbel mieghek. Peter.

    • Angus Black says:

      I have been saying the same thing for the last couple of years, at least.

      Repeating that the LP will walk over and win this time may turn out to be a self-fulfilling prophesy.

      Reverse psychology may work for a while, but stretched over time will either be ignored or produce an opposite undesireable result.

      When a political party calls and asks who I would be voting for I always say that I will be voting for them. This will cut the conversation short (no discussion necessary) and at the same time skew their poll.

      What I do on election day is my business, not the canvasser’s or the pollster’s.

      I heard Gonzi at the Mosta mass meeting, he was upbeat and so was the huge crowd. There are 5 more weeks to go and in politics one never knows.

      It-tigrija sal-barkun. Stranger things have happened in the past.

  11. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    To be fair Daphne, the Nationalist party is doing the same thing, even offering free iPads if they get enough likes:

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