Albert Gauci Cunningham – how Labour scrapes the barrel-bottom even with its ‘switchers’

Published: March 9, 2013 at 12:28pm

The Labour Party has been parading a total unknown called Albert Gauci Cunningham as one of its much prized switchers. I can’t see what his value is – he’s not a nice person at all and he hasn’t accomplished anything in life.

Worse than that, he has a tendency to vicious and spiteful hysteria, something I remember from the days he used to post highly excitable comments on, with hundreds of interrogation and exclamation marks.

But this thing he wrote on Facebook really is the limit. I mean, just look at it. Malta Taghna Lkoll seems to attract the worst kind of people.

Who is this man, anyway? And why should we be impressed because a jerk like this is voting Labour? That should be a disincentive and not an incentive to do the same.

Albert Gauci Cunningham FB

albert gauci cunningham

24 Comments Comment

  1. noname says:

    Jaqq, what a chav.

  2. ron says:

    He used a word twice that qualifies him well: “hara”.

    • Natalie says:

      I agree. He says that he’s a Pufta bic-Certifikat. I’m inclined to think that he’s more of a Harja bic-Certifikat.

  3. Matt says:

    Albert Gauci Cunningham – Ghalliem…

    • Mary Anne says:

      Exactly. Is this the language he uses with his students? Really professional indeed. Shame on you Cunningham! Fit for labour’s skip only.

  4. bystander says:

    Don’t knock it.

    If it wasn’t for his ugly mug screaming at me all day for reflecting on di-ve, I wouldn’t have been tempted to vote Labour.

    AS IF.

  5. Min Jaf says:

    Vote Labour. Iva, biex il-PL fil-gvern jkun jista jwahhalulek f’s*rmok il-hin kollu.

    Imbaghad tara xi tfisser tghix minghajr tista tgawdi d-drittijiet fundamentali tieghek.

    Dan Albert jidher li daq hafna affarijiet, imma dejjem fil-liberta. Ahna li li gejna qablu doqna l-Labour fil-gvern fil-hamsinijiet, fis-sebghinijiet, fit-tmeminijiet, u anke ghal ftit zmien fid-disghinijiet.

    Labour dejjem l-istess: vjolenza fizika, vjolenza psikologika, tichid ta’ drittijiet.

    Joseph Muscat hawn l-appostlu dikjarat ta’ Mintoff. L-imgieba tieghu u tal-PL diga qed juru dan bic-car.

    Gauci Cunningham, kemm tiflah tkun opportunist u bahnan.

  6. Jozef says:

    Mid-dehra ghandu problema bil-kacca fir-Rebbiegha.

    Ikkalma Betty.

  7. Matthew S says:

    OMG. Isn’t this man a teacher?

    Aren’t teachers supposed to be extremely vigilant at all times and lead by good example? And aren’t they supposed to be able to speak and write fluently?

    With John Bencini in, it looks like teachers (those who don’t see it as a vocation which they are extremely proud of, as it should be) are going to get away with murder.

    We’ve already seen education being ruined for a few generations because of Labour governments.

    Let’s not allow this to happen again. Let’s all vote PN.

  8. mark says:

    Dan bis-serjeta jew!? Dan min jahseb li hu Al Capone.

  9. MMuscat says:

    Wow, a proper Santist. Did not know such people existed anymore.

  10. Bella Kumpanija says:

    Nixtieq inkun naf min iggradwah mill-Universita` ghax l-anqas jaf jikteb bil-Malti sewwa meta dan suppost ghalliem. Vera tal-misthija. Kieku jien nisthi nuri wicci quddiem l-istudenti. Imma bil-haqq, dan Lejber hux, dawk wicchom qaghad ghal kollox. Mill-kummenti tieghu jidher kemm hu ndannat bhal shabu.

  11. Selit says:

    What a dirty imbecile. A disgrace to the teaching profession. Isn’t there a code of ethics?

  12. nev says:

    I am now more than ever morally convinced that the PL has gone picking bits and pieces from the skips.

  13. John Spiteri says:

    Any teacher who uses such language in public should be fired on the spot. Not fit for purpose!

  14. Toffee says:

    What an ugly, very short, hamallu switcher nerd. Typical foul-mouthed idiotic Lejber.

  15. Carlos Bonavia says:

    I seem to remember this guy writing pro-PN posts on The Times a few years back. All of a sudden, something happened and he came all out against PN.

    I seem to have an idea he had just got back to Malta from Canada.

  16. Ta' sapienza says:

    Terrapien trab? Muntanja mandra? Ahjar jitghallem ftit Malti.

  17. il-Ginger says:

    More like certified dumbass

  18. Strakku says:

    Won’t have him teaching my kids! Someone please dump a container of manure on him. It would suit him well. He’s a shame to his profession. Is this the new education of Labour? Taghna Lkoll. Taghna Lkoll. Does anyone want to be part of this scum thrash?I DON’T.

  19. allamana says:

    With friends like him, who needs enemies? The Nationalist Party is stronger without him.

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