Issa naraw kemm gejjin megaphones, placards u demos

Published: April 11, 2013 at 9:08am

The Times reports today:
And Mrs Vella’s ally in protests against the (ex)government, Alex Vella of the Ramblers Association and building supplies company Vella Falzon, is on the MEPA board.

A Dubai-style free-for-all with developers giving their proposals for how and where to build out into the sea – and to think that this government was brought in on the environmentalist vote.

It’s enough to make you feel you’ve been had.

Environmentalists disappointed by land reclamation proposals

The government call for land reclamation proposals will not identify specific sites, and the private sector will be free to make its own suggestions.

News of the project has ruffled feathers among environmentalists, who largely oppose reclamation because of the indiscriminate damage caused to sea habitats.

University marine and biology lecturer Alan Deidun said the effects of dumping at sea, which is what reclamation entails, could spread widely.

Astrid Vella of Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar, said that were it not for the fact that Mepa had already carried out studies on land reclamation, one could approach the subject with an open mind, but the studies showed that land reclamation in sites close to shore caused unacceptable damage to marine life.

She said the government should instead focus on using the surplus of 75,000 vacant properties.

(…full story in print edition)

9 Comments Comment

  1. Zunzana says:

    ‘land reclamation in sites close to shore caused unacceptable damage to marine life.’
    Is not land reclamation always close to shore in Malta?

    • giraffa says:

      @ Zunzana – Not necessarily. Technically, one could construct off-shore islands where the sea-bed is not too deep, though the cost thereof would be prohibitive, and not even worth considering.

  2. kram says:

    Muscat had already spoken of land reclamation before the election so the Astrid Vella and co. should not be surprised about this, they should have seen it coming, unless which is probably the case they were blindfolded into voting Labour

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    As I commented on the Times website, they have no cause to be disappointed; land reclamation was one of the PL’s electoral promises and is therefore no surprise.

    They may express concern or (if they really want to be ever so daring) worry, but not disappointment.

  4. Jozef says:

    Kalma bis-surplus ta’ vacant homes.

    When she opposed, the proposal at Ramla l-Hamra, she suggested, erroneously or disingenuously, government should buy the land.

    Her reasoning was that since development wouldn’t be allowed anyway, the price would be on the lowish side hence the problem resolved.

  5. Matthew S says:

    The European Commission has reported that Malta’s property market’s rapid growth is of great concern.

    Now Joseph Muscat’s government has just

    1) reduced construction fees and made it easier to build and

    2) asked developers to come up with plans for land reclamation so that they build even more.

    Let’s hope to god that we’re not heading towards a property bubble.

  6. Gahan says:

    Surplus vacant homes: OK , let’s start with summer residences , you cannot own two houses and live in both addresses, one must be left vacant.

    But we shouldn’t mention those, Astrid has one in Gozo.

  7. Gahan says:

    How do we go about filling empty houses?

    Obviously by building more houses on reclaimed land!

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