The split personality is back for some grandstanding

Published: February 3, 2013 at 9:35pm

Kemm hu ragel sabih Franco Debono God Bless

Isn’t Franco Debono a tragic joke? He rails on his blokk against corruption one day, and the next day we find out that he’s defence lawyer for the man implicated in the oil corruption case, George Farrugia.

No wonder he thinks of Italy as his spiritual home. It really is.

68 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    He’s even back with his ridiculous allemand bosoms or whatever it was.

    Die Titten, genau.

  2. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    My thoughts exactly this morning, as I read the newspaper.

  3. just me says:

    Off the point.

    Muscat can be heard talking in favour about night tariffs, two years ago in this clip..

  4. TROY says:

    He’s just became an ambulance chaser.

  5. Gahan says:

    But Daphne, you forgot an important detail for criminal lawyer Franco: George Farrugia is a millionaire.Everyone has a price tag.

    Also,Franco may ask George to involve Austin in this scandal.

    But if George is caught lying under oath he will be handed a big prison sentence.

    If George was the spider which weaved this web, he won’t get a pardon. Police already have enough evidence to press charges against George.They already caught him.

  6. David S says:

    In his blokk he throws the allegation whether all PN candidates have been screened for drug dealing.

    This man is truly a nasty piece of work, and a big shame that he was not properly screened to be a candidate for PN.

    If he has any information about any PN candidate involved in drug dealing, it is his DUTY to report to the police. Rather should not the police be knocking at his door tonight and questioning him?

    But then would he divulge this information, as he would probably end up as defence council for the accused.

  7. mandango70 says:

    Thought you had said he was finally irrelevant….and yet, on he goes. Guess you’ll still be having bad dreams at night.

  8. Claude Sciberras says:

    Yes I saw that on The Times. The article was very disturbing actually. I don’t know the person but from the article I quickly started getting a clear picture. The fact that the guy seems to have “syphoned” funds from his own family says a lot but when I got to the last sentence and found out who the defence lawyer was. It sort of closed the circle.

    • Claude Sciberras says:

      P.S. I was watching TVM news today about the two mass meetings and because of you I could not stop focussing on the two teleprompters and Dr. Muscat’s foot on the pedal – yes he is constantly stepping on a pedal which makes the text move up as he reads.

      I could barely concentrate on what was being said.

  9. lino says:

    Does he realize he’s being paid with dirty money?

  10. U Le! says:

    Silvio Berlusconi might need a good lawyer from time to time. And some botox touch-ups might not be amiss, so there could be a vacancy there too.

  11. Mister says:

    How do we know this wasn’t the reason for that Whistleblower Act that Franco was trying so hard to push through parliament? Wasn’t he?

    Franco was already in conflict of interest with another law he pushed for, only for his clients to benefit a few weeks after.

    • Jozef says:

      He antagonised the bill as soon as it was endorsed and presented by Carm Mifsud Bonnici, the rest is history.

      Toni Abela flipped when Simon mentioned this yesterday, he could only justify that by referring to Franco’s fragility.

      Abela doesn’t realise how he manages to sound wary of his position.

      Claudio Grech nailed it when he made the observation how could a reduction of 70% in oil demand ever be considered motive for corruption.

      Perhaps the real motive was to get government down before work on the interconnector could start.

      Those whose first decision the day they’re elected, will be to sign away 150 million euros and 200 clean megawatts, need to come up with an explanation.

      Another 150 million which weren’t included in Labour’s costings.

  12. bob-a-job says:

    It is not Franco’s main intention to defend his client but to request presidential pardon to turn State’s evidence on the fuel procurement scandal possibly with the ultimate scope of using his client to hit out at the Government?

  13. Beauty and the Beef says:

    Rumour has it that Joseph is going to dump the current (plagiarised) campaign song, and replace it with this:

    • ciccio says:

      Not a good idea. Jason Micallef may be put off, and remember, he may have those Made in Brussels tapes in his possession.

  14. Angus Black says:

    “He rails on his blokk against corruption one day, and the next day we find out that he’s defence lawyer for the man implicated in the oil corruption case, George Farrugia.”

    Heqq, anything for a few euro. Principles, what principles?

    This excuse for a lawyer is like a parasite which lays dormant for a while but emerges to make a patient’s life miserable. Tough to get rid of, it seems.

  15. matt says:

    What a loser,

  16. ciccio says:

    Franca Tabone tiddefendi l-Oil-igarkija.

  17. Harry Purdie says:

    Lights back on in New Orleans at the Super Bowl. Guess little Joey made a call, since he soon will be ruling the world.

    Sun will be up soon on the rock. Will set forever as soon as Labour is elected.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Tish! Super Bowl! We European had our first Six Nations weekend, where real men battle it out without kevlar body armour, helmets, mascara, or camp spandex tights.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Name me one rugby player who played last Saturday and Sunday who earns 20 million dollars a year.

        Also didn’t see Beyonce at the England vs Scotland game.

        Plus, their ears are ugly.

      • Neil Dent says:

        Beyonce – the ONLY reason anyone in their right mind watched the Super Bowl. So much better than Janet Jackson’s saggy, bejeweled bosoms. Much more class.

        Otherwise, I’m firmly with Baxxter here. Ugly ears and all.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I don’t need no Beyonce.
        I got Antonella tal-iSnobbe.

  18. Harry Purdie says:

    Super Bowl over. The least deserving team won, as a bad referee call at the end of the game, gave them the win.

    Sounds familiar? Be prepared. The least deserving bunch of degenerates return to power in a few weeks to rape the country. and fill their pockets.

    It really sucks.

    Time to put my head down. Need to go for a run in a few hours.

  19. silvio says:

    As I see it,Franco is taking up this case as a means of fighting and exposing,those,perhaps high ups,who were implicated in this , one of many, cases of corruption.
    I can’t see the connection between this case and Italy,
    I hope you are not implying that all is not above board with the interconnector project.?

    [Daphne – You’re a fan of your namesake Berlusconi, I imagine.]

    • silvio says:

      Slow down Daphne. According to you I am a fan of Mussolini,john Dalli,Franco, Muscat,Lowell, but you miss the most important one…YOU.

    • Another John says:

      Silvio, how can you always be on the side of the conspiracy theorists and never on the side of the facts?

      How do you always ‘see’ what there is not and never manage to see the obvious?

      Have you always been like this? Min jaf kemm hadu pacenzja bik ta madwarek along the years. It is never too late to open your eyes.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      How sweet, Silvio acting the innocent

  20. Jozef says:

    Dismisses the PM’s appeal to witnesses as ridiculous on ONE TV, proceeds to help Farrugia take up the offer.

  21. Jar Jar says:

    Wow, Paul Bonello voting for Labour – truly a conversion of Damascene proportions. Did anyone say ‘rat’ and ‘sinking ship’?

  22. bystander says:

    Are there any stats on his win/lose ratio as a lawyer?

  23. Tinnat says:

    This is nauseating.

    ” Joseph Muscat continues to enjoy a very high trust rating of nearly 46% against Gonzi’s 33%.” (Maltatoday barometer)

    Are we all soooooo blind? or stupid?

  24. Neil Dent says:

    Bloody hell, you’d struggle to make this kind of stuff up. This guy is so typically Labour that it beggars belief.

  25. mandango70 says:

    I thought it was the client who chose his/her lawyer not the other way round.

    [Daphne – That’s because you’re daft. First the client chooses the lawyer, then the lawyer decides whether s/he wants the brief or not.]

  26. foxx min mietlek l ahhar. says:

    iqeghduk jekk jitilaw il-labour.

  27. Charlot says:

    From Anglu’s interview in The Sunday Times it seems that the oligarchy is within Joseph’s ‘Movument’.

    We are so surrounded by corruption and it’s so deep in our culture that unfortunately we will never get rid of it.

    Joseph is promising the unachievable and people are truly believing him.

    We don’t live in a perfect world and problems will crop up. People are truly believing this fairy tale but unfortunately this one will be without a happy ending.

  28. Joseph Cremona says:

    Why are you giving him importance? Isn’t he irrelevant anymore?

    Now, he is out of politics and all he’s doing is practising his profession as a lawyer.

  29. Wilson says:

    If Muscat had this information before, did not disclose it to the police and waited for his ‘appropriate’ moment, would he not be implicated in perverting the course of justice?

  30. Alex says:

    If Franco wasn’t so firmly stuck up his own sorry arse, he would realize that George Farrugia is using him just like Joe Muscat did.

    If I were implicated in a high profile case of the sort Mr.Farrugia is embroiled in, I would need a firm that’s a tad more heavy-weight than Franco’s to act as my legal representatives.

  31. jaqq says:

    The thing is that he can defend whoever he wants, like Cyrus Engerer, but other lawyers cannot.

    First he brought down the government. Now he might be handing the country to Labour. What does the coward do? Flee the country and let us pick up the pieces.

  32. Neil Dent says:

    Fraudsters, scum and lowlifes. Great CV for Malta’s ‘Top Criminal Lawyer’.

  33. A spy says:

    Saw Frankie Tabone having a chat with Judge Farrugia Sacco on the steps leading to Court. Maybe he’s going to take his case on too

  34. Maria Vassallo says:

    How right you are, Daphne!

    Indeed, Franco Debono is a tragic joke.

    This was the big mistake of the PN five years ago: accepting him as one of their candidates.

  35. ciccio says:

    From what I understood in The Sunday Times of yesterday, there is a political murderer on the run.

    Did Franco Debono have to say anything about that?

    • Neil Dent says:

      Probably already been on the blower, offering his professional services to his old college classmate. Mbasta igibulu ismu fir-rapport tat-Times.

  36. Giraffa says:

    On another note. Watching TVHEMM and it is a pity that Deborah Schembri who excelled in the pro-divorce group, became such a loser as soon as she joined the PL.

    Like all Labour candidates, she has no idea of where her party stands on most issues. Slippery candidates galore in the PL.

  37. ciccio says:

    This morning, the media gave Joseph Muscat the golden opportunity, free of charge, to explain his position about the accusations of Dr. Anglu Farrugia and to defend himself, deny the accusations of political murder and political vindictiveness, and to clear his name. Instead, he chose to make ‘no comment.’

    In other words, he chose the option to remain silent because every word can be used against him.

    This is very unusual for any politician who normally grabs every opportunity to explain his position.

    In the mean time, in politics, the presumption is that one is politically guilty until declared politically innocent.

  38. Election Mode says:

    Utterly disgusting, but then what do you expect from Nuxellina.

    Malta taghna lkoll.

  39. Gahan says:

    Simon Cini welcoming Dr Joseph Muscat on ONE TV from ‘ taht it-tinda’ in San Gwann : “Nilqghu maghna ‘l-mexxej tal- Partit Laburista Dottor Alfred Sant”….now THAT was a Freudian slip!

    BTW, the audience clapped.

    Muscat asked her ‘jokingly’ wether she drank something.


  40. Election Mode says:

    Gaffe of the month. Simone Cini ten minutes ago on Super One…’u issa nilqghu maghna il Kap tal partit…… Dr Alfred Sant’

    Imagine Joey’s annoyance despite the fake laugh.

  41. Justin Beefer says:

    Now showing at the Centru Nazzjonali tal-Malta Labour Party as part of the Joseph Muscat 2013 campaign.

  42. Grezz says:

    (I suppose we have John Dalli to thank for tarnishing us with his brush.)

  43. Fred Muscat says:

    I marvel at Franco’s determination to undermine PN. I bet he will not even charge a fee for his services if the implicated gives him enough information against Austin. I disagree with him in principle but feel that he is an expert in how to rub someone the wrong way.

  44. Lestrade says:

    And the UK does not use reverse osmosis desalination as its rainfall is quite, to put it mildly , robust.

    • ciccio says:

      That’s exactly how much bills will rise with Joseph Muscat’s proposals as confirmed by independent experts.

  45. George says:

    Another email from labour that sends shivers down my spine especially when she says that they are ready to take the country in a fundamentally different direction. Which direction if I may ask?

    “On Sunday, I went to see Joseph Muscat speak at the rally in Zabbar. The newspapers might be full of the political ‘horse race’, but it’s another thing to see it and feel change in the air. There were over 25,000 people – young and old, rich and poor, true believers and newcomers:

    We are ready to take this country in a fundamentally different direction, where the politicians take their direction from the people… And NOT the other way around!
    Where better schools and universities don’t have to come at the expense of better economic management; because we know we can have both.

    And where taxes, bills and waiting times can all be reduced, because we have a government that is working on your behalf.

    A former Nationalist who had never before voted Labour, Paul Bonnello spoke to the cheering crowd, and said “I have taken the decisive step to vote Labour because this will bring about the most common good for Malta. Joseph Muscat will not simply replace one clique with another – he will clean up our politics for good”.

    “We need a government that will be properly run, and only Joseph Muscat can provide that. He knows there is no room for complacency. No room for incompetence. No room for Corruption… We cannot afford to take decisions for the few, at the expense of the majority. The Gonzi government has simply not earned my vote.”

    Only Joseph Muscat can unite us. Only Joseph can fix the injustices of the past few years.

    Only Joseph Muscat and Labour deserves your vote.

    You can watch parts his speech and feel the vibe from Labour’s mass meeting in Zabbar here.

    There are only 31 days to go to change our country.

    One question: Have you joined us yet?

    Alessandra Pace”

  46. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Alas, and so the light of civilisation fades.

    Here’s to the best Scout Leader ever.

  47. C Falzon says:

    OMG there’s Frankie Tabone on Soooper Wan.

    I think he’s unwell though. I’ve already endured him for almost a whole minute and he hasn’t said ‘Jien’ yet.

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