That’s what happens when you sack the permanent secretaries on Day Two: there’s no one to guide you

Published: March 25, 2013 at 3:13pm

Perhaps this is the most ridiculous moment of the New Labour Government. It rushes in, immediately sacks all the permanent secretaries, and is left at a complete loss because – permanent secretaries gone – there’s nobody to explain what’s going on.

So we got all this talk about computers being stolen and equipment vanishing and “My God, they stole everything!” and new ministers and parliamentary secretaries making themselves ridiculous and Raphael Vassallo ending up taking all the spin on board and actually accusing Lawrence Gonzi of having stolen the furniture from the Auberge de Castille (and later apologising for saying that), and on and on.

And now it’s Malta Today itself that has exposed the true nature of what happened, and what a bloody farce that Evarist Bartolo, Leo Brincat, Roderick Galdes, and the communications coconut at Labour HQ – excuse me, OPM – created.

Clodhopping twits – oh gosh sorry, we have to be POSITIVE. Deep breath: Maaaaa, jahasra, how were they expected to know! U ejja, give them a chance. It’s not their fault they sacked the permanent secretaries! They have to have people they trust around them, ayyy. And obviously, how are they supposed to know that you can buy your computer when you leave your job. As if anyone told them, maaaaa. Come on, at least it’s not a DICTATORSHIP. If the Nationalists had stayed on it would have been a DICTATORSHIP. I mean, do you expect them not to think that the Nationalists stole the computers when they stole so much and destroyed the country! Can’t you be positive, marelli for a change!

There, positive enough? Now read the link below.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Patricia says:

    Maaaaaaaaaa! Daphne! As I was reading your ‘positive’ comment, I intoned it, in the voice of someone I know whose words you could have stolen from her mouth, as I was reading.

    Perfect, madam, perfect! And spot on, as usual.

  2. maryanne says:

    An outgoing Labour administration would have acted differently to this and that is why they thought that equipment was stolen.

    “According to its spokesperson, MITA had also thought of the incoming administration: prior to the general elections, it had leased and configured 224 PCs and laptops which were made available to the chief information officers within each ministry.

    “A procedure is in place to provision users with the relevant ICT services including a user account, email and office productivity software,” the spokesman explained.”

    Imbasta bic-Chief of Staff a’ la Obama.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      You are right.

      It’s always the cheats who accuse people of cheating; the thieves who accuse people of stealing; the liars who accuse people of lying.

      The secret to a fun life is spotting who is what in this world.

      With Labour, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel, bless ’em.

    • observer says:

      What ‘Chief of Staff”? He may be very well versed in selling newsprint and so many other profitable items.

      But, and a big but indeed, who says he can run a proper PM’s private secretariat? I don’t.

      I have dealt with private secretriat personnel for ages – and can well recognize competence and efficiency when I see it.

  3. La Redoute says:

    “A procedure is in place to provision users with the relevant ICT services including a user account, email and office productivity software,”

    They knew that already. Mrs Prim Ministru already has an email account.

  4. pitavu says:

    Daphne you have kept the flag flying. Thanks

  5. Ruth says:

    Who needs newspapers when we have your blog, Daphne? Keep it up :) And thanks!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Daphne!

  7. paleblue my foot! says:

    The blundering fools!

  8. Victor says:

    Did you see the first comment on the link?
    Maaaa, I simply cannot digest these people. Poor Malta has no hope. How can one be positive?

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