Yes, Joseph, you look JUST like a prime minister here
February 20, 2013 at 3:17am
Even his webchat is fake. What a cheap fraud.
The messages Joseph Muscat is answering are all from Joseph Muscat. There’s one every minute. This can’t be explained away by the use of a dashboard.
Facebook doesn’t work like that and one minute isn’t enough time to read and understand the typical Laburist ‘chat’ message, with its mangled syntax, atrocious spelling and hagiographic praise, and compose and write a coherent reply.
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Thank you, Daphne. You have made this election very entertaining to follow. I was indifferent to the campaign nonsense until I started reading your wonderful opinions.
Drittijiet tal-annimali?
Annimal se jkun mghoti d-drittijiet minn Joseph?
Mela mhux se nieklu fniek u tigieg aktar u l-anqas burgers.
Oh come on, he’s so cooool with his turned up collar. And that red sweatshirt contrasts so well with his bloodless lips.
I’m so smitten, I’ve ordered a closet from Fino to come out of.
No, I’m sorry. I tried watching it but had to stop after 13 seconds. It was bad enough sitting through Bondi+ last night without gagging.
I really cannot understand how anyone in their right mind can be taken in by the twisting of evidence to suit Labour’s ends. Even more enema-inducing are the insinuations and presumptions which are then made to look like the Holy Grail. I’m scared. Really scared.
Staqsi li trid, inweghdek kollox minbarra risposta wahda sura.
Call me snob or whatever, but I just cannot get over that accent. There is nothing wrong with an accent or dialect, but a future prime minister should have worked on that.
I mean King George dealt with his bloody stammer in order to come across as a strong ruler and leader for the UK and the Commonwealth. Why this guy cannot be bothered is beyond me.
He thinks it’s all about the language and that it’s enough to chuck in the occasional phrase in English.
I agree that a wannabe PM (which he will be even when elected) should speak a little more presentably.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the accent itself. It’s the implied dishonest that rankles.
Thin end of the wedge, La Redoute.
Did you notice on his screen that there were messages only typed by himself? OMG.
Kieku kien ghall idolu tieghu, Mintoff, ma kienx ikun jista jaghmel il webchat dan il pulcinell, ghax dak ma rridx computers, jew forsi nesa ?
Mac laptop and a Blackberry? Strange choice, but then again, strange man.
Another champagne Socialist. Funny how Mintoff used to say that if you give a computer ‘kakka’ it will give you back ‘qrusa’. Unless he was predicting what future fearless labour leaders would look like.
What happened to the ‘fearless leader’ mug?
Web chat? They can’t even get that one right. All the messages that are displayed are in Joseph Muscat’s name.
Maybe he’s trying to make up for the time he left everyone waiting while he watched football on TV.
Where’s the “fearless leader” mug?
But at least he switched off his Blackberry while they shot the promo, unlike Franco Who.
Oh and I see he’s advertising Apple too.
He’s not advertising Apple. He’s trying to curry favour with the young and restless who are all so mejtin bil-guh that they don’t own an iPhone, iPad and Macbook.
These stupid videos reconfirm my suspicions.
Unless he has the awkwardly tall and awkwardly fat gay one wearing the Burberry scarf – the ‘ex-Nazzjonalista’ more commonly known as Betty to his friends, or that weird-looking Gozo queen by his side, Joseph almost always fails to mention the LGBT issues (or rights as we have come to call them) which he, supposedly, holds so dear to his heart.
Faux pas much, ghaziz Leader?
PS: Is The North Face endorsing him?
Looks like someone who’s organising a gig.
Alfred Sant mannerisms 100%.
The common link in those mannerisms seems to be Jason Micallef, who is almost a perfect replica of Alfred Sant.
I see he’s taken to the far east now. Unless he does his chats in Valley road.
For a moment, looking at the screenshot of the video, I thought Joey was sporting an earring on his right ear lobe.
So fake! You don’t wear your expensive North Face zip-up when you are at your desk, supposedly chatting. Show off – and by the way you probably wouldn’t be able to afford it had not the Nationalist Party put Malta into the EU and you grabbed the first job which came around.
Besides the fact that ‘his’ replies provide no substance on the HOW as always.