Today, the Nationalist Party has the one thing Labour won’t have: a mass meeting in Sliema

Published: March 3, 2013 at 12:16pm
I'm proud not to be voting to make this inadequate man prime minister - and that means that I'm not voting either AD or Labour, and I'm certainly not staying home on polling day.

I’m proud not to be voting to make this inadequate man prime minister – and that means that I’m not voting either AD or Labour, and I’m certainly not staying home on polling day.

So the Labour Party will turn today’s mass meeting on the Floriana granaries into a concert with My Friend in London.

And the Nationalist Party will have your standard mass meeting – only it’s going to be, as usual, in Sliema’s Dingli Street, something the Labour Party will never do.

Have you thought about why the Labour Party will not hold a mass meeting in Sliema? It’s not for the same reasons the Nationalist Party was unable to have one in Zejtun in 1986. Not at all.

And it’s not because people won’t turn up, either. It’s because they will turn up, from all over Malta, and frighten the bejesus out of those watching from their windows and balconies, even with their beautiful new logos and flags.

This tells you a lot about some pretty fundamental truths: that the Labour Party’s campaign has been built on falsity and glitz and not on fact and reality.

If the Labour Party had nothing to hide, if it had truly become ‘middle class’ and European, if it has truly begun to stand for all the freedoms and values your archetypal PN voter holds dear, then it would hold – with pride – a massive great mass meeting bang in the heart of Sliema, and wheel out Karmenu Vella, Leo Brincat and Sliema boy Alex Sceberras Trigona.

But it will not. Now ask yourself why.

17 Comments Comment

  1. Election Mode says:

    Because despite their advert in Hugh Anastasi’s house, desperately trying to portray a huge switch from tal-pepe voters, they are still scared that their supporters would embarrass them if a mass meeting is held in Sliema.

  2. Jozef says:

    ‘Ghax Tas-Sliema iebsa biex tipparkja heqq hux?’

  3. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Shame on you… you uncovered their top sijkrit plot :)

  4. Alex says:

    It will only take a few hours, for huge regrets to start developing in the ‘switchers’ minds. Imagine being stuck behind labour fanatics’ carcades whilst trying to get back home from work.

  5. CIS says:

    Quote from live blog by Jurgen Balzan on Maltatoday

    “3:29pm Good afternoon! A mammoth crowd has gathered in Sliema for the last Sunday mass meeting of the campaign. PN supporters are everywhere…balconies, roofs and in the side streets of Dingli Street. Surely the biggest crowd the PN has managed to attract in nine weeks. ”

    A ray of hope.

  6. Sasha says:

    Damn it, you are right. They would frighten all the ‘floating’ voters and those who might grace AD with their vote.

    Shoot, we really should have encouraged them to hold a meeting in Sliema – it would finally show them up for who they really are.

  7. bob-a-job says:

    Labour are chameleons, they change colour according to their goals.

    They want to appeal to the Nationalists so they wear blue but beneath it all they are red. Deep red.

    This is true Labour without the glitz. This is what they are desperately trying to hide in the last week of this campaign.

  8. Toyger says:

    If I heard correctly, they are going to hold their last mass meeting next week in Hal Far….yepp, so that anyone realising how stupid they’re being by voting PL can just go and jump off the cliffs near Ghar Hasan

  9. AE says:

    So true

  10. Guzi says:

    The last meeting that Labour held in 2008 was at the Luxol ground and I have it from residents of Tal-Ibrag that seeing Labour supporters parking their cars there and waving their flags and chanting in those streets scared a lot of them into NOT voting for Labour.

  11. ciccio says:

    Those who will be voting “to make this inadequate man prime minister” might as well vote for the “Tal-Ajkla” party.

  12. zizka says:

    Ma jaqbilx ihallu il-FANS GODDA SLIMIZI jaraw il-vera Laburisti fl-azzjoni. Ghax inkella l-injoranti jah*x***lom il-pjan.

  13. Edward says:

    “that the Labour Party’s campaign has been built on falsity and glitz and not on fact and reality.”

    That is so true. I read the polls and the statistics but I can’t help but think that they are totally misleading.

    Too many PL supporters pretend to be ex-PN that the info showing the amount of switchers cannot be trusted.

    There is no point in analysing them because they just aren’t all that true.

    I think that’s what Muscat meant at his mass meeting/Isle of MTV concert “Surveys and numbers count for nothing”

  14. Joseph says:

    Il problema hija purament logistika….m’hemm l-ebda triq go Sliema li tesa l-ammont ta nies li kien hemm fuq il fosos il bierah. Plus li bir rispett kollu….nies hamalli go Sliema rajt hafna (b’esperjenza personali din)…bhalma rajt go kull post iehor ta Malta. U ha nkompli inzid….ma jidhirlix li s-supporters tal-PN li kienu l-mass meeting il-bierah huma xi tobba, avukati, periti u professuri ta l-etika taa. Jigifieri HAMALLI ghandkom bir-rimi….u jekk izzid l-arroganza/klassismu (anki go dan il blog) ghandek tahlitha tragika li twasslek ghal ezkluzjoni u mhux ghal inkluzjoni. Kompli oqghodu ghalikom….min hu bhalkom jispicca wahdu xi darba ta. Umbaghad naraw kemm tibqu taghmluwa ta top class citizens. Maaaaa xi dwejjaq ghandkom

  15. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Just out of curiosity because I can’t be arsed to spend 2 minutes looking up the figures:

    What percentage of the Maltese electorate are Slimiżi (current residents or natives) of voting age?

    There is a Malta beyond the Sliema boundaries. The rest of us ‘li ma tafuhomx’ may well exert less influence in the corridors of power (on the plus side, our neighbourhoods have better sewage systems and I can live with that), but we couldn’t care less about the tal-pepè psyche. For in the voting room, your (sometimes feigned) affluence and social influence counts for jack shit.

    And that is a fact, for good or for worse.

    [Daphne – Slimizi have absolutely no influence in the corridors of power. I can’t be bothered to explain why, but H. P. Baxxter will no doubt rush in to do so, much better than I ever can. The point here is not that there are more Slimizi or that they have more influence or that their vote is worth more than yours. The point is that these are the very people Joseph Muscat wants and hasn’t got. If he had got them, he would have put the best examples, not the poorest (Kevin Drake and Kenneth ZT) on his advertising. Labour was, in fact, reduced to taking a working-class Mintoffian woman from Zejtun, dressing up her accent and posture, and presenting her to the electorate as a tal-pepe switcher: Ramona Frendo.]

  16. mattie says:

    To Joseph:

    “The world is filled with people who are looking for occasions to be offended.”

    – Wayne Dyer

    How true, in your case.

  17. Brian*14 says:

    @ Joseph

    Tidher ta certa eta’.

    Biex tifhem sewwa arroganza, hdura u z-zerrieha tal-velenu u mibgheda – ma tistaghx ma tiftakarx iz-zmien ta MINTOFF u l-Partit Socjalista 1971 – 1986

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