And as expected…bdejna nghidu dwar il-hofor. 1996 all over again.

Published: April 5, 2013 at 9:23pm
The real agents of economic disaster, but Muscat prefers to paint them as heroes.

The real agents of economic disaster, but Muscat prefers to paint them as heroes.

The Malta Independent reports on the prime minister press conference about the Budget (sorry, BAGIT 2013) this morning:

According to the prime minister, had the county been managed for another year by the PN, the financial situation could have degenerated beyond a point of no return.

Unbelievable. I mean for God’s sake, even if we take as the gospel truth his obvious and inevitable creative talk about impending financial disaster under the PN and how he and Karmenu Vella came to the rescue, if Malta could claw its way out of the ABSOLUTE DISASTER the incoming Nationalist government found in 1987 – an absolute disaster created by, among others, the selfsame Karmenu Vella, then we can claw our way out of anything.

I will respect his new position as prime minister and not call him a prize jerk, but boy, does he deserve it.

32 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Parliament opens tomorrow, guess who’s turning every measure upside down.

    I’m sure hunters and Armier squatters will be pleased though.

  2. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Am I to understand that he is trying to say that the public information available is incorrect and that the performance of the country is not as being stated?

    Is he trying to ruin the country just because he wants to look like a hero.

    does he not realise that he will fail and that he will bring the country down with him.

  3. Frans Cassar says:

    If what the PM says is true, how on earth is he proposing to vote and implement a budget designed and thought through all the way by the previous PN administration?

  4. Jozef says:

    This has to be the funniest yet.

    Cremona should have insisted on being invited to Musumeci’s program instead of Bundy’s.

    Astrid gets consulted and he doesn’t. Tsk. Basta pepe’.

  5. Gahan says:

    Joseph is trying to impress us that he will reduce the spending of the pennies and we will have the deficit, which runs into millions, reduced.

    I have something to say to the prime minister, and here it is.

    Stop being a journalist trying to create a scoop, and stop blaming Gonzi. Get real and think about the consequences of every word you utter. You’re the prime minister now, not someone else who’s having a much deserved rest.

    I take it that your message is not optimistic. Assuring us that you will bring the deficit down under 3% without telling us how is not reassuring.

    I think you are trying to find an excuse to ‘tighten the belt’, and preparing a hideout if the economy underperforms.

    I also suspect that you are inflating figures so that you can put the past administration in a bad light.

    We will see how Standard and Poors, Fitch and Moody’s will rate your performance. Remember that they’re closely watching you.

    Rresponsibility for the running of our country lies squarely on you, Mr Prime Minister. The blame game is over.

  6. Majsi says:

    Imagine someone that mad today coming with the idea of opening a textile factory. It is what Mintoff did when he chose to open the Marsa Shipbuilding when there was already little work for the Bormla Drydocks and with many drydocks around closing down. The result was that he almost bankrupted the country with all those taxpayer money ending in subsidies to the Drydocks!

  7. Min Jaf says:

    Then how does Joseph Muscat square the claim that had the PN been re-elected to government it would have led to absolute disaster, with the PL impending adoption of the Budget as drawn up by the PN last November, and Muscat’s further claim that the deficit will be less than 3% this year.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      Look and listen around you.

      The average person is a moron.

      They don’t listen to what he says so they can understand him.

      They listen so they know when to clap when he stops talking.

      Even if we end up being bailed out, they will still vote for him.

  8. CIS says:

    His magic wand will not lower the deficit – just wait. His job is there so that he will act on it. No action and chop chop Dr Muscat.

  9. Claude Sciberras says:

    But if they are going to keep the same budget isn’t that the same thing as having the PN running the country for another year? Wouldn’t it follow that by the end of this year the financial situation is going to degenerate? Ma nifhimx!

    • La Redoute says:

      No. A budget doesn’t run itself. The people managing things in line with a budget are more important than the budget itself.

      • Claude Sciberras says:

        Of course but if you create a budget you do so to try your best to stick to it. Anyone in government does that.

        Of course how much you stick to that budget depends on your capabilities and the external factors which you have not budgeted for.

        Now the PN had a budget and PL is using the same budget. In both cases the outcome should not be very different especially when you know how the civil service works. Its the external factors that usually make the outcome of a budget veru different from the estimate.

        Anyway I still cannot understand what the Prime minister is saying about the finances and the disaster we would have had with PN in Government.

        First of all he would be wise to not count his chickens before they hatch and secondly it sounds like the usual “hofra” grumbling.

  10. anthony says:

    I accurately predicted the substance of this press conference as long back as two years ago.

    Deja vu. Il-hofra akbar milli qalu.

    If Fenech Adami had adopted the same attitude in 1987 he would have said “Every man for himself”.

    Kemm jifilhu jaqghu ghan-nejk.

    Our biggest threat is from fellow EU members who are envious of our stellar economic performance and are trying to harm us via the international media, the ECB etc.

    With this pathetic intrusion by Joey and co about the state of the country’s finances more fuel is being added to the fire.

    Typical Labour.

    Spite your country.

    For personal gain.

    Pajjiz mizghud bic-cwiec.

  11. Joseph Muscat says:

    Daphne, you should be ashamed of yourself, what ABSOLUTE DISASTER in 1987. MLP left Lm500m in reserves as opposed to the Euros 5bm debt left by your loved one Gonzi (bullshit)
    You should go and hang yourself for such bile.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Hey elve. Take an aspirin and fuck off.

    • La Redoute says:

      That is typical thinking of the miserly old bastard Mintoff who amassed millions but kept his family in penury.

      Malta’s economy was a total wreck in 1987, and had been for many years.

    • Victor says:

      How horrible it is when you get people who are so gullible and with scrambles eggs for a brain.

      They believe ANYTHING they are told without the decency of finding out the truth for themselves.

      The name you chose to use says it all.

    • DUST says:

      Let’s keep it simple: what would you prefer – Lm500 in cash but no degree or job, whilst living in a run-down house, or a Eur5k loan which helped you get a degree and/or job and furthermore a decent house?

  12. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Maltatoday quickly amended this line, from:

    “The public finances are not as they have been described, or what was expected,” Muscat said


    “The public finances are not as they have been described, but they are how we expected them to be,” Muscat said

    anymore proof of Maltatoday’s agenda?

  13. rc says:

    And the way out of that financial disaster is…*drum roll*….using the PN’s budget for this year.

  14. Dave says:

    Unfit to govern. In an environment where avoiding a malicious rumour mill should be at the top of the nation’s agenda we get a foreign minister talking about guns to heads and saying god forbid it were to happen to us (obliviously opening himself up to misinterpretation) and a prime minister still in “positive” election mode using his mentor’s ‘holy’ tactic to gain time on his energy promise. Amateurs.

  15. Harry Purdie says:

    This is so typical of this litle creep. (jerk?) He’s about to put the country into the dumper, however, for the next year, will attempt to blame the previous administration.

  16. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat should tell us how many jobs were lost and how many new jobs took place since he became Prime Minister.

    • Min Jaf says:

      150 and zilch respectively at last count.

      Higher numbers of job losses are forecast, with an accumulating cloud of unemployed hanging over the islands.

      Peaks of despair are expected each year when school leavers and university graduates flood the market.

      The zilch figure for job creation is expected to remain unchanged at least for the next five years.

  17. P Sant says:

    Sibna l-hofra u qed nimpjegaw mal-Gvern lil kull kanvasser, lil kull gurnalist tal-One u lil kull min b’xi mod jew iehor ghen fil-kampanja elettorali. Mur ifimhom.

  18. Josette says:

    Maybe he’s being so generous with rewarding his hangers-on with jobs paid by the people to offset the loss of jobs in the private sector.

    Actually given his performance to date I would not hesitate to call him a jerk (although he’s certainly no prizew) and an increasingly incompetent and clueless one at that.

  19. Edward says:

    They are blatantly lying. Even the EU said that if Malta continues doing what it’s been doing, it will be fine. They have no excuses.

  20. Gahan says:

    If a doctor finds out that his patient needs a painful expensive treatment for an ailment , and not the simple diet and a few vitamin supplements which were promised as a cure, logic dictates that the doctor should recommend the cure for what he diagnosed.Keeping his ‘word’ to administer the promised remedy of vitamins and a diet won’t cure the patient.

    In other words , Joseph should stop trying to take people for a ride.

    If he’s responsible he should say that the fundamentals of our economy are sound and that Gonzi left the deficit below the 3% threshold as required by the EU.

  21. Lomax says:

    He HAS to disguise his incompetence somehow. He is preparing us for when he will tell us we went bust. Even then it will be the tort kollu ta’ GonziPN.

  22. Zunzana says:

    This is the same old story we always hear whenever the Labour start their legislature. “Finances are in the shit and Labour will save the country from disaster.”

  23. ron says:

    The deficit is as projected in the budget, Jospeh is claiming to be higher i.e. between 3% to 3.5%. He is paving the road for himself so that when the deficit is actually contained lower than the 3% threshold everybody starts praising his extraordinary capabilities. Illallu kemm hu bravu l-boy.

  24. Gahan says:

    Bicca xoghol ta’ l-ahhar ghal Dr Lawrence Gonzi:

    Il-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni ghandu juri kemm hu responsabbli u ghid lil Dr Joseph Muscat li jekk il-deficit huwa ikbar milli kien dikjarat u mahsub, mela allura irid jara kif jaghmel biex il-pajjiz ikollu iktar introjtu u jibda jamministra l-medicina li ghandu bzonn il-pajjiz qabel ma jkun tard wisq.Speci ta’ Malta Marida Medicina Muscat(Fl-1971 kienet Mintoff).

    Il-Budget tal-PN ghal-2013 kien mibni fuq il-premessa li l-finanzi huma fis-sod, jekk issa m’humiex fis-sod mela dak il-budget mhux tajjeb.

    Jekk irid li l-oppozizzjoni tivvota favur il-Budget, Muscat irid jibla’ kliemu u jghid li l-finanzi kienu fis-sod , inkella l-oppozizzjoni bir-responsabbilta kollha ma tkunx komplici mal-gvern f’din il-farsa, u tivvota kontra.

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