Carmen Pullicino Orlando has a competition going over at Yellow Pages

Published: March 25, 2013 at 11:31am

Mrs Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando II, who works in marketing for Yellow Pages, has a competition going. I received the round-robin email today.

It’s a picture competition, and I’ve sent in my entry, below.

Yellow pages

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando drunk on the bar_10 March 2013

20 Comments Comment

  1. taxxu says:

    For all types of obnoxious entertainment, look up Fucking Wankers/Drunken Dentists Ltd in your trusty copy of Yellow Pages.

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    Fosh Kemm Orlando.

  3. Andrew W says:

    @taxxu: I tried looking in Yellow Pages for your suggestion, but I didn’t find any. Have you had an issue with a dentist recently by any chance?

    [Daphne – The drunken dentist is the one in the photograph.]

  4. Zammit says:

    Your submitted picture looks more like a promo for a Mistra Club. Or was that a crop growing field the last time I checked?

  5. Kilgore's 2th Doc says:

    Outstanding, baby, outstanding.

  6. H. Prynne says:

    Please report this page if you have a Facebook account:

    It amazes me how people go on about this blog and then see nothing wrong with this man’s hate speech.

    There’s a difference between finding someone’s opinion offensive because it hits you where it hurts and inciting hatred, racism, and discrimination against ethnic minorities and the handicapped.

  7. Wilson says:

    An amalgam of disputable repute.

  8. ciccio says:

    This one is my entry:

    I found it in a newspaper advert for Earl Grey tea.

  9. Bubu says:

    Daphne, I know you loath Facebook acronyms, but this one merits a good hearty LOL.

  10. caflisa says:

    Perhaps the UFO near Delimara powerstation chimney –

    So it’s the aliens who are financing the gas tank project….. mwahahaha.

  11. manum says:

    Dan ir-ragel ser jitnizzel fl-istorja ta’ kemm hu haxxej (minghalih) ghax jekk hasibna cwiec.

    Jien kont wiehed min dawk li ma emmintu qatt, u qatt ma stajt nivvotalu.

    Li haqqna lkoll talli sirna nivvotaw bid-dehra “cat walk politics” xi haga li hija Amerikanata ohra.

    Sirna poplu mibni fuq id-dehra ta’ barra u mhux fuq dak li jaghmilna vera bnedmin decenti.

  12. P Shaw says:

    The Maltese saying “Min he*a mexa, u min ma he*iex inhe*a” fits perfectly with the Maltese state of mind and way of doing things.

  13. Natalie says:

    Do give us the email to submit our entries. I would like to submit this please:

    [Daphne – You can do it through their Facebook page.]

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I’m not sure our JPO would be suitable material for cover boy. But it looks like he’s practising the “Yellow Pay-geeeeeees” jingle, taking over the fruity Ira Losco.

  15. pitavu says:

    The only dentist who makes you laugh or cry without using nitrous oxide gas

  16. maryanne says:

    Will Carmen like this?

    “The people who live in a golden age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks.”
    Randall Jarrell

  17. paleblue my foot! says:

    To think those orange pants reeking of sweaty balls actually walked into Castille the next day.

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