Unbelievable: now he’s threatening me in public and putting his harassment on record

Published: March 21, 2013 at 9:14am

John Bundy seems to have tried to do the proper thing here. I’m surprised, but well done, John. The mayor of Zurrieq’s bare-faced denial is just incredible, considering that there are several witnesses, including two friars.

His awkward and embarrassed facial expression gives him away.

And incredibly, he still doesn’t understand what he did wrong, and is still thinking in terms of drumming up support for his behaviour and stirring up antagonism towards me.

“Ghax weggajt hafna qlub” – u mur aqbez ‘l hemm. Pathetic. What a sad island – one giant freak show of a retarded Sicilian mountain village circa 1950, with 21st-century exhibitionism plastered on top.

I’m so glad he mentioned that incident at Baia beach club – I was going to bring it up in court myself, but thought he would deny it given that I ended up having to leave that day because of his harassment, and on the way out mentioned to the people in charge that they had better be careful who they let in because some people obviously don’t know how to behave in a civilised environment.

He appears to have taken a professional interest in my husband’s chest hair that day, because he spent the next couple of days bringing it up on Facebook. Apparently men these days have to be waxed smooth like swimmers or catamites.

And yes, he did ring me last August. I wasn’t going to mention in public what he said at the time, because I found it so incredible that a Labour politician, a mayor of Zurrieq, would 1. feel the need to make that sort of telephone call, 2. not realise that it is against the law.

He makes it sound in this interview below as though he rang me to pick a bone with me about something I wrote about him. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was fast asleep when he rang, because I was in another time zone. So I answer the phone and I hear:


I hit the red button and went back to sleep. He followed up with a text message on the same lines.

Not content with that, he went straight to Facebook to boast about it.

And this is the person who represents the Labour Party as mayor of Zurrieq. This is the person who represents the people of Zurrieq.

This is a shameful man who not only has absolutely no understanding of how to behave, but belongs to another era. Being liberal and progressive doesn’t mean behaving like a screaming queen and posing in a bridal veil for Facebook pictures.

It means a firm and sure understanding of the norms of behaviour in civilised society. Natius Farrugia is one hell of a scary person because nothing is more dangerous than catastrophic stupidity.

116 Comments Comment

  1. bob-a-job says:

    Typical – Where ignorance is bliss

    And while we’re on the planet of the unbelievable.

    A report in Maltatoday, today, Wednesday 20 March 2013, screams:-

    ‘Government wins derogation on Common Agriculture Policy’
    The government said that during the meetings, Galdes argued that Malta should retain the freedom to provide financial assistance to farmers’

    This is followed by:-

    ‘In this way, it is assured that they keep receiving a just income from their operations.’

    Reading the finer details one would notice the words ‘should retain’ and ‘keep receiving’.

    This means that Galdes DID NOT successfully negotiate anything new but simply managed to retain what had been successfully negotiated by the previous PN led government.

    Maltatoday presents this as some achievement of the present Muscat.com led government so much so that one gullible, blissfully ignorant blogger wrote:-

    ‘Well done. Diga bdejna niehdu il-frott tal-hidma tal-Gvern il-gdid.’

    Expect many similar situations to occur in the months to come because where PN miserably failed to successfully market its achievements, Muscat.com is very successful in endorsing other peoples’ successes as its own.

    • Danni says:

      But that is what happens when the majority is headed by people with low IQs. This goverment thrives on its followers being stupid and will never educate them as their stupidity gives them power

  2. maryanne says:

    “John Bundy seems to have tried to do the proper thing here. I’m surprised, but well done, John.”

    I’m sorry but I am not surprised. Don’t take anything at face value. If Labour wants to get rid of Natius Ola, they will do it subtlely. The clue is when he reminded Natius that he represents the PL.

    Natius Ola – xempju tal-edukazzjoni. Comment of the century.

    Bundy, get some proper English lessons, once you are a presenter on television. It’s Franciscan not Frangiskan.

  3. Lisa B. says:

    Why does the Zurrieq mayor remind me of one of the kids from ‘The Lord of the Flies’? They have some wild characteristics in common, don’t they?

  4. vanni says:

    You realize that you have him over a barrel, I suppose?

    1. He admitted to stalking you.

    2. He claimed that you write lies.

    3. He claimed that you use falsified medical certificates.

    Sue him for every cent he’s got.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Yes, Daphne has him by the short and curlies unless he’s had a ball of a shave.

      Oh! Loved the bit where he says “nipprova inkisser certu silg”

      – xi hlew. One wonders if ‘jikissru fil-kcina tal-kazin.’

      He says that at 4m28s into the video.

  5. Rachel says:

    I love how he doesn’t once make the connection between him repeatedly questioning you (by his own admission) and the term ‘harassment’. To him, that’s just him asserting his rights. Quite incredible.

    • mattie says:

      The beauty of intelligence is to know when you are wrong.
      The beauty of stupidity is to insist you are right, when you are completely off track.

  6. Bahh says:

    Ma kemm hu stupidu! Minn kliemu u kif tkellem dwar DCG jidher min huwa l-veru bniedem li ghandu jara tabib tal-mohh!

    Possibli sindku? Dawn mhux affarjiet li suppost jigru, possibli hadd ma jiftah ghajnejh?

    Dik it-tbissima patetika kixfitu.

    Sindku m’ghandux jgib ruhu hekk f’intervista. Qed nisthajlu Squealer (Vyacheslav Molotov), jiggustifika ghemilu u jitfa’ l-htija fuq haddiehor. Malta Taghna Ilkoll. Anke ta’ dan il-hala t’ossignu.

    • mattie says:

      Hawn Malta, in-nies jivvutaw skond: “kemm hu ragel sew, u kemm ghandu qalbu tajba”.

      Jekk tkun mara: “skond kemm hi helwa”.

      Skond kemm lest li jahdem bl-onesta u jgib rizultati, qas jafu xi tfisser.

  7. Natalie says:

    This clip is incredible.

    Ignatius can’t understand that you have your freedom as much as he does, that you can say and do whatever you want as much as he does.

    He can’t see that he can’t follow and harass someone asking him/ her the same question over and over again (that’s the ‘only’ thing he claims to have done, and even so, it’s still called harassment).

    He thinks that majority rules (Taf kemm bghatuli nies jghiduli li ghamilt sew?) and laws do not apply to him.

    There are so many things wrong with his reasoning, that it’s difficult to point them all out.

    John Bundy recognized all this and tried to make him see that his behaviour was illegal, but to no avail.

    • mattie says:

      Oh well, you can’t expect much from a man who doesn’t know the difference between photos kept under lock and key and the photos he posts on Facebook.

      To him, it’s all one and the same.

      Facebook’s been around for some 5 years or six years and more, and he hasn’t yet grasped the fact that once he’s there, he’s everybody’s business.

    • mattie says:

      Many things are wrong in that interview but if I had to point the most obvious one, it’s that: it is absolutely wrong and unacceptable to stalk people in public.

      No one has a right to do that.

      If people had to tackle their problems, the way this “mayor” does, we’d be living in a total uncivilised country where nobody knows wrong from right.

      Malta is not Afghanistan! The last time I switched on my tv to watch some foreign news, there were scenes of people running, crying, shouting and chasing each other like maniacs do.

      In the civilised world, this is not the way!

  8. Herman says:

    Kemm hu GIDDIEB, kwazi daqs Muscat.

  9. Paul says:

    It is very interesting that during the interview, Ignatius said “jien ma qghadtx nghid Malta taghna lkoll, ma kienx meeting Laburista biex noqghod nghid Malta taghna lkoll”. So it is clearly true that the slogan ‘Malta taghna lkoll’ is related to or better I’d say it is just meant for the Laburisti.

    [Daphne – That is exactly what he said as he danced around me: “Malta taghna lkoll”.]

  10. Mark says:

    “Rajtha bit-two pieces ukoll … l-ebda effett m’ghamlitli”.

    Methinks the gentleman is being honest here.

    [Daphne – Yes, I wondered why he said that. Please don’t say he thinks he’s in the closet. That would be too much. ‘Two-piece’: the last person I heard say that was my grandmother, somewhere around 1975.]

  11. bob-a-job says:

    A fresh piece of journalism pleasantly presented as it should be.

    Balanced, to the point and with little or no noticeable bias.

    Yes, well done, John

  12. Pip says:

    Seems like he’s taken an overdose of MinusIQ

  13. carmen borg says:

    He’s nothing but a big show off .

  14. Alexander Ball says:

    So if you feel personally aggrieved by what another person has said or written, you can go up to that person and do what he did to you, is that what he is saying?

    I think a trip to Zurrieq is in order.

  15. Plutarch says:

    Unfit for public office. A liability to the decent folk of Zurrieq, the PL and respectable gays. Period.

  16. E.Vella Clark says:

    Flok ma qaghad jimxi u jipprova “jkellimha” ma setax is-sindku jikteb ukoll kif taghmel hi kull darba li hass li kien imwegga?

    Is-sindku x’jippurtah kif tikteb u ma tiktibx u semplicement m’ghandu l-ebda bazi biex ghamel li ghamel.

    Minn kliemu deher car li mhux talli m’ghandux ragun imma talli hu bniedem injorant u ipokrita, ghax anke Bundy wera li mhux qed jemmen dak li beda jisma.

    Is-sindku ardit u pastaz barra li ghandu hafna hdura lejn din il-persuna li ghandha kull dritt tikteb li trid u min ma jaqbilx jirrisspondiha.

    Flok jaffrontaha hu, jekk vera jhoss li ghandu x’jghid, imissu jaghmilla rapport u forsi jitwemmen.

  17. J Casha says:

    I saw the whole interview. Some of his comments are threatening. Police should take action.

    He repeated more then once “jekk nerga narha naffacja personali”

    Labour should make him resign.

    • sandra says:

      For a change, well done John. I’ve a feeling that Iggy was being cross examined by Bundy and that led him to lie blatantly. One lady who was with D.C.G. was interviewed on T.V. and confirmed all that D.C.G. wrote on her blog.

  18. Tim Ripard says:

    ‘Il-poplu jaf …’ ‘We the people’ again, eh? Ein Volk …
    X’ guts – iffaccjak, hej.

    Jekk inti giddieba, ghax ma jfittxekx?

    Gawd, what a waste of space.

  19. Min Jaf says:

    “Jiena bniedem kkulturat – jiena nhaddan il-kultura Maltije.”

    That clearly explains then why people like Natius get to be elected mayor, and why Joseph Muscat and the rest of the fossilized and useless PL bunch are now in government.

    Indeed, there is now little hope for the future of Malta.

  20. FP says:

    Ola just doesn’t get it. He’s too thick to understand that such behaviour is not becoming of the office he holds.

    Bundy tried his best to help him understand in as friendly a tone as possible. By the end of the interview, he was right where he started: unfit for purpose.

  21. Pecksniff says:

    Can you get a warrant of injunction/restraining order that he is not to approach or harass you in any way. The John Bundy interview contains enough evidence

  22. Cettina says:

    And the worst thing of all is that he doesn’t realise what a buffoon he is. Whoever knows this person knows that he is very well capable of this behaviour. Disgraceful!

  23. Joe Azzopardi says:

    “Rajtha bit-two piece u m’ghamlitli ebda effett”

    Mur obsor, Miss Farrugia.

    Bet the husband was ‘luckier’.

  24. manum says:

    In my opinion if one is in say a restaurant, and one of the guests harasses another guest, the manager should intervene by either calming the situation, and if the harasser persists he should either call the police or throw the guilty one out.

    But I can’t for a moment how people seem to be so nonchalant at such behaviour. In-Najcis has a particular rare degree from a very reachable university called Bachelor Vulgaris Absurdis. He is a hamallu by birth, a trouble maker and a general problem.

  25. Maria Xriha says:

    Jaqaw dawn in-nies qatt ma ndunaw “kemm wegga’ qlub Mintoff?” What sort of reasoning does this ‘xempju tal-edukazzjoni’ have?

    Bocca’s words come to mind: “They just don’t get it.”

    Every time he called Daphne a liar it sounded as though he was putting yet another nail into his own coffin.

    Daphne may be called frank, bitingly clear, in command of a style of writing that isn’t clear to the logically illiterate….

    But not a liar.

    Curious as to the outcome.

  26. Il-Haxu says:

    Fix-xoghol tieghu beda’ mill-qiegh U GHADU FIL-QIEGH.

  27. Wilson says:

    There ought to be a law against persons that abuse other peoples’ patch of air.

  28. Alex says:

    In a strange turn of events, John Bundy was surprisingly neutral/balanced – allowing Natius to dig himself into a hole.

    Although “Devni” / ” Defni” and “Galijjjzia”…

  29. WhoamI? says:

    My feeling is that John Bundy is believing you not Natius. I also found Bundy rather pleasant in this video. Dak issa jaghmel xi sentejn pro-Labour, imbaghad jerga jaqleb mal-PN. Dejjem anti-government ikun irid ikun dal-bniedem mid-dehra.

    • king rat says:

      Looked more like he was in the loop with those on up high in getting Natius to wring his own neck metaphorically speaking, thus absolving the PL of having to do their own weeding.

  30. mattie says:

    “Il-Politika ta’ l-irhula u ta’ l-ibliet.”

    Imma fil-Politika, Malta Taghna Lkoll.

  31. mattie says:

    “Hi tehodli hafna ritratti mill-Facebook tieghi, personali.”

    Zball: il-Facebook mhux tieghek. Dak li titfa, huwa ta’ kulhadd.

  32. common sense says:

    Jien smajt sew, rajta fuq BAIA BEACH.

    Kemm int stupidu, Sur Sindku. Who the hell are you?

  33. Ray says:

    Definitely Ignatius gives the gay community a very bad name. Thank God that not all gay people act like screaming queens. He’s a proper little Queen of Sheba.

  34. Ray says:

    HAHAHHAAHHAA….28.30…Ignatuis qal ” jiena bniedem xempju ta l Edukazjoni ” The best joke ever. Nahseb qatt ma sema lilu innifsu jiccercer.

  35. Libertas says:

    Natius destroyed.

    John Bundy’s not stupid and it’s quite clear what he made out of this incident.

    Anyone who watched can arrive at the same conclusion. John Bundy gave more than enough rope to Natius.

  36. lo squalo says:

    Dan jaf x’igifieri ETIKA? Sindku ta’ rahal mhuwiex accettabli li juri/jezibixxi ruhu b’dan il-mod.

    Nixtieq infakkar li sa zmien Sant dan kien imkecci (jew irrezenja biex nidhru puliti) mil-PL. Meta nbidlu l-affarijiet dan rega beda jidher mal-partit.

  37. Distressed Observer says:

    “Jiena xempju ta’ l-edukazzjoni”. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  38. Bubu says:

    He’s obviously lying through his teeth, and John Bundy obviously knows it too.

    Most of the population are too bloody stupid to see it though.

  39. A Montebello says:

    The stupidity of Ignatius Farrugia is beyond belief.

    Ignatius, you’re a MAYOR – how about you develop a little sense of dignity and decorum and get your head out of your arse for a bit.

    I lost count of the number of times he shot himself in the foot in this interview alone: he’s basically admitted to harassing you – on the beach, and then following you down the road right up to the Franciscans. He practically admitted to sticking his camera in your face (otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to “snatch”it) and then admits that you didn’t actually snatch it.

    I look forward to the court case.

    In the meantime a big WELL DONE to John Bundy for taking up the matter (still nothing in The Times). It was blatantly obvious that the Labour Mayor didn’t quite convince him.

  40. A Montebello says:

    An afterthought…. this was a a village festa. Did nobody film the proceedings? Now that would be interesting.

  41. mattie says:

    Is-Sindku qieghed hemm biex jaghmel xoghlu. Meta kont nghix barra minn Malta, u tlabt appuntament biex inkellem is-Sindku, minghajr ma kienu jafu li jien Malti, haduli l-indirizz, u qaluli li kelli nistenna sentejn biex inkellem lis-Sindku. Jigifieri ghamilt appuntament minn sentejn qabel.

    Allahares kellna inkunu f’waiting list ta’ sentejn biex inkellmu s-Sindku hawnhekk, pero, dan ezempju car li barra minn Malta, l-irwol tas-Sindku huwa wiehed prestiggjuz tant, li s-Sindku ta’ belt jew rahal jirrispetta lilu nniffsu, ghalhekk huwa irrispettat, tant, li tant ghandu x’jaghmel, li jkollu ‘waiting list’ ta’ nies jistennewh, qawwija. Hekk ghandu jkun ghax peress li jithallas mit-Taxxi tal-Poplu, jkollu x’jaghmel!

    Issa, f’gieh l-istatwa tar-Repubblika ta’ Londra, dan, kif ghandu negozju tieghu, waqt li hu sindku? imur joqghod jigri wara n-nies fil-festi? u ghandu l-hin jilmenta fuq grajja personali fuq it-tv?

    Sa fejn naf jien, l-irwol tas-Sindku hu li jhares l-affarijiet tar-rahal jew belt tieghu.

  42. Yanika says:

    So he “urejtha min jien” for at least twice?

    That sounds so… chauvinistic.

  43. TROY says:

    Ghid il-verita? Jew igdeb kemm tiflah?

  44. TROY says:

    I don’t know if Natius is a good mayor, but hell, he’s a bad liar.

    What a sick and pathetic person.

    Looking at his face in the interview, you could tell the man is lying.

  45. TROY says:

    Ah! Kemm weghatu qalbu Natius, dan il-hajt tal-gebel.

    Jien nafa lil Daphne, sur bully ta’ sindku, u il-mizien tieghi jghid li inti coward u giddieb.

  46. Fff says:

    Natius’s days are numbered.

    I bet this was purposely set to make him resign.

  47. Ann says:

    What a liar. You can tell from his body language…

    And John Bundy knows he is a liar.

    Well done, John – you were fair.

  48. TROY says:

    If you could read the expression on John Bundy’s face – Kemm int giddieb, siehbi.

  49. Pawlu says:

    Mhux ovvja li inti ma toghgbux. Dak xi ragel bis-suf imqaxxar joghgbu.

  50. one of us says:

    Well done, John Bundy!

  51. TinaB says:

    “Prowt li affaccjajta u jekk nerga naraha nerga naffacjaha”.

    He is also publicly declaring that he hopes others would go by his example and do exactly what he did, or worse.


    Araw min qieghed imexxi lil pajjiz.

  52. Philip says:

    Prosit John Bundy. Kemm imxejt fair. Jien ma kontx hemm bhalek. Imma kieku kelli naghzel min qed jghid il-verita nahseb kont nemmen il Galizia u nahseb int ukoll John ma emmintux, ghax wiccek deher li mhux qed temmnu kollox dak li kien qed jghid.

  53. old-timer says:

    I am no legal man, but I think Farrugia’s talk with Bundy contains libellous streaks

  54. pitravu says:

    Libes il glekk is-sinjur biex jidher rispettabli. Buffu!

  55. FRANK says:



  56. Rachel says:

    Completely unrelated but I came across this clip and had an overwhelming sense of deja vu.


  57. Ninu says:

    I would compare his statements with Clinton’s “I did not have an affair with that woman” Lewinsky statement. What a jerk.

  58. Neil Dent says:

    Yep – John Bundy played this straight up in my opinion.

    The part where he stressed that he expects nothing but the truth from his interviewee was put in such a way, that Mr. Ola must have been really uncomfortable.

    Between the lines, it was like Bundy was saying, “Isma – ghid li trid imma lil-Defni, ma tantx ha taqbada f’xi gidba siehbi Natius!”

    And Ola was so childish in his comments and responses.

    The ‘two-piece’ comment was too stupid and infantile for words, not to mention so embarrassing. In fact pretty much everything he said was just so ridiculous, apart from possibly self-incriminating.

  59. David says:

    Spoiled BRAT, that’s what you are, Ignatius. Ggant b`mohh daqs pizzella – if you had to do the lie detector test, kienet tispicca tinharaq il-magna.

  60. David says:

    Trid tametti Daph li `ir-ragel ghandu il-gutts! ghax kellu `lis-stringt` li jaffacjak :)

  61. Amirg says:

    John jider fil-mistoqsijiet tieghu li mhux jemmnu.

    Min jaf kemm go qalbu ga qieghed jghid, “Ara x’ ghamilna b’ idejna lil min telghajna.” Ic-cucata taf fejn qeda Daphne li minn dawn il-kummiedji ghandna 5 snien x’ naraw u nisimghu bhalom.

    Kieku jien flokok I will watch my back kull fejn immur ghax dawn nies jaslu l-aqwa li MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL.

  62. mlt says:

    Ejja nghidu li nemmnu dak li qal hu. Imma mhux xorta harassment li taghmel triq timxi wara xi hadd u tiffitah u tghid li jekk terga tara lill dik il persuna terga taghmel l-istess?

  63. DanniA says:

    x’cowboy dak!

  64. Plotinus says:

    Dear John,

    I never thought I’d enjoy listening too you since the time I used to enjoy listening to your radio program on Radio 101.

    Well done, it was a pleasure to listen to the old John we knew and loved.

    I truly hope you were just being professional and do not have an ulterior motive.

  65. student says:

    if its such a sad island, get a plane ticket and go live somwhere else, for crying out loud! your’e such a negative person and the negative energy your transmitting isn’t helping anyone ! seriously get a life !

    [Daphne – Sorry about that. I’d forgotten we’d all joined the Joseph Moonies and now have to be POSITIVE. That’s why you all sound like you’re on drugs half the time: talking about being positive but giving off waves of tension and negative emotion.]

  66. Zurrieqi says:

    Jien niftakar sew lil Natius meta kien zghir jinsultani u jweggghali qalbi meta fi Pjazza San Gorg in-Nigret (fejn illum hemm l-istatwa tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu fuq pedestall baxx) beda’ jghajjat li Fenech Adami “Mar Lourdes ghax ghandu wiegheda minhabba marda serja”. Kont qed nixtri l-haxix biex inkun preciz.

    Jekk dan li ghamel Natius lil Daphne m’huwiex fastidju (harassment) mela ma nafux x’hinu fastidju.

    Natius nafek tifel qalbek tajba u fik bazz, imma naf ukoll li int ma tafx ahjar. Skuzani imma tliftha bl-gheruq u x-xniexel.

    Nahseb ha jkollna sindku li jaf jaqra z-Zurrieq minn flokok.

  67. Catherine says:

    Daphne hurt his mum and dad by saying things about Mintoff? Ehe hi weggatlek il-mummy u d-daddy, jahasra.

    Kemm ahna fini f’ daqqa wahda.

    Every time he said il-poplu Malti jafni, my toes curled.

    Yes, we do know this type of person. Far too well, sadly. My mummy and daddy get hurt by people like him. Please someone make the bad man stop.

  68. Joe cassar says:

    OMG! He is such a liar! He should be ashamed of himself. Do PL screen their candidates? If I was the leader of his party I would have asked for his resignation, as his attitude is just disgusting.

  69. Bonn says:

    I can’t believe he said “jiena xempju tal- edukazzjoni”.

    What a poor excuse for a man. How shameful!

    This behaviour is simply not on. Any intelligent person can see that he is lying through his teeth. Daphne…you go girl..keep us posted!

  70. Catherine says:

    Btw he doesn’t fancy you in your two pieces (apparently you need two two pieces, one isn’t enough)…ghandu mera d-dar dan? Nahseb hu sabih. Sexist bastard.

    [Daphne – He’s gay, Catherine. He wouldn’t fancy me in a ‘two-piece’ if I were Gisele Bundchen.]

    • Catherine says:

      I know he’s gay. The point is he has the audacity to say something like that.

      [Daphne – Well, probably the only reason he didn’t call me fat is that he’s so bloody enormous himself.]

  71. Pisces says:

    He looks as guilty as hell. And John Bundy knows that he is lying. You are not convincing at all, Natius. Your face gives you away. Clown.

  72. Dumbo says:

    So much for the rule of law.

    No, John Bundy was not fair. Were he fair he would not have needed to translate.

    If Bundy wanted to be fair to his audience – and Bundy knows that his audience is by and large intellectually ill-equipped – he would have told his audience to first log on and read the source directly first and only then could any judgment be made.

    Bundy interpreted and gave the slant he wanted to give to what “Ms. Karwana Galiiiiizja” actually reported.

    The bottom line of this interview is that if anyone is deemed to be not prepared to work with josephmuscat.com then being mobbed is justified and to hell with due process of law.

    If the Prime Minister condones this behaviour – and it seems that the haste that was applied to Anglu Farrugia was a freak occurrence leading one to think that the Prime Minister does not seem to be particularly bothered with what Ignatius Farrugia of his Labour Party has stated – then one would be justified to conclude that we have already embarked on the road of eroding basic freedoms.

    If Mr. Ignatius Farrugia of the Labour Party had any bone to pick with “Defni”, there is a building in front of the Great Siege monument where matters are trashed out.

    If he is too stingy to engage a lawyer, not as a mayor but even as a private individual, it is not acceptable in a democratic state to resort to mob rule. The fact that he is a mayor on the Labour Party ticket only makes it more onerous on the leader of the Labour Party who today is Prime MInister to act immediately without any hesitation, just as he acted with Anglu Farrugia. The rule of law is the rule of law for all and sundry.

    • Bubu says:

      Actually, I got the impression that Bundy translated every single word to Maltese for the benefit of Farrugia himself.

      I really don’t know the man, but I’m pretty sure that his command of the English language leaves a lot to be desired.

      I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he actually had to get somebody to explain to him what, exactly, Daphne had written.

      • Zurrieqi says:

        English? Dak l-anqas O level wiehed m’ghandu!

        Veru li xogholu hu jew kien il-librerija imma biex ifarfar l-ixkafef jew jippostja l-kotba.

        Bilhaqq: Kemm hu helu John Bundy jaqra: “… the FranGiscan monastery ..”

  73. Alex Mizzi says:

    Natius is a liar. I was there in front of St Joseph Church, Rabat. In the interview he said he does not know the two blonde hamalli ladies (mother and daughter – Labour Rabat bar owners). I should have filmed him with my mobile, speaking to them and them calling him ‘Natius’.

  74. Bubu says:

    The more I listen to this video, the more I’m chilled by this guy’s fundamental failure to grasp the basic concepts of democracy and free speech.

    “Ma nistawx inhalluha taghmel li trid” he says. He expects others to do the same thing as he did. To me this mentality is truly deeply frightening. I can see that John Bundy was also very uncomfortable with what Farrugia was saying. Have these people learnt nothing from 25 years in opposition? For Christ’s sake, he was PROUD of himself. How can the majority of Maltese sympathize with this Neanderthal?

    Some points about what was said:

    1. He admitted to following Daphne for quite a ways, constantly badgering her with whatever passes through his brain as “xempju tal-edukazzjoni” (I can imagine). He could have been mistaken for Prince Charles himself for all his social graces, but the fact that Daphne wanted nothing to do with him and his attention, definitely qualifies his behaviour as harassment at law.

    2. The very fact that (he says) Daphne managed to grab his camera means that his camera was too close to Daphne in the first place. He put his own photos on Facebook, making them public domain which is a completely different situation from taking photos of somebody without her consent. I’m not sure how that plays out legally – perhaps somebody more legally-minded than myself could comment on that.

    3. He says that he did not hear anybody shouting abuse at Daphne while she was locked inside the convent. If things were so tranquil, why did the friars feel the need to lock the doors in the first place, then?

    4. Is it credible that he did not know the caretakers of the Rabat Labour club when he himself says that he attends the Rabat festa regularly and has been doing so for years? Possibbli qatt ma mar jiehu grokk il-kazin ghall-festa? Even assuming he didn’t, the Labour club would be the first point of call to quickly organize a posse, especially if you mention that Defni was trapped waiting to get their tender ministrations.

    5. I have no idea how big the crowd at the doors was, but how did they find out Daphne was in there in the first place?

    6. Frankly, and I speak completely dispassionately here since I don’t know him from Adam, I get the impression that Farrugia is, in actual fact, only slightly more functional intellectually than Zaren tal-ajkla. He may be linguistically more coherent, but I hear the same illogical reasoning and the same vacuous arguments. He frequently claims that a given statement is a lie and then he contests only a minor irrelevant detail from its entirety.

    7. He makes a big show and tell about him being widely known as an honest person while Daphne is commonly known as a liar. Where exactly does he gets this impression? As I said, I had no idea who and what he is before reading about him on Daphne’s blog and frankly, I and anybody like me would have no way of gauging his honesty or lack thereof. On the contrary, Daphne is widely known as a columnist who doesn’t mince words and is not afraid to step on toes. It seems to me that it is not Daphne’s lack of honesty that people object to – quite the contrary.

  75. Jonathan says:

    On a positive note they did mention you by name rather than saying ‘Certu blogg’ for half an hour as they would have done on Super 1.

  76. Mark M says:

    Daphne, Natius knows that he is out of his league with you intellectually so he is trying to impress his mates to prove how manly he is by showing off – in a crowd. So you’re right, he could be dangerous in this respect. Well done for not taking any chances.

  77. Ross says:

    It would have been better if he kept his mouth shut and appeared simply stupid than opening his pie hole and remove all doubt.

  78. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Defni weggghet il-qlub tal-Maltin u l-Ghawdxin.

    Mulej. Hudni. ISSA.

  79. Dumbo says:


    Qatt ma kont naf li r-Randan jista’ jdum hames snin

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Ma nafx. Ghadda zmien ic-cajt. Inheggeg lil kull min ghandu nitfa sens biex jemigra u jgib passaport barrani. Mhemmx mod iehor. Il-marmalja qawwija wisq. U mhux gimaghtejn ilu rebhet, imma mill-inqas ghoxrin sena ilu.

  80. combinaguai says:

    I have a house in Żurrieq… I guess I’ll be putting it for sale…

  81. lessicografo says:

    The guy says he is a “xempju”. Does he, and many others who use this word, including politicians speaking in public, know what “scempio” (the origin of the Maltese “xempju”) means?

    How on earth did this word creep into Maltese with a meaning almost opposite to that in Italian? I suspect it is a confusion with “ezempju (tajjeb)”. “Scempio” means disaster, havoc, slaughter…

  82. JG says:

    This man is potentially one of the most ignorant people I have ever heard in Maltese politics.

  83. donald says:

    My solidaririty goes with you, Daphne. Keep up with the good work.

  84. P Shaw says:

    Is this buffoon already trying to recycle himself, barely a week after the election? His credibility and image is lost forever.

    Certainly he will be splattered all over TVM during the next revised schedule.

  85. Żurrieqi says:

    M’hemmx tama.

  86. Bellicoso says:

    Epic fail.

    Dear Daphne, you are going to have so much fun in court with this smoking gun of a video.

    Mr. Farrugia does not appear to have grasped the concept of free speech or the definition of harassment, reacting to the former by committing the latter.

    He is clearly rearing for a catfight, having already hurled the gravest of insults, that of not looking good in a ‘two piece’.

    Careful though, hell hath no fury..:-)

  87. j m a says:

    Good morning Daphne, I again empathize with you for having to deal with these shocking events in 2013. I just wished you had a video recorder. I have relatives who live in Zurrieq who where not surprised when they read your story, as what you recounted is his typical behaviour. I suggest you come to il-festa tal Karmnu, where you will see this behaviour all over again.

    Have a good day, Daphne.

  88. j m a says:

    Also Daphne, after reading his body language I remembered what we used to learn in our Psychology lectures… the first defence mechanism of the ego is denial. He clearly is lying, and any person in his right mind will see this.

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